Eye Candy Baby! v.2

We’re kind of having a cranky day here at J-One – both baby and mama. So I thought I’d brighten my mood with some new pics – taken yesterday:

I bought a new lens the other day and had to try it out. Like I need an excuse to take photographs of my daughter. As always, thank you for indulging me!

There’s lots going on this weekend. I’m working first thing tomorrow morning and then Vicki and her girls arrive for the night. Then it’s a mother/daughter extravaganza with Vicki and Terry on Sunday, followed up by Vicki and me and our girls heading out to Ann‘s for some serious fun. I can’t wait.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. You just might have the smiliest baby I’ve ever seen. And such big expressive eyes. She’s adorable, as always 🙂

  2. She’s stunningly beautiful (and not all of them are!)> Please give extra hugs and smooches to Vicki from me – she a most perfect house guest!!!

  3. Such a cutie pie! I really love the second photo, the smiley one.

  4. What??? 3 comments? But these are THE cutest pictures of the cutest baby! She is looking so grown up now.
    Time flies.
    I am begging you again to please please bring her by the Sliver Moon booth at Rhinebeck.:)

  5. I’m so envious you will be with everyone and that they will all meet Miss Meli!!!

  6. That little girl knows how to work it for the camera! She’s absolutely adorable. 🙂

  7. Geraldine says

    Wonderful baby pics….what new lens, do tell!
    These pics remind me so much of my DD #1 who was like that as an infant as well….she loved to flirt with the sailors when I was shopping in the military exchange store! Watch out for this one!! 8^)

  8. Geraldine says

    PS-I can smell the baby smell and feel that so soft skin just by looking at your pics….great work!

  9. What a doll!!! Cara, thanks so much for sharing pics of Meli! It makes me want to steal “neck sugar”!

  10. Oh my gosh Cara! She is the CUTEST little thing! You two make a good looking kid!

  11. I don’t know if these pictures brightened your mood or Meli’s but they sure did mine! Thank you so much. I this little girls is so adorable. She has such an expressive face and such a sweet smile. Thank you again.

  12. I don’t know if these pictures brightened your mood or Meli’s but they sure did mine! Thank you so much. I think this little girl is so adorable! She has such an expressive face and such a sweet smile. Thank you again.

  13. I don’t know if these pictures brightened your mood or Meli’s but they sure did mine! Thank you so much. I think this little girl is so adorable! She has such an expressive face and such a sweet smile. Thank you again.

  14. She is so adorable, I may just pass out. How do you get anything done with such a cute distraction?

  15. my boyfriend agrees that your child is extremely photogenic. just adorable, and a perfect name too.

  16. Soo cute!

  17. Oh my god so cute. I just want to butter her like corn and nibble on those toes! How do you get anything done?

  18. The best baby pictures yet! (and not because of the new lense). Meli is adorable. I love the pictures where she is holding her fingers to her mouth. Too cute.

  19. OMG – her cuteness is beyond words! Look at her! She’s got some serious thoughts and analysis going on in that adorable, peach-fuzzy noggin!!!! Have a super weekend!

  20. That baby would make any lens look good.

  21. Oh my Goodness, is that a bundle of sweetness or what! I am _so_ glad that I’m pregnant right now and I get to experience this all one more time. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  22. I am a blog lurker but I have to say how utterly angelic, gorgeous, and just all around perfect your daughter is. You are very blessed.

  23. She’s ridiculous. So darling! Sigh.

  24. cara… she is adorable. no really I could eat her up, I am surprised that there are any cheeks or thighs left. and her facials that you are able to get out of her AND capture, priceless!

  25. Those are great shots. She is a charmer and looks right at the camera and flirts. No such thing as too many baby photos.

  26. And how can a baby this beautiful EVER be cranky? Ha, ha. Thank you for sharing (as the saying goes).

  27. She is so cute you can’t take to many pictures!!!

  28. She is so cute you can’t take to many pictures!!!

  29. She is so cute you can’t take to many pictures!!!

  30. What a beautiful baby girl! Her eyes are so amazing.

  31. I send links to your blog to people all the time because of your baby pictures. She is THE most photogenic baby evah!

  32. Those photos are beautiful … your daughter is stunning. 🙂

  33. She is just beautiful. And growing so fast!

  34. Such a beautiful little girl! Thank you for sharing so many pictures of her. I’m so happy things are going well for your family!

  35. She is the cutest baby girl ever! 🙂

  36. She is just too cute!!!

  37. Lovely!

  38. WONDERFUL pictures!

  39. I don’t know if you have the cutest baby EVER or you’re the most talented photographer EVER. Maybe just a combination of both. Whatever the reason, GREAT pix!

  40. She’s simply gorgeous – and credit must be given to the photographer as well:)
    What’s your new lens? The shots are sure sweet!

  41. I hardly ever comment on blogs, but wanted to say that you have one ridiculously cute baby there. Look at that smile!

  42. Beautiful pictures of a lovely baby 🙂