Rhinebeck Friday Randomness

Let’s catch up, shall we?

— The other night I was so pissed off watching the last debate I made my first ever contribution to a political campaign. Then I spent the next day looking for my wallet, which I had conveniently left next the computer when I was so pissed off. I blame the other guy.

— I’m waiting for this bag! Hopefully it will come today. I’m excited because I think it will make a fabulous diaper bag, hopefully with some room for knitting.

— No Rhinebeck sweater this year. I’m bringing my Oblique and my Central Park Hoodie and lots of socks. And today will be spent trying on all the fabulous knitted gifts Meli received. Thank god other people knit for her!

— While this year will be a bit bittersweet, I’m so looking forward to this weekend! Say hi if you see us!

Have a fantastic weekend whatever your plans!


  1. I made my first ever contribution to a political campaign after the VP debate. My ballot came in the mail yesterday, I’ll be filling it out this weekend.

  2. Have fun!
    I’m going to miss Rhinebeck this year. Other obligations have prevailed.
    When are you coming out this way to get your car serviced?

  3. Yeah, well, this isn’t ever going to happen again!! It’s amazing the stupid stuff we can talk ourselves into… or out of. I’ve already signed on a travelling companion for next year.

  4. A friend of mine makes GREAT bags and is adding a ‘baby bag’ to her line. (The Loopy Ewe carries her bags, as well as many LYS’s in the mid-Atlantic area…) Go to her site, http://www.lawreslaine.com, and click on ‘Go Baby! Go!’ and check them out… Wish she’d been around when I had MY daughter! Oh wait, I’m sure I can figure out another use for this bag – it is WAY COOL…

  5. I made a rather larger than intended contribution after the last debate too.

  6. I would so much like to meet you and your lovely daughter…I don’t have any special gifts for her or anything…but I have been waiting for this all year, and I do hope you will come by the Sliver Moon Farm booth again this year. I’ll be helping them out and have some of my handdyed yarn with me.
    This is NOT a plug.
    I just like babies. 🙂

  7. Thank you ever so much for stopping by today. I felt so honored that I got to see all three of you.
    What a sweet sweet baby you have. Thanks Meli for the smiles!
    I took all those pictures. And then I left my camera in the booth before I went home. I hope it’s still there and functioning when I get there in the morning…

  8. Hey, blog stalker here – I saw you and family at Rhinebeck. Meli really is the cutest baby in the world! My friend Sue played peek-a-boo with her through a window and Meli had the most adorable smiling eyes. No, we didn’t introduce ourselves. We were tired, you looked tired, it was Sunday afternoon, enough is enough.

  9. I have that bag in the deep blue shade! I L-O-V-E it! It holds just about everything you need! 🙂
    Have fun at Rhinebeck.

  10. Ooooh!!!! I have that bag and it’s great! I think you’ll really like it. 🙂

  11. I left way too early Friday morning to see this post, but I’m glad to have had retrospective encouragement to say ‘hello’! Which I did, as you know. Meli is the most beautiful baby in the world. But you knew that….

  12. I can’t believe I didn’t see you at all! I hope you guys had fun; we certainly did.

  13. It was GREAT to see you!!

  14. I have that exact Namaste bag in Peacock and I love it.
    It’s amazing the number of items I can lose in it. 😉
    Now to get it in the hot pink color too.

  15. Sure hope you had a grand time!