Whew! What a weekend! I photographed a birthday party Friday afternoon then hopped a train to Philly. When I got there, since G was working all day Friday and Friday night, I joined my sister and the kids at an elementary school carnival. No rides, just lots of games and about a zillion kids hopped up on cotton candy. CRAZY!
Saturday morning I lounged around and then G and I had babysitting duty. We watched the baby while the rest of the family went to see The Lion King. We ended up in Rittenhouse Park, with my brother, and I was looking for all those crazy Philly KIPers, but I couldn’t find any. We got there around 3 – I guess everyone had left by then. We had a fun time pointing at planes and dogs and squirrels and birds and eating applesauce and then the rest of the family met up with us.
G and I had adult time at dinner that night – at Pod. Eh. The service sucked – well – not sucked really, but we had 9:30 reservations and they didn’t seat us until after 10. Okay. Fine. I understand that you can’t control how fast people eat and all and everyone else with reservations was waiting as well – BUT this couple came in, a couple that can only be described as acid washed – nuff said – and they were all kissy and huggy with pretty much everyone from the hostesses to the bus boys and guess who didn’t have to wait long for a table? And then got a PRIME table? And then guess who got seated at a dirty table so that the guy could clean it off right into my lap and I had the smell of moldy cleaning fluid in my nose the whole time? I actually yelled at the hostess. I said you sat us a half hour after our reservation but you couldn’t wait the five minutes to set up the table? They attempted to take care of us with a free appetizer and free dessert – which was GOOD. They did the right thing, but it was almost too much and they fucked up other parts of the order and in the end I wouldn’t waste my time again. The food was decent, but I’m sure there’s better out there. So much for the amazing Stephen Starr.
Besides the kids and hanging with my man, the best part of the weekend was right outside my hotel window:

Sunday was the Philadelphia International Championship, which went right by our hotel at Logan Circle. Very cool! Check out that Peleton! The whole time I was snapping away I was thinking of our Claudia – who’s riding for MS. Have you donated over there yet? I know I’ve been asking you for money nonstop, but Claudia’s raising for an extremely good cause, so if you can’t give here – give there. Or give to both. That’s what I’ve done. I matched my Heifer donation with a donation to fight MS. Thank you!
There was KNITTING TOO! Look what I did!

Two more squares!! Nona asked for a real life progress shot so here you go:

I’ve finished NINE completely and I’m already well into No. 10. I LOVE THIS PROJECT! I’m not sure how I’m going to put all the squares together – I’m going to wait for input from The Master. Oh and for all those asking about the yarn – it’s Socks That Rock, heavyweight version, in Limestone (light), Jade (medium) and Beryl (dark.) I’m getting lots of questions and comments about this blanket and seems like you all love it as much as I do so I thought, you guessed it, time for a KNIT-A-LONG. (You know, because I didn’t learn my lesson from the last one.)

I’m still working out the details on how I’m going to do this and I’m pretty preoccupied right now with Spin Out stuff, so let’s say it’ll have a July 1st opening. Details to come! Watch out for it!
And finally, I was over at Six and A Half Stitches where there was some talk of piles. That’s one of my favorite things about my log cabin squares – feeling the heft of the piles – the way they line up or don’t line up – the alternate colors peeking through. Here is my pile:

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!