Simply SockapalOOOza

MY! Aren’t they lovely?

Simply Lovely Lace Socks
by Karen Baumer, IK, Spring 2006
Socks That Rock, Lightweight, Lover’s Leap
Two circulars, Addi Turbos Size 2 (3.0 mm)
Knit for SockapalOOOza.

I know I’m like a broken record, but oh my god I love this yarn. LOVE IT! (The color is actually a bit redder in real life. So hard to photograph red!) This batch of yarn was even softer than usual. The socks are really done, ends woven in and everything, but I still need to give them a nice lavendar Eucalan bath. That will happen soon. I’d just like to point out that I’m done with a week and a half to spare. Thankyouverymuch! One deadline down – one to go. Of course, I’m sure I will be plenty sidetracked. I started a new sock yesterday – and when I say new I mean new to you and me! YAY! But I had to rip it once I figured out that it was going to work. I need to knit it on bigger needles. But all is well, no fear. I’m hoping to have some decent progress in the next few days so I can reveal it. OOOHH! I’m so excited I could burst. It’s going to be really cool. (At least I think it is.) There are like fifteen million socks I want to knit. And I’ve got at least three singles lying around waiting for mates. And I MUST finish the shawl. I will finish the shawl in time. It’s just that it’s boring at this point and it takes a long time to get through a row and I’m looking at longer and longer rows. I’ve still got a week and a half for that and it looks like it might rain this weekend, so if I can get this new NEW sock on track, I’ll go back to the shawl. And Short Rows. I’ve been mulling the collar fix off and on for weeks. Here’s the problem: I picked up all the stitches I THOUGHT should be picked up (I’m thinking sock gussets here – didn’t want any holes) and then I decreased to try to get to the number the pattern said and I got lots of nice puckers. What if I just keep the number of stitches I think I need to pick up? It will work then right? I need to do some more research on this before I try again.

My dear deluded friend Ann yelled at me yesterday when I was talking to her about my many amazing knitty ideas. She said, “Why don’t you finish something first?” Hong Kong Phooey on you Ann! YOU CAN NOT HOLD CREATIVITY BACK!!!! You must let it be free to flourish and sing and eat freaking Spaghettios if it wants to. Godammit.

PS – Speaking of socks, head on over to Heather’s and help her with her school project. There might be sock yarn in it for you!


  1. You have me loving this yarn so much, I wrote to Bluemoon and begged them to send me some. I’m anxiously awaiting its arrival. **grins**
    These socks are absolutely lovely!

  2. I am liking those socks, too. And I already visited Heather and sent a link to her survey to my knitting peeps here. Good luck to Heather with her school project.

  3. Just beautiful! Perfect for spring.

  4. I am seeing so many utterly cool socks — each time I think gee, I hope those are for me. You have one lucky sock pal!
    Meanwhile, I am almost done with my first sock. Yes, I need to get a move on. Sockapaloooza is having the same effect on me, making me want to knit all the socks I’ve seen, and some that I haven’t.

  5. Your sockapaloooza socks look fantabulous. Isn’t it a relief to finish a project with a looming deadline? I know your pal will love them. If she doesn’t, just give her my email addy and we’ll work out a little something :o)

  6. The color is really spectacular and I love that pattern. Lucky sock pal!

  7. Your socks are gorgeous! I can’t wait to knit a pair of those myself.

  8. Those socks are spectacular. I love the color and the cute little picot edge. Yum. Lucky sock pal. The NEW socks sounds interesting – quit teasing and just show us already 🙂

  9. They are too too lovely. Wish I was your sock pal!

  10. Uh-oh, Spaghetti-os! I have to admit that sometimes there’s nothing else that quite hits the spot… I also like Mini Ravioli. ; )
    I absolutely LOVE THOSE SOCKS! Darn it, there are so many cute patterns and drop-dead-gorgeous sock yarns out there…
    Thanks for the link to Heather’s — it’ll be fun to see what she’s up to with all that.
    You just go with the creativity, hon… I can’t wait to see what you’re all up to, too! Ann will be fine.

  11. Ann is such a spoil sport! The RED HOT SOCKS are fabulous! You have a lucky pal.

  12. So do you like plain spaghettios or the ones with little meatballs?
    The socks are terrific – congrats on finishing!

  13. Love those socks! That pattern is on my “to-do” list.
    I agree with you on the creativity! 🙂

  14. Beautiful socks! What kind of changes did you make to the pattern? Any? I love these socks and want to make them, but I normally use a size 2 DPN and I didn’t know how that would work.

  15. What a pretty pair of socks! I love that they are on the short side, and the edge really makes them special.
    Can’t wait to see the secret sock.

  16. Oh my those are gorgeous! Lucky you! I’ve gotta check out that pattern. Do they feel as good as they look? 🙂

  17. oh please, knitting gods, make me cara’s sockpal!
    PS – Are you using a Canon DSLR? Are you flower shots with that yummy 100MM lens? I may have to dust mine off.

  18. They are beauties!! Love ’em.

  19. Such pretty socks! Yummy! Looks like a nicely shaped toe, too. What a lucky pal.

  20. remember the introduction of “skank” into our vocab? well, Hong Kong Phooey is right up there!

  21. What is the “finish” Ann speaks of? I hate knitting on my current socks, so I’ve just shoved them in a bin with the rest of my in-progress stuff. I’m sure they’ll be fine 🙂

  22. Gorgeous! Your sock pal is one lucky gal.
    I am definitely going to use that pattern.

  23. Such pretty, pretty socks! They look much more attractive here than they do in the magazine–I wasn’t that impressed with the design while leafing through IK, but I see your pair and suddenly, it’s love. 🙂

  24. They are gorgeous socks.
    And can we let it sing Spaghettios? (That’s how I read it at first…)

  25. I echo all the comments…fabulous, pretty, gorgeous, beautiful, spectaculoar socks 🙂

  26. They are great! Fabuloso color! I just cast on for the same pattern. I love it! Very easy to remember ; )

  27. Socks. So pretty.

  28. I hate to do this, but I’m with Ann on the Spaghetti-Os front. Bleh!
    The socks, they are fabulousness itself. You’re mind kind of knitter. Even if you do eat Spaghetti-Os and give me flashbacks about cartoons.

  29. yep, they are gorgeous. hmmm, maybe i should start them?

  30. Those are gorgeous!

  31. I love how the socks turned out! Very ‘look at me, I’m fabulous!’ attention grabbing. Your pal will love them.
    Good luck finishing the shawl on time. 🙂

  32. Thanks for the inspiration–I’ve started 3 different pairs for Sockapaloooza, and this 4th will be my last.

  33. The socks are gorgeous!!

  34. I am knitting those same socks right now using Koigu and size 0 needles–sometimes it gets so tight I think I’ll be committed by the time they are done! yours look so pretty tho, that i will perservere….

  35. I wish I were your sockpal! Those are simply beautiful. The beads on the shawl are pretty darn awesome, too.

  36. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I love that pattern!!

  37. yes, you outdid yourself! that yarn complements the design so perfectly – are you on a roll like with the jaywalker pattern?

  38. Love, love, love! the socks!!!
    Thanks for the link too!!

  39. Such beautiful socks!!!!

  40. I followed the link on Knitting History’s site and had to leave a comment about how wonderful these socks are! Quickly perusing the rest of your entries on the first page , I’m definitely adding you to my Cool Kids link list (if that’s ok with you!)

  41. Those are some damm cute socks. I love the color.

  42. Those are beautiful socks! I thought the pattern looked appealing in IK and it is wonderful to see them made up. Really soft and pretty.

  43. I requested lace socks….do you have my address?

  44. your socks are lovely, lovely, lovely! your sock pal will love them. i have a question for you. using the STR yarn, did you cast on 48 or 60? thanx!