World Peace

I’ve decided that if I spent half of the time and energy I spend on my anxiety, worrying about whether or not I’ll be anxious, thinking about NOT thinking – well, frankly, I’d have found the solution to world peace by now. Either that or I’d be building the Google Elevator.

Something, anything more productive than driving yourself crazy and then having to pull yourself out of the hole.

Margene, zen master, has an interesting post on Motivation today. I’m thinking in a similar, yet opposite direction. What kind of LACK of motivation allows you to slip down that slope – fully conscious of what’s going to happen THROUGH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE – and yet you can’t get off your ass to stop it? Do I need to feel like shit for some reason? Am I going to come out the other side with some great revelation? I KNOW how to stop it – even before it really starts, yet I let it happen. Granted, there were lots of things this summer working against me (Hello? People who control the Weather?) but still.

You know what? What’s done is done. This is who I am. I just hope it doesn’t take me too long to get through it. I am SO OVER me.

On to knitting.

Look! Is it a bird? A plane? A superhero? No. It’s just a Short Row back – T2 style.

Take Two

It’s seems a little bit wonkier than the first version, but I’ve decided that because of the short rows, this will never be a flat knit. Blocking may help, but there are so many ends and so many starts and stops with the yarn. The size looks good – I’ve compared it to my prototype (the pullover in my closet that fits nice) and it’s right on. I’ve woven in half the ends and I feel good about the other half. The front is next, as soon as possible, and I’ll deal with the sleeves last. I have company coming tomorrow for a couple of days, so we’ll see how I do with it.

Socks are stalled. The Sunshine sock is stockinette and I need that like I need another hole in the head. Mindless knitting equates to idle hands. Which means the devils are hard at work. I’ve got (maybe) one more repeat on the long lost never ending Retro Rib sock and then I can turn the heel. Don’t hold your breath.

Since socks aren’t doing the trick, I started something new. After finishing the Flower Basket Shawl and the Acorn Socks, I wanted some more lace. But I couldn’t find a yarn or pattern that I was happy with. I didn’t want to do the Leaf Lace – too similar to FBS. I actually bought two Robert Powell shawl patterns – #103 (pattern) and #106 (kit). The kit came with 4 oz. of Jamieson & Smith 2-ply jumper-weight in Cream which I will probably never knit (look for a contest soon!) but I still like the patterns. Couldn’t decide on a yarn.

And then I saw this. And this. And this. And I bought some of this. And here we go!

Sivia Harding’s Diamond Fantasy Shawl
Twinkletoes Sock Yarn – Foggy Dew

I also bought some Twinkletoes Denim Multi – hard to photograph though.

So far I’m liking the pattern – although I have yet to finish the first repeat section. But it’s easy to understand and I feel like I will have the charts figured out – you know what I mean – when you GET the lace pattern – pretty soon.

The yarn. I don’t know. I definitely like the colors and the weight and the texture. I don’t know if I’d ever use this for socks though – it’s kind of scratchy – but for the shawl I think it will be good. It seems like it will block well. One thing though – when I was winding up the Denim Multi – the yarn broke once at the beginning and once at the end of the wind. May be I was too tough with it? But it also has a few knots here and there, which annoy me. Juries still out on this – but like I said – I can’t imagine I’d use it for socks. Maybe there are lots of shawls in my future. I do have like 1500 yds of the denim. Not sure what I was thinking there. Or NOT thinking. Hahahahahaha.

I started this post on a dark note and I’m going to finish it on a good one. A couple of weeks ago I received an email to my blog address asking if I was the same person who wrote a story entitled “The BBC” which appeared in Fourteen Hills, the literary journal out of San Franciso State University. I replied that indeed I was. Welp, it turns out that FH is putting out an anthology of fiction from the first ten years of the journal and they’ve decided to include my story. I also found out my story will appear along side some of my favorite writers! Lydia Davis! Lynne Tillman! Peter Orner! Pam Houston! Next to little ol’ me! What an ego boost! As you know, my writing has suffered the last couple of years – but this has spurred me on! I actually took out a story yesterday – one I’ve been wanting to revise – and read it and took notes! This could be it the opening I’ve needed….

Open up the windows and sing out loud! It’s a beautiful day today!

To Whom It May Concern….

Thanks are due for lifting the heat and I thank you, thank you, thank you! But, without seeming greedy, could you please lift the funk as well? I’m getting kind of tired feeling like crap AND crazy simultaneously, and it seems some of my friends are as well.

Pretty please?

I’ll knit ya something.

Crazy McCraperton

Oh and in case you need some cheering up too, here’s my favorite joke. My nephew and I shared a good ‘ol belly laugh over it!

If you’re American when you go in the bathroom, and you’re American when you leave the bathroom, what are you when you’re IN the bathroom?

That’s right.


Wonder of Wonders

The trek out to STRONGIsland (as Georgie kept referring to it) was very nice, punctuated by the miracle of NO TRAFFIC coming AND going on the parking lot known as the LIE. And no, I’m not lying. In fact, the only traffic we hit the entire day was on RT 27 going to East Hampton. G thought the beach was supposed to be the best there, but it turns out the ones in Southampton rock even harder. Lovely, lovely beaches you’ve got out there. The water was ultra clean and the beach was ultra soft and it really was some of the best I’ve ever been on.

The job was great – great kids, great parents, great light. Shooting on the beach – getting wet while photographing kids in the surf is just as much fun for me as it is for them!

Not much knitting to report as I drove the three hours out there and the three hours home – seems like G can’t take a day off anymore without some crisis exploding at work, but that’s okay. I was happy for the company.

My friend’s coming over today from out of town. She’s kind of OCD about keeping things clean and a pig wouldn’t even live in my house these days. I’m almost tempted to leave it and see what kind of palpitations it gives her – is that mean? Or seriously ask her to clean it for me – that’s what G thinks I should do – I told her I’d pay her. I’m so tired though I think it will take all my energy to clean myself let alone my shithole house, so that might be all she gets.

Tomorrow I leave for my sister’s for the week, so blogging may be sporadic. I’m only bringing socks with me, I think. Hopefully I’ll manage to finish a couple of singles and possibly start on a couple of seconds. Did you all go congratulate Vicki on her first pair? They are FABULOUS and I dare say I may take a teeny bit of credit for getting her to start on them. Just a little.

Anyway, have a great weekend and a rock star week. I’ll be in when I can.

L, C

(Oh and to all who asked, the beach in yesterday’s photo is Manasquan in New Jersey. Never knew the Jersey shore could look so good, huh?!)

The Agony of Defeat

Short Rows are killing me again. NO, not that Short Rows. Sock heel short rows. Yesterday I attempted both Wendy’s version and Alison’s PG-R version and while I enjoyed the short rows – I didn’t enjoy the holes that formed when joining in the round again – no matter how many stitches I knit together or how many stitches I picked up. Also, when I tried it on, holes and all, I don’t think I liked how it fit. Damn Short Rows! They’ve become my white whale for sure. So I started doing a regular gusset heel – I mean, I like it so far in the socks I’ve made and it works for the master, so who am I to argue, right? I would like to try an afterthought heel though. That might work.

Anyway, the sock’s going a road trip today. We’re heading to the beach for a little sun and work, believe it or not. I’ve got a beach shoot. Yipee!

Sox in the Bronx

The White Sox won 2-1. Apparently excellent pitching makes for a boring game, and of course we missed the two big homers in the 9th because we left. Oh well.

Now that’s not to say there wasn’t a bit of excitement. G and I go to, on average, one baseball game every year and a half. Mainly to the Bronx, but they’re ALWAYS full of excitement. The last one we went to tied for the biggest shutout in baseball since 1900. Then there was the bench clearing brawl in 1998 when Benitez hit Tino between the shoulders because he was pissed he gave up a two-run homer to Bernie. I’m normally a peaceful person, but what a fucking good brawl. And we were about to leave that game too.

The most special, most amazing of amazing baseball moments for us will always be in Fenway (tut, tut) on our wedding night. On that fateful summer evening, the Texas Rangers, ARod in tow, played the BoSox. On his first at bat, Scott Hattenberg line drived into a triple play. On his next at bat he hit a grand slam. Probably the first and ONLY time that’s ever happened in the history of baseball. And we were there. Fate stepped up to the plate.

So what happened last night? Well, the excitement really wasn’t on the field, but in the stands. Sort of. Some complete and utter asshole competing for a Darwin award took a header into the net behind home plate. We were sitting two sections to the left.

Click for a better look.

So he had to crawl his way out of the net back to the stands where the cops were waiting with a loving embrace. Apparently his friends were taunting him to jump from the third level. If you want, you can read more about this stunning display of intelligence here. He may not have made ESPN, but by gawd he made the COVER OF THE POST! Impressive indeed.

I gotta say, my mind was changed about one aspect of America’s game. I’ve always hated what I’ve thought to be phony patriotism during the seventh inning stretch. Instead of a rousing rendition of Take Me Out to the Ball Game, the powers that be have decided to play God Bless America, followed up by a really goofy Take Me Out. To me, this always smacks of lip service and Ghouliani and profiting off of dead soldiers and civilians. I don’t know HOW they’re actually profiting – maybe in brownie points – but still. Insincere, maybe? At least that’s the feeling I’ve come away with. Especially when that Ronan Tynan guy does it. But last night they had a recording of Kate Smith – guaranteed to be from a fantastic Flyers game – and I was struck by the fact that HEY! We’re at WAR! Men and women are DYING FOR MY RIGHT TO BE AT THIS BALLGAME! Suddenly it all seemed very appropriate. God Bless Kate Smith. She really knew how to bring a point home.

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Cockiness will get you every time.

This post was supposed to lead off with a stunning portrait of a completed Short-Rows back. With all the ends lovingly woven in. And I was supposed to brag about how I didn’t rip once on this version of the back, it just flew off the needles without a thought, totally Zen like, and that I was all excited about the project, having already cast on for the front in my mind – sewn up the side seams – knit both sleeves together and voila! It was FINITO in all it’s glory.

Instead this post will tell you that I was thisclose to having it done, chugging along, having WOVEN IN ALL THE ENDS AS I FINISHED EACH SHORT ROW SECTION!!!! Yesterday, when I started knitting, I was about to start the second short row section, which also coincides with the raglan decreasing, so you know, it would go super fast. And, again, I repeat (yelling at the top of my lungs) when I started to knit yesterday ALL THE PREVIOUS ENDS WERE WOVEN IN! But I got to the end of the first part of the second short row section and something wasn’t right. I don’t know – it just didn’t look right. But I shouldered on, then ripped. Then shouldered on making the same damn mistake, then ripped. Finally, I said fuck it and compared my old back to the new back and found the mistake. You were supposed to leave off the last two rows of the repeat, not the last row and first row like you were earlier. DUH!

So I need to rip out the short rows I did. The back will not be done for a few more days, and so there are no fabulous pictures of stellar progress.

Today I will be taking a break from short rows and going back to the sock – any sock – I don’t care. I’ll be knitting with Jen today and then tonight G and I and his bro are going to the Yankee game. I’ll be knitting on the sock there tonight too. Thank god it’s not a red sock, though, because I think that might be too much for the Bronx.

Got Gauge?

You asked for it, you got it! The hottest t-shirt in the world….


Pick a button – spread the word!

Super special thanks to EYELEEN! She did it all – the store, the graphics – honestly, I’m just the accountant. Thank you Eyeleen for making my dream a reality! 🙂

happy day, my love.

Where I Learn From My Mistakes

I would take pictures, but really, it’s so not necessary.

I started up Short Rows again last night and can I tell you? I really am learning from my mistakes. I’m almost excited about it! So far I’ve got like three or four ends and they’re already woven in (I’m trying to weave in as I go on the straight rows. It won’t work on the short rows, but still, that’s 529 LESS ends to weave, right?) Some of those might have to be tweaked a little bit, but I’m also carrying the yarn up the sides even though the pattern continually says CUT THE YARN. By way of NOT CUTTING THE YARN I can also incorporate that other really neat stripe trick of knitting from which ever side the yarn might be on. Note: you can only do this if you’re using circs, which of course I am. For instance, say you knit a row with the blue but the next row you have to change to green. And the green is on the opposite side. So what! Just knit another row with the green! Of course, it may also happen that you have to purl a few rows and maybe you hate to purl. But can I make a confession here? Sometimes I like to purl more than I like to knit. Really. And I’m a thrower. But somehow sometimes it feels like I get more in a rhythm with the purl rows and I can go faster. Yeah, I’m weird like that.

So anyway, I completed one pattern repeat. In this case, I’m calling a pattern repeat the fourteen rows that make up the stripe sequence. My goal is to do repeat a day – two or more on the weekends. And when the short rows come into play – well – all bets are off. Those suckers can go really fast. And I’m going to try and make sure that the ends are in after each repeat. Stop laughing. I said I’m going to TRY. That’s all I can do, right?

I’m SO OVER Summer. How about you? Yesterday I had one of those killer headaches – you know the ones? Where the clouds are bursting – but nothing’s happening? It’s like the weather’s freaking constipated or something. Just RAIN already. They said it rained for like five seconds or something but I didn’t feel it. And this morning I woke up with a headache – just a little one – and it seems to have dissipated, but ugh. Enough. E-NOUGH! (That’s a nod to my sister, if she’s reading…hey Jol!)

I know I can’t really complain because I’m in my ice-box of a house with plenty of air conditioning and comforts but yet the heat is still sapping my energy. I just KNOW that if I go outside I will DIE and it’s making me sad. I miss the flowers. Add to that the fact that the next few weeks are going to be super busy and in between I’m back at my sister’s for a week. G’s going to California (without me – work stuff) and I’m alone so much as it is I can’t stand to be alone at nights so I’m going to Philly. But as much as I love the kiddies and my sis and hanging out, I’m ready to be home for a while. Without heat. In some kind of a schedule. You know?

All right already! E-NOUGH bitching! Bring on the FALL!

Well Hello Dali!

I GOT IT! I got the damn picture. Whew! Can you say YARN DIET?
When G got home last night I told him I got his birthday present, MY birthday present, our anniversary present and Christmases and Chanukahs to come. (And because he’s the sweetest boy in the Universe, after I told him about it he actually asked me, what’d you get for yourself? DOH! He said, no, that won’t do! Mwah, my love!)

So it was a live auction kind of thing and because I’ve never bid on anything save two roving things on ebay I thought, why not watch the live auction stuff. I put in my high bid and opened up the applet thingy at around 11AM when “they” said my lot was going to come up. Well, apparently my AUCTION started at 11AM, but my lot didn’t scroll past until 3:30PM and I watched all that freaking time. Yup. I’m crazy like that. But it was pretty fascinating with the bids running up the screen and the auctioneer saying (well typing – there wasn’t actually any sound – although that would’ve been really cool) it was about to close – and my heart raced a little at the thought that I’d be missing out on the cloisonne tea cups engraved with strange birds that may or may not have been from Italy. Weird shit out there. And people buying it. I thought I had it all figured out – I was an Internet bidder, surely and there were floor bids and I was a little disconcerted that only floor bids seemed to win. And then the reserve wouldn’t be met and the auctioneer would post a message reserve not met – bid again – and no bids would come in and the reserve wouldn’t be met and yet the floor bid would win. Interesting. All of it. And then FINALLY it seemed like my print was coming up. I was sitting on the edge of my chair – nails lost long ago over the fierce bidding on a Bavarian turn-of-the-century cuckoo-clock – when the bidding started. $50 Floor bid. $60 Internet bid (could that be me?!) $90 bid. $375 bid Floor bid. Auction CLOSED.

WHAT?! How could it go from $90 to $375 and who was this FLOOR BID person stealing my prized Dali print that would make Georgie cry!?!?!? (Always the goal of any gift. I’m shameless, I know.)

I called my sister to tell her I lost. I was almost in tears, exhausted from watching every last bad oil painting from someone’s basement stroll by on the screen. Tired from all the gilt. All the pewter. All the vermeil.

Then I went looking for the print online – even though I had looked a million times before and never found it. In fact, I had given up until Lee Ann had read a comment I made on Jenny’s site and SHE found it for me. Bless you Lee Ann! Bless you. And to compound the problem, Dali, in his infinite obsession wisdom, did 819 versions of St. George slaying the Dragon. But ONLY ONE is the RIGHT ONE. And of course, that’s the hardest to find.

Oh but find it I did. Right here. I was about to buy it when I thought, you know what? I better talk to G first. Maybe we didn’t like it as much as I thought we did. Maybe it’s better I didn’t win the auction. Think of all the YARN I could buy with that money. I did buy him a $24 briefcase that he’ll be (maybe) perfectly happy with. I rationalized the whole thing away.

And then I checked my email. Turns out I was the floor bid of $375. I WON THE DAMN PRINT!!! I instantly felt sick to my stomach. Buyer’s remorse set in like a thick fog on the ocean. And how the hell did the bidding go from $90 to $375 JUST LIKE THAT?

I actually called them and they were quite nice about it – explaining to me that my bid was in already and they bumped it up to meet the reserve (since my high bid was just over the reserve number) instead of having to bump it up $10 a shot for the next hour. They saved me time.

And while I’m feeling all sick about it, G said to me, “that was so smart of you!” and telling me I have to frame it AS SOON AS WE GET IT and scoping out places in the house to hang it and refusing to look at it online because he wants to be surprised by it! And now you know why I’ve been with this incredible, delightful, crazy-as-me man for fifteen years.

Oh yeah. I finished the second square for the John Glick Project while I was watching old Fisher Price toys scroll by and I did some knitting on my Sunshine socks, only to find out I had added an extra stitch somewhere back about 1000 rows and had to rip it. Rip it good. Dadadada da don da don. Rip it GOOD!