Whoa…DUDE, did you see how awesome close that was?*

Socks started Wednesday, October 19th, 6:45.
Pair finished Monday, October 24th, 5:10.

That’s got to be some kind of land speed record, right? Somewhere? Somehow?

Full out photo shoot tomorrow. The light sucks and I’m tired. 😉

*Thanks to Stephanie for the ROCKIN’ Title and for breaking my sitemeter. Whoa…DUDE, did you see how many hits today?!


  1. lmao boy does that look familiar! (had ~6 feet of yarn left on my sirens)…you did it though!
    wtg you (and that’s just too darn fast ;o))…can’t wait for the final photo :o)

  2. I am soooooo glad that had a happy ending! I need one of those scales – one that works anyway. 😉

  3. Wahoo! I knew it would last! Now I can finish my pair (I’m on the 2nd gusset) without hauling out my scale! Congratulations!

  4. I am so relieved … I’ve been crossing my fingers for you all day and logged in just to see if you made it.
    Congratulations! Can’t wait for the studio portrait.

  5. I kept the faith. There was no doubt the yarn would hold out for you. Can’t wait to see the ROCK STARS;-)

  6. Wow, talk about cutting it close!! So glad you made it on the sunny side! (I bet the socks look awesome, too, huh?)

  7. un-freakin’-believable!

  8. Whew! I’ve been holding my breath all day since I found your blog (from stephanie…)

  9. Hey! Remember now that you have all these new blog friends via Steph that I knew you when!
    You are so Rockin’ fast girlfriend! And freaking lucky is just about right. I am totally sitting here with a shit-eatin’ grin on my face (what is that? Who came up with shit-eatin’ grin. Lemme say, a Taste Budds from the festival eatin’ grin! Now that is some grin!) over the socks. Be back tomorrow to see the finished objects!

  10. *yippy*
    So. Close.

  11. Wow. Wow wow wow. Were you all tense the whole time? I would be.

  12. What a rockstar!

  13. Wow! That was amazing!

  14. christ that was close! too close. now I am scared to use mine.

  15. Didn’t I already tell you you were in that top level of bloggers? I might just have to kill myself if I ever got a link from “she who need not be linked”. Because that would certainly be the pinnacle of my internet existence. Congrats on such a close call! I would have probably passed out. 😀

  16. only your knitting blog could be like a radio serial.:-) so glad it all turned out well. beautifully, really. i’ll tune in next time!

  17. DUDE!

  18. Yay you! Are you sure it was 5:10, not 5:09 or 5:11? I love it. Dude, hurry up and show us your rockin’ feet!

  19. How close was that? Unbelievable! Congratulations – that was so very fast.

  20. Yay! Can’t wait to see the finished product!

  21. Where’s the “more revealing” shot? 😉
    (you can now breathe, eh? holy crap, that was close)

  22. Susan Maurer says

    Congrats! I’m so happy for you (and me now) cuz thanks to the temptation that you and Stephanie laid out, I called a pal from my past (Toni Neil, who yes indeed ROCKS!) and ordered three skeins of STR just to make that Jaywalkin’ pattern. If you have an advice for someone on the way to following in your knitted footsteps on this pattern, inquiring knitters want to know!

  23. That is frickin’ impressive. I pride myself on close calls, but that is the best I’ve seen.