Three Months, One Week

For the past few days I’ve been writing a post in my head. It was all about how I’ve been restless lately – maybe even a little bored. Meli is such a dream to take care of and don’t get me wrong I’m loving every poopy diaper and every late night feeding, but I still am having a hard time carving out some time in the day to do stuff. Nothing fancy – just stuff that doesn’t involve holding a baby. I miss knitting. I miss blogging. I miss having a creative life outside of Mommy-ness. I think it’s worse because she is so easy. It was going to be one of those posts, so be glad it’s most likely not going to happen.

Of course, then, yesterday she actually took a nap in her swing and I was able to clean up a bit and we had a fabulous photoshoot and I was even able to process the photographs.

Meli is doing great! She had her three month appointment the other day and she’s now 12 lbs, 24 inches which puts her right smack in the middle of the charts. Fifty percent across the board. And yet she seems so big to us. She’s doing so many things – talking all the time. She can lift her head wonderfully:

Although tummy time still ends like this:

We’re still taking our long walks most days and usually she sleeps, but she’s also become incredibly fascinated with these two little toys attached to her car seat. She can stare at them one – going back and forth between the two – for an amazingly long time (for a three month old!) and she gets so animated, talking to them and kicking her feet. She loves to kick!

I’ve been trying to get her on video but every time we turn on the camera she clams up. Seriously. She’ll be talking and laughing and on goes the camera and nothing. Turn it off and she turns it on again. Little stinker!

One thing she does that I just love is wring her hands. I’ve been calling her an old washerwoman – you know – wringing her hands – woe is me. My kids never call. The sky is falling. But then a few people actually said it looks like she’s knitting! And these were strangers who don’t know me at all! What do you think?

Maybe it’s too hard to tell from pictures. I’ll try to get some video – if Meli will cooperate. Another thing she just loves to do is chew on her fingers. She’s been putting her fingers to her mouth since she was born, but now she can actually get them inside. Occasionally you can hear her slurping away on her fingers. She seems to prefer them over her thumb. But not really in any consistent way. She’s still a paci girl.

Now that she’s entered the Golden Age of Babyhood (all smiles, more sleep, still not mobile) I’m going to try hard to put her down more. She never liked the sling very much and she’s good in the Baby Bjorn for a limited amount of time now that I can turn her out, but it’s still awkward for me. I also think some of my crabbiness has come from being out too much. We were in Philadelphia three weekends in a row. (Twice Meli and I drove by ourselves! Cross another milestone off the list!) I’m so looking forward to doing NOTHING this weekend. Maybe some pool time. Maybe some knitting. I still haven’t been able to seam those sleeves on her little sweater. Even if we just sit around as a family. That would be enough.

I leave you with more pictures of my girl. Thanks, as always, for indulging us. We so appreciate it!


  1. Elizabeth says

    My sister had a baby about a month ago, and yeah, she seems to be on about exactly the same things as you. “I love him soooo much! But … where have I gone?”
    Meli is absolutely gorgeous. That last picture just breaks me up!

  2. I hear you … Don’t worry, you’ll come back. There will be a time when you’re knitting and blogging and doing the things you like to do and wonder when it started happening again. I’ve just started to be able to knit more again. My son is mobile now (he started crawling at 9 months, he’s 10 months now) and he can stand up. Last week he ripped my knitting off the needles. BUT because he can crawl and entertain himself for a few minutes I was able to save the knitting. LOL
    Meli is stunning. 🙂

  3. What a little sugarbabe! She is so thinking JAYWALKERS!!

  4. Even the still show how animated she is. There is no doubt she’s trying to knit…copying mom and all. Hopefully it will carry on into later life!
    She could not be cuter or more photogenic!!

  5. she’s trying to tell you that she not going to do movies just yet. she’s a stage baby. all live mom! and it completely looks like she’s knitting. you’ll get you back, soon enough. don’t worry. mine is 10 y/o and i feel like i’m just starting to be me again AND she understands that i need me time too. it’s wonderful.
    meli is absolutely beautiful. enjoy her. i know we all do. 🙂

  6. Oh that belly!!! Adorable!
    Yes, it absolutly looks like knitting!

  7. Damn you – now I have baby fever – can’t have more children … can’t have more children …. two perfect ones are enough …

  8. Hmmm, never thought of those hand movements to look like that, but in the stills it does remind me of knitting. My 4 month old does that too.
    Miss Meli is getting ready to start grabbing stuff. She’s figuring out how to make those hands work deliberately. Hold a toy or her paci out in front of her and watch her try to get it with both hands. Sometimes they miss, but when they finally grab it and keep it, the expression on their faces is so funny. It’s like they’re saying in their head, “Oh crap! How’d I do that? Did you see that Mommy? I’m so clever!” 🙂

  9. I think all moms experience what you describe, though some are reluctant to speak about it. Even though I’ve been accused of being negative for talking about it, I think it’s really important to share with other moms so they don’t feel guilty about it. It’s all part of the process of adjusting to motherhood. Meli is so beautiful, and so expressive! You’re clearly a wonderful mom, and you’ll find your groove. It’s all a process, and it takes time to get back in touch with your pre-baby self, but it happens.

  10. Jeannette says

    Hee hee, Cara… she looks just like you.

  11. Wanda in AR says

    She is so super cute.

  12. She looks so much like you! Especially in the third photo from the top. My gosh, she just gets cuter and cuter!!! Thanks so much for sharing the photos.
    And knitting? Definitely. Continental style, I think…

  13. She is so super cute!
    I remember the golden days of babyhood…when I could run out of the room for some luxurious thing–like go to the bathroom. haha…now I have to resort to cartoons!

  14. She’s so cute! And yes, it definitely looks like she’s knitting with her fingers! I hope you’ll be able to make some time for you in your routine. Enjoy this coming quiet weekend!

  15. I LOVE the pictures. You can’t have too many, especially from a talented photographer like yourself. Meli is darling! I wish you all the very best.

  16. Gorgeous pictures! Glad to hear you’re all doing well. 🙂

  17. Most Photographed Melia is adorable!

  18. Anne Marie says

    Meli is so dang cute! I’m glad that things are going so well. She is looking more and lore like G all the time!

  19. I’ve been a lurker for a long time and I am coming out to say, boy can I relate so much to your post. I thought when I had my son that I’d never have time to look at a cookbook and make a meal from it again. And even worse, never have the time to knit again. But like you said, the golden age is upon you, because those naps become consistent and then you start to carve out little time slots for yourself. I picked up a cookbook again and more importantly, the needles again. Those first three months are a rough adjustment for everyone, and what got me through it was a friend who said, “It gets better.” And she was right, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Wonderful photos, there are never enough in my opinion! I love the wringing of the hands, those are so precious!

  20. You totally capture the baby-ness of Meli. She’s gorgeous and I love looking at the pictures.

  21. I wouldn’t disagree – those hand motions do look like knitting. She is a beautiful girl.
    Do you remeber that old cartoon where the man finds a box under a construction site and inside, he finds a singing frog? Every time he tries to put the frog on display, the frog clams up and refuses to sing…and just sits there, but when it is just the man and the frog, the frog sings his heart out. I think a lot of kids are like that.

  22. I love Meli updates. She’s a beautiful happy baby!

  23. You know how babies mimic their mom’s faces? Maybe Meli is mimicing your hands!

  24. She’s totally knitting. She’s obviously a prodigy;)

  25. meli you are the cutest thing ever… I am so happy that you make your mommy happy too 🙂

  26. Meli is so beautiful! This baby time passes very quickly. You will be returning to knitting before you know it. Enjoy this time with your family. Thanks for the photos. You are a fantastic photographer with a perfect model.

  27. She’s trying to knit those %*#@ nupps on an Evelyn Clark lace shgawl. Obviously. Clearly.

  28. She’s trying to knit those %*#@ nupps on an Evelyn Clark lace shawl. Obviously. Clearly.

  29. Amy Scott says

    I can totally relate to you; and it does get easier, albeit slowly. My daughter is 2.5 now and she still gets the majority of my time. Yet, she now likes to play independently and that makes it easy to work on cleaning and smaller knitting projects.
    I find that I’m knitting small knitting projects because it just takes longer to knit, and right now, I’m a project knitter. I feel like I’m being productive and accomplishing something if I can finish a project. Maybe I can get back into process knitting, but knowing that I can get a baby surprise jacket finished for one of the wee one’s dolls does a lot for the knitting confidence.
    Meli is beautiful and she is very photogenic! I love how she just hams it up to the camera. Just wait until the teeth start coming it. The pictures will just get cuter (if you can imagine that).

  30. She is definitely knitting. Cara, she is so beautiful – I am very happy for you and G.

  31. This is weird, but Meli reminds me of my ex-boyfriend (don’t take it badly, I still love him as a friend). So animated in her little face! So gumpy during tummytime!

  32. That last photo is to die for!! That would be a big canvas if she were mine…..great job!
    Enjoy her while she’s this little….my daughter is 6 now and I get a lot of me time because she doesn’t like to really cuddle at all anymore. It goes so fast.

  33. Oooooh the lip! Make it stop, I’m a wuss for that lip!
    Meanwhile, you know what that thing with her hands is called? “Hands to the midline and mutual fingering.”
    Doesn’t that sound filthy?

  34. Aww, she’s so pretty! Even when she looks cranky 🙂

  35. I’m tempted to copy your post and change all the Meli’s to Raley… I LOVE that our babies are doing the same things! We have the same ending to tummy time, too – don’t you love that pouty face, though? And the finger slurping. And the toy staring. Love it!

  36. knitting, of course. I love the next-to-the-last pic, like she’s pondering you behind the camera. thanks for sharing.

  37. Indulging you?!! Those pictures are so, so beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to share them with us (readers). She really does look like she’s knitting to me. Kind of a “yarn over” movement in one of the pictures. I was trying to decipher the pattern via her hand movements. May you have a peaceful weekend. Take good care of yourself. It’s a joy to visit your website.

  38. She’s adorable. Her eyes are so expressive!

  39. Meli couldn’t be cuter if she tried. 🙂
    I well remember my mantra in the baby years: “I need a break. I need a break!” (I lived far from family.)
    I hope you are able to manage some time to yourself. And thank you for sharing your gorgeous Meli with us!

  40. You have a beautiful girl there! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
    Don’t worry about not having time for yourself. She’s still so young. As she gets older you’ll be able to do your own things more and more. Even if it’s just thirty minutes while she plays by herself (my 2-year-old can entertain herself for a bit while mommy knits!!) But believe me, I know how you feel!!

  41. Karen P. in Ohio says

    Oh my goodness, she is so beautiful!
    I once had a friend tell me that 3 months is when babies are really becoming infants–before then, they seem like they’re in some sort of larval stage or something.
    Tummy time was dreaded in our household, and we felt so mean making him try!
    In addition to the three-month delightful stage, we also had a golden period when our son could sit up but not crawl–it lasted several months! (from about 6 mos to 9-10ish) It was great–we could put toys around him or play with him, but we didn’t have to worry about him getting into anything.
    It’s hard to tell from the photos, but I think Meli’s knitting! She learned it in the womb! 🙂
    Hope you enjoy a quiet weekend,

  42. Oh wow! She’s a CUTIE! (I just AWW’d so loud that my coworkers are staring).

  43. jahknees says

    Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of your beautiful baby girl. She is truly lovely! It is such a fleeting time they are so young and “golden” and have no fear, you will be knitting before you know it and waving her off as she heads to college!!

  44. That last picture is my favorite. She seems to have her daddy’s eyes.

  45. Collette says

    Whenever my son (now 9.5 months) did that hand wringing thing, we’d call him Dr. Evil.
    She is such a little sweet pea!

  46. She’s so cute! How can we not indulge you? Adorable.

  47. Oh, the hand wringing! Ms Z still does that a little bit, but it has started to morph into clapping and other gestures.
    The time does come back — now that we’ve just hit 11 months, she’s settled into a nice regular 8:30 bedtime. Of course, it’s been so long since I had it, I spend a lot of time trying to remember how I used to use free time….

  48. Love that final photo . . . too cute, but I still think she looks like your niece. If you’re still doing portrait photos, let me know . . . I have some seniors who need their photos taken. Cherish the “Golden Age” now; when they get mobile, you will beg for a little tummy time that doesn’t involve rolling.

  49. Oh my goodness! I had to come back to look at that last tummy time picture again because it is that cute!!! Makes me want to go take pictures of my babies 🙂

  50. She is so cute that my fingers ITCH to touch her.
    And yes, it looks like she’s knitting.
    Another for our team! Yay!

  51. Krista M says

    Hello! I am writing to see
    if you wanted to contribute to
    an afghan for Rachael at yarn-a-gogo
    in sympathy for losing her mom. I
    am trying to collect 8 inch knit
    Please contact me at knitdelaware
    ATyahooDOTcom and let me know.
    Thanks! Krista M
    PS Meli is looking just great!

  52. Those pics are just great – I’m sitting here grinning! That Miss Meli’s bringing joy to us all!

  53. I used to tell my babies (when they were babies, which, sadly, they are not any more) that they were so cute it wasn’t fair to the other kids.
    Your kid is so cute it’s not fair to my kids. 😉

  54. Georgie’s face is in that kid SO much. WOW.
    Of course she’s knitting. Just wait till she tries to do YOUR knitting 😉

  55. Wow! Three months old and getting ready to stitch! She’s such and advanced young lady.
    She looks beautiful. Looking at those last four pictures was the first time I realized how much she looks like you and G – all mixed together. Way cool!

  56. And you think these pictures are no art?
    I do….
    I love the beautiful posts your composing, the time between is always too long for my taste. You are an amazing woman, beeing a mummy AND beeing able to bring so much joy to us all!!

  57. she does look like she’s creating something! What adorable photos too…she looks like a darling bundle of fun!

  58. She’s darling! What a cutie patootie! Thanks for sharing all those lovely baby moments.

  59. OMG she is totally knitting!!!!!!! I am jealous that you have such AMAZING photos of Meli’s babyhood. You are so good at capturing the moment–and believe it or not, she will change so much. You will get back to doing all those things that make you YOU. You will! You will!

  60. I think you are doing everything wrong.

  61. rosesmama says

    What a sweetie! I love this age. The hand wringing is developmental and will pass. She’s just found them, her first real toy, and found her center while she’s at it! Enjoy while it lasts, it’s such a short time.

  62. Its okay to feel a little loss for your former self. She will never be back. Mourn for her as you celebrate your new life. you will remember your old life with fondness but won’t be able to ever regret becoming a mom, its just too amazing.
    your time will come back, just be sure to accept help and request it when you need it!!

  63. Those photos are really just adorable. And I understand where you are coming from – I have been writing the same post in my head for a couple weeks now.

  64. She’s practicing two-handed knitting for Fair Isle! Love that grumpus tummy time picture.

  65. My theory- if you were knitting while she was still your intimate guest, she has the sense of that movement from feeling you do it, and now she’s able to recreate it with her little hands!

  66. I have to agree – my first thought when I read this post was not that she was wringing her hands, but trying to knit 🙂

  67. I have to agree – my first thought when I read this post was not that she was wringing her hands, but trying to knit 🙂