You’re ALL Winners in My Book!

Have you been sitting on the edge of your seat? I’m posting a bit later today – am I driving you crazy? First off, thanks everyone for coming out to play. This one was a gift (well they’re all technically gifts, but I’m going to make you work a little harder next time.) First, Bob, let’s review Showcase #1:

We’ve got two skeins (450yds total) of SOCKS THAT ROCK in the Pebbles colorway, a Lantern Moon project bag, a glow in the dark sheepy (ask Margene – she’ll tell you – it REALLY glows in the dark) and some super cute sheepy earrings/stitch markers. (They will be real easy to make into stitch markers – just add a jump ring instead of a hook.) Oh and some sheep cards or flower cards, depending on what the winner wants. I had to order new stock, so no pictures right now.

And there you go Bob. Showcase #1. Thanks Johnny. We’ll be back to annouce the winner after this short commercial break.

La la la la la. Hey – want to see something funny? While I was out with my peeps on Saturday, G tried to do some home repair. Thanks honey! When I came home he pulled me into the den/guest room/work out room and showed me this:

I said, “Oh. Max will love that.” And he said, “Well. They only had one.” My goofy Georgie! He loves his Spidey night light. When I asked him if I could blog it he said, “You better.” Awww.

HA ha ha Johnny. And I said to the cat – don’t worry, I’ve been spayed! Ha ha ha – oh we’re back on the air? Let’s review. That’s two skeins STR. One Lantern Moon bag. Glow in the dark Sheep. And Sheepy earrings/stitch markers.

Look how cute!
Johnny – tell us who won!


Congratulations Nathania! Send me your address and the prize will go out in a bit. Tune in next Saturday, for more fabulous games and prizes!


Thanks for all the kind comments about my appointment yesterday. It went okay – my doctor is a sympathetic person – she just can’t wrap her head around why someone – who’s gone through all that we’ve had – would stop things at the final stage. And I can’t help her understand because I’m not sure I understand myself. It is what it is. I needed the pap and that’s done. Everything else is good. Although I’m a little bit pissed that she now considers me high risk – meaning I pumped myself full of all those drugs and hormones and to quote her “we don’t know what that stuff does to you” so she puts me in the high risk category. For cancer I guess or anything else that’s out of the ordinary. I understand being proactive, but I think that’s a little bit too much. Put together with my family history, I’m probably no more at risk than someone who took birth control pills for ten years or something – and I know plenty of people like that. Whatever. I may not go back to her. We’ll see. I do need a baseline mammogram. Guess I’m really getting old, huh. Edited to clarify: I’ve been going to my doctor for years, and for years I LOVED her. She was very proactive with my infertility testing when other doctors would have poopooed me and pointed me back to the bedroom. I understand that she can’t understand – and I feel for her. She wants to help me and she doesn’t know how besides to say go and get pregnant. And to a certain extent she’s right. A lot of my issues are MY issues. I may search out another doctor, but this is a complex situation and even the most compassionate of people can get very confused. I appreciate your good thoughts. Thank you.

I was up really late last night – no knitting involved. But I got A LOT of picture work done and I can barely see the light at the end of the tunnel – it’s there – however dim. Back to the grind. Thanks everyone for playing!!!!


  1. Those earrings are Soooooo cute. Damn, I didn’t win. Glad all is well in the female regions. If you don’t like your doctor you should switch to someone you feel more comfortable with, don’t you think?

  2. Well, as someone who has “been there, done that”… I can highly recommend a great doc… email me privately, she’s FANTASTIC… very thorough… and keeps VERY up to date on EVERYTHING. 🙂 email me and I’ll give you her #n and name… never hurts to have a 2nd opinion and she’s all about YOU and what YOU want. we *heart* her.
    And she’s in the boston area… where you are, no?

  3. “We don’t know what that stuff does to you.” Well that is a nice warm fuzzy thought, isn’t it? In all the years of going to OB/GYNs, I have only seen the same one twice, then she left the practice. Then I finally found another one I liked, then I moved. I just feel that if I am being prodded around down there, I should be comfortable with the person, and I’ve had trouble finding that.

  4. I adore that sheep marker!! can’t believe I didn’t win!

  5. Nathania deserves to win!
    I think that night light would keep me up all night. Kinda creepy.
    It’s good to hear you have a little peep of light at the end of the tunnel. It will grow.

  6. Forgive me for being presumptive, but maybe talking to a counselor about the IVF decision would help you better understand it yourself? Perhaps you’re already exploring that, and if so, kudos, and I’ll say no more on the subject. In any case, I admire your bravery in all that’s involved with the quest for fertility. ((Hug))
    And I also envy your yarn crawl in NYC the other day – that sounded like a blast!
    Congrats to Nathania, (but, darn, I didn’t win!). That’s so generous of you, Cara!

  7. Will there be Plinko?
    Lucky, lucky Nathania! That’s so cool. Those sheep are aDORable!

  8. DUDE! *I* want the sheepy earrings. 😉 Glad you see the light, Cara…I miss you!

  9. ooo, love the spiderman lamp!
    good on you for getting that doctor’s visit over and done with. high risk high schmisk! and good on you for seeing the (spiderman?) light.

  10. Those earings are so cute. They almost make me wish that I had pierced ears.
    I understand your doctor dilemma, but it’s not her job to “understand” your decision, it is her job to respect it and support you as you struggle with infertility.

  11. Cara, my thoughts with you and yours on the whole baby thang. Do what is in your heart, it’s your life!!
    Also, I WANT those sheepy earrings! Where did you find them? Please please please post a source!
    And, that Spiderman light is COOL. BTW, dunno if your guy is a comix fan, but I just ordered my hubby the newly released coffeetable book of Little Nemo In Slumberland. It looks awesome!

  12. Cool fun Spidey nite lite! Too bad they only had one, huh? So congratulations Nathania!! What an awesome gift package she will receive! YAY! I’ll have to go back and review your blog history to brush up on “all about Cara” for next week’s question! 🙂

  13. Gail Lucille says

    Bummer…(not meaning the sheep earrings) that we all did not win, but hey, Whoo hoo… Nathania glad you did.
    I would Love to find a pair of Sheep to make
    into stitch markers like those..They’re so cute.

  14. Ooh, I would have loved to play. I guess I should link you on my blog now. You’re blog is so much fun.
    Who would have known? I found you from the group “Knitting Beyond the Hebrides” and I thought you all were a glum lot…. with all that serious knitting.
    Well, I don’t think you’re actually part of that group but they were all talking about that Japanese Aran pattern that you are going to do.
    Good luck on getting pregnant. That’s all I can say cuz I know nothing about pregnancy.