Knitting: It’s the new puppy.

I finished my squares, but first, a story.

So I’ve been knitting these squares, right, and one of the nice things about them is that they are super duper portable. More portable than socks and the best part: I can knit them without paying any attention. I know there are people out there can knit while juggling three eggs, and while I’m fast – I usually need to have my eyes watching what my hands are doing. Not so with the squares. It’s the combination of the yarn (no splitting), the needle size (Addi #5s fit perfectly in my hands) and garter stitch. I can walk, chew gum AND knit all at the same time. AMAZING! Anyway, because of this new found skill and my total obsession with squares I’ve been knitting EVERYWHERE. ALL THE TIME.

G asked me to meet him in the city Friday night and I took the train into New York. I was in the elevator going up to the station with another person. A guy – kind of cute. Baseball cap. I was knitting away.

“Isn’t that dangerous? Like running with scissors?” he said.
“Not when you know what you’re doing.” I said.

He then proceeded to tell me that his grandmother taught him to knit. Or maybe crochet. I asked him if it was two sticks or one. Turns out his grandma was a hooker. Fun times. Was he trying to pick me up? I don’t know but I thought it was a good line if he was.

I knit all through a graduation party Saturday night but no one commented on my knitting at all.

Fast forward to Sunday afternoon at the mall. My sister escaped from the black tops of Do The Right Thing Crooklyn to the glory that is the air-conditioned New Jersey mall. Remember how I felt the last time I went shopping with my sister? Yeah. Not the best self-confidence builder. Well, this time I remembered my knitting and I didn’t stop the ENTIRE time we were out. (Except, of course, when I was driving my hot new car.) I knit through an hour of trying on clothes at Bloomingdale’s and not buying anything. I knit through a half hour of trying on clothes at French Connection and (thank GOD!) the exchange on one pair of pants for two new pairs. While we were in French Connection one of the sales guys asked me what I was doing. I told him I was knitting and he seemed amazed that I could knit and watch my sister shop at the same time. When I was sitting in one of the open dressing rooms across from my sister’s dressing room he totally laughed everytime he walked by and gave a hand wave as if to say I was completely ridiculous but fabulous for knitting without end. I know he wasn’t flirting with me because I wasn’t his type at all, if you know what I mean.

Then we went to Nordstrom’s. Shoe department. (Do they actually sell anything else at Nordstrom’s?) I was walking around display shopping and knitting. A cute sales guy asks me what I’m knitting. I tell him. He tells me he would love to learn to knit – if it was socially acceptable and all. I said IT TOTALLY IS! And then he told me that maybe he’d get a book out of the library. Then we go back to looking around and when he comes by us again he tells me I should knit him a hat. I laugh and say – how big’s your head? (See – this is why I don’t think he was flirting with me even though my sister thinks he was because if that’s not an opening I don’t know what is!) This seemed to confuse him a bit but then he disappeared into the back to get my sister’s shoes. At this point my sister was completely flabergasted that my knitting was getting all the attention here. (HAHAHAHA!) When he came back he dropped the shoes off by my sister and totally came over to talk to me. He started telling me his life story. How he gave up his engineering career and how he just got a house and this is his second job. His real job is in finance. He was very sweet and I have no idea what he wanted from me – maybe just to know about knitting? Maybe I reminded him of his dear sweet grandmother that used to knit and he’s lonely and the knitting made me seem kind and open? I thought it was interesting that not one woman said anything to me about my knitting. Only men – and young men at that. I don’t know what this all means but single girls out there – know this: Knitting. It’s the new puppy. Use it wisely.

Without further ado, my green squares. All finished but for the sewing.

Remember how you all thought I went a little overboard with the sock thing? That I might not ever knit anything again? You ain’t seen nothing. The socks? Kid’s play. This log cabin thing may ruin me forever. There are other things I want to knit – remember that whole Japanese sweater? Yeah. I’d still love to knit that. But these log cabins have taken over my brain like some kind of mad knit disease and I can’t stop thinking about them.

Now that I’ve finished the green squares (Kay? Whenever you’re ready I’m ready babe!) I’m already planning my next blanket. I’m seeing them more like canvases rather than functional pieces. Have you ever had this feeling – it’s like your brain is so full of the idea that it feels like it might burst if you don’t get it out? That’s how I’ve been feeling all weekend. I’ve been doodling, playing with Photoshop – dreaming about the damn squares. It’s a sickness. But if loving squares is wrong – I don’t ever want to be right again. Stay tuned.

Back to the green squares – I anticipated the photo shoot of all 12 squares the whole weekend and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I wanted something different. I finished the 12th square this morning and then I went out for a run. I’m so fat but at least I’m trying. Anyway – I kept running past all these nice lush patches of lawn and I thought that’s perfect! So you have the pictures above. And then, when I was heading home to my nice air-conditioned apartment, I saw this patch of greens.

It’s my log cabin in nature. Cool huh?

I never talked about my day with those goofy pug lovers. It was more fun that I thought I should share. I didn’t want to incite any ugly envy or anything. I will say this: when Jen, Xavi and I were on the train home we saw this amazing rainbow. And as Ann suggested, cherry pies started falling from the sky. It was that good. And thanks for all the kind words you left for me! It’s nice to know you think such nice things about me. I thought for sure I’d get a least one bitch. Or maybe even a mothafucka. Nothing. I really am losing my touch.

Spin Out UPDATE!

Get your prizes here! Right here! I’ve got quite a few prizes to announce: Emily of Sophie’s Toes Sock Yarn has graciously donated two skeins of her hand-dyed sock yarn in the colors “Handsome Park Ranger” and “Summer in the City” – you know – in honor of our little event! (And be sure to check out her quilts. They are breathtaking!) Stacey at Made By Ewe offered up one of her hand painted spindles and some of her yarn. Beautiful stuff! Potter Craft, publishers of the ever famous Mason Dixon Knitting and Big Girl Knits, is sending over a collection of goodies. Kelly at The Gabby Knitter is donating some of her fabulous hand dyed sock yarn. Jennifer over at Spirit Trail Fiberworks is sending us some of her hand-dyed gorgeousness! Sivia Harding has donated two BRAND NEW beaded sock patterns. You know how I feel about my Sivia (of the Diamond Fantasy Shawl fame!) And last but not least, Kathy Elkins of WEBS has generously donated a fantastic knitty prize! More details to come! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL! I’m overwhelmed by all of your generosity!

We’re T Minus 5 Days until the big event, but the Registry will be open until June 30th. So there’s plenty of time to give. Now who’s going to push me over the edge? So far today we’ve got a total of $9996! THANK YOU!

Swimmin’ with the Pugs

If you need me today, I’ll be over here. In the meantime, I’m totally co-opting this cool meme thing I saw over at Kimberly’s:

Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me — it can only be one word long. Then copy and paste this into your blog so that I may leave a word about you.

Go to it chickies!

My Tongue Hurths.

Thomething happened to my tongue yetherday and it really really hurths. I think I burned it. But not on the uthual tip – on the thide. Tho everytime it toucheth my teeth it hurths. FUCK!

Thanks for coming out yesterday to cheer on this grand experiment! What I love best of all is that the marjority of the comments were from people I don’t know – which is FANTASTIC! Out with the old in with the NEW! I’ve been trying to respond back to everyone in one way or another, so bear with me. If you get an email from me like six weeks from now you’ll hopefully understand. I’m slow sometimes. And no, Lucia, I don’t think that knitblogging is over. Not by a long shot – I do think that the lull these days is caused by a seasonal thing – the kids ARE out of school. The weather IS hot. We’re all feeling a bit gin and tonics on the porch-ish. (Although make mine a lemonade please.) Add to that the normal ebb and flow of knitblogs and there you have it. God help me if the knitblogs go away – how else will I fill the time avoiding deciding whether or not to try to get pregnant? (Did I just say that out loud? Shit. I kid. Kidding. (hahahaha – kid – when talking about trying to get pregnant?!) I PROMISE I am taking my medication. It’s Summer. I always go crazy in the Summer.) Change is good, or so I try to tell myself as I grasp onto the last bit of normalcy with my fingernails turning white and my hair blowing around as the winds of change try to knock my “normal” into oblivion. Change is good.

Did you know that there are no original ideas? I was all psyched about my Log Cabin Knits idea that I went out and bought the URL and everything. Then I come to find that there’s a KAL here and there was one here which I guess got folded up into this one. So, of course, I thought, does the world really need another log cabin knitalong? And suprisingly, the answer I received from the universe was a resounding YES! That’s the beauty of this thing – there’s room for EVERYONE! (Also I paid for the freaking name and by god I’m going to use it.) I’m working out some technical stuff, but I envision something with lots of white (sort of like this blog) with Show & Tell Fridays and a very, very loose format where you can post if you want or don’t want and share inspiriations and books and websites and people who inspire you and where it’s all about the LOG CABIN in every form you can think of. Just want to knit endless squares and never put them together into anything? This is the place for you. And while my log cabin was of course inspired by Mason Dixon Knitting, the log cabin’s of my future (I’ve got like 87 planned out in my head. It’s very full in there these days.) are inspired by many many many different things. Therefore this KAL will NOT be associated with MDK (which the others seem to be) except in that it bows at the feet of Ann & Kay with reverence.

What do you think? Am I being an ass trying to reinvent the wheel? Or should I just go with my vision? I would just hate to step on any toes. Opinions welcome. Thank you!

There’s MORE STUFF TO GIVE AWAY over at SPIN OUT Central. Teyani of Crown Mountain Farms has upped her prize contribution from two skeins of SOCK HOP Yarn in the never before seen colorway Love Me Tender to include one skein of superwash merino fiber (in Sock Hop Colors), one set of GORGEOUS handmade Asciano rosewood knitting needles and a handmade Jenkins turkish drop spindle. Thank you Teyani and Klaus! Morgaine from Carolina Homespun is sending us a generous prize package including learn to spin kits and fiber! Thank you Morgaine! And last but not least, Patty and Maureen from Green Mountain Spinnery in Vermont are sending in a Painted Hat kit which includes the pattern and two colors of Mountain Mohair and a carry bag. The best news though – THEY’RE COMING DOWN FROM VERMONT FOR THE EVENT! Can’t wait to meet you! THANK YOU THANK YOU!

I also heard from Heifer International yesterday – we’re like the poster child for amazing things you can do with a registry. They are very very grateful for all you are doing. Thank you from them and thank you from me.

That’s still really nice, isn’t it? Damn. Where the hell’d my MOFO go?

DUDE! Why I still blog: Reason #429

(Warning: this is one of those feel good rose colored glasses the universe is a beautimous place post. If you’re one of those people who hates everything and everyone, back away slowly. I’m usually like that myself so I understand the nausea. I promise to be back to my cynical sarcastic fugly self tomorrow. Thanks! Have a great day!)

Have you noticed it too? That the knitblog world seems so, I don’t know, quiet? Maybe it’s just shifting, as these things are wont to do? I just dont know. It seems like lots of people I used to see around all the time have just sort of disappeared. Or maybe it’s just that everyone got a life and I missed the memo? (Maybe it’s me? I promise to shower more.) I’ve been thinking about this a lot the last couple of weeks. Like maybe it’s all ending and the new new thing is coming along and I still just want to write in my blog and show off my stuff and I have a compulsion to share! In some ways I’ve never been more excited about my knitting and where it’s going and I’m not one of those people that can keep my mouth shut. I find it interesting – this incredibly fluid incredibly fickle world we pseudo live in. I guess that IS what keeps it interesting. I DO STILL have faith in all of it – this big goofy experiment of a community where people come together because they love this one thing – this fiber thing – and then they bare their souls and actually become friends and join together to care about stuff. I BELIEVE!

Because, for instance, just yesterday THIS came in the mail.

NORMA! You nut! I laughed for like a half an hour and then everytime I went into the dining room and saw it sitting on the stack of mail I laughed again. DUDE! You ROCK! Thank you! (What’s so funny is that I rarely say dude except with my knitter friends. You guys bring the dude out in me. It’s true.)

And then, the other day, these found their way into my home:

BRIGHT! CHEERY! HIGH ENERGY! Gotta love my girl Jenny! She was all worried about me that I wouldn’t get sockapaloooza socks so she somehow got my foot dimensions and knit me a pair. How freaking sweet is that? I put them on immediately and I love them – because yes – I love the socks, but more so because they’re from Jenny and even though I met her for a couple of hours one really sunny day two years ago May, we made a connection and I love her. Thank you Jenny!

ETA: I did receive Sockapaloooza socks. Lovely ones. From Elizabeth. Thank you Elizabeth!

And in the blow my socks off with a 50 lb canon category I received this:

I can’t even begin to describe to you what these are. Stephanie of Spritely Goods was the FIRST person to offer up a prize for the Spin Out – even before I knew I was going to give prizes. Even before I knew that there would be a fundraiser for Heifer – SHE KNEW. She generously donated some hand-dyed batts. Then she donated money to the cause, and then, because you know, enough is never enough, she offered up some SAMPLE BATTS for spinners attending the event. MINI SAMPLE BATTS! Are you freaking KIDDING me?

I guess not because these little babies arrived in my mailbox and I swear to you I cried. Obviously, Stephanie lovingly carded all this fiber, made the little batts, made the mini labels. Do you know what the back of the label says? I’ll read it to you:

In honor of June’s Project Spectrum color Blue, I’m pleased to present you with a sample of handblended merino fiber in the Desert Daybreak Colorway. Enjoy and spin happily! – Stephanie

She’s even getting you all in on Project Spectrum!!! I need a new way to say it but THIS GIRL ROCKS! Sure, sure, the cynics among us will say free advertising, but c’mon. The amount of work that went into this was way more than what she’ll get from the free ads. As Georgie said when he came home and I showed them to him – she’s just a little bit better than me. My god Stephanie. I’m so incredibly touched that Ann can come with up a crazy idea and that people like you can take off with it. Thank you thank you thank you. Get there EARLY people. This gold ain’t going to last!

I still blog because people came out of the woodwork yesterday to ask if I was okay. You know. Because I said I’m going to host another knit along. I’m fine. It’s all good. I have a plan. HAHAHAHAHAHA! No really. Thank you for your concern. Yes I’m still seeing my psychiatrist. Yes the drugs are working fine. Yes. Yes. No. Not really. Do you think it would help? Really, though. I’m okay. It’s going to be great. And I think, this way, I’ll get to meet lots of new people! As I said, the knitblog world is constantly changing and while I miss my old friends that have moved onto greener pastures, I’m making new friends! Have you read Julia’s blog, Fricknits? She takes really beautiful pictures and has the cutest little boy and knits well and teaches kids to knit and most importantly she writes really really well. Go check her out! And the other day I saw a great meme type thing over at Victoria’s blog (who also takes some really really nice pictures,) Peace and Sereknitty. It’s sort of the anti-high school meme. What I Really Like About Me. Victoria would like us to all be a bit kinder to ourselves by stating five things (baby steps) we like about ourselves. Here are my five:

1. I have a great neck. Long and thin and ballerina like.
2. I think I have a pretty good sense of humor. And most importantly I can laugh at myself.
3. I’m loyal to the bitter end. If I’m your friend – you’re stuck with me.
4. I am extremely passionate about what I love and what I don’t love.
5. I’m well mannered – I always say please and thank you. I think please and thank you go a long way toward helping people feel appreciated.
(I’m adding an extra because I just can’t leave it out. Yeah. I’m all about the self love.)
6. I have great feet. Perfect feet. Pretty feet. I love my feet.

See? Blogworld is still a great place to pull up a piece of the Internets and grow some roots. HAVE A GREAT DAY! THANK YOU FOR READING!
L, C

Love Square No. 9

Whew! What a weekend! I photographed a birthday party Friday afternoon then hopped a train to Philly. When I got there, since G was working all day Friday and Friday night, I joined my sister and the kids at an elementary school carnival. No rides, just lots of games and about a zillion kids hopped up on cotton candy. CRAZY!

Saturday morning I lounged around and then G and I had babysitting duty. We watched the baby while the rest of the family went to see The Lion King. We ended up in Rittenhouse Park, with my brother, and I was looking for all those crazy Philly KIPers, but I couldn’t find any. We got there around 3 – I guess everyone had left by then. We had a fun time pointing at planes and dogs and squirrels and birds and eating applesauce and then the rest of the family met up with us.

G and I had adult time at dinner that night – at Pod. Eh. The service sucked – well – not sucked really, but we had 9:30 reservations and they didn’t seat us until after 10. Okay. Fine. I understand that you can’t control how fast people eat and all and everyone else with reservations was waiting as well – BUT this couple came in, a couple that can only be described as acid washed – nuff said – and they were all kissy and huggy with pretty much everyone from the hostesses to the bus boys and guess who didn’t have to wait long for a table? And then got a PRIME table? And then guess who got seated at a dirty table so that the guy could clean it off right into my lap and I had the smell of moldy cleaning fluid in my nose the whole time? I actually yelled at the hostess. I said you sat us a half hour after our reservation but you couldn’t wait the five minutes to set up the table? They attempted to take care of us with a free appetizer and free dessert – which was GOOD. They did the right thing, but it was almost too much and they fucked up other parts of the order and in the end I wouldn’t waste my time again. The food was decent, but I’m sure there’s better out there. So much for the amazing Stephen Starr.

Besides the kids and hanging with my man, the best part of the weekend was right outside my hotel window:

Sunday was the Philadelphia International Championship, which went right by our hotel at Logan Circle. Very cool! Check out that Peleton! The whole time I was snapping away I was thinking of our Claudia – who’s riding for MS. Have you donated over there yet? I know I’ve been asking you for money nonstop, but Claudia’s raising for an extremely good cause, so if you can’t give here – give there. Or give to both. That’s what I’ve done. I matched my Heifer donation with a donation to fight MS. Thank you!

There was KNITTING TOO! Look what I did!

Two more squares!! Nona asked for a real life progress shot so here you go:

I’ve finished NINE completely and I’m already well into No. 10. I LOVE THIS PROJECT! I’m not sure how I’m going to put all the squares together – I’m going to wait for input from The Master. Oh and for all those asking about the yarn – it’s Socks That Rock, heavyweight version, in Limestone (light), Jade (medium) and Beryl (dark.) I’m getting lots of questions and comments about this blanket and seems like you all love it as much as I do so I thought, you guessed it, time for a KNIT-A-LONG. (You know, because I didn’t learn my lesson from the last one.)

I’m still working out the details on how I’m going to do this and I’m pretty preoccupied right now with Spin Out stuff, so let’s say it’ll have a July 1st opening. Details to come! Watch out for it!

And finally, I was over at Six and A Half Stitches where there was some talk of piles. That’s one of my favorite things about my log cabin squares – feeling the heft of the piles – the way they line up or don’t line up – the alternate colors peeking through. Here is my pile:

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

Spin Out: Triple Double!!!

Did I have a good weekend? YOU BET! I cannot find the words. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! We’ve reached another goal and I’m pushing it even further. Double Double Double Chai!

LET’S GET TO $10800!!!

Did you see what my friend High Energy Jenny is doing? She’s selling off some SPECTACULAR kits and giving all the money to Heifer! HOW MUCH DOES THAT ROCK? Go see what she’s got left! THANK YOU JENNY!

And Jeannine Bakriges, knitter, spinner, dyer, teacher, writer extraordinaire, has generously donated FIVE copies of Knit Lit Too and an Adam Mielke spindle! THANK YOU JEANNINE!

All the information on donating and winning can be found HERE!

I cannot adequately tell you what your donations – all of them – mean to me! I’ve never done anything like this before and I’m truly touched by your generosity. THANK YOU!

Square Dancing

I’m back with my squares again and that makes me very happy. Although this batch of yarn is a wee bit different than the first batch. I’m trying very very hard to suppress the urge to reknit the first 7 squares. I think, in the end, the differences will be okay because it will make the blanket look even more vintagy. The new yarn is a bit brighter and the color more uneven than the first batch, so it’ll look like the blanket aged, you know, under a sundrenched window by the ocean, folded up so that some parts faded and some parts didn’t. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. I’ll finish what’s left and then decide if the color differences are too jarring. Here’s where I am in my progress:

I’m hoping the last squares will go kind of quick. I’m excited to move onto the next phase of putting this all together.

G and I are off again this weekend. To Philadelphia – but with a twist. G has to go down today for work and I’m following tonight – I have a birthday party to shoot this morning – and we’ll be staying at a posh hotel for the weekend. I will see the kids too, but it’ll be more of an adult themed weekend.

Have a great one everybody!
L, C

Spin Out: The Verklempt Files

Yesterday I received this email from Josie:

Hi There:

Love your blog and the organization Heifer International. I am happy to say that on behalf of the second grade class at Anansi Charter School in Taos, New Mexico, I have donated $100.00 towards a knitting basket. I taught the entire 2nd grade to knit this year (12 boys, 4 girls) and they loved it. Here is the blanket that they knitted and which I assembled. We raffled the blanket to raise money for them to paint a sign for school and to do a ropes course at the end of the year with the balance going for the knitting basket. They were very proud of their accomplishment ( and I was too!) Thanks for this fundraiser–you’re doing good work!


Go ahead. Grab your tissues. I’ll still be here. HONK. SNORT. There. That’s better. Never, in my widlest dreams, did I think I’d get emails like this. THANK YOU JOSIE! THANK YOU KIDS! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT!

L, C

PS – Besides THE WHEEL(!!!!!), we’ve had a couple more prize donations: Susan from Spinning Bunny has donated 16 ounces of hand dyed targhee in any of her colorways – winner’s choice – and 2 skeins of 50% superwash merino 50% tencel sock yarn in any of her colorways – winner’s choice. And Roxy from Roxy Yarns is sending us Serendipity Knitting Needles and Interlacements yarn. THANK YOU SUSAN AND ROXY!


I haven’t been able to contain my excitement! I’ve been bursting at the seams, but now I can SHOUT IT!

Are you ready? I don’t think you’re ready. Seriously. Sit down. Okay?

It was all Tina‘s idea. And then she talked to Toni and WE’RE GIVING AWAY A WHEEL!!!!! I shit you not!!

It’s a Majacraft Suzie Pro – with the green wheel – and Toni tells me it’s handpainted on the back.


And how do you WIN this FANTASTIC, SPECTACULAR, FABULOUS, STUPENDOUS GRAND FREAKING PRIZE? I’m glad you asked. Here’s the info yet again:

I’ve set up a REGISTRY at Heifer International.

For every $10.00 you spend on this registry, your name will be placed in the proverbial hat for drawings in the coming weeks. For instance, if you spend $50.00, your name will be put in the hat 5 times. You can win more than one prize if your name is in there more than once – we will not be pulling out multiple names after a win. There are various ways to spend:

— Knitting Basket: $500.00
— Share of a Knitting Basket: $50.00
— A Full Llama: $150.00
— Share of a Llama: $20.00
— A Full Sheep: $120.00
— Share of a Sheep: $10.00
— Trio of Rabbits: $60.00
— Share of Rabbits: $10.00
— A Full Goat:$120.00
— Share of a Goat: $10.00
— A Full Pig: $120.00
— Share of a Pig: $10.00
— Chicks: $20
— Bees: $30

The way the registry works is this – click on the type of animal you’d like to buy – whether it be a full animal or a share of an animal. You will then be taken to a page about the animal and given the option to purchase the whole animal or just a share! It’s as EASY as that!

I hope there is something for everyone here. The FABULOUS and FANTASTIC PRIZES will be awarded ALL OVER THE WORLD! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND THE EVENT TO WIN! So if you can’t be there on the 24th, you can still be there in SPIRIT!

Since the registry only tells me that you’ve given, not how much (for raffle purposes) here’s what I’m asking: WHEN YOU DONATE TO HEIFER THROUGH THE REGISTRY (and I know you will 😉 ), PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO STATING HOW MUCH YOU GAVE. Otherwise, you’ll be put in the raffle pot ONCE, regardless of how much you donated.



aka Random Wednesday.

– Please go watch this video. It has given me immense pleasure this morning. I’ve watched it no less than ten times. Seriously. I just watched it again and it’s fantastic!

– Yesterday I waited for my new stove to be delivered. They were supposed to come between 1 and 5 PM. My building has strict rules – deliveries HAVE to happen before 5. At 4PM I called dispatch and said, um, remember how I told you the delivery had to be before 5, well, um, where’s my stuff? They said they’d be there. At 4:57 they called and said they’d be late. Can we try to deliver anyway? I said sure but the building will turn you away. At 5:32 I got a call from the delivery guys saying they were turned away. Can they come today? Anyone want odds that I’ll be cooking tonight? ETA: THEY’RE HERE!

– Actually, I can tell you I won’t be cooking tonight because G and I are taking my sister out to Brooklyn to finally move her stuff into her new place. She’s been staying here and for the last three nights we’ve gone “shopping.” I put the word shopping in quotation marks because even though we’ve spent hours in a handful of stores trying on hundreds of garments I think she bought like one pair of pants. Or maybe more than that but she’s returning everything but one pair of pants. My baby sister, bless her heart, can’t shop retail. She can only shop thrift stores and New Jersey, Valley of the Damned Mall, doesn’t have many thrift stores. Or at least none that I know of but I’m strictly a retail girl. I’ve learned a lot these last few days shopping with my sister. Mainly that I’m old and fat. It’s been really really disconcerting watching her try on clothes. She did point out that when I was 24 my body didn’t look like it does now (Thanks. Thanks a lot.) but I know my body doesn’t look like it did when I was 24. What bothers me is that for every size 4 she tried on it seemed like someone had a bycicle pump attached to my belly and was pumping pumping pumping me up. And this is the week AFTER my period, when I’m supposed to feel all deflated and everything. I’m not going to even get into the fashion. It’s like I’ve been living under a rock. I look at her clothes and think my god she’s got a strange sense of style – I mean she wore a cowl neck thingy to work today that I swear to god I had in seventh grade – and then I go to the stores AND THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE SELLING! I was shocked! And the brands! I haven’t even heard of half these brands. All I want is a nice pair of jeans that fits me and doesn’t cut in my crotch doesn’t show my ass crack and doesn’t flare out like a freaking parachute at the bottom. Is that too much to ask? Throw in a bit of stretch and you’ve got yourself a deal.

I have never really felt old. In my mind I’m a much more mature, oh, let’s say, 20. 20 was a good year. But these last few days I’ve felt like my sister’s mother, waiting for her outside the dressing room, all dumpy and gross in my baseball cap. So not fair. Before you tell me to stop wallowing and get off my fat ass, I have been. Last week I got on the scale and I had tipped my threshold weight. You know – the spot on the dial that you swear YOU WILL NEVER GO OVER? Yeah. I went over. But instead of waddling into to the kitchen to open the new bag of chips, I strapped on my sneakers and got out and ran. I’ve been running for a week, I guess. Today was supposed to be a run day but it’s pouring outside and I have to wait for the freaking oven guys anyway. Hopefully tomorrow. I hate the way I feel right now.

– Knittng has been nonexistant and I really, really miss it. I haven’t been bringing it with me while I’ve been out shopping with my sister which is just so stupid really. I mean, I could’ve been relaxing with my shit while she’s been trying on clothes and I just know it wouldn’t have been so awful for me. Don’t ask me why I haven’t brought it with me – I don’t know. Maybe I want to feel sorry for myself? My squares yarn came and it’s great and I found my size 5s I thought I lost and I should just sit on the couch all day today and knit but I started cleaning yesterday and it felt kind of good to see the floor again so I’ll probably keep going with that. And I have some work to do too. Bleh.

– Have I mentioned I hate Summer? It doesn’t matter if it’s rainy and cold outside, if the calendar says Summer my brain goes into hyperdrive. I’m already sick of myself and it’s only June 7th. Maybe you should reconsider sticking around. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

– There is some GOOD news around here! First up, WE HAVE AN OMBRE WINNER! The MDK girls picked

A Very Brady Ombre
(or “Groovy Ombre”) by PBnJ: Avocado Green, Burnt Orange, Harvest Gold, and “Paneling Brown.” Apprently, 1971 was Harvest Gold year for both of them! Congratulations PBnJ!

Also, we’re at $4846 in the Heifer Registry! YAY! And some new fantastic prizes came in yesterday: Paula and Kate at Woolarina are pitching in some yarn and stuff. (Go tell Paula CONGRATULATIONS on her wedding this weekend! YAY PAULA!) Allison from the Simply Sock Yarn Company has some fabulous Toasty Toes to send us. Lori Lawson, fiber artist extraordinaire, from the Capistrano Fiber Arts Studio in San Juan Capistrano, CA, is putting together a generous package of hand painted fiber and yarn for us. And last but not least, Cecil Miskin from Buffalo Gold has donated a huge gift of buffalo goodies: fiber and yarn and fiber for felting! I can’t wait to feel the buffalo! (Oh and be sure to check out the contest Buffalo Gold is sponsoring over at Wild Fibers Magazine – you can win $1000 shopping spree at Buffalo Gold!) THANK YOU ALL!