Fire on the Mountain

Oops. I did it again. I couldn’t help myself. Really. I swear.

Blame it on Sandra. I was wandering blogland and came across her (attempted) Jaywalker socks in the Fire on the Mountain SOCKS THAT ROCK colorway. I thought they were looking mighty fine, but apparently Sandra’s are way too big. Then I remembered! I had picked up the same colorway at Rhinebeck! ( No “which colorway DIDN’T she get comments” please.) So I cast on. I couldn’t help myself. Things are going swimmingly! I swear these socks are fast. I managed 15 repeats last night – ten more before I start the heel. Finished sock by the end of the weekend, I’m guessing (hoping.)

Know why I picked the Fire on the Mountain colorway?

Cause I used to be a deadhead, that’s why. Surprised? It was a high school thing. And a boyfriend thing to be honest. I’ve never been one to find music on my own. I always find them through other people (mostly guys with whom I’m somehow involved.) You all know Georgie gave me Bruce. My first boyfriend gave me Earth, Wind & Fire. My best friend in high school (a guy) gave me Steely Dan. The “one” gave me the Dead. 😉

I’ve been to a few Dead Shows (and managed to stay sober throughout. HONEST! I did NOT inhale!) When I saw them later on they were really awful – maybe around 93? 94? But when I saw them in ’86 they were amazing. AMAZING. I’ll never forget it. The best part, though, was that my baby sister was four at the time and we used to listen to the Dead together in my basement turned bedroom. We’d dance and sway and she wanted to go with me to the concerts. But my parents wouldn’t let her (which was really, really smart.) I did bring her home a souvenir though – a tie-dye with a huge skull on the front that she proudly wore to preschool. I think they made her take it off because she was scaring the other kids. Way to go sis!

So I think I’ll knit on these socks with a little Jerry and the boys on in the background. R.I.P.


You all think you’re worth so much? How about sharing the wealth!

How pathetic is that? HAHAHAHAHA!

Thanks for all the BLOGIVERSARY wishes! MWAH!

ETA: Letitia, honey, maybe YOU should read one of your books. It’s bad manners not to leave a real email address. And just for that, you’re not getting SOCKS! Thanks for stopping by though.


  1. I think this sock yarn might be the next crack. Or at least the next Cara crack. I am happily anticipating my mystery package. What will it contain? Sumptuous roving? Narcotic sock yarn? A lock of Bruce’s hair? The possibilites are endless…

  2. Well c’mon! If you’d just have a linkfest orgy like the rest of us, then you’d be worth alot too 😉
    You’re making me love that pattern…. and making me craze STR too. Damn you. They should be paying you a percentage. They should have an option at checkout “How did you hear about our yarn: A) In a magazine. B) From a marketplace booth. C) From a website. D) From Cara’s crazed Socks that Rock fiasco.

  3. Oh…what’s the gossip? Was there fightin words that I missed?
    I think you may need professional help for your STR problem. Mine still haven’t come ;(. Maybe you should have announced your obsession AFTER they were shipped. 😉

  4. Now I’m starting to wonder what other colors are out there – I’m stuck with ordering from the website but Fire on the Mountain isn’t included there. It’s definitely one I’d have purchased early on.

  5. Ah, Jerry and the boys. Listened to them in the car today! LOVE GD all the time (I wasn’t a DH until I was 35.)
    If it makes you feel better my blog is worth the same as yours:-( Have a knitterly, socky weekend. FOtM is gorgeous.

  6. My blog’s worth the same as yours, too. WTF is up with that? hee.

  7. You have just sealed the deal on why I love you, Cara. I’m having a rather crappy day, and I come to your site and see the bears, which NEVER fail to make me smile…
    And “Fire on the Mountain” is my all-time favourite Grateful Dead song. Without a doubt. Second to that is their cover of “Good Lovin'”…
    Thank you SO much for putting a better song in my head. Muah.

  8. Oh my GOD that proto-sock is AMAZINGLY INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS.
    I might die if I don’t track that colorway down. I’m totally serious.
    Thank you for introducing something seriously beautiful into my otherwise very hectic day.

  9. P.S. Those socks truly rock. And sway. And do that Grateful Dead dance that only white people in dreads can do. 😉 I LOVE them.

  10. I am loving that pattern AGAIN!
    And I am the same way about music… My best friend in high school gave me Bauhaus, Throwing Muses, and Pixies, my ex-husband: Flat Duo Jets and Soundgarden; ah… there was that cute Sunny Day Real Estate and Pinback boy…[sigh]; and A? He was Dave Matthews, Loudon Wainwright and Counting Crows bootlegs (don’t mock, the boots are way better than the studio albums)…

  11. for god’s sake.
    what is the matter with the rest of your commentors???
    you drop a fucking bomb here with your “the one” reference and everyone else is all like “ooohhh, pretty socks, we love the socks, blah, blah,blah”
    forget the socks —- I don’t give a shit.
    I want DETAILS!!!!!

  12. Yeah, what’s up with that “the one” thing? I thought there was no question about “the one” — this could cause some quantum shaking up, is nothing as it seems?
    Is there a STR colorway that I wouldn’t like? That wouldn’t look good in that wonderful Jaywalk pattern?

  13. Oh how conforting it is to have you. My blog is worth the same. Who the hell is behind this?? BAD. BAD! Oh well. I’d also like some goods on the “one” please! We are all adults here you can give it to us straight. 🙂

  14. Now I know why you like my jolly roger: I think it looks like the bear! It reminds you of your long lost one. Oh, honey.
    and the socks are cool as all heck.
    And even Harlot’s blog is worth nada by that patriarchal bullshit measuringstick. What are they thinking?

  15. I’m jealous, your Jaywalkers are coming out great. Makes me want to take another stab at that “Fire on the Mountain”. I can’t wait to see how the FO will come out.

  16. Your Deadhead story reminded me of this. When I was in high school we used to listen to “Tommy”, a lot, a real lot. When my friend’s (7 year old)little sister’s teacher asked her to sing a song, she sang “The Acid Queen”.

  17. I know you’re using the 2-circular method. Have you ever tried Magic Loop or dpns? What’s your opinion with those techniques?
    Thanks Cara!

  18. Hey, once a deadhead, ALWAYS a deadhead. Seriously 😉
    My dad hadn’t been to a Dead show since the late 70s, but was always, and remains a deadhead. And I inherited it, even naming my first born after a Dead song!
    Love the Fire On The Mountain socks btw. As soon as I saw that post title, I got the song stuck in my head!