Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Cockiness will get you every time.

This post was supposed to lead off with a stunning portrait of a completed Short-Rows back. With all the ends lovingly woven in. And I was supposed to brag about how I didn’t rip once on this version of the back, it just flew off the needles without a thought, totally Zen like, and that I was all excited about the project, having already cast on for the front in my mind – sewn up the side seams – knit both sleeves together and voila! It was FINITO in all it’s glory.

Instead this post will tell you that I was thisclose to having it done, chugging along, having WOVEN IN ALL THE ENDS AS I FINISHED EACH SHORT ROW SECTION!!!! Yesterday, when I started knitting, I was about to start the second short row section, which also coincides with the raglan decreasing, so you know, it would go super fast. And, again, I repeat (yelling at the top of my lungs) when I started to knit yesterday ALL THE PREVIOUS ENDS WERE WOVEN IN! But I got to the end of the first part of the second short row section and something wasn’t right. I don’t know – it just didn’t look right. But I shouldered on, then ripped. Then shouldered on making the same damn mistake, then ripped. Finally, I said fuck it and compared my old back to the new back and found the mistake. You were supposed to leave off the last two rows of the repeat, not the last row and first row like you were earlier. DUH!

So I need to rip out the short rows I did. The back will not be done for a few more days, and so there are no fabulous pictures of stellar progress.

Today I will be taking a break from short rows and going back to the sock – any sock – I don’t care. I’ll be knitting with Jen today and then tonight G and I and his bro are going to the Yankee game. I’ll be knitting on the sock there tonight too. Thank god it’s not a red sock, though, because I think that might be too much for the Bronx.


  1. Murphy’s Law is a crapper..hopefully short rows is a 3rd times a charm sweater. Enjoy the game.

  2. Yes, you would probably get the crap kicked out of you for that move! Although, they may take offense to ANY sock in the stadium. 😉

  3. Being Zen doesn’t mean the knitting is error free or easy. It means when the mistakes come along (and boy do they) you can say fuck it and then pick it up again and knit on. Picking up a sock is the right thing to do;-)

  4. Yeah, a Red Sock could get you some unwanted attention in my neck of the woods. Of course as a Bronx Met fan I would have to do it just to be evil…

  5. Crap. At least you figured out your mistake, so now you just have to muster enthusiasm.
    Did you see the short rows shawl in the new VK? I like it. And I thought of you.

  6. Don’t you HATE It when that happens?? At least it’s fixed now.
    If you must!

  7. Hubby & the kids will be with you in the Bronx tonight! xoxox Kay

  8. Yikes. Enjoy the sock for now! I find that unlike sewing that was a trial when I feel like I have had to knit something three times over before it’s done I am happier with the end result because I know I took the time to get it right. Fingers crossed you have the same experience when this is done!

  9. awww. 🙁 Dang! Although, thiink of how ACCOMPLISHED you will feel when you FINALLY FINISH THE FUCKER!

  10. No. More. Weaving.
    That’s it. You knit it, you LEAVE those ends, Ms. Cara!!! You wait till the bitter end to weave! Capice!?!