Call me Abe

Cause I’m living in a log cabin. DAYUM! When you guys like something you really like something. I’d hate to see what you’re like if you DIDN’T like something! 😉 I’m here today to disappoint (almost) all of you! YAY! No really. That square I showed you was a swatch, so to speak. I have some really grand ideas involving log cabins, but I wasn’t certain (still not totally) that it would work out. So yesterday I went to sit at the feet of the master and I wanted to make sure I had done my homework. I wanted to prove that I could log cabin. It’s going to come in really handy later on. What I didn’t count on was that I would fall down a deep deep deep dark hole and never want to come out. Seriously. This shit’s CRAZZZEEE!

So I’m sitting on the PATH train yesterday knitting along and my mind is going nuts. Well, more nuts than usual. And no, not about the fact that the guy next to me on the death trap they call a subway smells or the fact that at the other end of the car someone is singing so loudly my ears are ringing or that the driver can’t take a corner and I’m being knocked into the pole every five seconds while I’m trying to knit. NO!! NONE OF THAT! I was going nuts planning out my newest obsession project!

Let’s backtrack a minute. One of my favorite, favorite parts of MDK is the part where Kay talks about being confronted with SO MANY POSSIBILITIES – possibilities of color, of shape, of texture that your brain kind of freezes on the spot because so much choice can be paralyzing. So she makes rules for herself and then lets herself go nuts WITHIN the parameters set by those rules. This being my first log cabin and all and my being extraordinarily fortunate to have lots and lots of amazing choices, I’ve decided to stick with the first three colors I chose.

I’m not really a green person, but this is May. (Remember that – it might be on another quiz. You guys are pathetic!) And I really like the way these three colors play together and I think it will be a good test for logcabinning (which, by the way Ann, is so too a word!) Here’s the plan so far:

I’ve got three different types of squares – log cabin, near solid and a courthouse step. My plan is to alternate where the darks and lights go for a total of three square in three series for nine squares. My first square measures about 10″x10.5″ unblocked, so I’m thinking like a crib blanket type size. I have no idea how I’m going to put the squares together but I can guarantee that Kay will be involved. ETA: This picture does not show the actual layout of the squares. That will take some hard thought and a kind of Sudoku like puzzle mentality – each row will have to have one of each series and no square will have the same color border touching. Can I do it?

I’ve started on one of the semi-solid squares. Kim (of the FANTASTIC sockapaloooza socks) asked what my gauge was with size 5s and Heavyweight STR and I’d tell you Kim if I could find one of the fourteen tape measures I have in the house, but I can’t so I won’t. (Fucking house. Fucking ME! GET ORGANIZED!!!) But Kathy in Juneau (Feel good MAX!) asked what the back of the square looks like and with that I’m happy to oblige (I CAN find the camera!)

Not so bad. I’m just loving the variations in color. The pictures DO NOT do the yarn justice.

Thanks so much for all your support of my projects. Sometimes I get carried away (no really?) and it’s nice to know I’m not alone. All though I fear this might be the end of socks. Squares are very portable.


  1. I dreamed about log cabin last night…truly. I can see it in my minds eye shading from the lightest shades of the color spectrum to the darkest. Wonder if I could make it work?

  2. With Easter came a love of all things green, all colors of the green spectrum and a need for a green project. I picked up some sock yarn at MD$W for my first sock project, but I’m going to love watching your green blankie come together. Gorgeous!

  3. Beautiful!! I’ve been considering log cabin-ing for some time now too. I admire your ability to think creatively about how to assemble your squares and choose the colors. Thinking asymmetrically like that is sooo hard for me. By the way, if you need anyone to relieve you of your stash of non-green yarns from yesterday’s post, just let me know — the yarns and your photo of them are just gorgeous. Very inspirational.

  4. It’s going to be REALLY beautiful! The plan looks great.
    I’ve been wanting to log cabin in fabric, but now I want to log cabin in yarn too!

  5. Mmmmm. I love it!! I can’t wait to see this project come together — and where you’ll eventually end up going with it! I know you’ll be going somewhere with it…
    ; )

  6. Looking good! But you won’t give up socks.

  7. Just lovely!
    My mother and I are planning on knitting an afghan for my brother’s wedding and were thinking about doing a log cabin thing – I love the idea of similar colors and the different squares you have… perhaps we’ll expand on your idea!

  8. You’re a populist! You Andrew Jackson, You!

  9. I would never have thought that I would be enticed to knit a log cabin blanket!

  10. Is there a log cabin along? i know there’s an MDK-along, but it seems like so many people are doing this now (I’m thinking about one myself), a log cabin along could be very popular.

  11. Oh, yeah, a LCA… just what I need!!!
    Did I miss the KIND of yarn you are using that you like so much? something heavy (in contrast to sock and lace yarn which has been jumping into my stash lately) would be a relief… even during summer knitting… because it works up FAST… (oooh, and it MIGHT be on sale.) This is a gorgeous post.
    And I’m glad to hear from Wenders that we commited to ONE afghan… I thought it was two. Whew.

  12. I LOVE those greens. They just about hit my favorite shade . . . Yum!

  13. Oh, I’d thought you were going to use ALL the colors and make a king size blanket. I really really like your green block variations and you’re so right — it’s like sudoku.
    Will you embroider a cherry on one corner in honor of Abe?

  14. Okay, I have to say that’s a beautiful palette, just the right mixture of colors, in the same level of saturation. I bet this will be a relative quick knit, what with all the colors you’re playing with! Who’s it for?

  15. Ok. I am a green person…and if you decide not to keep this ’cause you’re not… a green person that is…I’m available.

  16. You are making me dizzy. In a totally good way. I totally don’t believe the end of socks bit, though.

  17. Wow. Another one already? I feel a heavy responsibility for all that sock yarn in your IKEA cabinet. But would you rather have a sofa full of log cabins or a drawerful of socks?
    Don’t answer that.
    Yet. xox Kay

  18. Well, I AM a green person and the colors you’ve chosen are just gorgeous!!

  19. Beautiful. I can’t wait to see what your finished project is – I know it’ll be awesome!

  20. The Log Cabin blanket is going to be beautiful in those colors. I’m interested to see how you put the squares together.
    I doubt you’ll ever give up on socks. Sometimes you just need a break, but eventually you’ll go back.

  21. Cara, I totally did not make the connection between you and K1RT.. Isn’t that weird? I can be rather appallingly unobservant sometimes. But I really do hope you can bring it back to life, otherwise I may have to! The more Read-Alongs we can muster the better in my book. Are you involved in Knit the Classics? As in do you participate on the reading front rather than the organisational side?
    Also, your swatchy log cabin pieces? I love them. I’ve been wanting to create some form of tapestry wallhanging thing and you’ve totally inspired me to start thinking about getting out the sketchbook and marking out how exactly I want to achieve it. Thanks, honey!

  22. I am usually too behind on my Bloglines feeds to comment on most of them, but I couldn’t resist. I caught your post yesterday and it was cool. And it’s getting cooler. I love the log cabin pattern. I have made (sewn, not knitted) one full-size quilt and one doll quilt and I am amazed at the simple construction and also how many possible ways there are to construct one block AND to put them all together in a top. Endless.
    Have fun with it.

  23. i am overwhelmed by these last few posts! gorgeous, all. log cabinning=must try. (kay and ann just rock, by the way.)
    renata cracked me up, aj.

  24. Good looking backs! Thanks for indulging my curiosity!