VOTE, you must!

We don’t care who you vote for (well, actually, we care very, very much – but it’s still more important that you actually VOTE!)


Like olden times….

We came home from a lovely Rhinebeck weekend to find we had no Internet. It JUST came back on about an hour. My week was at times relaxing and crazy with work piling up like a sonabitch, but lots of fun times with Meli, who, incidentally, had a fantastic time at the festival.

Stolen from Annie‘s Flickr Set. Thank you!

She’s been saying BAAAA all week.

I wonder why? 😉

See a lovely Rhinebeck family portrait here. (Thanks Annie!)

Rhinebeck Friday Randomness

Let’s catch up, shall we?

— The other night I was so pissed off watching the last debate I made my first ever contribution to a political campaign. Then I spent the next day looking for my wallet, which I had conveniently left next the computer when I was so pissed off. I blame the other guy.

— I’m waiting for this bag! Hopefully it will come today. I’m excited because I think it will make a fabulous diaper bag, hopefully with some room for knitting.

— No Rhinebeck sweater this year. I’m bringing my Oblique and my Central Park Hoodie and lots of socks. And today will be spent trying on all the fabulous knitted gifts Meli received. Thank god other people knit for her!

— While this year will be a bit bittersweet, I’m so looking forward to this weekend! Say hi if you see us!

Have a fantastic weekend whatever your plans!

I’m %$@*! SICK!

I did it! I ran myself ragged and now I’ve got a bad cold and I feel like complete crap. I’ve still got to get my work done, and of course, take care of the baby and tomorrow I leave for ANOTHER week away. If I can make it through the next week I should survive. I hope.

This being sick with a baby? Really freaking hard. It’s like she knows what’s up and has picked today, the day I feel like hell, to be all clingy and whiney. My love.

Think well thoughts for me.


Believe it or not (and I don’t know how you could because I hardly can!) my baby girl turned six months old yesterday. Six months. Half a year. I never knew time could go by so quickly. It’s kind of sad that the universe’s ultimate irony is that the time you’d like to go in slow motion whizzes by while the time you want to go fast (like waiting to find out if your husband’s body is clear of cancer) drags on interminably.

I don’t want to be all melancholy at my daughter’s progress, because her growing up and learning new things is very definitely progress, but milestones make me reflect and a six month birthday seems like a really big milestone. She’s doing so many more things – she can sit up for a decently long time now, she rolls over both ways (belly to back and the much harder back to belly), she grabs everything in sight, she babbles all the time (“Meli, what does a sheep say?” “Ba ba ba!” “HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT?” said my five year old niece. My sister and I laughed our asses off at our very lucky timing! My baby’s a GENIUS!), she smiles and sort of laughs (never again repeating the belly laughs of a month ago), she’s just an absolute joy! She’s also much harder to care fo, staying awake for longer and longer periods during the day and demanding constant entertainment when she is awake. She gets bored really easily. And man can she get angry! Add to all of this my increasingly busy work schedule and I’m tired.

Really, really tired.

More tired than I ever was when she was first born.

It’s okay though and I’m not here to complain because even the moments I hate I love and being a mother has brought me more satisfaction and contentment in the last six months than anything I’ve ever done.

I’ll tell you why I’m here: I’m here to write. We’re still walking as much as we can (today we’re going for five days in a row) and increasingly my mind wanders on my walks and I find myself writing. I’ve missed the blog so much lately and I finally realize why! I miss the WRITING. When I was updating the blog on a fairly daily basis, every day I’d sit down and write. Maybe it was something silly, or pseudo-important, more often than not my catalyst was knitting (which I’m still doing – or was doing – ugh. I miss that too!) but it didn’t matter how I got started, the end result was the same. I WROTE SOMETHING. Anything. And I understand now that it satisfied me in ways that motherhood, wifehood, friendhood, sisterhood, knitting-hood, can’t ever really come close. It’s a different kind of satisfaction, and not something I can fully explain.

Long ago, in another lifetime it seems, I was in school for creative writing. Fiction to be exact. This adventure with the written word was truly the culmination of a lifelong dream. I always wanted to write. Always. It’s what I’m best at, really. It’s the hardest thing ever (next to motherhood – I can say that now with a little bit of authority) and just about the most satisfying when done right. I was lucky enough in my short career to have my work published and recognized and then I started trying to get pregnant and it was like all my creative energies went towards procreating instead of writing. I didn’t have any room left in my heart or my head to keep writing fiction (every character was trying to get pregnant. Talk about a rut.) I started the blog right after our failed IVF attempt and it saved me. Knitting saved me. Writing about knitting saved me. And then I found my blog voice. I so enjoyed it! I think I was funny – maybe even a little insightful – and people started reading the blog – lots of people and that just made the whole thing all the more fun! (I don’t care who you are – writers may write for themselves, but they all want to be read.)

Anyway, this is all just diarrhea of the word and the brain and I feel like this post has been coming for a very long time. I want to write again. On a regular basis. Whether it’s the blog or something else, I don’t know and I don’t care. I’d love it to be both the blog AND something else. I’m not saying I’m going to be blogging every day or anything like that – I’m making no promises to myself or to the blog. There are very distinct priorities in my life: baby, family, work. Everything else is icing on the cake. But I wanted to put it down that this is what I miss. This is what I want. Somehow, some time, I’m going to make it all work.


Last year on Labor Day I let you all know I was pregnant. This year? Well, this year we’re just lazing at home, having a grand old day with our baby girl.

I still miss being pregnant (a little bit) and it’s very weird connecting the baby that was inside me to the beautiful girl in my arms right now. She’s growing so fast. Too fast, sometimes. In the next couple of weeks we’ll be introducing her first solid foods. It’s all incredibly bittersweet for me – each new step gets her closer and closer to being on her own, out in this messed up world of ours. I hope your daddy and I make the best decisions we can for you, my love. We love you more than we ever could have known.

Here’s to your families – whatever shapes and sizes they come in – and here’s hoping you all have a fantastic Monday.

L, C

Command Center

Things are absolutely crazy around here! I’m back to work full steam and I’m finding it hard to juggle work and baby. When I’m working I want to be with Meli and when I’m goofing off with Meli I’m worried about all my work. I’m sure lots of you moms know my dilemma.

We bought Meli a new toy the other day – an exersaucer thingie. She even test drove a bunch in the store and this one seemed to be her favorite. While I was trying to do some work today, I moved the toy into the office. But she was so funny I videotaped her instead of working. Oh well!

Meli’s New Toy from January One on Vimeo.

I’m moving right along on a knitting project that I’m really enjoying. I want so bad to tell you about it, but I can’t seem to find the time to take pictures of it and really get down to blogging the project. In the meantime, I knit on it when I can and write blog posts in my head.

We’re heading into Fall and I couldn’t be more delighted, although with two family weddings and lots of jobs lined up I’m very overwhelmed. Weekends are booked straight through to November. I wish I was kidding.

See you all soon I hope! Thanks for reading!
L, C

Poopity Poop Poop

I’ve discovered the secret of successful blogging: If you talk about poop – people come out of the woodwork. Seriously.

Thank you all for sharing your remedies and experiences. I had a good laugh. We did get poop. And then we watched for poop again. And then we got poop. I’m thinking this is how things go with a five month old. (Almost! Next week! Can you STAND it?)

Meli was very accommodating, as always, and didn’t poop at the doctor’s office. She didn’t leave the poop for her aunt either. She pooped very unassumingly at home, with her mama by her side, in the afternoon before her daddy and mommy left on their first date since she’s been born.

I heard the poop coming and went to change her diaper. When I opened it, I was surprised at how little poop there was, considering how long I had been waiting. Ha ha ha. Kids love to play tricks! It only SEEMED like a little bit of poop because the poop princess wasn’t done. Nope. As I was cleaning her up she started pooping again. And again. And again. Just when I thought she might be done she just kept on pooping. It got so I was switching out diapers under her so she could fill them up again! It was all actually quite efficient and no outfits were ruined.

We’ve since switched to the next size diaper. I’m expecting more poop at any time now.

Our date was WONDERFUL! We left the baby with my sister-in-law and things were good – no tears – that includes the baby and ME. Although I did make the rookie mistake of calling home once we got to the stadium. Yup. Meli was screaming in the background. But Aunt Katina is a seasoned pro so she was soon texting me that Meli had a bit of a bottle and had fallen asleep.

The concert was INCREDIBLE. (Scroll down to July 31.) Possibly the best we’ve ever seen and it certainly made up for the crap concert we saw last November. The joy lasted over 3 hours and I think I may have taken a cat nap somewhere in the middle. Because of a bad accident on the turnpike right at the exit for the stadium, the concert started over an hour late and didn’t end until close to 1AM. I can’t thank my sister-in-law enough for sticking it out. We needed that night out and MAN did we get our money’s worth!

Of course the baby was up really early the next morning and no matter how much we nursed, she wouldn’t go back to sleep. Which is totally unlike her. Until she started to poop AGAIN. I can’t tell you how fast I jumped out of bed to change her. I was so freaking exhausted too. Thankfully as soon as she was done we climbed back into bed and slept for another couple hours. I’m still recovering.

Tonight we’re trying the babysitting thing again. My sister’s coming over so we can go out to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants. We haven’t been there since before I got pregnant so it’s been awhile. I can’t wait. I’m going to have a glass of wine and good steak and stare at my sexy husband across the table. Did I mention? It’s our anniversary today. Seven years. Although that number feels so bogus because we’ve been living together for SEVENTEEN years. And that first August 6, the original, the best in many respects, well, that was EIGHTEEN years ago. I can’t believe it. He’s still my best friend. Still the love of my life. Add to that the father of my daughter and I’m just the luckiest girl alive.

May 2008
The courthouse in VT where we got married.
Only this time we took the baby with us.

Poop Watch 2008

For those of you who hated me talking about vomit while I was pregnant, you might want to skip this post. It’s about poop.

My baby, exclusively breast fed (which I say with great pride, although I feel guilty when I say it. I know plenty of women who tried desperately to breast feed and did everything right and it just didn’t work out. There before the grace of the mammary gods go I.), used to poop at least once, sometimes twice at every feeding. Once her digestive system began to mature she moved to a once a day kind of poopy girl. Then, every other day. Every other day caused me some stress because I never knew when that poop was coming and it wasn’t really a poop it was more like a LAKE of poop. I didn’t want to dress her in one of her super cute outfits if I knew the poop was coming. You know what I mean? Although I’ve been VERY successful in getting poop out of clothes. (My secret: rinse out RIGHT away and then spray with Zout. Wash whenever.)

So now it’s been like THREE days. NO POOP. Plenty of pee and absolutely disgusting farts (what am I eating?!?! I don’t fart like that!) and I’m on edge every time I hear some rumblings down there. Just poop already baby girl! Mommy can’t take the stress! (I know that it’s perfectly normal for breast fed babies to go awhile without poop. She’s peeing fine and is in her usual great mood, so I’m not worried about her health. Just that I’m going to drown in all the poop when it finally comes.)

I know the poop’s coming though because today I have to take her into the dr for some shots and you just know that she’ll poop all over the doctor’s office. For sure.

I bought a new pump too and I’ve been trying to pump because Meli’s daddy and I have a VERY special date Thursday night.

There’s so much to talk about – I started yet another new project, but this one’s going to stick. There was too much prep involved for it not to work. And I worked my first job since Meli’s been born and everything was good, sort of, but it’s done and I’m glad to have that under my belt. And we were gone for eight nights and I’ve never been so happy to sleep in my own bed. No matter how many people are sleeping in it.

Missed you all. Be back soon. Pray for poop.

Crazed and Confused

Hey all! I didn’t mean to go a week without posting, but that’s life. This week has been a doozy. Monday I blew out a tire just as I was entering the Lincoln Tunnel (on the NJ side.) I guess you could say I was lucky because I was one of five cars to lose at least one tire (thank god I didn’t lose TWO like the people in front of me who had to wait for a tow truck) and GREG, Port Authority Worker Extraordinaire was on a roll changing tires. He changed mine lickety split, wouldn’t take a tip, and MAN was he easy on the eyes!!! (Looked a bit like G actually – just my type!) So skilled was Greg that the baby didn’t even wake up.

Tuesday I did a last minute photo shoot for a 2 week old baby girl. I can’t even remember Meli that new anymore. Isn’t that so sad? Then I went and had my hair cut and colored. It was desperately needed as I hadn’t had it colored since about two weeks before Meli was born. Whew! G was on and he did GREAT! Sent me a picture of the baby sleeping away while I was halfway through my appointment.

First thing Wednesday we had Meli’s four month check up. For those keeping score, she was 13.8 lbs and 24.75 inches. I thought it was pretty funny that she was 10.8 at 2 months, 12 at 3 months and 13.8 at 4 months. Guess she’s a 1.5 lb a month kind of girl! The doctor said she’s perfect. Like we didn’t know that. 😉 Then we went and sat at the car place. Needed a new tire after Monday.

Thursday we had lunch with some out of town friends in the city and I also made up the appointment I missed on Monday because of the tire.

MAN am I tired! I’ve been doing badly with the sleep thing too. Meli is generally out for the night by around 10PM and then she sleeps for about six hours. If I was smart, I’d be going to sleep then too, but lately I’ve been reading a book I read about on Terry’s blog: The Devil in the White City. I’m really liking the book which is weird for me because I never read non-fiction. I’m really a fiction kind of girl, but this book has really pulled me in. It’s about the World’s Fair in Chicago and what went into building it, the city at the time, and the parallel lives of the architects of the Fair and a serial killer on the loose in Chi-town. Anyway, it’s keeping me up at night. I nurse Meli to sleep and then I read. It’s great fun but I’m exhausted.

And in between all of these things I knit what felt like eighty million swatches for (yet another!) new project. FINALLY I’ve settled on a yarn and now I just have to wait for the colorway I want to arrive. I’m SO super excited about this project – it has everything I’ve grown to love about knitting in it, and I just want to start NOW. I’m proud that I’ve been diligent, though, in making sure everything is just right. I hope to talk about it soon.

It probably won’t be another week until I post again. We’re going on a bit of a vacation tomorrow until mid-week and then I’m at my sister’s through the weekend. God I wish I had that yarn! Have a wonderful weekend!