You Can Have Too Much Fun

All weekend long my throat was tickly and I started losing my voice. I thought it was from all the laughing and screaming and the perpetual draft I was feeling from the AC cranking. (That’s what happens when you travel with three peri-menopausal women – I’m sitting in the backseat with every article of clothing I own wrapped around me shivering to death and the three of them are fanning themselves in their bras and underpants complaining about how stuffy it is in the car. You think I’m kidding?!)

Anyway. I’m sick. My throat no longer tickles, it flat out hurts. This is the worst time for me to get sick, as my weekends are booked through November with multiple photography jobs. Parents don’t like it when you’re sick. Hopefully I won’t be a drippy mess by the weekend when I have to work again.

And I feel like I should be in full Hazmat suit around my husband. We’ve finally scheduled his surgery for late November and god help me if I get him sick. Can you imagine the guilt? So we’re staying away from each other. Which is kind of sad because I’m really missing him.

I haven’t taken any pictures of my haul yet – but I will for tomorrow. Tomorrow is sort of a kind of maybe special day and I will finally take pictures of all that I bought to celebrate. It really wasn’t that much and I pretty much like it all and am happy about my purchases.

On the knitting front, I’ve been feeling guilty about the fact that I might not actually finish a pair of socks for Socktoberfest. I’m just about to the heel on my second green Koigu knee high and yet I’m completely infatuated with my Pomatomus sock. Even though I hate ribbing and purling in socks – I’m loving this pattern. I finally figured out the yo purl on the first stitch and I wonder how I ever had trouble with it – the pattern’s memorized and I’m sailing along. I’ve got half a repeat left before I get to the heel flap. But I really should finish the knee highs before October is over.

And I’m LOVING knitting with STR again. You know, a lot of people said stuff to me at the festival about the lines at The Fold and when/if it was rumored they sold out. I’m not feeling the least bit guilty about it. I LOVE THIS YARN and will make no apologies about how I feel about it or how much I happen to have in my house. (By the way, the new alarm system will be installed next week so don’t get any ideas.) I thought the line was GREAT!!! FANTASTIC! AMAZING! How many of you met new people and had a lovely time talking about knitting and the festival and blogging while in that line? I know I met quite a few of you just walking by – it was great! I didn’t see anyone pissed off in that line. Really I think everyone should knit with this yarn. And I was totally heartened to see so many people trying it out. Do I think you should all wait to buy it at Rhinebeck or another fiber festival? Not at all. That’s why I told you I buy directly from Blue Moon. I understand wanting to see it in person before you buy it – I really do. But sometimes that’s just not possible in this fantastic world of yarn we live in. There are a number of yarns I’d love to try that I can’t get anywhere around here. So I decide to trust my knitting friends and jump in. Or I don’t. Most yarn sellers are incredibly easy going – if you buy it and hate it they will usually take it back or exchange it. And for all of you that emailed me and told me they sold out of lightweight by 10AM – that’s just a rumor. Toni never had lightweight for sale. Trust me on this. She only sells mediumweight and heavyweight. Another reason I buy directly from Tina. Although I did pick up a little something from Toni on my way out the door Sunday. But that will wait for tomorrow.

Just my two cents. You can hate this yarn or that yarn – you can love this yarn or that yarn. That’s ultimately the beauty of our community. Free will and an open pocketbook keeps EVERYONE happy.

Okay. I’m crotchety and sickly and I’d really just like to jump back into bed but unfortunately stuff has to get done today. So have a good one. I promise pictures and fun and HAPPY tomorrow.


  1. Delurking… Glad to hear everyone had such a great time at the festival!! Wish I could have been there.
    I’m sorry to hear you’re under the weather… My suggestion is – try Zycam!! It saved me last winter whenever I felt I was coming down with something! And it goes without saying, make sure you get lots of liquids and as much rest as possible 🙂 Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Also delurking, sorry to hear you are sick! I would make you chicken soup to get better if you were geographically closer to Lawn Guyland. Zycam does work wonders, try it. Sorry I missed you and the other bloggers at Rhinebeck, it was a blast being there.

  3. Feel better soon! Sounds like you had a rockin’ good time 🙂

  4. Oh, golly, Cara, feel better! You did know I was kidding, didn’t you? Me and 17 million other people, apparently. Thanks for writing it down for me, and I will email them, sometime when I’ve managed to deplete the stash just a bit and Grant’s not looking. (So far I’ve managed to avoid discussing my purchases with him. Let’s just say my arriving too late at the Fold booth did not cramp my shopping style at all, at all.)

  5. everyone deserves some cranky days… enjoy the crankiness!

  6. Aw, Cara, I hope you’re feeling better soon.
    And as for the STR, I agree. One whole year ’til Rhinebeck is an awfully long time to wait to try them out! I’ve used the medium and am looking forward to trying the lightweight. She did have a few skeins of the sock candy on Saturday morning, but I’m not a big fan of cotton socks and I seem to never finish the second one.
    Feel better soon!

  7. The invite’s always open- come on and drip on the Biscuit. Just bring your camera.

  8. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
    Tell G to pop the Vitamin Cs to help his immune system.
    I’m with you on the STR–best to go to the source. Next time I order, I think I’ll tell Tina to just send me something cool–you know, surprise me. So much more fun.
    Can’t wait to see your loot!

  9. I’m with you on the STR. Everyone knew there would be a run on it. I made sure I got their *real* early. No standing on long lines for me. And I love the yarn. So I’m happy!
    It was nice meeting you this weekend. 🙂
    Hope you feel better soon! 🙂

  10. I’m sorry you’re sick, that must really stink right now. My voice has been kind of hoarse but other than that, I’m good.
    I saw the line for the yarn and laughed. I didn’t want to get any so I didn’t stand in the line but everyone sure looked like they were enjoying themselves!

  11. At least we didn’t open the sun roof! And hey, for all that riding around in bra and panties, I’m not sick, not sick in the least. Except that I sure do miss you guys.

  12. I’ve not yet finished any of the many, many socks started but! I was able to figure out that same yo, to do it right. I agree w. you on the STR and being able to get one’s hands on it. I’ve ended up mostly ordering from them and joining the club. Lastly, to get a look at colors I compile in a specially made word doc – a list and description of the colors I see on blogs (is that getting insane or what?) Hope you are well soon.

  13. Oh, Poor Cara, feeling responsible for every STR in the world. Get your puffs plus, hot tea and blanket out. You deserve it!

  14. Feel better! And–awful timing though it may be, wouldn’t it have been worse to be sick for your fun weekend at Rhinebeck?

  15. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.

  16. I hope you feel better soon!
    I too feel badly that I won’t finish a single pair of socks for Socktoberfest.

  17. Hey don’t feel guilty about the knee highs, I say that knitting should be enjoyable, and if you like Pomatomus, go for it!
    And I’m all for the buying STR straight from the source, especially since Rhinebeck is a bit far to trek from NM just for yarn. (Wait, what am I saying? I would totally go to Rhinebeck just to buy yarn!)

  18. hope you start feeling better soon! lots of tea and rest for you since you have to work on the weekends.
    yeah, i complained about the lack of STR when i got to rhinebeck. i certainly don’t hate the yarn (it’s quite beautiful), i just hate the fact that everyone else loves it now! 🙂 damn.. less for me.

  19. By the time I had the presence of mind to go by The Fold and buy some STR there was only one colorway left–luckily the one I wanted to buy! Anyone that complained about it being sold out should try using this thing called the internet. That’s what it’s here for.
    That was kind of mean…but, whatever.
    Don’t feel guilty if you get your husband sick, it’s not your fault you got sick in the first place. Drink lots of juice and eat tons of healthy foods, get all of your nutrients up! Someone up there mentioned Zycam–you should try it, it works like a charm.

  20. Feel better! I have fun talking to the people in line while I was in the Grafton Fibers booth.

  21. I stood in the STR line, and it was entertaining 🙂 My friend and I drove up from Princeton, NJ. We started talking to the girl in line behind us, and it turns out she also was from Princeton! Only about 3 blocks away! We’re going to get together and knit at some point.
    Cara, I also got to meet you in line, which was great! Sorry I freaked you out about reading your archives 🙂 It was actually a lot of fun, and great to see your projects get started and then finished.

  22. I had trouble with my Pomatomus (re-named Hippo Beast) too, that YO purl thing was hard for me to grasp.
    Can’t wait to see yours finished! Feel better.

  23. What? Kristy freaked you out by telling you she reads your archives? Well, maybe I shouldn’t tell you I do too, then… 😉

  24. oh no! what did you buy?! and here I thought you didn’t take any money with you.
    feel better! stay in bed snuggled up with some knitting

  25. Hope you feel better soon, spicy soup works too. I would have gladly stood in line for some STR.

  26. once a fellow knitter told me to try Elderberry Syrup for my sore throat/cold stuff. You just take a tablespoon or so at a time. It’s supposedly good for your immune system, but regardless – it tastes great and is like 25% grain alcohol, so it numbs your throat a little. hope you feel better soon!

  27. So..I’m with you on feeling the guilt about not finishing socks this month..just a little guilt..not enough to actually compel me to work on them more..I really really hope you feel better soon..I’ve been there too the past week or so..And I can’t wait to see the pictures!

  28. I had no problem with the line. I met some great people standing in line and even did some yarn swaps with them 🙂

  29. I hope you feel better soon. Fluids and rest. I wish I could make you a nice cuppa tea.

  30. Hope you feel better soon!!

  31. Hope you feel better soon. I’m sending cyber tea your way.
    Thanks so much for organizing the blogger get-together!

  32. sorry you’re sick. i bet you aren’t the only one.
    i’m the one who bought the very last skein of STR on sunday. when there wasn’t a line. one poor little skein of olivite that was probably tucked away for safe keeping and then forgotten about.
    i wasn’t going to buy it since i have plenty at home, but i kind of felt sorry for it and i was concerned about it’s self-esteem. you know, being the last one and all.

  33. Loved, loved, loved your comments about the peri-menopausal women. I was having a hot flash just before I clicked on your site.
    At the first sign of a cold this is what I do and am rarely feeling poorly for more than one day:
    Decongestants as per box instructions–either just plain old sudafed or DayQuil. If taking sudafed, I add tylenol to the mix (DayQuil has tylenol).
    Zicam gel in the nose as per box instructions.
    Either Emergen-C or Airborne as box instructs, I prefer Emergen-C because the zinc in Airborne gives me indigestion, but some people swear it’s the zinc that works.
    Four ibuprofen every 6 hours; at this dose studies have shown it to have some anti-viral properties I have a bleeding disorder and am instructed not to take ibuprofen or aspirin, but do in this instance for one or two days.
    NyQuil at night.
    A humdifier.
    It might be worth a try even though it’s gone past several days.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  34. I don’t mind lines for good yarn at all. You’re totally right about getting a chance to talk to other knitters. I stopped by The Fold last month, and they didn’t have any light weight, so it doesn’t surprise me that they wouldn’t have any at Rhinebeck either. I did like getting a chance to look at all the colors in the different fibers. It was beautiful!

  35. Hey Cara,
    I hope you’re feeling better soon. I know it must suck to stay away from G. Personally, if I ever go to a fiber festival, I will stay far away from the STR. I’m not a fan of lines, so I’ll buy mine on the internet with you! By the way, the bit about the peri-menopausal women cracked me up, but I hope you were safely out of swatting-reach when you wrote it!
    xox, J

  36. I lurve me some STR but I hate crowds, so the internet thingy is great for me. I just wish Blue Moon would get their website up and running so I could see what other kinds of fabulous yarn they have!
    Count me in on the Zycam and EmergenC recommendations. Both of those really tackle a cold.

  37. I was at The Fold’s booth at 9:30 on Saturday. The other woman working the booth (not Toni) told a customer that they had three skeins of the lightweight and that they sold immediately. That may have been the start of that rumor since it did come from someone manning the booth.

  38. I’m sorry to hear you are sick :(. I am one of those woman who are always hot too, so I can relate…LOL.
    One of these days I am going to give that sock yarn a try…I keep hearing such good things about it, but you can be I will buy it from the internet. I have this thing about long lines and crowds…not fun.

  39. Get better soon! Erm, what advice do I have, sleep a lot… drink lots of water. And strepsils, one every three hours (do they have those in America? I think so). But DO brush your teeth after you’re done with it EVERY TIME because otherwise the bacteria making you feel sick will have lots of things to feed on and your teeth will decay. [end dentist rant]
    You know, I’d LOVE to knit with STR, but where I live (Europe) I can’t get any (which is exactly why I enter your contests and pray I win, just the once). While it makes me sad, it also makes me happy because now I can’t be pining away because I have only one skein of Teh Pretty. Now I just don’t know what I’m missing. And I have such high expectations that I’m afraid that when I do finally get some I’ll be dissapointed. So it works out in the end.

  40. I digress btw. I COULD get STR here in Europe if I joined the sock club. But alas, I am poor and studenty. Still, I don’t mind 😉

  41. Darn it two years now and I still have not met you!
    I went to the Fold booth, not so much for yarn (thankfully because there was very little left) but to finally meet Toni, and I had to check out those glass needles she was going to have there. While there another vendor came up to her, and was like what was up with this morning? Where did that crowd come from? Toni’s answer “it’s the bloggers I tell you, it’s all the bloggers.” I just had to smile and then of course think of you.

  42. Hope you get over this fast! Geeze, just when all is well in the world…..

  43. Sorry to hear you are under the weather. I started getting a sore throat today but I’m trying to ignore it for now and see if it just goes away.
    I had to laugh when I read what you wrote about the ac running all weekend. If I had been in the car, no doubt I would have been hot too. I have to sleep with the window open. Hubby loves that in the winter.

  44. Everyone’s suggesting fluids and rest, but I think you need a good dose of STR lovin’. You just lie in bed with that Pomo sock, Cara. Hope you’ll feel better!

  45. I’m with you on the Str. Although the line was long and I was damn glad I had ordered some a few days before Rhinebeck!
    I hope your feeling better soon!

  46. Sorry to hear about the aftereffects of Rhinebeck — take care of yourself. Glad (but not at all surprised) to hear you had a good time.
    I want to thank you personally for today’s NJ Supreme Court decision re: gay marriage. You’re the only person I *know* in Jersey, so, as far as I’m concerned, you deserve all the credit.

  47. C —
    Have you tried Airborne? I use it whenever one of the kids comes down with something and it works. I usually don’t get nearly as sick and yet if I’ve been hardheaded and tried to fight off the crud myself at some point I get the Airborne and it makes me feel better. Just my two cents.
    Feel better soon!

  48. Sick. Bummer.

  49. i’m so sorry to hear that you are feeling unwell. sending get well vibes to you from across the pacific. mwah!
    ps. i owe you an email…bit plans to catch up on some correspondence today. (fingers crossed).

  50. Hope you feel better soon. Get some vitamin C into you fast.
    And yeah, some people get so riled over yarn. I was happy to see Blue Moon and The Fold doing so well. I was also incredibly happy (and lucky) to get my hands on one of the last skeins on Saturday, at like 11:30 AM. Anyhoo, I did take your advice and ordered some STR before the festival, because, hey, it was good advice.
    P.S. – Did Toni stop carrying the light-weight stuff?

  51. I had a blast at Rhinebeck and realized on the way home that I had missed The Fold! But I have STR to be knitted here already and while I would have loved to see more in person, I can wait and order online. I got such a rush being around like minded people, it was so wonderful.
    Sorry about your throat, but it’s better than being menopausal….I guess.

  52. Good to see you on Sunday! Feel better!!

  53. I’m happy with my lucy colorway. I’m just waiting for a pattern worthy of the yarn 😀

  54. Sorry you feel sick! That’s the worst…I’ve been sniffly all week but I’m telling myself that it is just allergies. Hope you feel better!

  55. I hope you feel better, C!
    And don’t fret about the socks – that is not what the month was about – it is just about fun!
    Take care~

  56. Hope you feel better soon!

  57. It was terrific to see you this weekend, in your stylin’ shawl and finished Short Rows! For me, the line was kind or part of the experience, like waiting in line for tickets to my favorite band… but then, I got some, so it was a satisfying experience for me! Amazing how many booths seemed to have been picked clean… Hooray for spending spinners (and knitters)!

  58. Jenny in Jersey says

    Hope your “bug” is a short lived one. I have heard many good things about the Elderberry syrup from several folks on my sheep list. It is a traditional remedy with a loooong history of use.
    During my last trip through the supermarket (Gads…. but I hate shopping) I spotted Fage, the Greek yougrt. Omigod….good or what. I have a new addiction. Better than ice cream. I am going back for more.

  59. I waited in that line and it was definately worth it. I think there was definately something other than wool that went around at Rhinebeck because I’m sick with sniffles and a sore throat too.

  60. I agree with all of the comments about Zicam. It’s the greatest. Also, get some Airborne (orange is good. lemon-lime is yucky). It works very well also.
    Glad you had a great time before the yuckiness hit! Hope you feel better soon!

  61. I’m going to buy some STR right now! No fretting about socktober, I finished by Jaywalkers in February and when did we start??? Hope you feel better…

  62. I would love to buy Socks That Rock yarn online, but the problem is that I’ve seen so many colorways on blogs/websites, but none of them are available at the blue moon website or at the fold (is their colorway list out of date?) – so I don’t know where to buy it!