VOTE, you must!

We don’t care who you vote for (well, actually, we care very, very much – but it’s still more important that you actually VOTE!)



  1. Cutie!!!
    p.s. I voted at 7 this morning! Rock the vote!

  2. Our polling place in Jersey City was JAMMED at 7 am. Fingers tightly crossed! BTW — Yoda? Killing me here.

  3. what a cute little yoda!
    ‘Vote you must…Yes yes, very important’

  4. Vote, I did, two weeks ago. I’m proud to be a fake American!

  5. Vote, I did, two weeks ago.
    Proud to be a fake American, I am.

  6. Wish I could! We Canadians are watching!
    Love your Yoda!

  7. Yay!! OMG, isn’t she ADORABLE?? I’m voting after work tonight — Alison will be along with us to cast her first presidential ballot!!

  8. That’s the cutest Yoda I’ve ever seen! And YES, I voted today!

  9. LOVE your little yoda! Too cute.

  10. done and done!! AHH the wait begins!! (What a CUUUUTIE!! AHH!)

  11. Does she have your ears or Georgie’s?! Hehe! She is too cute!
    Voting as soon as I get off of work!

  12. I voted early by absentee ballot!

  13. In the words of my 5 year old Darth Vader, “what a Cutie Patootie Yoda!”
    Voting done.

  14. We voted, left early so hubby could get it done before work if we had to wait in line. No line. Walked right in.
    Love the costume, rocks it Meli does.

  15. Ohmigodbabyyodagoingtodiefromthecute!
    (Voted by mail-in ballot last week – nothing to do now but eagerly await the results!)

  16. Done and got the free starbucks to prove it! Your baby, cute beyond measure, she is.

  17. So cute!
    I voted last week during early voting.

  18. So cute!
    I voted last week during early voting.

  19. Baby Yoda is adorable. Took the whole family voting at 7 this morning. Yay for being able to take the stroller to the polling place.

  20. How could I disobey Yoda???

  21. I am waiting to go vote. My friend just finished said the line is 3.5 hours long. I am in SC.

  22. melissaknits says

    Oh. My God. That baby is so adorable!! And I care too, but I care more that people exercise a right that so so many others don’t have. VOTE!

  23. Oh my gosh! Baby Yoda is so cute. And yes, I voted! Absentee, mailed it a week ago. I’m so excited to vote in my first presidential election!

  24. I sacrificed my car so I could vote! It was totally worth it for my beloved candidate.
    Your baby is friggin’ adorable. Best baby costume possible.

  25. that reminds me how my boyfriend jokes that when we have kids (in the distant future) we will only feed them green food to make them yoda…
    I would vote, but I’m a month too young. 🙁

  26. Yoda is the cutest of the cutest! We voted on the second day of early voting and are on pins and needles. Have been volunteering for Obama and had to be at the office at 6:30 this morning. I am so not a morning person, only my enthusiasm for this candidate could get me up at 4:30 and out of the house by 5:30. Go Obama!!!

  27. The cuteness makes me just stare at my computer. She is so adorable. I enjoy my seven year old and love that we can converse (He wants me to vote for “The Rock” Obama-I tried to correct the name but he just doesn’t get it)and go places together and stuff, but I really do miss when he was that little and how fun it was.
    Voted absentee-the way to go! 🙂

  28. Tara’s comment reminds me of when my brother was little and was telling us all to vote for Jimmy Carter–I think for the sole reason that his name was Jimmy.
    Meli is cutest Yoda ever! LOL I must!

  29. So very very pleased about Obama winning the elections … hope you are too. Best wishes from Switzerland.

  30. Is that a home made Yoda hat or can you buy one somewhere (preferrably online since I live in Sweden)?
    Glad that you elected Obama! What an impressive victory speach he gave!

  31. Oh. My. God. I am so copying you next halloween – brilliant!

  32. Too cute you are!