I didn’t do the next repeat. Here’s a really, really awful picture of the unblocked Beaded Diamond Fantasy Shawl:
Click on the picture – it definitely looks better bigger. Anyway, I’m SO glad I decided not to go on – first off – this thing is 56″ unblocked – hell – it’s not even stretched out at all. And it’s heavy – between the beads and the yarn another repeat might have sent it over the edge. I added beads below the bind off edge – where the middle of the diamond would’ve been had I done the next repeat, but right now the edge is folding over on it and you can’t see it. And that edge! MY GOD! I can not sing the praises of the I-cord bindoff enough. It’s GORGEOUS! But it also took me like five hours to do. Granted I took breaks every now and again, but still. See that red thread running through? That’s some left over STR that I’m using to do Stephanie’s blocking trick for straight edges. She threads in a piece of waste yarn much bigger than the biggest size you might want to block the piece and then pulls tight. I forgot with the last shawl but I was smart this time. Here’s hoping it works better than pins across the straight edge.
So today I’m off for some knitblogger play. Lorette is in town! YAY! and we’re going to go yarn shopping and a couple of friends might join us. The more the merrier!
Obervation: Last night I was laying in bed – Georgie came home late – and I had just finished watching this super scary PBS show on The Donner Party. The pictures of these people? The true definition of haunted. They labeled the freaking body parts so people didn’t have to eat their own kin. WOW. Oh and by the way – is there anything that Ric Burns HASN’T made a documentary about? I digress. G and I were laying in bed flipping around the tv and he landed on Jay Leno. Robin Williams was the guest. As we were laying there laughing, I had that feeling I sometimes get – I am a grown-up. Nothing says grown-up to me like late night talk shows. It brings me back to my childhood – when my parents would watch Johnny Carson and I would wake up and wander into their room – they were laughing at things I didn’t understand. It was a grown-up thing. Weird huh. I’m the grown-up (sort of) now. Sometimes it feels really good. It’s nice to get the jokes.