Where I Learn From My Mistakes

I would take pictures, but really, it’s so not necessary.

I started up Short Rows again last night and can I tell you? I really am learning from my mistakes. I’m almost excited about it! So far I’ve got like three or four ends and they’re already woven in (I’m trying to weave in as I go on the straight rows. It won’t work on the short rows, but still, that’s 529 LESS ends to weave, right?) Some of those might have to be tweaked a little bit, but I’m also carrying the yarn up the sides even though the pattern continually says CUT THE YARN. By way of NOT CUTTING THE YARN I can also incorporate that other really neat stripe trick of knitting from which ever side the yarn might be on. Note: you can only do this if you’re using circs, which of course I am. For instance, say you knit a row with the blue but the next row you have to change to green. And the green is on the opposite side. So what! Just knit another row with the green! Of course, it may also happen that you have to purl a few rows and maybe you hate to purl. But can I make a confession here? Sometimes I like to purl more than I like to knit. Really. And I’m a thrower. But somehow sometimes it feels like I get more in a rhythm with the purl rows and I can go faster. Yeah, I’m weird like that.

So anyway, I completed one pattern repeat. In this case, I’m calling a pattern repeat the fourteen rows that make up the stripe sequence. My goal is to do repeat a day – two or more on the weekends. And when the short rows come into play – well – all bets are off. Those suckers can go really fast. And I’m going to try and make sure that the ends are in after each repeat. Stop laughing. I said I’m going to TRY. That’s all I can do, right?

I’m SO OVER Summer. How about you? Yesterday I had one of those killer headaches – you know the ones? Where the clouds are bursting – but nothing’s happening? It’s like the weather’s freaking constipated or something. Just RAIN already. They said it rained for like five seconds or something but I didn’t feel it. And this morning I woke up with a headache – just a little one – and it seems to have dissipated, but ugh. Enough. E-NOUGH! (That’s a nod to my sister, if she’s reading…hey Jol!)

I know I can’t really complain because I’m in my ice-box of a house with plenty of air conditioning and comforts but yet the heat is still sapping my energy. I just KNOW that if I go outside I will DIE and it’s making me sad. I miss the flowers. Add to that the fact that the next few weeks are going to be super busy and in between I’m back at my sister’s for a week. G’s going to California (without me – work stuff) and I’m alone so much as it is I can’t stand to be alone at nights so I’m going to Philly. But as much as I love the kiddies and my sis and hanging out, I’m ready to be home for a while. Without heat. In some kind of a schedule. You know?

All right already! E-NOUGH bitching! Bring on the FALL!


  1. No, I’m not ready for the FALL. Because that then leads to WINTER. And last winter, all I could think of was “nuclear winter.” I’m really NOT ready for THAT. 🙂
    I’m learning from my mistakes, too. I’m learning that I’m a dumb shit.
    Try to have some fun this weekend, eh?

  2. I hate waking up with a headache. Hate it.
    I, for one, wouldn’t mind seeing a picture of Short Rows! What a cute on your sidebar, by the way. Reminds me of the girls and when the only skirts they’d wear were “spin-out” skirts. I can just picture them doing the spin test!

  3. I knew you could do it! You worked out the perfect way to reknit and enjoy the process (as much as you can)
    While I won’t say I feel fall in the air, it does seem like summer is winding down. It cools down at night more during August (shorter days?) and by September the leaves are changing and fall is here. It’s coming.

  4. I’m with you. Enough summer. I never liked summer. Bring on fall–and I love winter.

  5. I do so enjoy reading bitch-fests.

  6. Cara:
    We’re dealing with Fiesta here in Santa Barbara…400,000 extra people enjoying our perfect weather. People are crazy everywhere–walking, driving, you name it. We all have our crosses to bear…

  7. Ok, YOUR killer headache landed in MY head last night. Thanks lady, thanks a lot! Like you, I think the weather had something to do it. Darn those high pressure systems. 🙂

  8. Hi 1/1–
    I just wanted to drop you a line and wish you a happy anniversary today!(I just happened to remember this because I will also be getting married today, so we will be anniversary twins!)
    Hope you do something fun with G and enjoy your day!

  9. BRING ON FALL! Yeah! I’m with you! Crunchy leaves, beautiful colors, pumpkins on doorsteps, fresh apples, sweater weather. Sigh…
    Learning a lesson from mistakes makes it all worthwhile.