Square Dancing

I’m back with my squares again and that makes me very happy. Although this batch of yarn is a wee bit different than the first batch. I’m trying very very hard to suppress the urge to reknit the first 7 squares. I think, in the end, the differences will be okay because it will make the blanket look even more vintagy. The new yarn is a bit brighter and the color more uneven than the first batch, so it’ll look like the blanket aged, you know, under a sundrenched window by the ocean, folded up so that some parts faded and some parts didn’t. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. I’ll finish what’s left and then decide if the color differences are too jarring. Here’s where I am in my progress:

I’m hoping the last squares will go kind of quick. I’m excited to move onto the next phase of putting this all together.

G and I are off again this weekend. To Philadelphia – but with a twist. G has to go down today for work and I’m following tonight – I have a birthday party to shoot this morning – and we’ll be staying at a posh hotel for the weekend. I will see the kids too, but it’ll be more of an adult themed weekend.

Have a great one everybody!
L, C


  1. I think it looks lovely – have a great weekend of Brotherly Love!

  2. I think there’s log cabin-ing in my future. I love it, Cara!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I like the colors you chose! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Can’t wait to see it finished, it’s gonna be squarely awesome…Please have a pretzel for me!

  5. I think the slight variation in colors is going to give the blanket lots of depth and movement. I look forward to seeing the finished blanket — or a peek at all the square to date laid out, please!

  6. The blanket will be fabulous!!! Look at that total climb.

  7. Will it work if the squares are all mixed up so the old and new colors aren’t so obviously separate? I love the way you’re plotting out your “irregular” squares! It’s going to be a beautiful blanket. (What’s the right word? Assymetrical?)

  8. i love the blanket.. it’s going to look great!! and i hope that you can one day put it in a sundrenched window by the ocean 😉

  9. Have a great weekend. Those squares are really going fast. I can’t wait to see the whole thing. I wish someone would put me in front of a sundrenched window by the ocean!

  10. Woohoo! You are just zooming along! I can’t wait to see the completed blanket!

  11. Don’t reknit! They’re gorgeous…

  12. I’m with everyone else. I think the color variations are going to look luscious.

  13. May I ask what yarn you’re using for your squares? The colors are gorgeous!

  14. Those green squares are some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I revisit your site again and again, just to stare at the subtle changes in the greens. I can’t wait to see the finished blanket! Absolutely beautiful.

  15. That’s looking fabulous. And enjoy the “adult-themed” weekend – sounds fun!