Six months without posting?! That’s got to be a record for me. And not one I’m proud of. I would tell you that time flies when you’re having fun – but it’s more like time flies and disappears when you have kids!? Between strep, two bouts of pneumonia (same kid!), two musicals (one each), two holidays and a myriad of school volunteer activities, I’ve barely had time to breathe, let alone blog. I’m not making excuses. This is not how I want it to be – I wish I could go back to writing everydayย  – hell – even once a week would be fantastic (and right now I’d clearly settle for once a month!)

I have been knitting. A lot in fact. And I have a ton to say about it. But that will come in the new year. I’m making a resolution to blog my knits – any and all knits – not just the finished ones. When I wait to have a finished knit , I wait forever and then don’t blog it. I am fairly active over on Instagram (see link in the sidebar.) I seem to be able to do that on the fly and I really like the knitting community over there, but it doesn’t replace blogging. I PROMISE! I will be here more often!!

In the meantime, I have a birthday coming up in a couple of days. I will be 45. That seems really old to me. I even had to get my first pair of progressive lenses last week! See: OLD! And it occurred to me the other day that my blog had a birthday – a BIG birthday and it blew right by while I wasn’t paying attention. So I turn 45 and my blog turned TEN in October! That’s some major milestones right there!

What’s a big birthday/blogiversary without a CELEBRATION! Let’s have a THANK YOU FOR READING ALL THESE YEARS CONTEST!!


ย You can win this AWESOME PRIZE PACKAGE! What’s in it you ask? How about an Offhand Designs Ursula Bag in Sahara and Limited Edition Velvet! Not good enough? How about I throw in two skeins of Plucky Knitter Primo Fingering in Bashful and Garnet Martini? More you say? How about a Lantern Moon birthday cake tape measure and some Floops stitch markers? Still more? I’m going to finish it off with some beautiful note cards made by me! FANTASTIC, no?

To win, leave a comment telling me what you hope to accomplish in your crafting life in the new year! Please leave only ONE comment per person. I will pick a random number and choose a winner. You have until Wednesday, December 31st at 11:59 EST to leave a comment. I will announce the winner on Thursday January 1st. Good luck and thanks for reading! I canโ€™t wait to hear from you!

Good luck! Happy New Year! And, as always, thanks so much for reading and hanging out over these past ten years. There are no words to tell you how much I appreciate it!




  1. I want to knit more. And I want to sew more.

  2. Rebecca Rogers says

    I hope to step away from my electronic devices to knit for at least a few minutes everyday.

  3. Happy Birthday to you and the blog! I totally understand life getting in the way of blogging, I’ve been terribly neglectful of mine the past couple of months. There are a lot of goals I have for my 2015 crafty life, but the main one is that I want to knit every single day. I already knit most days, but when things get busy, I can go more days than I’d like without picking up the needles, so I’m committing to 365 straight days of knitting, even if it’s just a stitch or two.

  4. I am going to get over my fear of setting in sleeves and finish two sweaters that just need seaming.

  5. You were one of the first blogs I followed. In my crafty new year – I want to actually take my craftsy courses. I want to knit more cardigans and steek something. and I want to get better about fitting. ๐Ÿ™‚ What a lovely prize – congrats on the huge milestones. g

  6. I need to knit those stockings that didn’t get done this Christmas and need to knit some lace shawls to justify my lace stash.
    I want to start a big project, too, like a sweater or double knit scarf – both things I haven’t done yet. Always have to be learning something new!

    Happy birthday! 10 is a big milestone for a blog.

  7. I am going to take some knitting classes so I can move beyond “beginner” stage. I have tried books/You tube, but nothing beats a real live instructor for me. Happy birthday!

  8. Laurie Duncan says

    This year I plan on doing some painting in my home. I have a huge work load coming up with new responsibilities, but this will be the year to knit for a new baby for a sweet girl who is due in June and a year in making just for me!! I have 12 larger projects planned and they are ALL for me!! I know that sounds selfish but I am the only one who truly knows what goes into each piece and truly to appreciate the fibers used. I am excited for my new ventures!!!

  9. Making more knitting time and only giving hand made gifts to people who really appreciate them x

  10. I’m hoping to add some new skills and use up some stash!

  11. Happy Birthday!

    I’m looking forward to actually finishing some knitting projects this year. 2014 turned into the Year of Cross Stitch for me, but I already have some knitting projects lined up for 2015. I’m planning on casting on a striped cowl on 1/1!

  12. SeashoreSharon says

    Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I’ve been a faithful follower a and have enjoyed every word you’ve written! Is it wrong to say I hope to put down my knitting needles for a bit and do some embroidery and to sew more.

  13. This year, I hope to knit a sweater for myself. I think it is time. Also, I plan on knitting a sweater for my oldest son who appreciates the handknits. ๐Ÿ™‚

    As the children grow so does the amount of your free time. At least I always think this should be true. Doesn’t always work out that way.

    Happy New Year!

  14. With not one but two babies expected in our family in 2015, I really hope to be knitting and sewing up some useful and sweet wee things.

  15. Happy anniversary and happy birthday. Kids are way more important than blogging, but I’m sure we all like to see your blog updated. I started following before you had kids. I hope I win the give away! I’m a Jan. 1 also, but MUCH older! : ) Thanks for the chance

  16. Happy blogiversary & happy birthday Cara!! I’d love to do more selfish knitting , mainly sweaters.

  17. Therese Johansson says

    Happy birthday to both of you!

    I hope to finish a lot of UFOs in the New Year. I’m suffering severely from startitis.

  18. Happy 10 years! Happy 45 years! I’m aiming to draw or paint and Mail a postcard to a different person every day in 2015!

  19. Happy Birthday and welcome back to the blog! Looking foward to sharing your 2015 with you!

  20. Finish or frog it is my goal for this year! The wips drawer overfloweth. Time to get those projects off the needles one way or another.

    I’ve been reading you for ten years! So happy blogging decade and happy birthday to you! Hope you have a great day.

  21. Cindy Carpenter says

    Firstly – good to see you online. I ordered the 15 stripe sock yarn because of your beautiful OCD socks. Love it, will knit it in the new year. I plan to maybe not knit more because I knit scads anyway, but to be more adventurous in what I knit. Anyway – Happy Birthday to you and the blog.

  22. I would really like to finish my WIP’s. Specifically my Nonna’s shawl that has been sitting for over FOUR years!! It hurt to type that. :/
    Rav ID: mim

  23. Glad you’re back! My goal is to improve my Fair Isle skills and also learn brioche knitting? And of course more sweaters for the cutest nieces!

  24. I hope to finally get the nerve to knit myself a sweater.

  25. 10 years! How can that be. Thanks for all the enthusiasm you’ve brought to the knitting world.
    This year, I’m determined to learn to sew. Yup.

  26. Almost 45 year old bifocal wearing inconsistent bloggers unite!

    I too plan to blog more. Also this year I knit more from stash and spin more often.

  27. How nice to see you again – Happy Birthday and blogiversary. My crafting goal this year is to do a year of making. Something every day. It may require me to recalibrate my idea of ‘making’, but I can do it!

  28. I turned 50 this year, but I’ve been wearing progressives since I turned 40. My crafting goal this year is to knit the matching shorts my kids have been asking for — they’re 17 (male) and 20 (female), so it will be a challenge to find a color they can agree on.

  29. Hey, at least you made it before January One, right? I hope to buy a house in which I can finally have my very own craft room, instead of odd corners and boxes in all the other rooms.

  30. I seem to be crafting about as often as you’re blogging ๐Ÿ˜› I need that to change in 2015, so I’m definitely going to make the patterns in the sewing book I got for my birthday. And I’m going to crochet again, as that’s quite easy to pick up and put down for me. Small things will hopefully help keep up the momentum!

  31. Erin Summers says

    I want to make a sweater for myself. Something I will actually wear. I want to try to have one big wip while doing small wips I like too.

  32. It’s SO NICE to have you back!! Happy Blogiversary, and Happy Birthday!

    My goal this year is to finish another Log Cabin Afghan, (~1/3 of the way there) and a pair of socks a month.

  33. Knit more….finish more! Also plan to start a little sewing! Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!

  34. yay Cara! I have a few craft sales coming up and I’m really hoping to expand my online offerings so that I can do less travelling and in-person shows.

  35. My daughter turns 3 in January, I can totally relate to life with kids taking away from your knitting. I used to be knitting constantly, now I go months without making something. My goal for next year is to make something every month or at least work on something if it’s a bigger project. More knitting! I’m excited about it. Last yarn order just arrived from Webs to get me started.

  36. I want to jettison any unfinished projects I no longer care about.

  37. Southern Gal says

    knit more
    last year was all about learning to knit socks
    there is a shawl for me that is sitting neglected…. need to knit it.!

    but still finishing xmas presents and bday presents. argh

  38. In the coming year I am on a mission to rework my wardrobe. This includes sewing some tops and dresses plus knitting some lovely sweaters. I have high hopes for 2015!

  39. Congratulations on your Ten Years! I think I’ve been a reader for almost the entire time, because I was definitely religiously checking your blog for new posts during the 1 hour of internet time I was allowed in high school.

    In 2015, I’m taking a Use What I Have vow. Not because I feel bad about the size of my stash (ok, maybe a little), but the motivation is that I keep setting aside things that I love and look forward to making because some new shiny yarn walks by.

  40. I want to learn to knit.

    Happy 4th too. I turn 51 on Jan 2 ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. I’d like to knit (or crochet) a sweater that fits and I love. While I have knit sweaters, I haven’t been 100% “OMG-I-LOVE-THIS-AND-WANT-TO-WEAR-IT-4EVA”. When it’s done I’m glad it’s done but then… I wish it were a bit more fitted, a touch longer, etc, etc. I’m an impatient knitter. Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! Happy Blog Anniversary!

  42. Congratulations on your milestones! I really want to knit more and get back to blogging. That’s two things but they go together.

  43. Happy Birthday and I feel your guilt–I posted today for the first time since September and was almost ready to give up the blog entirely. I think it’s a good thing to keep it for history and for when the mood strikes to post–whenever and how often that may be.

    For 2015, one of my crafting goals is to teach knitting, using the skills I learned in my recent Certified Instructor Program class (Craft Yarn Council). I have already reached out to my public library and should begin classes there soon!

  44. I am looking forward to more posts here… just a few! Miss you.

    As far as crafting, I’d like to knit more, dye more, and sew more. Yes, I want it all!

  45. I want to learn color work….you know have one of those beautiful color worked Christmas stockings by next Christmas.

  46. I’m so glad you are planning to still blog! My goal for 2015 is to complete the three projects I purchased yarn for at the 2014 Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival….all beaded lace shawls. I love the yarns and the challenges the patterns will give me!

  47. I’m learning to sew and just bought a new machine. Due to a sewing mishap I had to take it apart the first time I used it. My wish is to be a more confident sewer. ๐Ÿ™‚ and to keep knitting of course!

  48. Kathode Ray Tube says

    1. Happy Birthday on Jan. 1! 2. In 2015, I would like to finish the two lace shawls I have in progress and knit a sweater. That’s reasonable, isn’t it?

    Best wishes to you in 2015!

  49. Happy birthday! Glad to hear you’ll be blogging more – love seeing your knits-in-progress. In the new year, I’m hoping to make more things that *I* like and want to make – just because they’re cool or interesting or have unique construction/features/colors – rather than making something because I need a gift or the little kids like it or I need a class sample. Makes me feel kinda guilty just thinking about it. All the more reason to do it!

  50. Maybe if I say it here it will work. No fiber buying in 2015. Fabric, yarn, spinning fiber, basket making supplies, nothing. It’s going to be so hard! But I have so much and it’s all lovely stuff. Winning something is perfectly fine! (:

  51. MelissaPurls says

    I’d like to sew more of my own clothes in 2015. And I have this idea that I’d like to knit a pair of socks a month, too, but we’ll see if that happens.

    Looking forward to seeing what you blog in 2015–I’ve always enjoyed reading what you have to say. Thanks for sharing your link to Instagram; I never think to look there. Happy birthday in a couple of days!

  52. In the new year I have a big over-arching goals. I’ve been inspired by Miriam Felton and Kim Werker to do a #yearofmaking – and then I’d love to have more handknit ornaments so a subgoal is an ornament a month.

  53. The plan for 2015 is to knit down the stash…you know, exactly what I was supposed to do for 2014. Whoops. At least I organized the stash in 2014. So I’m doing a destash KAL and I plan to focus on getting through some of the sock yarn. Today I also started to knit some scarves from stash, so that’s good for the knitting karma, right?

  54. I have joined a year long MKAL and plan on knitting 5 shawls and 4 smaller projects. We’ll have to wait and see if I can keep up.

  55. Carol frederick says

    I hope to finish what promises to be a gorgeous shawl for my lovely daughter in law

  56. Yay, welcome back! Um, I haven’t done any knitting at all in a very long time but I just got a new set of convertible needles for Christmas so I want to get back in the groove in 2015!

  57. Congrats on your milestones! My plan is to complete many small projects. First up is a pair if yoga socks. I spend countless hours as a soccer mom and last year I was pumping out scarves, socks, hats, etc. for gifting. Same plan this year!

  58. Happy birthday to you and your blog! I hope to knit (and finish) more. Ideally, I’d love to cast on and finish a sweater for myself, but I’d settle for knitting a few matches for single socks and finishing up a sweater for my oldest.

  59. Happy 10th blog anniversary and a very Happy 45th Birthday! My goal for this year is to try to knit myself a sweater. So far I’ve only made tins of things for small people. Welcome back.

  60. Like you, I have 2 daughters and finding time is always a challenge. I hope in the new year to spend more time knitting and completing projects and less time dreaming and casting on but never casting off.

  61. Don’t you dare call yourself old! Remember how much older than you I am, grrlfriend!!
    Love you!! Happy Blog day and Birthday! xoxox

  62. Best happy birthday wishes to you and the blog! I, too, would like to blog more about my knitting in 2015. (I’d also like to finish all my WIPs and UFO’s, but I think that’s highly unlikely since I had the same goal the last two years…and I still have the same pile of UFO’s ๐Ÿ™‚

  63. Glad to see you back at the blog!

    My new year involves stash busting and, hopefully, knitting only for those who will enjoy it. And finally, to complete a sweater that fits, including bust darts. In half through one in worsted and would like one in fingering. The yarn has been ordered so I’m just counting it as stash ๐Ÿ˜‰

  64. So glad you’re back! Cut yourself a little slack – you’re taking care of business – MoM!!
    I’m determined to finish projects on the needles now before starting anything new!
    Happy, healthy New Year to everyone!!!

  65. Glad to see you posting again! I’m currently in grad school so my crafting goals are purposefully minimal. I plan to take part in The Loopy Ewe’s Camp Loopy and Loopy Academy KALs.

  66. i really want to work on my master handknitters program — I’m hoping to see real progress in my skills.

  67. I want to learn how to use my new-to-me serger. It’s a hand me down from my Grandmother.

  68. I’d like to knit from my stash as much as possible, and try to finish only things I really enjoy. And quilt two quilts I have basted and ready, and bind a third I have had in the hopper for many years…yikes!

  69. Andrea In Argentina says

    Hmmm… I want to knit at least two of the 100000 blankets I’ve knit in my mind!

  70. Happy upcoming birthday ! I’ve been reading your blog on and off … before children :))

    I plan to knit everyday, even if I only have time for one row AND post photos in Instagram for progress shots… And maybe I’ll get through some of my WIPs!

  71. Try to actually knit up some of my stash!

  72. Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing about your knitting adventures. I plan to finish up the myriad of UFOs I have. And if I can’t do that, I need to divest myself of them and start fresh…

  73. I was wondering if you would pop up around this time. It is GREAT to hear your bloggy voice again!

  74. I would like to knit done color work–like fair isle…with a steek!

  75. I hope to publish at least 6 new patterns. That’s one ever other month. That may not seem very ambitious, but I get so busy with work, I feel I never have time for designing! Glad to see you back.

  76. Annette Fettig says

    i hope to knit a lace shawl, with beads. I have been planning or thinking about that for so long.

  77. Nice to see you post again. I hope to yell at my kids less ๐Ÿ™‚ and find time to finish a WIP sweater.

  78. SuthernGirl says

    I want to knit a lot this year and learn some more skills. Up first is finishing sweaters, then brioche. Twigg stitch may follow and some more Fair Isle. Might have to try a steek in there. Most definitely I want to write my first pattern. Other than knitting I would like to get more consistent with my spinning and get back to my photography. Sounds like a great year!

  79. I want to have two completed sweaters, a bottle tree, and an excellent relationship with my dremel this year.

  80. This year I want to knit a full size blanket for my wonderful daughter. I’ve made several baby blankets for friends over the years and she always asks when will I make one for her. She turns 19 in August and I think I have made her wait long enough!

  81. Happy Blogiversary and happy Birthday! I hope to take some time to actually craft something. I have been collecting supplies for knitting, sewing, jewelry making – including a brand new sewing machine that is still in the box! Since February of this year! A lot has happened this year and it manifested in “creators block”. I hope to break past the block and do a bit of something every week. Here’s to a creative 2015!

  82. I want to finish my Rhinebeck sweater.

  83. Happy 2 days before your birthday! (My son’s is the same day!) My crafting goal for 2015 is twofold…I want to do more paper crafting and I want to complete at least 12 pairs of socks.

  84. I hope to design more — perhaps release another 15 patterns…

  85. nursenikkiknits says

    Congratulations on such big milestones! I too would like to resurrect my defunct knitting blog. I’m looking to you to be my inspiration! In other crafting goals, I really really want to knit from stash this year. Unfortunately, my stash has no Plucky in it. Maybe you can help me rectify that ; ) thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  86. Elizabeth R says

    No nice to hear from you whenever you squeeze it in. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope to create a yoke sweater this year.

  87. 2015 is for finishing the unfinished projects for me, I think!

  88. I need to knit from stash this year, hopefully creating at least 4 really nice sweaters for me and 1 for my SO. I also hope to sew 12 items this year. Happy early birthday!

  89. Nice to see you back!!
    I am hoping to keep my crafting space tidy (enough to function well). It is getting a massive clean up this week.

  90. Alexis Hilgert says

    I’d like to finish a number of projects that are on the go and get better at knitting!

  91. Let’s see – not buy any more yarn and work with what I have. Knit more. Learn to crochet (signed up for a class). Learn to finish knits more better (another class). Organize. Yikes that’s a lot, isn’t it!?

  92. I want to focus on crafting things that I love. I love knitting lacy, beaded shawls. Sweaters? Not so much. I’ve started going through my yarn/WIP stash and removing stuff that I don’t love.

  93. Great to hear from you again, I’ve followed this blog for years!!

    I would like to knit a sweater for myself and for my two children!!

  94. My goal is to finish my many wip and 2 sweaters. One for my mom and one for me

  95. I got a Cricket loom from my family for Christmas so I want to make all sorts of things with that. Like faux-ikat scarfs (Google palindrome weaving, you’ll love what it does with hand painted sock yarn).

    I also designed a couple Baltic mittens in a class, and I desperately want to knit thme up! But time! Where’d you go?

  96. Vanessa Davenport says

    I want to finish a baby blanket! I’ll start them and get bored but this year, I want to start one and finish it

  97. Happy birthday to both you and the blog! ๐Ÿ™‚ And thanks for wanting to celebrate both occassions with us.

    I’m dabbling between two goals for 2015 when it comes to my creativity. One is to sell something I’ve made and the other one is about publishing XX posts about something creative on my blog. I haven’t decided where my focus should go yet.

  98. Welcome back to blogging!

    I am going to get control of my stash. I went on a yarn diet a few years ago and thought I had things under control, but alas, I don’t.

  99. 2015 is going to be the year I finish all those WIPs. I have dressmaking, patchwork, knitting, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery, beading, papercraft, curtains and upholstery projects that are all waiting for me to get around to them.

    Procrastination is a thing of the past!

  100. Welcome back and happy birthday! This year, I want to get my spare room set up so I can actually get to my sewing machine (daughter moved out but left a lot of her stuff!) Also, I would like to get back to oil painting – been several years since I didn’t have the room to set up properly.

  101. Happy Birthday to you and the blog. I hope to get some order in my studio – I just found a pile of yarn labels from several projects. A wiser person would have them in a file with samples or something.

  102. My goals this year are simple. Challenge myself more. Use my stash yarn instead of buyng new yarn for every project. Finish all my WIP’s. Simple, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  103. I would like to try brioche stitch. I’ve never done it. And I’ve seen some fun designs using it. Happy birthday to you and the blog!!

  104. I want to teach someone else to knit or crochet. My offspring have no interest (yet), but my friend’s daughter would like to learn. Aside from that, learning to take more time for myself so that I can have more crafting time is top of the list.

  105. Susie in Minnesota says

    I have a sweater that is all seamed … but I know it doesn’t fit. I need to actually try it on, figure out what needs to change … and then find the strength to rip!

  106. I want to knit things that fit and learn some new techniques. Glad you are back!

  107. I’m going to try the #yearofmaking this year.

  108. I want to design a new bag type to sew as gifts next year. More knitting!

  109. I have been reading your blog … forever? I have been in that parenting “spot” (other words come to mind, but never mind) and I can say is that you are doing exactly what I did – surrender and go with the flow. One of the great and sad things about parenthood is that it never stays the same way for very long, so savor the great moments and know that the not-so-much ones will pass. Meanwhile, happy birthday, and I so look forward to seeing your knitting. Also – put your cards up for sale again!!!

  110. I hope to actually have some finished projects in 2015! I have 2 little ones so I have a lot of disappeared time!

  111. I’m hoping to knit lots more warm sweaters, hats, socks, and mittens for Wool Aid (http://www.wool-aid.org/) to give needy kids in very cold places. Happy birthday!

  112. Geraldine Kiser says

    I need to get some serious spinning underway to use up piles of roving and then I’d like to finish a bunch of UFOs that have been hanging around through multiple military moves. With every move I lost the impetus to finish current projects due to unpacking and arranging. Retired now with no more excuses!!

    Glad to see you again on the blog! Happy New Year!!

  113. Was nice to see you on my aggregator today!

    After rearranging the craft room this weekend, and adding a new cutting table (old kitchen table re-purposed), I hope to have a space that invites me to create. Will be moving my limited yarn stash in and pulling a comfy chair from another room. I hope to spend more time in there and less in front of mindless television.

  114. This year I am determined to either frog or finish my half-completed projects. It’s reached critical mass.

  115. I have been very busily, and hope to finish in 2015, working through all of my WIP’s. My hope is, moving forward into next year, to generally have no more than 5ish projects on the needles. This appeals to my organized side, but I’m also hoping will allow me to really focus and enjoy what I already have on the needles. When I’ve got the queue cleared, I would like to knit a few more sweaters for me!

    It’s great to see you here again! I really enjoy hearing your voice and seeing the knits that you’re turning out!

  116. I’d like to knit in a ton of knit-alongs in 2015 and just have fun with it all ๐Ÿ™‚

  117. I would love to just win your notecards. I bought some years ago, but I’ve used them all.

    In 2014 I started a Christmas box inspired by the Yarn Harlot. When school started in the fall, I quit knitting items for the box. Next year I want to knit enough for the Christmas Box!

  118. Congrats on your birthday and blog

  119. Get my UFOs done or frogged!! Mazel Tov on both milestones!!

  120. Caroline aka FiberTribe says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CARA! I’ve been reading your blog since the beginning and it’s really great to see you here again. Strikker and I still have our STR January One colorway yarn from back in the day. So for the New Year I plan to knit more for myself and maybe create some designs to knit up and sell. We shall see. Thanks for the giveaway.

  121. Happy Birthday! I also turn 45 in a few weeks! As for crafting goals. I just want to use up a bit more of the stash I accumulated over the past 2 decades.

  122. I want to knit (and FINISH) a sweater – that fits!!!!

  123. Happy Birthday and Blogiversary!
    I hope to knit something that’s not baby related this year (in the last 4.5 years I’ve had 13 great nieces & nephews come into the world!) :o)

  124. Ha, I can’t recall when last I logged in to blogger, so um, yeah, and I have no kids to excuse me….bad me.

    What is super synchronous is that I was just pondering this as well as my lack of knitting in 2014. I did make a few things but I usually have a bag of items I make to sell at our craft fair so I can then feed my yarn habit for the following year (I have plenty, this is for the “impulse buys” as it were). All made with scraps/leftover yarn….it was weird that I didnt have much to work with as it hadn’t sunk in that I didn’t knit enough to have the leftovers. Oh my, I am long winded, sorry. So I’d only just about 10 minutes ago resolved to knit at least 6 of the items on my knitting to do list so I can have at least 6 kinds of scraps/leftovers to make wee socks or ornaments or baby hats for the fair. Small goal, but I have to start somewhere.

    Happy Birthday!!!

  125. I have been reading your blog for a while, enjoy it very much.

    One of my goals for the new year is to finish preping my fleeces before shearing time in spring. And to knit more with my handspun.

  126. In 2015, I would like to finish some great sweaters that I have started and totally sock out! I want to use up tons of sock yarn this year so I can buy more. Also, I want to knit a lot of Steven West shawls that are in my queue.

  127. i hope to knit more patterns in my library!

  128. Now that I’m retired I hope to take a knitting class on making a sweater for me that actually fits.

  129. Happy Birthday to you and the blog ๐Ÿ™‚
    I will be 47 soon and it DOES feel old indeed ๐Ÿ˜‰
    This year I hope to find a more satisfying balance with my crafty endeavours. I’m rather annoyed with my own complaining that I never have enough time to do the kniting, sewing, quilting ….
    This WILL change, I’m going to make it happen! Thank you for the lovely contest.
    Rav & IG: knittergrl

  130. A belated happy blogiversary and an early happy birthday to you! I bought yarn for several sweaters this year and only finished two (including a baby sweater). Neither was for me. I want to knit myself a sweater next year!

  131. I feel you on the blogging. I never got totally into the swing of it but I’ve been really trying this year but when the whole house is sick and my toddler won’t sleep and something has to give, it’s right up there on the list.

    My crafting resolution is to knit stockings – at the very least one for my son (I came up with a pattern before he was born and he just turned two and I already have the yarn, so no excuses) and hopefully one each for my husband and I.

  132. I want to knit more, but more specifically I want to make my son another sweater, as well as a sweater for myself. I’ve never wanted to make a sweater for myself because of the amount of yarn I’d have to buy, but this year I want to take the plunge!

  133. Holy moly, those are nice prizes!

    My goal is to design and publish 3 patterns in 2015. I may be slightly cheating, because one of them is almost finished, but it won’t be published until January!

  134. Happy ‘almost’ birthday Cara! And a happy blog birthday too.

    Crafty goals for me in 2015? Yes, I do have some. Mainly I would like to get a better handle on my stash of mainly sock yarn. I’ve found that I still know what I have but . . .when I go looking for a specific yarn, I find something totally different to knit up NOW. And not always in the pattern I wanted to knit. I would also like to knit some toe-up socks that actually fit me or someone I know. I’ve always knit cuff-down so need to learn something new. And I would like to actually knit the sweater’s worth of yarn I bought in 2014. As always, I will have socks on the needles: need to finish the kids 5 pairs first before starting anything else!

  135. It’s so great to “see” you! Welcome back the blog and happy early birthday. ๐Ÿ™‚

    In the new year I hope to get my creative mojo back. Busy with kids and work and have a hard time taking time for me.

  136. My new year’s resolution (vis a vis crafting) is to knit at least one thing for each of the four members of my immediate family, me (first) then my husband, then each of my boys. Then I get something (I so often forget to knit for me) and they each get something from me for Christmas next year. (Starting with the hubby since a. he’s the biggest and b. he won’t be growing between now and then…I hope)

  137. I hope to use up my stash of handspun yarn–and then spin enough to create a new stash!

  138. I want to make my first quilt.

  139. Happy Birthday! I finished a big blanket project just a few weeks ago that took well over a year so this year I’m sticking to the little things – accessories! And maybe one sweater….maybe.

  140. My goal for this year is to knit more. I enjoy it but I let it fall by the wayside. I am only halfway done with a baby blanket for my newborn, and I need to get his christmas stocking done and I’d love to knit him a sweater for next winter.

    I’ve been reading you for years (almost from the beginning) and I know what it’s like to let the blog fall by the wayside. It’s been so long since I’ve posted to mine that I feel like every post is an apollogy post. I’m also resolving to journal more for myself since it’s less pressure, knowing Future Me is my only audience and I don’t have to feel bad about gaps.

  141. What a treat to find a pre-birthday post! I still check regularly, love looking at your past posts and your finished projects (they are all so colorful!), and keep hoping for updates. Here’s to new blog resolutions!

    My crafting/life resolution: minimalize. I have too many of everything (yarn, magazines, books) and I want to reduce the clutter to a manageable state.

  142. I want to use my sewing machine more, and learn to do more than just sew a straight line. I hope you have a great birthday and a calm and wonderful 2015!

  143. I want to organize my craft room so that I can actually find things, and hopefully have a lot more fun crafting!!

  144. I would really like to work through some of the beautiful yarn that I have in my stash…I, too, have two small kiddos so my knitting of late has tended toward simpler projects.

  145. Christmas stockings. Each year I take down our old crummy ones, I say that I’ll make new ones for next year. This year will be that year. I’ve already got the yarn!

    Happy birthday!

  146. I recently spent some time and organizing my unfinished projects and I hope to finish all of them in 2015….the year of the UFO!

  147. I want to knit a blankert of my handspun yarn.
    Congratulations on your double anniversaries and keep on blogging, please !

  148. I just got a tapestry loom for Christmas, so somehow that will work its way into my crafting life.

  149. I want to start and finish at least one fingering-weight cardigan in the size I WANT to be, and shrink into that size in time to wear it in the fall! ๐Ÿ™‚

  150. Happy Birthday! Enjoy the craziness of the kids – it is such a short time, really. And congrats on making it until 45 for the progressives. I got mine at 40.
    This year I want to get the unfinished stuff off the needles – either finish it or frog it and recycle. First, of course, I have to find where it is all stashed. But that is my quest.
    Happy New Year to your family!

  151. Hang out at my LYS, Hooked (Haddonfield, NJ), more. Wonderful place, wonderful people. ๐Ÿ™‚

  152. Welcome back! And congratulations on 10 years! This year I’d like to learn my sewing machine and maybe try quilting a bit.

  153. Happy birthday! You can’t be old, because I turn 46 on the 2nd…I’m positive that is still young. This year, I’d like to make a fingering weight sweater. The idea of using small needles for a sweater has always intimidated me, and I haven’t done it yet for fear of the project taking so long that I’d get tired of it.

  154. Happy birthday!! I hope to organize my knitting room and knit way more! I also just learned to block and have so many finished items that need serious blocking. It’ll be a fun year!!

  155. My goals are to finish (or frog) 75% of the projects currently in progress, to knit 15 hats (everyone I know has a head, after all!), and to make something for each of the small people in my life (perhaps some of those hats?).

  156. I would like to use more of the beautiful yarn I’ve been hoarding and spin every month. I also would love to write in my own blog more frequently…famous last words! Happy birthday and Happy New Year.

  157. Hi Cara! It’s been way too long!! I think this is the year that I finally will knit a sweater for me. Or a vest! It all depends. I have 2 lbs of a beautiful blue baby kid Mohair that I’d first love to spin up to make said object!

    Happy New Year’s!

  158. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years!

    In 2015 I and a few of my knit group buddies are going to stash shop. I don’t know their reasoning, but my household lost approximately $800 a month and I am stash shopping to help bridge that gap.


  159. Nice to have you back.

    My plan this year is to finish the hand pieced quilt which will includes hand quilting and binding off… for a king size quilt.

  160. Anita Dodds says

    That is the million dollar question. I would like to knit the five sweaters worth of yarn into five sweaters. I would like to start a knitting group in my home where I could help others with their projects and spend time with good friends. I would like to go to a knitting retreat in August. Most importantly I think I want to enjoy the serenity knitting brings me when I let it.

  161. I just want to do more … Not outrageously, but just take a little time to do a little bit of something that I lve every day.

  162. Ah Life! What fun! I want to finish a bunch of UFOs (that are kind of big) and knit with more intention (better planned) so I am not rushing to finish things for people at the last moment.

  163. I want to knit more and to finish more of the knitting projects that I start.
    Happy birthday, Cara, and congrats on the big blogiversary!

  164. I think maybe I’d like to knit myself a sweater. Been a knitter for 10 years now and I have no sweater.

  165. This year, I hope to knit a pair of socks every month, and to knit that sweater I’ve put off for far too long!

  166. i am hoping to blog more this year too! I miss having that record of what is going on. I look forward to having you back and happy birthday!!!