Bathing Beauty

Well, we survived Florida!

Again with the firsts! Meli was the consummate traveler, which made her travel loving father very very proud and her crazy mama very very grateful. First and foremost, I flew drug free. I can’t tell you how HUGE this was for me. I took every precaution though – lots of pumped milk (which I proudly threw away when we got home – it was totally bad by then!) and a new Xanax prescription – none of which was needed. The flight down Sunday was delayed by weather – and when I say delayed I mean we were next for take off when an incredible storm came through. We were literally on the plane, on the runway, when golf ball size hail started falling all around us with 60 mile an hr wind shears and super lightning. I’m not kidding. It was a freaking monsoon. Then we saw the most gorgeous rainbow ever and took off. Craziness. Here we are on the very uneventful flight home:

I swear, my head’s not that small and my arms aren’t that big.

We flew Jet Blue and since my daughter is a bona fide couch potato, she either did this:

Or this:

I gotta say, if I’m not flying first class, Jet Blue is the best. They’re all extremely conscious of the runway debacle last year when people sat for 8 hrs so you are guaranteed not to be sitting on the plane more than three now. And all they do is apologize for the delays and come on all the time to update you. And there’s tv. Lots of tv. Which makes me feel like I’m sitting in my living room – at least sort of – and not like I’m stuck on an airplane. It was a very nice experience.

Florida was HOT. Stifling. Unbearable. But the baby definitely enjoyed the pool.

Meli is usually pretty good when she takes a bath, and the pool was no different. She was quite calm in the water. Besides the pool, we went for a quick dip in the Gulf of Mexico (water temp: 89 degrees F – my kind of water temp.) We can’t wait until she’s old enough to really enjoy the water. Both her dad and I love to swim.

She was quite the Kool Kat by the pool!

We went to Florida for a birthday party for a friend who hasn’t been feeling so well, and while we were there Baby Meli got to meet Big Meli! And she took a few pictures for us!

All in all it was a very successful visit. Incredibly stressful, but successful. I’m so glad to be home. But that doesn’t mean things will be quieting down anytime soon. Next week is my sister’s annual 4th of July visit with her kids which can only mean there will be much fun and everything will be crazy hectic!

I hope to pop in before then. While the death of blogs – or at least knitting blogs – seems to be on everyone’s mind these days – I still love mine and intend to keep it going. I hope you’ll stay for the ride!

Thank you!
L, C


  1. gosh you guys are a cute family. and congratulations on surviving the trip so well. being a mum seems to suit you : )

  2. Love the last picture of the three of you. Meli is quite the cool dudette.

  3. death of knitting blogs? hhmmm, i’m glad to say that none of the happy blogs i read are dead, including yours! what lovely photos and story from the road! it makes me so happy to hear about how this little girl has brought so much joy to you and G. babies are wonderful things.

  4. Meli just gets cuter every day!

  5. Words really cannot express my joy for you and Georgie. Meli is so beautiful and it is apparent how complete she has made your lives. Thank you for allowing us all a little peek into your life.

  6. Such a beautiful family! I’m so glad you had a great trip!

  7. I’m staying! I love seeing this beautiful little girl and seeing your family pictures. You all look so happy. Love that!!

  8. Oh, you are doing so well as mother (as far as I can say) and I really know what you said about flying. Be proud you did a big step. And your daughter ist just darling, like her pool outfit a lot!
    Take care and my best wishes

  9. I’m staying too! That baby girl is too cute NOT to! 🙂

  10. I love the last two pictures. They are just so full of joy.

  11. She is just the cutest. I’m glad you have a good trip.

  12. Welcome back! I’m so glad you had a nice trip and enjoyed everything so much! I’ll be looking forward to more posts when you are ready.

  13. You are such a brave mama! I’m glad it all went off without a hitch. Big hugs!

  14. Cutest. Baby. EVER.

  15. I love the baby sunglasses! TOO CUTE!
    And I didn’t know you were flying with a TV monitor, or I would have been doubly sure that you’d be fine! Raley is a couch potato, too. Her favorite is Veggie Tales – I think because of the way all of the characters have big eyes, so they look like faces.
    And I don’t think I need to say that I’m not going anywhere, do I? 🙂

  16. Glad you had a good trip. When Jet Blue is good, it is very very good. The pictures of Meli sucking her fingers reminded me of my 12 year old “baby” who sucked her middle and ring fingers until she was probably 5 years old. What a flood of memories those pictures bring back!

  17. She is so cute! What a bathing beauty. You are brave. I gave up a trip to Ft. Myers recently because I just couldn’t wrap my crazy brain around how to travel with a baby and all of his gear. Good for you!
    What blogs are dying?
    Happy Summer!

  18. I love your blog! I love reading about Meli and seeing pictures, she’s adorable. I love your knittng and heck I tune in just for the headers! Please keep it going. I’m new to the blog world, I hope it stays around till I get my fill!

  19. SOo cute!! you, hubby and baby! I love it! As for that “death” you speak of… HAH! I laugh in it’s face! 😉 I just got here!

  20. Meli is a cutie pie.
    I’m giggling over the “Florida is stifling” comment. I’m a native Floridian and so is my best friend. We were just saying the other day how this summer hasn’t been that hot, it is so nice in the later afternoons, you can actually function, we think it isn’t as humid. Rinse and repeat.
    Seeing your comment just made me realize…. all the years with our brains bakin’ in the sun has obviously made us delusional.
    Oh well.

  21. How can blogs be dying when I have over 100 unread bloglines? Though I have to admit that when I get all caught up, I start to feel a little edgy, like “what am I supposed to read now?”
    Great pictures and I’m glad to hear Jet Blue is back to being a good airline. Or at least a non-agonizing one.

  22. I love the pic of you and Meli! I hope the blog continues to give you enough to continue, because I get so much from it.

  23. Debbie Bourque says

    I’m glad you had such a great trip. Great pictures of the 3 of you. Meli is absolutely gorgeous! I love the bathing beauty ones!

  24. Your baby is gorgeous! The last picture of the three of you is beautiful – so nice to happiness. Death of knitting blogs!?! I had no idea. Glad you are not going anywhere and I have no plans either.

  25. Your baby is gorgeous and the last picture of the three of you is beautiful – so nice to see much happiness! Death of knitting blogs!?! Glad you are not going anywhere.

  26. I swear I live in a cave. Death of knitting blogs? Whatsupwiththat?????? Oh, and as always, your Meli is super CUTE!

  27. Death of knitting blogs? Did I miss something?

  28. oh my gosh, the sunglasses! *love*
    you all look so happy! i love it 🙂
    …and yeah, i missed the death of the knitblog thing too… perhaps you can elaborate?

  29. Traveling with a child is such a unique experience. Maybe the xanax was unnecessary because you had Meli to focus on. Moms tend to put the children first and that’s what you did. All your worries took a back seat (or just stayed home).

  30. the great thing about motherhood is that, just when you think it doesn’t get any better…

  31. the great thing about motherhood is that, just when you think it doesn’t get any better…

  32. Such cute photos! Glad little Meli behaved – you sure got a good one!

  33. Joyful! You all look so perfect and happy together!

  34. So glad Meli likes to travel, sure makes things easier if you ever have to go anywhere! My daughter (7 mos) is an excellent plane traveler too. She loved seeing all the people and being in a new environment. Swimming in the pool with the baby looks fun! You all look so cute!

  35. Knitblogs are dead? Could you elaborate, please? Yes, they slow down in the summer, as many of us do, but dead? Meli is a cutiepie!

  36. Love the movie star! I will say I knew her when.

  37. Love the last picture of you all together! I am going to hop back over to read the blogging post next.
    I don’t think blogs are dying, I just thing that sometimes people need to take a little break for inspiration 🙂

  38. Those family shots of all of you are so beautiful. What a lovely family.