Without further ado – a few Halloween pictures:
We’ve got Darth Vader, The Butterfly Princess and The Cutest Baby In The World. Any questions? 😉
Last night was fun – if anything, though, it made me profoundly sad that I’m not writing anymore. I think about it all the time and it weighs on me. The women who read, Deborah Eisenberg and Jayne Ann Phillips, said some interesting things about their process and what their writing life is like. They both agreed that writing is awful – it’s extraordinarily hard and boring most of the time and it’s something you have to force yourself to do. I completely agree. They also said they were lucky because they basically weren’t good at anything else so there wasn’t much competition for their time. BINGO. I don’t want to be good at anything else. I only want to be good at writing. But, fortunately or unfortunately my weekends say otherwise. I’m now double booked with photography jobs – shoots in the morning, shoots in the afternoon – and I’m happy about that. Don’t get me wrong. (Amazed is more like it!) I’ve always said – if you take away my camera tomorrow I will be extremely sad. But I’ll live. If you told me I’d never write another story – I’d be heartbroken. Devastated. I MUST DO IT! I MUST WRITE! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!
Did I ever tell you the story about how I used to tape a note to myself on my alarm clock? It said “How badly do you want to be a writer?” And I’d set the alarm for 5AM or something ungodly like that and try to wake up before my 9-5 job. Never worked. I’m not a morning person. At 5PM – That’s when I write best. Or mid-day. You can’t bully yourself into the process. That’s the lesson. But I’m going to try. An hour. Just sit there. Don’t do anything else. You don’t have to write. But you have to sit there. NO EXCUSES!
I’ve got something else painful to talk about: K1R2. I’ve let it lapse completely. I’m very sorry about that. I just can’t do it right now. I’ve got some feelers out about people taking it over temporarily, and I hope to have it fully functional come the New Year, but for now – it looks like I might have to shut it down for a bit. I’d hate to think it’s gone forever. Maybe a new incarnation? Something more self-sufficient? Message Boards with lots of discussions going on at once? We’ll see. I am sorry though. No formal announcements have been made as of yet – that’s why the post here. But I fear it’s coming. And soon.
How’s that for a cheery note to end the week? I am so busy I can’t think straight. My house is in CHAOS. I might not get to run today after all. AHHHHH! Januaryone can’t come fast enough!
L, C