
I didn’t do the next repeat. Here’s a really, really awful picture of the unblocked Beaded Diamond Fantasy Shawl:

Click on the picture – it definitely looks better bigger. Anyway, I’m SO glad I decided not to go on – first off – this thing is 56″ unblocked – hell – it’s not even stretched out at all. And it’s heavy – between the beads and the yarn another repeat might have sent it over the edge. I added beads below the bind off edge – where the middle of the diamond would’ve been had I done the next repeat, but right now the edge is folding over on it and you can’t see it. And that edge! MY GOD! I can not sing the praises of the I-cord bindoff enough. It’s GORGEOUS! But it also took me like five hours to do. Granted I took breaks every now and again, but still. See that red thread running through? That’s some left over STR that I’m using to do Stephanie’s blocking trick for straight edges. She threads in a piece of waste yarn much bigger than the biggest size you might want to block the piece and then pulls tight. I forgot with the last shawl but I was smart this time. Here’s hoping it works better than pins across the straight edge.

So today I’m off for some knitblogger play. Lorette is in town! YAY! and we’re going to go yarn shopping and a couple of friends might join us. The more the merrier!

Obervation: Last night I was laying in bed – Georgie came home late – and I had just finished watching this super scary PBS show on The Donner Party. The pictures of these people? The true definition of haunted. They labeled the freaking body parts so people didn’t have to eat their own kin. WOW. Oh and by the way – is there anything that Ric Burns HASN’T made a documentary about? I digress. G and I were laying in bed flipping around the tv and he landed on Jay Leno. Robin Williams was the guest. As we were laying there laughing, I had that feeling I sometimes get – I am a grown-up. Nothing says grown-up to me like late night talk shows. It brings me back to my childhood – when my parents would watch Johnny Carson and I would wake up and wander into their room – they were laughing at things I didn’t understand. It was a grown-up thing. Weird huh. I’m the grown-up (sort of) now. Sometimes it feels really good. It’s nice to get the jokes.

You can never be too rich or too thin

or have too many diamonds. Or can you? I’d take a picture of the BDFS but it’s black and outside is gray. Very very gray. Which means even when I turn on all the lights in my house it’s still very dark. How is it that when it’s dark at 9AM it seems so much darker in the house than when it’s 9PM? I don’t understand, but it’s true.

Anyway, back to the shawl. All I did the entire weekend was knit this shawl. Really. I kid you not. Starting from Friday night (G had a work thing) all the way until about midnight this morning I knit this shawl. That’s a lot of black knitting on a pattern I practically memorized nine repeats ago. (I do still need to consult the chart at the beginning of each row.) And while it’s still a great pattern, it’s lace and that means I have to pay at least a little attention. Did I mention it’s black and that every eight or so rows I have to add beads which is becoming more and more tedious as the shawl goes on? At least I had good tv to keep me entertained. The King and I Friday night. West Side Story immediately followed up by Fiddler on the Roof on Saturday. Sunday I woke up and knit during the news shows and then took a small break for a visit with my in-laws for Easter. Excellent lamb by the way. Then it was home to watch Mean Girls (Heathers is just SO much better) and the Sunday night shows. May I digress for a minute? I may be a true romantic cornball at heart but OH MY GOD I’m loving the way The West Wing is ending the series. I know this makes me a nerd of gargantuan proportions but I *heart* Josh. I’m like a broken record but Donna and Josh are SO perfect together and last week when CJ got that big smile on her face because she’s doing it with Elliot from thirtysomething? How cute was our very own Claudia Jean? This is the way a series should end! Hook everyone up! Make everyone happy!

Back to the shawl. Here’s the sitch: ostensibly, I’m done. I’ve got like three rows left (yes that will probably take me three hours) but once I get to the end of the current repeat I’ve done my ten repeats. Which gives me 21 diamonds across the top. When I count the diamonds across the top of my previously finished DFS, I get 23 diamonds. I guess I did an extra repeat. Call me overzealous. Now I don’t know what to do – should I do the extra repeat on THIS shawl? Or just leave it? I hate that I can’t tell how big it’s really going to be, but it’s going to be pretty big given that I knit it with sportweight wool and I think it’s going to look really nice REALLY blocked because then they’ll be all the pretty empty space between the diamonds and the beads but I feel like if I don’t do the extra repeat I’ll know I didn’t do the extra repeat and that will niggle at me. Or will it? Because honestly I’m SICK of this thing and I don’t even want to go to the wedding because I’m REALLY fat and I ordered a perfect dress yesterday from Nordstrom’s but even though I ordered a fat size (for me) I bet you it will be too small and then I’ll be really upset even though I know this particular designer probably cuts her stuff really really tiny. I’ve got the yarn – that’s not an issue – but I know I’m going to have to break into the last skein, which in and of itself isn’t a big deal except that I’ve been having a lot of trouble winding up this yarn and currently that last skein is in a knotty heap on the floor in the living room. It’ll probably take me a whole day to untangle the mess. Which isn’t the best reason NOT to continue on, but I don’t know for a fact that I’ll have enough yarn in the skank I currently have working to finish the next repeat. Sigh. What would you do?

Thank you all so much for your comments on my handwriting post! It touches me that I was able to touch all of you. This ABC thing continues to inspire me – I’m so grateful to Anne for the brilliant idea! Thank you Anne!

PS : A friend just sent me a link to this very excellent (obviously European) commercial. Gotta love those Europeans!

H is for


I started out this morning with this meme – first seen over at Craftapalooza Nicole’s and most recently seen at Mim’s. Original idea can be found here. Basically, write out a pangram, snap a picture and blog it. Instant – very cool – very different – meme! Yesterday I was at Staples getting some supplies and I saw this 24 pack of Sharpies. I thought PERFECT! I have so many meme choices.

And then, when I was in the middle of taking pictures and uploading them and processing them I thought – I’ve got my H!!!! The pictures in this one aren’t half as creative as I usually try to make them but this is by far the most personal series of photographs. I’m giving commentary too so it’s a bit different than my usual ABC A-Long set up.

When I thought about the different things I could include in this series, I immediately thought about one of my favorite doodles – I used to do it a lot when I was in school, but I don’t do it much now. Not a lot of note taking going on. It’s the alphabet written as one long word. I LOVE to do this. I thought it would be perfect to use every Sharpie in the pack too.

In this day and age of computers, it’s rare that I’m writing stuff down. Mostly I just scribble stuff.

This is a collection of post-it notes. There are an awful lot of numbers on these pages – some phone numbers – but mostly math because I suck at math and I often try to figure it out myself before opening the calculator on the computer.

In thinking about handwriting I tried to find the places in my life it’s affected me most. Handwriting is incredibly intimate, don’t you think? It says so much about you and it takes time (I mean I search for a least fifteen minutes to find a pen) to write a letter.

A million years ago, I started leaving G cards in his suitcase when he went away. Flying specifically – but it’s become something of an obsession for me. He MUST have a card in his bag if he’s flying. I often hide them in his suitcase and he used to be surprised most of the time, but now he expects it and seeks them out. They’re usually cheezy sappy cards and I always write how much I love him and that I’ll miss him and we’ve saved them over the years. I don’t know where all of them are but they’re here.

Speaking of G, when I told him my idea for H he asked if I was going to put some of his chicken scratch in there. I said sure – he’s got the WORST handwriting I’ve ever seen and he’s made an art of using handwriting fonts. He can’t write at all – and I can’t read it. This is a letter he wrote to an old high school girlfriend – it’s pretty funny – some convoluted story about seeing her picture in the paper and reading it while sitting at breakfast in the south of France on vacation. He had to be a year out of college? Maybe 23? His handwriting has deteriorated completely – this is gorgeous, but I can see traces of what it’s become.

In contrast, this is an example of some of my favorite handwriting in the world! When I came up with this idea, I took a trip down memory lane and found myself in our storage room looking through old letters. This one was written by my grandmother, my mother’s mother, who will turn 85 in a month or two. Her handwriting looks exactly the same now as it did in 1987, when this letter was written. I love her handwriting. It’s so beautiful to me. The shape and flow of the letters – I would be able to identify this handwriting anywhere. She’s got great capital letters.

While I was looking through all the old letters, I found some from my other grandmother, my father’s mother – my Nana. Also letters from one of her sisters, my Aunt Annette. Once I had their letters, I went looking for some old pictures I had of them which I took from my Aunt’s house when she died. I was very close with my Aunt Annette – she lived the longest of the three, but it’s their oldest sister, my Aunt Syl, I’ve been thinking most about. I’ve been asking her to come to me in my dreams (an outshoot of the medium stuff) because she has before and so far no go. I think about my aunts and my grandmother often and miss them a lot.

Last but not least are my birthday books. I’ve talked about these before – my father gives me (and all of my siblings) a book for our birthday – something special just from him – and I have my books going back to my birth. My father also writes a note in the book. Often my siblings and I will call each other to read the note – my dad’s always telling us how proud he is of us and all that other good stuff. Never fails to get a tear.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

PS – As always, you can click on any picture to open a bigger version.

My Big Fat Greek


The whole time I was knitting my sock pal socks (thanks for all your kudos by the way!) I kept thinking about how great the Hot Flash would look with the Lover’s Leap. So I started looking through books and more books until I found this mosaic pattern I thought would work. It’s the Fretwork Pattern from Barbara Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns, p. 82.

The pattern notes say it’s based on the famous Greek Fret and as soon as Georgie saw them he said they were “My Big Fat Greek Socks.” Seriously. He takes all the credit for the name – he LOVES them! He’s got me making socks in greek flag colors for all the little girls at Greek School. Um no. He can’t wait to show them to his mother on Sunday, which is Greek Easter. I’m happy because they remind me of the Red Easter Eggs we have at his parent’s house every year. Everyone takes an egg and you crack the ends against your neighbors’ eggs and the last one with a whole egg (no cracks) wins! (What they win I’m not sure – eternal happiness? Chocolate? Sadly, I’ve never won.)

I’m THRILLED with the way the socks look off the needles, but so so on the foot. The slip stitches at some of the joins are loose and if I like the way the sock ends up, I’ll probably knit another pair and keep this one as the prototype. They’re a bit tight getting them over the heel, but I don’t think I can go up to Size 3 needles. Maybe if I keep the ribbing on 2s and do the body on 3s? Then go back to 2s for the heel and the foot? I’m going to do the heel in red and the toe in red and the foot, well, I have an idea about the foot, but I’ll get to that when I get there.

Today’s a process day. I need to mull over some work stuff and G’s out tonight so I’m going to concentrate on lots of fiber fun. Like SPIN! Finally. I want to move onto my April Project Spectrum Spinning before April actually ends and I plan on trying to get in a whole repeat today on the shawl. Ambitious I know, but if I don’t eat or clean or pay bills or tend to my own personal hygiene, I think I can do it ALL!

Simply SockapalOOOza

MY! Aren’t they lovely?

Simply Lovely Lace Socks
by Karen Baumer, IK, Spring 2006
Socks That Rock, Lightweight, Lover’s Leap
Two circulars, Addi Turbos Size 2 (3.0 mm)
Knit for SockapalOOOza.

I know I’m like a broken record, but oh my god I love this yarn. LOVE IT! (The color is actually a bit redder in real life. So hard to photograph red!) This batch of yarn was even softer than usual. The socks are really done, ends woven in and everything, but I still need to give them a nice lavendar Eucalan bath. That will happen soon. I’d just like to point out that I’m done with a week and a half to spare. Thankyouverymuch! One deadline down – one to go. Of course, I’m sure I will be plenty sidetracked. I started a new sock yesterday – and when I say new I mean new to you and me! YAY! But I had to rip it once I figured out that it was going to work. I need to knit it on bigger needles. But all is well, no fear. I’m hoping to have some decent progress in the next few days so I can reveal it. OOOHH! I’m so excited I could burst. It’s going to be really cool. (At least I think it is.) There are like fifteen million socks I want to knit. And I’ve got at least three singles lying around waiting for mates. And I MUST finish the shawl. I will finish the shawl in time. It’s just that it’s boring at this point and it takes a long time to get through a row and I’m looking at longer and longer rows. I’ve still got a week and a half for that and it looks like it might rain this weekend, so if I can get this new NEW sock on track, I’ll go back to the shawl. And Short Rows. I’ve been mulling the collar fix off and on for weeks. Here’s the problem: I picked up all the stitches I THOUGHT should be picked up (I’m thinking sock gussets here – didn’t want any holes) and then I decreased to try to get to the number the pattern said and I got lots of nice puckers. What if I just keep the number of stitches I think I need to pick up? It will work then right? I need to do some more research on this before I try again.

My dear deluded friend Ann yelled at me yesterday when I was talking to her about my many amazing knitty ideas. She said, “Why don’t you finish something first?” Hong Kong Phooey on you Ann! YOU CAN NOT HOLD CREATIVITY BACK!!!! You must let it be free to flourish and sing and eat freaking Spaghettios if it wants to. Godammit.

PS – Speaking of socks, head on over to Heather’s and help her with her school project. There might be sock yarn in it for you!

G is for


Whew! This was a really hard one for me. I had lots of ideas for G (yes, including Georgie) that either I rejected or didn’t pan out or I took 8 million pictures and hated them all. Yesterday I went out in search of growth and I found it a myriad of ways! New buds, emerging petals bursting forth in a blaze of spring – along with emotional leaps, creative bounds, psychic jumps. All that good stuff.

These photographs are a real departure for me. It’s difficult to get clean, crisp macro shots. I’ll often stand, waiting, with a flower for a long time to get things just right. I literally took about 850 pictures when I went out yesterday – these are the best I got. I love the light in a lot of them. I’m not sure I really like the composition in all of them, but I think they tell a story about growth and nature and they are incredibly sexual to me in a lot of ways. Do you see it? They aren’t as sharp as I usually like; the wind kicked up stronger and stronger while I was out. Wind is the enemy of a macro photographer. But I like the blur in these pictures and I think it adds to the narrative. Things are blurry when you’re growing up – and often times they never become clear, no matter how hard you try to see. Life is fuzzy like that.

It’s just a fantasy whoa-o-o-o

Sometimes a fantasy
Is all you need

Georgie and I had LOTS of juicy, passionate discussions this weekend and one of them was about the merits of Billy Joel’s songbook. We both agreed that Glass Houses ranks up there as one of the all time best. All For Leyna puts it over 52nd Street by a knockout.

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not throwing over one B Rock Boy for another. Billy isn’t fit to tie Bruce’s shoes, in my estimation, but he does have some really, really good songs. Really good. ( I mean, really, Captain Jack was one of the reasons I wanted to live in New York. Who didn’t want to get high in the Village?) We heard Sometimes A Fantasy on our way home the other night and cranked it loud. I love singing along with my G-Love! LOVE IT!

Anyway, we had a great weekend! Guess what I did? NOTHING! Well, nothing if nothing includes a ton of knitting and laying around in my bed and watching like ten hours of Another World. Frankie and Cass are engaged (my fave pairing) and the Sharlene/Sharlee multiple personality thing is about to hit the fan, although I much prefer the later, eviler Grant Harrison than the doofus playing him now. Josie’s fake stalker might be real. Rachel and Ken Jordan are about to do the nasty, only he’s working with Paulina and we all now what’s coming there. (I prefer the later Paulina as well. Who’s on Days (again) right now.) The whole Suspicion thing going on with the Amanda/Sam/Evan triangle is a yawn and I never, ever liked shrill Amanda to begin with and Sam’s almost as annoying as Evan, but send me over some Hudson love and I’m happy. I’ve always loved Donna. And Jake. And Michael and Vicki and Marley. I’m looking forward to Ann Heche being replaced by Jensen Buchanan but I have to give her props. She sure can bring it.

After finishing up the taxes on Saturday morning (just some last minute checks – they were really done before I left) and a trip to the post office (did you know it was like $50 to E-FILE?! How ridiculous is that?) we did a drive through of Branch Brook Park to see the amazing Cherry Blossoms. We thought we might sit outside for awhile since it was like 80 degrees on Saturday, but the park was CRAZY. The trees were beautiful though. No pictures. I don’t like to take pictures unless I can get really, really close. Or someone’s paying me. 😉

There were lots and lots of religion discussions too. Fitting given the Passover/Easter weekend. We watched a few minutes of The Ten Commandments and had a lively discussion of Cecil B. DeMille’s Passover meal. The kid asks why they’re eating bitter herbs and Chuck Heston says so we can remember the bad times. Um. WE eat bitter herbs so we can remember THEIR bad times. This is ostensibly the FIRST Passover. The seder didn’t come until the NEXT year. We talked about the history of the whole thing – what year did this happen, that happen, when did this one die, that one, who fought against who. G gets really into it and peppers me with questions. He thinks just because I studied all this stuff in college I should know it all. As the weekend moved closer to Easter we got into it about Christianity – and when I say Christianity I’m talking 70 A.D. and such. I watched a fascinating show on the Gospel of Judas. Fascinating! I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, but oh my god. It’s amazing how much MAN’S decisions influenced what was supposedly DIVINE. Did you know that originally there were over 30 gospels out there? Guess who chose the four that got in the good book? Yeah. A guy. (Before you go telling me it was divinely inspired and all that let me tell you that when it comes to ancient texts, I am an academic all the way. If you’d like to read that as skeptic, be my guest. I don’t doubt the existence of many of these people and events, but there are academic criteria that must be met before we can say it DEFINITELY happened. My Jesuit Professor taught me that in one of my favorite classes in college – Jesus and His Times.) Anyway, lively debate all around! We love that.

The rest of the weekend I knit. It was heaven!

I started the second sockapaloooza sock and I’m already on the gusset. I will have this baby finished in no time! Deadlines Schmedlines! Still loving the yarn and the pattern and I can only hope my pal will too.

Most of the time though I knit on my Beaded Diamond Fantasy Shawl.

I’m already up to repeat 7. I have a little system going. I like to finish a repeat then start the first row (where you add the extra sections) of the next repeat and leave it on a purl row. This way I know where I am and I can just knit – I’ve already done the next bead row – which is getting slower and more tedious the longer I make this thing – and I don’t have to worry about beads again until the second section of the chart.

I still love it and everytime G looks at it he tells me how classy it is. I hope it fulfills its purpose of camouflaging how fat I have become (again!) and making me feel fabulous because I’m afraid the dress and the body won’t be helping at all. Anyway, that’s my problem. I have a plan. And the plan is to knit a FABULOUS shawl that takes all the attention away from how gross I look. ( It’s how I feel. You’ve all been there I’m sure.)

The only teensy tiny regret I might have is the yarn. Sundara did a fabulous job dyeing it for me and it’s perfect, but a little bit scratchy. She told me that would go away with washing (it’s from the overdye) but I’m thinking I should’ve gone with some kind of silk blend for utter luxury. I know it will block out fabulous though, so I think this regret is only from knitting a TON on
it this weekend (four repeats?) and that I’m a bit bored of it. Still and all a FANTASTIC pattern and I’m loving the beads.

I’m way behind on the ABC A-Long but not for lack of trying. I had a G all lined up and I took a bunch of pictures this weekend and I hate them all. I hated them while I was taking them and I hated them when I looked at them and that G won’t be working. So I’m moving on to another G and I hope to have it up soon. You can’t put a calendar on inspiration. I’m trying. I will hopefully get back on track soon, although H and I aren’t really helping either. Damn alphabet. One thing that has been working is my knitty imagination!!!! I’ve got some HUGE plans. HUGE. I’m very, very excited.

Rare Gems

I guess I might as well admit it. I’m a sock knitter. I know you all think I’m a sock knitter, but I’ve been avoiding the label because, well, I DO knit other things besides socks. Although it might not seem like it these days.

I finished three socks while I was at my sister’s. The first one I’m going to talk about is a mate – so now I have a pair.

Yes, yes. I ran out of yarn. I’m still using the old put up – I’ve got a lot of STR skeins to get through – but it wasn’t all the fault of the yarn. The colorway is a RARE GEM, which means no one else in the world has it but me! Sometimes mistakes are made in the dye pot and Tina transforms these “mistakes” into gorgeous unique colorways through overdyeing. I was worried from the start that I’d run out and in this world of self-fulfilling prophecies I did. The funny thing? I made a mistake in the pattern. I hope you’re laughing because I certainly did – this is my 11th pair of jaywalkers? I’ve lost count to be honest. So here I am knitting on this sock and I decide to do a stitch count and I realize that somewhere I added an extra stitch. The best part is that I made the mistake in a place that’s completely obliterated by the pattern! That’s why I couldn’t see it. (For those of you intimately acquainted with the jaywalker pattern, I added the second ktfbl on a knit row down the middle of the sock so on the next row the pattern was unchanged for the first ktfbl. And if you understand that – maybe it’s time to find a new sock pattern. 😉 ) When it became clear to me that I was going to run out of yarn, I called my favorite dyer Tina and asked for some Spinel, which I thought would work perfect for the toe.

And I think I was right! I love the sock. Then I had to decide whether or not I wanted both socks to match, since I had already finished the first sock with the Rare Gems yarn. I decided I liked them different. Truly a pair of Rare Gem socks.

I love them. They will sit in my (soon to be determined) sock drawer and wait for the cold feet of fall.

I also finished one of my Hot Flash jaywalkers:

OH MY GOD! I have GOT to start counting more. This time I made a very similar mistake (left out a ktfbl) and ended up a stitch short. I’m getting better with the whole perfectionism thing though because I didn’t rip it out and fix it at the source (the mistake was on the cuff and when I figured it out I was on the foot.) I fixed it where I found the mistake. Same as the Rare Gems sock. Love the sock. Will be making another one.

And in the biggest news of the day, I finished sock ONE of my Sockapaloooza socks:

LOVE the yarn. LOVE the pattern. LOVE the sock. (That’s three loves for sockapalOOOza.) It is SO hard knitting socks for someone other than yourself – especially someone far away that can’t try them on for you. They are pretty loose on me so and a bit long so I’ve got all my toes crossed that they will fit the recipient.

I think it’s pretty funny that the jaywalker looks bigger than the sock pal sock. So not the case.

Anyway. That’s what I knit while I was away. It was excellent to see the kids and hang with my sister but I’m VERY glad to be home. Look for lots of black and bead lace knitting to come and another sock pal sock. That’s going to be pretty much it until the end of April. Deadlines loom. Oh and if anyone has any ideas about sending expensive and IRREPLACEABLE jewelry through the mail (fedex, etc.) please let me know. I left my fancy wedding ring at my sister’s and I want it back in my possession ASAP. I don’t feel like going back down there to pick it up and I’m missing it desperately. But can you really send that kind of stuff?

He said I was his hero.

All because I taught him to knit. How amazing is that? This morning my nephew and I were knitting – quick – if you get dressed quick we can knit a little bit before you have to go to school! – and he managed to knit a couple stitches ALL BY HIMSELF and when we were done our mini lesson he told me I was his hero. All together now: AWWWW!!!! Tonight, on the ride to his bubbe’s, I told him I’d sit next to him in the back of the van and we’d knit some more.

Hanging with the kids is ALWAYS a good time. The baby isn’t a baby anymore, being that he’s one and all now. Okay, well he’s still a baby, but much less babyish all the time. Talking up a storm – if only we could understand what he’s saying! – and standing and laughing and dancing. He’s a sweetie pie if there ever was one.

And the princess is sick but still cute as a button. Although I think she got me sick too, or maybe it’s allergies, but my throat is scratchy and my eyes are all drippy and my nose is stuffed and I’m honestly sick of feeling like crap. Either tired or harried or stressed or like crap. I want to feel good! I want to RUN! The weather is definitely inspiring me to get my ass off the couch and strap those sneakers on. That and the fact that my sister and I tried on about 4,361 pairs of jeans and not one of them looked even remotely passable.

On the knitting front – a pair of socks is finally finished! But with a twist! Another sock is finished. And another one – the sock pal one – has been knit and ripped and knit and ripped and knit and ripped (literally!) and is finally on its way. I hope to have it finished by the end of the week and the next one started ASAP. I’m not worried about meeting the deadline.

I saw this over at Vicki’s the other day and it looked like fun fodder. Have a great day! Happy Pesach!

Do a Wikipedia search of your birthdate, minus the year; list three interesting events, three people who were born, and three people who died on that day.

1. 45 BC – The Julian calendar first takes effect.
2. 1818 – Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus is published.
3. 1901 – The first official Mummers Parade is held.
4. 1985 – The Internet’s Domain Name System is created.

1. 1735 – Paul Revere, American silversmith and patriot (d. 1818)
2. 1752 – Betsy Ross, American seamstress (d. 1836)
3. 1864 – Alfred Stieglitz, American photographer (d. 1946)
4. 1919 – J. D. Salinger, American novelist
5. 1970 – Gabriel Jarret, American actor

1. 1953 – Hank Williams is pronounced dead after passing out in the back seat of a car which was travelling to his next gig in Canton, Ohio.
2. 1958 – Edward Weston, American photographer (b. 1886)
3. 1972 – Maurice Chevalier, French actor and singer (b. 1888)

See you Friday!
PS – You all know that whole toilet paper thing? A joke. Just a joke. (Albeit a bad one!)


BINGO! We have some winners!

First, the winner of the Ghost Story contest is:


And the winners of the Mason Dixon contest are:



Thanks everyone for playing! Tune in for next week’s contest: Guess how much toilet paper is in my house RIGHT NOW?!