Rock Star Socks

Let’s play that game – which ROCK STAR do you feel like today? I’m going with Keith Richards. Ugly. Curmudgeonly. Looking like death warmed over. Yeah. I went to bed with that tickle of doom in the back of my throat and woke up with a Ring of Fire. Give me stuffed nostrils and piles of snot filled tissues anyday – there is NOTHING I hate more than a sore throat. WWND?

The night wasn’t all bad though because I did have a dream about Springsteen. I was climbing up the stairs to my seat at a concert, but he was at the top of the stairs. I, of course, was moaning over and over again “I love him. I love him.” and when I got to the top of the stairs I was all like Hey Bruce what’s up and he gave me the jive handshake and said “Hey, how come you never sent me some of the flower cards?” And I was like, “You WANTED me to send you flower cards?” And he said, “Yeah. We’re redecorating the house and Stephanie wanted to see them.” I don’t think much more needs to be stated here, do you? Well, except that in my dreams Bruce and I have a long-running does he really know me kind of relationship. He always seems like he remembers me from the last concert, but I’m always surprised.

Anyway, so I woke up knowing full well my public awaits the unveiling of THE SOCKS. But, my throat is BURNING and I’m feeling all this pressure from the link (Hey all you new readers! Welcome to my blog!) and the weather SUCKS and the light is bad and I’m supposed to be photographer girl and all but I so don’t feel like taking pictures and then I hop on over to Grumperina where she has knit the most beautiful pair of socks for her grandma and has taken even prettier pictures. My loser-meter just exploded.

So then I thought, do I really need to take pictures? I’m sick. I have to go out in this world-ending NorEaster (notice how EASTER is in the name of the storm? Biblical proportions anyone?) to get my hair done. That’s right. My hair. I’ve needed a dye job for like two months and the roots are down to my knees and it’s long and greasy but do I really care about my hair when it’s just going to get all wet after spending a million dollars? NO. But I can’t disappoint. I really can’t.


Jaywalker pattern by Grumperina
Addi US #1s, two circulars
6″ cuff, 9.5″ foot

The only places I went off the pattern were dividing for the heel (because of the 2 circs) and the toe decreases. I was too lazy to figure out the place of the first decreases for the toe because of the whole dpn to 2 circ thing, so I just started decreasing. I LOVE this pattern. I love the fabric it creates. I love the look of it. I’m normally a non-chevron kind of girl – I hate the whole feather and fan thing – but this works for me. It’s tailored, but zippy. And it shows off the colorway so well. Thanks Kathy for a great pattern! I will for sure be using it again.

The yarn. Really, I think the socks speak for themselves. At a high-octane, punk, mosh pit kind of level.

Thanks to EVERYONE for hanging in there with me while I bit my nails to the quick about the yarn sitch. There was a point in the toe decreases that I was SURE I wasn’t going to have enough, and then suddenly it became clear that I wasn’t THAT close. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed it wasn’t more dramatic. I actually had to cut the yarn to do the kitchener.

Like I don’t have ENOUGH drama in my life.


  1. They are fabulous! Glad it all worked out.

  2. YAY! They are fab, C. Simply fab…

  3. How appropriate that you mention The Boss, as I just spent an intimate evening last night with him and 6,000 others of his closest friends. Last time I saw him in concert was 21 years ago, and he STILL ROCKS. Perhaps he needs some knitted socks?

  4. Love the socks! I’ve loved following along with the nail biting journey. Glad you’re getting some notoriety!

  5. OMG, those are stunning! Yet more temptation after Harlot’s post yesterday to abandon the Sensible Black Socks I am making for my dad and veer off into all manner of enticing colorways…

  6. Boy you sure do live on the edge. Just like a rock star….

  7. Love them, love them, Love.Them. Worth every anxious moment.

  8. Those are awesome! Thanks for the inspiration…I see a pair of these in my future…

  9. Rock on with your rock star socks. They are quite fabulous.

  10. You are now ready to rock it out with Bruce in REAL style.

  11. gawgeous.

  12. Fabulous socks! Feel better soon!

  13. Lovely!! I am offically obsessed with knitting my first pair of socks 🙂 What beginner pattern would you recommend? I hope you feel better! This rain is lousy!

  14. If you’re Bruce Springsteen can I be Joan Jett? I don’t give a damn about my reputation . . .

  15. Oh, the things you do for the blog! The pressure you feel. I want you to feel better! Go back to bed and drink plenty.
    I love the socks! They really do rock.

  16. They look great! I especially like the second-to-last picture.

  17. The socks are fucking awesome!! They look like something techno and fabulous.
    Did Norma help you with your throat? I’m sending good thoughts your way for a quick recovery.
    My dreams have been about Brad Pitt…what’s up with that!?

  18. Those socks really rock !
    Beautiful colours and great use of the pattern.
    Gorgeous ! Fab !
    Get better soon.

  19. Love the socks! Great job with the photos despite the lack of solar cooperation. (Love the WWND reference. Inspired.)
    I hope you feel better soon. My sole contribution to modern medicine is to remind you to stay REALLY well hydrated so all the white cells get to the battle with the viri. I’ll send a virtual hug your way, because I know I won’t catch the bug from you that way!

  20. lovely, lovely socks!
    ps. with that whole “down to the knees” thing, are you sure you just don’t need a bikini wax? 😉

  21. Came over via “THE Link” and now I have sock envy. Those are gorgeous!!!

  22. Bee-yoo-tee-ful socks! My Carbon socks look like a shadowy cousin to your Rock Star socks…Love them both, though. I can’t wait to start on the Moss Agate color I have in the stash. I think I’ll use your pattern!

  23. I love the socks. Knew you could do it. Simply beautiful.

  24. I love those! They came out really well. Enjoy!

  25. I love them! They’re totally punk! Great Job!

  26. I love rock ‘n roll!! And you. And your socks. Get better — your fans will want more.

  27. Fantastic socks! Truly worthy of the name Rock Star 🙂

  28. I am so totally copying you on this one. wonderfull yarn for the job. wonderful job for the socks. what lucky feet you have.

  29. It’s official – they’re gorgeous! And I’ll be sending all my completed stuff to you from now on for ~real~ photos.

  30. Oh, yeah, I was hangin’ with The Big Man the other day, and The Boss stopped by, and we of course started talking knitting, and your name came up, and he TOTALLY knew you, it was cool. When *are* you going to send him those flower pictures, dude?

  31. Wow, Cara, those socks are truly awesome! The colorway and the pattern are a perfect fit.
    Also, you clearly love your readers, because in your sickness it looks like you still managed to shave! I let it go for weeks, even when I’m healthy! 😉

  32. Sorry about the cold! The socks are divine.

  33. Go, Cara! Those babies ROCK indeed. I’m glad to have had this vicarious experience; I was thinking I had overbought STR at MS&W because I got 2 skeins each of three colorways, but now you’ve let me know I probably needed that much. Thanks!

  34. Those are really cool socks! I love the colorway & the design. I guess I’d better go check out the pattern.

  35. I *so* need to make that pattern soon. You did such a great job with the “Jayrocker” socks!

  36. love, Love, LOVE the socks!

  37. Jayrocker indeed–these are SO cool!
    Lucky you in dreams, girl…and feel better soon. Poor darling.

  38. LOVE the socks!!!!!!

  39. these socks are gorgeous! i’ve been looking for a pattern for my “socks that rock” skein that i got at rhinebeck and may have to knit these up!!

  40. Fabulous dahling. I’d “recognize” you anywhere in those socks.