I’m %$@*! SICK!

I did it! I ran myself ragged and now I’ve got a bad cold and I feel like complete crap. I’ve still got to get my work done, and of course, take care of the baby and tomorrow I leave for ANOTHER week away. If I can make it through the next week I should survive. I hope.

This being sick with a baby? Really freaking hard. It’s like she knows what’s up and has picked today, the day I feel like hell, to be all clingy and whiney. My love.

Think well thoughts for me.


  1. Cara, so sorry to hear you’re under the weather. Hugs and a big box of tissues to you!!

  2. Sending loads of good thoughts your way!

  3. So sorree! Of course Meli is annoyed. Interruptions and delays from her service provider!
    xxoxo Kay

  4. Ooo, I had one of those days on Sunday. I swear the baby was trying to take care of me… but I couldn’t persuade her that all I wanted was for both of us to take a nap!

  5. Not only can she sense that her mama is not right, and therefore her little world is rocked, but (bite my tongue) of course she may be showing signs of coming down with nasty virus too with the clinginess. Hope not. If so, at least she should get lots of good antibodies from you to fight it off fast! Take care of both of you, even though you have no time to be sick. Deep breath and reprioritize. Good thoughts coming your way! It sucks to be sick with a baby!

  6. I got “the plague” as I like to call it last week too.. and I was knocked out for 4 days. I can’t imagine being sick with a baby too! Stay strong!

  7. I am so sorry you don’t feel well. I remeber that whole situation. My little one is now 15 years old! My heart goes out to you both.

  8. Hope Meli is just empathizing rather than coming down with something.
    Have a restful weekend, if posible.

  9. Hope Meli is just empathizing rather than coming down with something.
    Have a restful weekend, if posible.

  10. aawww!!! So sorry you’re sick, and hope Meli doesn’t catch it. I feel your pain being sick with baby as we’re in the same boat right now… and it TOTALLY sucks!!!
    Best wishes and get well soon!!

  11. Sending all kinds of healing thoughts your way ;( I’m not good taking care of my pets when I’m not well…can’t imagine having to be caretaker for a little darling…

  12. Hope you are feeling better and can get through all you have to do……cg

  13. Yup, they worry about us and so they cling. If you can convey the notion that even thugh you feel like cr*p, it doesn’t matter, and need not worry her, she might let up a little. Best wishes.

  14. Yup, they worry about us and so they cling. If you can convey the notion that even thugh you feel like cr*p, it doesn’t matter, and need not worry her, she might let up a little. Best wishes.

  15. The key, when she gets a bit older, is a good sofa. You lie on the sofa and point while she capers about, playing or watching a video (honestly, my kids did it and they turned out pretty good)

  16. Hope you feel better. I know what its like to have a 24/7 job where you can’t call in sick.

  17. I hope this clears you for the winter. I agree with Cathy-Cate. If Melli were older, she would bring you tea and blankies, but she hasn’t learned that. Still she is so smart to recognize the lack of comfort for both of you and is doing her best to find it in your arms.

  18. yep, same thing happened with me and peanut last time i was sick. they just know. it’s instinctual!

  19. Hey Cara – get well soon! I am sick too and its definitely laaaame. On a positive note, however, I thought of you the other day when I heard that Bruce Springsteen is playing the halftime show at the Super Bowl.

  20. Ugh. Being sick while baby-wrangling is absolute hell. Sending lots of healthy thoughts your way.

  21. Children always feed off your vibes. From a very early age they can find your last nerve and pick at it. They can also give you the best love. Right now she is probably a little stressed because you aren’t your usual self and she has come to depend on that self. She wants the other you back. Speedy recovery!!!

  22. Well thoughts headed your way. I had the same thought as Cathy-Cate… virus-repelling thoughts headed Meli’s way.
    When my daughter was about four she became very concerned whenever I was sick and wanted reassurance that I was OK, and I would be OK. Of course she expressed this by demanding that I do things for her, to prove that I wasn’t so sick as all that. I don’t remember at what age she started doing this, but undoubtedly it was way too young.
    Anyhow. Take care of yourself, get plenty of rest, chicken soup, you know all this. Let everything that doesn’t matter go. The dust bunnies will be patiently waiting for you when you feel better. Do not ask me how I know this.