My Tongue Hurths.

Thomething happened to my tongue yetherday and it really really hurths. I think I burned it. But not on the uthual tip – on the thide. Tho everytime it toucheth my teeth it hurths. FUCK!

Thanks for coming out yesterday to cheer on this grand experiment! What I love best of all is that the marjority of the comments were from people I don’t know – which is FANTASTIC! Out with the old in with the NEW! I’ve been trying to respond back to everyone in one way or another, so bear with me. If you get an email from me like six weeks from now you’ll hopefully understand. I’m slow sometimes. And no, Lucia, I don’t think that knitblogging is over. Not by a long shot – I do think that the lull these days is caused by a seasonal thing – the kids ARE out of school. The weather IS hot. We’re all feeling a bit gin and tonics on the porch-ish. (Although make mine a lemonade please.) Add to that the normal ebb and flow of knitblogs and there you have it. God help me if the knitblogs go away – how else will I fill the time avoiding deciding whether or not to try to get pregnant? (Did I just say that out loud? Shit. I kid. Kidding. (hahahaha – kid – when talking about trying to get pregnant?!) I PROMISE I am taking my medication. It’s Summer. I always go crazy in the Summer.) Change is good, or so I try to tell myself as I grasp onto the last bit of normalcy with my fingernails turning white and my hair blowing around as the winds of change try to knock my “normal” into oblivion. Change is good.

Did you know that there are no original ideas? I was all psyched about my Log Cabin Knits idea that I went out and bought the URL and everything. Then I come to find that there’s a KAL here and there was one here which I guess got folded up into this one. So, of course, I thought, does the world really need another log cabin knitalong? And suprisingly, the answer I received from the universe was a resounding YES! That’s the beauty of this thing – there’s room for EVERYONE! (Also I paid for the freaking name and by god I’m going to use it.) I’m working out some technical stuff, but I envision something with lots of white (sort of like this blog) with Show & Tell Fridays and a very, very loose format where you can post if you want or don’t want and share inspiriations and books and websites and people who inspire you and where it’s all about the LOG CABIN in every form you can think of. Just want to knit endless squares and never put them together into anything? This is the place for you. And while my log cabin was of course inspired by Mason Dixon Knitting, the log cabin’s of my future (I’ve got like 87 planned out in my head. It’s very full in there these days.) are inspired by many many many different things. Therefore this KAL will NOT be associated with MDK (which the others seem to be) except in that it bows at the feet of Ann & Kay with reverence.

What do you think? Am I being an ass trying to reinvent the wheel? Or should I just go with my vision? I would just hate to step on any toes. Opinions welcome. Thank you!

There’s MORE STUFF TO GIVE AWAY over at SPIN OUT Central. Teyani of Crown Mountain Farms has upped her prize contribution from two skeins of SOCK HOP Yarn in the never before seen colorway Love Me Tender to include one skein of superwash merino fiber (in Sock Hop Colors), one set of GORGEOUS handmade Asciano rosewood knitting needles and a handmade Jenkins turkish drop spindle. Thank you Teyani and Klaus! Morgaine from Carolina Homespun is sending us a generous prize package including learn to spin kits and fiber! Thank you Morgaine! And last but not least, Patty and Maureen from Green Mountain Spinnery in Vermont are sending in a Painted Hat kit which includes the pattern and two colors of Mountain Mohair and a carry bag. The best news though – THEY’RE COMING DOWN FROM VERMONT FOR THE EVENT! Can’t wait to meet you! THANK YOU THANK YOU!

I also heard from Heifer International yesterday – we’re like the poster child for amazing things you can do with a registry. They are very very grateful for all you are doing. Thank you from them and thank you from me.

That’s still really nice, isn’t it? Damn. Where the hell’d my MOFO go?


  1. I made an announcement about the Spin Out at my knitting group last night. They all wanted to come. It’s frickin’ huge Cara, seriously. You done good girl.

  2. I still have a log cabin quilt that I never managed to sew together. I think I can handle having a bunch of squares that I keep around. About that blanket I made, I just did a round of eyelets before starting on the garter stitch border.

  3. I totally do not believe knitblogging is over. Things can only build for so long before they experience a, quite natural, lull.
    Unless knitting becomes culturally unacceptable, and we all lose our internet connections, I think people are going to want to talk about their projects and they are going to want to share a place in an online community of knitters that expands their social network in a different way.

  4. There can never be too many KALs, and besides, yours will be the revolutionary one…

  5. It’s amazing what everyone does! The donations to Heifer Intl, Claudia’s sponsorships for MS, The Dulaan Project, and many others I’m not mentioning. I love that aspect of this “community.”
    I totally need to try this log cabin thing. I really want to make a blanket, but not out of squares. Your squares look fantastic — I am just all done with seaming a zillion squares!
    [but why does it seem I don’t have the proper yarn in stash to make a blanket? hmm.]

  6. I agree. You can never have too many KALs. And cotton squares are the perfect light, summer, knit.

  7. You know, there is never too much of a good thing, okay, well maybe if it’s too much ice cream and then you go for a ride on a roller coaster, but knitting? blogging ? knit alongs? never enough 🙂
    I so totally wish I could be there for your spin off! We’ll be spinning along from across the country, while we’re at Black Sheep Gathering in Oregon – congrats on such great success!!

  8. Grrl…it’s all good…every last bit, every last word. You da bomb.

  9. As Oliver once said, “I’d like some more please”.
    I’m in! And I hope I say thank you enough for all the inspiration. You Rock!

  10. I would love to be in on a log-cabin along. I’ve had this idea spinning around in my head for a spiral log cabin. The devil on my left shoulder says to start it despite the bajillion other projects I’ve got; the angel on my right says to wait.
    Clearly, you are on the side of the devil, and I love you for it.

  11. Heifer contacted you! How fantastic!

  12. Hey, my name in lights! Sorry about the tongue thing. I once had a similar experience wherein my (former) dentist gave me a temporary filling and left a sandpaper-like residue on the inside of the tooth. Even after she had removed it, all the rinses and painkillers in the world were doing nothing for my severely abraded tongue when I finally got the idea of sticking a small piece of flannel over the teeth on that side and biting down on it. I sounded rather drunk for a day or two, but at least I could talk without pain.
    I wish I could go to Spin Out, but I can’t, so I guess I’ll just go give Heifer some money already.

  13. Sorry about your tongue injury. 🙁 Those really suck (no pun intended). As for blogging, it seems to ebb and flow, like with everything else. You’re definitely not alone in blogland, believe me!

  14. Maybe your MOJO ate it?
    My jaw hurts. I prescribe margaritas. Lots of margaritas.

  15. Did you ever see the list of Knit-alongs here:
    Right off the bat, I see two World Cup knit-alongs and a bazillion other knit-alongs that I’ve never even heard of before! There are so many “circles” of knit-blogs and knit-alongs — continuously growing and changing — that it’s impossible to keep up and/or to call any one thing the be-all and end-all.

  16. There may be no new ideas, but the good ones just keep getting recycled in new and inventive ways. I definitely am in for a KAL–overcommitted? yes. underfunded? absolutely. willing? always. Thanks for your zeal and inspiration to all us knoggers (that’s knit bloggers). I am in awe of the wonderful work you are spearheading for Heifer Intl. Amazing.

  17. Absolutely do this knit-a-long… it’s a must! That’s wonderful what you’re doing for Hefer!! I was in Honduras last summer and the need is so great for small farms, etc. So great! Also I heard Prove it All Night on the way home from work today and thought of you!! Brruuuuuuce! (hope the tounge feels better, just another grand excuse for Ice Cream!)

  18. I think you should definitely do the new knit-along! I am in! And I am also curious about how you got the super neat edges on your squares. Do share your secret!

  19. I am dying to do a log cabin. Your square are just so, so lovely! Do I still have time to make a donation (pls. say “YES”!)

  20. yikes! your poor tongue!
    Hope it feels better soon 😀 Or have some ice cream 😉 that’s sure to help 😀

  21. knitblogging is SO not over!! i am hearing from lots of wonderful people on a regular basis who put aside large chunks of time to read blogs. it is the correspondence of our time.
    i really, REALLY want to come to the spinout; but i am all the way in ohio!! (NYC is my former home)
    maybe possibly somehow, we can squeeze in a weekend trip; i’m starting to feel like if i don’t go, i will miss out on something really important

  22. Meg Caulmare says

    At the risk of sounding really mundane while everyone else is so involved and committed to keeping up with each others’ creativity – I envy you all your energy! I love to read the blogs of thinking knitters and spinners.
    But back to the mundane: Please, WHAT is that lovely shawl photographed over the arm of the chair? The photo is one of the ones that rotates at the top of the front page. Lovely!
    Thanks – and all of you keep up the reading/knitting/spinning/designing/social conciousness raising. You lift us all up.

  23. Well, last night I frogged my first LC Square. It was wonky and uneven… as you can see on the entry from last week. sigh. but the windmill square which will be part of my log cabin blanket is coming along much better.
    BTW: Have you seen the lovely LogCabin variations in S. Melville’s COLOR?