Swimmin’ with the Pugs

If you need me today, I’ll be over here. In the meantime, I’m totally co-opting this cool meme thing I saw over at Kimberly’s:

Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me — it can only be one word long. Then copy and paste this into your blog so that I may leave a word about you.

Go to it chickies!


  1. Honest.

  2. Cool.

  3. inspiring.

  4. bushwacka

  5. Hyper 🙂

  6. Talented.
    But I could think of 500 more!

  7. Enthusiastic.
    (don’t know if that’s the BEST one, but it’s one that makes me think of you.)

  8. brave.

  9. Rocks
    Just catching up after some exams – I agree on the whole quiet in blog land thing. I feel I came in on it quite late. Your blog is one of my favourites though as it iss very well written, has frequent posts and gorgeous photos.

  10. Real

  11. Artist

  12. Generous….
    NO time to work on my blog…need to head to school for work day. But I am always amazed by your generousity, and do enjoy reading your blog.

  13. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

  14. dude 🙂

  15. Open

  16. Friend.

  17. Awesome

  18. Intense.

  19. witty.
    (do those pugs really swim? i got two of ’em and they sink faster than rocks.)

  20. Talented

  21. Fun

  22. “hairy?”
    or maybe by now “smooth”
    (yes i read ann’s post first)

  23. passionate

  24. Energetic.

  25. Genuine.

  26. Prolific.

  27. supercalafragilisticexpialidoushus
    *I know I spelled that way wrong but you get the point.

  28. Fabulous

  29. enthusiastic

  30. I’m a lawyer. One word is impossible for me.
    Gives her all.

  31. polychromatic

  32. AWESOME!!
    Awesome friend.
    Awesome photographer.
    Awesome writer.
    Awesome knitter.
    Awesome in every awesome way.
    Not necessarily in that order;-)

  33. Industrious

  34. Devoted

  35. Zesty!

  36. Artistic.

  37. Alive

  38. Dude!

  39. The first one I thought of:

  40. Fiesty. 🙂

  41. Talented.

  42. Inspiring

  43. Colorful!
    In all the best ways, cheerful and artistic and inspiring and uniquely you!

  44. Fascinating!

  45. Classy

  46. Giving

  47. Excuberant!

  48. Creative

  49. Engaging

  50. Smiles

  51. Groovy!

  52. Beautiful
    No, really, that’s what I said, and that’s what I meant!

  53. Enthusiastic.

  54. Sassy.

  55. Beautiful!

  56. Emotive

  57. “Hummingbird”
    Always flitting from bright color to bright color, jigging and jagging. I mean this in absolutely the most best way possible.

  58. outrageous !

  59. Beloved.

  60. Electric.

  61. Different.
    In a good way though.

  62. Passionate.

  63. Intelligent.
    You are wicked smaht 😉

  64. Witty!

  65. selfless.

  66. Multifaceted.

  67. *&%$!*~*^” ~
    substitute for any superlative along the lines of fabulous/great/amazing/inspirational/all of the above – I know it’s cheating, but they had already been said anyway

  68. colorful.

  69. Nancy Hart says


  70. Funny

  71. yourself.

  72. engaged

  73. imdomitable.

  74. Fwhacked
    as in “effin’ whacked!” And we love you that way!

  75. Colorful 🙂

  76. Unique.
    In the best possible ways. 🙂

  77. Inspirational!

  78. Inspiring’s taken, argh. How about provocative?

  79. Jaywalkerfanatic!

  80. re-tahded

  81. busty

  82. veiny

  83. Multifaceted

  84. Talented.

  85. Contagious

  86. Veiny, really? ‘Cuz my girls were just laughing at me… seriously, I could be used in a classroom to teach about the circulatory system. You should see me under a red light. Well, maybe not…

  87. Creative!

  88. Amazing.

  89. Libby Lu says


  90. Hi! I would like to donate some of my yarn and a drop spindle to the prize pot. Do you still want prizes?

  91. Energetic

  92. Magnificent!

  93. Fan-tabulous

  94. Marybeth says


  95. January-esque

  96. knitastic

  97. generous

  98. Hot.
    Dude. 😉

  99. Gorgeous.


  101. Revolutionary

  102. Nonpareil.

  103. versatile!

  104. Ardent.

  105. Sweet

  106. Visual.

  107. Sui generis. (I know that that’s actually two words, but the English translation is so much longer that I figured it’s an acceptable cheat. 🙂

  108. Vivacious.

  109. Luminous

  110. Vibrant!

  111. Crackers! 🙂 🙂
    (but in a good way.)