G is for


Whew! This was a really hard one for me. I had lots of ideas for G (yes, including Georgie) that either I rejected or didn’t pan out or I took 8 million pictures and hated them all. Yesterday I went out in search of growth and I found it a myriad of ways! New buds, emerging petals bursting forth in a blaze of spring – along with emotional leaps, creative bounds, psychic jumps. All that good stuff.

These photographs are a real departure for me. It’s difficult to get clean, crisp macro shots. I’ll often stand, waiting, with a flower for a long time to get things just right. I literally took about 850 pictures when I went out yesterday – these are the best I got. I love the light in a lot of them. I’m not sure I really like the composition in all of them, but I think they tell a story about growth and nature and they are incredibly sexual to me in a lot of ways. Do you see it? They aren’t as sharp as I usually like; the wind kicked up stronger and stronger while I was out. Wind is the enemy of a macro photographer. But I like the blur in these pictures and I think it adds to the narrative. Things are blurry when you’re growing up – and often times they never become clear, no matter how hard you try to see. Life is fuzzy like that.


  1. I think that G is for Gorgeous.

  2. Oh my! Those photos are gorgeous and I see the sexuality of it all. I think you need to grab Georgie and go have a lie-down. 😉

  3. “G” is beautiful.. Thank you for saying it took 850 pictures to get those. I was really feeling worthless until I read that. Me too!

  4. Life is fuzzy like that. The pictures truly envoke your ‘G’. I knew it was growth before I scrolled down. Nice work, grrlfriend!

  5. I’m in awe. You are so very talented. Really, amazing. I love your “G” – fabulous.

  6. So beautiful!

  7. they are all beautiful! I especially like the fifth one from the bottom in which the petal closest to the camera lense is in perfect focus while the rest is blurred. It would be wonderful to achieve that effect with paint. I also like the 3rd and 4th from the top – the flowers look as though they are suspended in space. Again, would love to paint these! Sadly, I still cannot see your banner on my home computer. I tried purging my cache as you suggested, so I’m stumped. However, I can see them at work. One good reason to go!

  8. Now you’re just making me cry.
    G is for gorgeous.

  9. You are trul talented, m’dear.

  10. G is also for Great! I love the creativity.

  11. ::delurking::
    Those are some great shots. I was out taking some macro shots of flowers (mostly tulips) on Sunday and the wind is such a pain, although it can make for some very interesting blurs.

  12. Wow. You are really, really good at this.

  13. Beautiful!!!

  14. I love your photos! It took me a few pictures to figure out G = Grow… I was thinking “that’s odd, flower starts with F”! 🙂
    I’m assuming you use a D-SLR… do you use a macro lens?

  15. Good grief, how could we not see it? Those pix of the red tulip in particular are almost scary. Like a cross between Marilyn Monroe and Audrey II. (Yes, I have a sick mind, thanks for noticing.)

  16. you’re like the Hugh Hefner of the garden.

  17. OMG those photos are gorgeous (hey another G). Some of them are very sensual. You did an excellent job.

  18. Wonderful!!

  19. I bet the 837 you didn’t like are incredible as well! And you are right; mother nature sure has her act together. Great post. Thanks.

  20. The pictures really catch the “g”. OCD for sure.

  21. Lovely G!! And we know Georgie is your #1 G!!!

  22. What fabulous G pictures!

  23. I definitely saw the sexuality – even before you mentioned it. When I was scrolling down, about halfway through I thought to myself, “If I didn’t know these were flowers, I’d think I was on a porn site.” Georgia O’Keefe indeed! Excellent entry to the alphabet meme!

  24. Love the sex flowers, ohmigod! I’m kind of turned on…but I should also mention that I have two small hoovers attached to my breasts and they are sucking the life force from me as I read and type. Damn. I’m not sure how I feel about this…flower porn and breast pump sex toys? that can’t be right. 😉

  25. i like the bluury, esp. the 4th from the top with the sharp in front, and blurry in the background 🙂

  26. Gifted, another “G” word that describes you. Your photography inspires me and one step further.

  27. Perfect! And I like the analogy to growth, the blurriness compared to the uneasiness of adolescence, etc.

  28. Stunning.

  29. Thanks for sharing that burst of spring color. I feel completely rejuventated now.

  30. beautiful cara, yes thank you for that beautiful view of spring!! 🙂

  31. Beautiful!! My favourite ones are the 4th one and the last one … where can I get the print?!!?!

  32. I really love these pictures. Especially the blur series.

  33. What beautiful photos! Beyond your obvious amazing talent, may I ask what camera you’re using? I’m shopping now for one…
    Lori in Michigan (not as far into spring here…)

  34. Cara – gorgeous photos! I’m going to MD S&W too but didn’t know your email to get on the list.

  35. The photos are wonderful! Flowers always herald the birth of spring for me. Happy New Year, Cara!