What A Racquet!

School’s in session. And while some people have clearly got a thing for wood shop (what?! Is the teacher a cute Alan Alda type or something?), I’ve joined the tennis team.

I’ve said it a million times on this here blog that my darling boy is an ATHLETE. He was on the tennis team and basketball team in high school and college and once was recruited to play bball in Greece. Sadly, he’s given up basketball these last few years and concentrates mainly on tennis – bad hips and all. His hips are back to being really really bad lately so he can’t play the tennis he’s used to. Want to know how hurt he is? He’s begun playing with ME.

Back in the day, a long long long time ago, when G and I were dating, I used to travel out to Jersey (I was living in NYC at the time – still in school) on the weekends to the park where G played tennis. I would lay out in my little bikini while he played (oh my god I was so very young) and then we’d hang out after he was finished. One day, he asked if I wanted to hit a tennis ball with a bat. I said okay because I was madly in love and would’ve said yes to anything (well, almost anything – nah – really anything.) He got out the bat and the ball (because he has a sporting goods store in the trunk of the car) and started throwing the ball to me. It literally took me 20 MINUTES to make any kind of contact at all. AT ALL. The slightest of foul tips. I think on the next bat I got lucky and hit a nice line drive but by that time the damage was pretty much done. I could see the disappointment on his face growing deeper and deeper. He confessed to me later that he honestly considered whether or not to continue the relationship given my lack of hand eye coordination.

Lucky for him, I’m MUCH better at tennis.

So we’ve been playing a bunch and every time we go out I get better and better. I’m hitting harder and deeper and yet I’m still in control of the ball. Especially when I keep my eyes on it. Seriously. Who knew that when they tell you to watch the ball it actually works!!?! I think he’s been enjoying himself – watching me get better and put his lessons into action. But last night, well last night I’ve never seen my husband prouder. I was in the zone – working my low to high swing, watching the ball, grunting through the swing (he’s been trying to get me to grunt more), hustling to catch that ball no matter where he put it on the court. I chased down a hard forehand, and ripped it cross court landing it way in the back corner pinning G to the baseline. IN! And then I promptly turned my ankle and fell hard on my ass. G was so excited I think he would’ve jumped the net if it wouldn’t have landed him in the hospital afterward. He’s cheering at me that was my best shot yet! Way to hustle! The torsion knocked me on my ass! AWESOME!!!

Dude! I so need a pedicure!

Today, as much as I’d like to play, I think I’ll stick to more knitterly pursuits.

The Koigu knee high. From the stash! The solid color at the ribbing (which will also be used for the heel and toe) is color 1160 and the first sock yarn I ever bought. I was out with Cassie one day last year and she insisted that I could knit socks, so I bought this rather dark and tame Koigu. I got about this far and gave up. It was the dpns.

The handpainted Koigu in the delicious purple is colorway P214. I don’t remember when I bought it but I really like the purply goodness. It’s been in the stash for a bit and every now and again I take it out and play with it and wonder what it will become. When I decided I needed another pair of knee highs I remembered the original yarn. I thought, huh. These two might look really good together.

HEJ was here when I started them (actually the second pair I started while she was here – the first pair did NOT work out) and she agreed that the colors worked well, so off I went. I LOVE THEM. LOVE THEM. I added an extra five rows of ribbing because I was a tad concerned as to how much yarn I had with the purple (I have three skeins for two socks – and a bunch of the dark color) but I really shouldn’t have been worried. I’ve got plenty of the first purple skein left and I’m done the decreases. I’ve got about fifteen rounds to go and then I start the heel. No problem. I’ll probably have to just break into the third skein for a bit on the foot. Beautious!!



  1. love the socks…can’t wait for the sale, but I’ll be at work (boo hoo).

  2. Knee socks, hm? Okay…….I can dig it. 🙂

  3. Those knee highs are my favorite so far. Love them.
    Poor ankle. Hope you aren’t in too much pain.
    Stash sale? I must resist. COME ON, WILLPOWER.
    P.S. Consider this my de-lurking for the week. 😉

  4. that would be 8am east coast time? so if I want to play I gotta get up at Five????

  5. Love the sock – the colors are great!
    As for the grunting – doesn’t he know there are more “pleasurable” ways to get you to grunt more 😉

  6. This is exactly what I love about marriage. The idea that you’ll never stop growing and having fun and discovering new/old things that you enjoy. Go G and C!!

  7. That colorway is lovely in the socks. Hope your ankle gets better, at least you had fun doing it eh?
    No internet on the subway = no stash sale for me, not a bad thing though 😉

  8. You should keep in mind that such photos make purplholics go into spasms. I want to bite your leg.

  9. Dammit . . . I have to work tomorrow. Just as well – the Frequent Flyer might get a bit upset with yet more yarn.

  10. Of course, I love the newest knee highs since purple is my favorite color! Beautious, indeed.

  11. this koigu addict is drooling over here!! i’m *loving* the knee highs!!

  12. De-lurking to say I’m in love with the purple knee-highs. I love watching the progress of the growing socks.

  13. Love the tennis story. You better take care of that ankle! Did you see Agassi yesterday? he was waterworks!! I’ll be at work too during the sale but perhaps i’ll take “lunch” about that time. Love the socks, of course!

  14. Love the cute tennis story! I hope you are icing and advil-ing. The knee highs are delish – they remind me of raspberries.

  15. Jenny in Jersey says

    Ah yes Cassie…who has enabled me into spinning silk/silk blends and attempting knitting lace.
    Rats…I will be at work when you post your sale. Sniff, sniff…whaaa.

  16. Cara!
    You can’t give up on tennis now it sounds like you were just getting your game on! You’ve got to get back on the horse as soon as your ankle recovers! Go Cara Go Cara! Think about it …. La Quinta’s tennis facilities are fabulous.

  17. Oh sure, change the time for the stash sale to when I have to be in the carpool lane to pick up Bean. And here I was all psyched. Poo! ;>

  18. Being completely non-athletic (and lacking in any coordination between my brain and my feet), I bow to your growing prowess!
    See how this works? Your ankle will heal and you’ll have new Koigu socks in which to cover them!

  19. Love the new knee socks! Hope your ankle feels better soon!

  20. De-lurk day Monday: I can completely relate with the 20 minute ball and bat fiasco. Except to say that my attempt would have been… well, we’d STILL be out there… 20 years later. I’m so impressed with your tennis ability! Keep it going! I just started my job (tomorrow is day 2), so I won’t be able to participate in your stash sale. Unless I call in sick. Do you think it’s too early in my employment to call in sick?

  21. No hand-eye coordination here. That’s ok – the first and only time I ever played tennis… I dislocated my shoulder. Ow. No more tennis for me. I’m a runner – so all I have to worry about is tripping over my own two feet. 😉

  22. OMG I love those socks. I am ready to cast on for some knee highs RIGHT NOW!!

  23. Every five years or so I play tennis, and I quickly improve from rank, fetid, putrid beginner to plain old beginner, where I remain until vacation or whatever is over. Luckily I am married to a man whose favorite pastime is designing Latin t-shirts. I’m not making that up either.

  24. De-lurk day for me! Beautiful knee-highs, I just started some myself, thanks, of course, to you!

  25. Sorry to hear about the ankle, but it’s going to look stunning in that sock . . .

  26. Love the new banner pic.
    And how cute is Alan Alda? I had a huge crush on him when he was on MASH. How cute would Alan Alda be knitting? Answer: v. cute.

  27. OOH! You HAVE gotten far! It’s your skinny calves, I say. 😉
    If I hadn’t had to rip back 5 inches of the new sweater I started, I’d be further on mine too. Oh well. I love those colors we picked!

  28. Those are some of the prettiest knee socks I’ve ever seen! The colors work very well together.
    Hope your ankle feels better soon.

  29. I love those socks. The two colors are nicely put together!! I’m fairly new to knitting socks so every time I see your knee high socks I think of knitting myself a pair!!
    As one who’s twisted my ankle so badly that I was in a cast for 2 weeks, I can totally relate. I haven’t tried playing tennis in many years but watched Andre over the weekend which made me want to play again. I hope your ankle feels better soon so you can get back to tennis!

  30. Delurking here. Speedy ankle recovery and good luck with the tennis. I’ve always had trouble with sports that require me to swing at moving objects, so I’m particularly amazed by people who are good at them!

  31. Love the colors on the new knee highs. So what about this yarn sale? Is this something I have to fly to NJ for? Or is this an online thing? Poor ankle! You’ll just to finish your kneehighs (sit down, legs up, no housework), to ensure faster healing of your ankle.

  32. Hi – I’m a long time follower of the blog and have not commented until now – I saw your ankle in that brace and boy can I relate – tore my calf muscle on July 7 and have been in a giant aircast since…..Only one good thing about these injuries…lots of knitting time! Your knee socks are beautiful!

  33. Well, I was right, wasn’t I? You’ve gone above and beyond in the sock department in the intervening year or so. Love the knee highs!

  34. Delurking here, too. Way to go, Cara — both on the tennis and on the socks. Purple is a long way from my favorite color (well, not really, it is actually right between my two favorite colors on the color wheel) but those knee socks are great!
    I have a question, though. I keep seeing socks and socks and more socks on various knitting blogs — beautiful, gorgeous socks, like peacocks running through a tropical sunset whilst being chased by a herd of multicolored emu — and, while I love their colorfulness, occasionally I ask myself the teeny-tiny question, “When do they wear them? And with what?” Not that I want to spoil the fun, you understand, I’m just wondering.
    So, is there any possibility of photos of your socks — any of your socks, really, they are ALL beautiful! — in situ, so to speak? Photos where we get to see the complete outfit?

  35. Great story and I love the socks. I think I used that multi-colored purple for my very first pair of socks. I think I need some more Koigu.

  36. Your poor ankle! Does it feel better today? Best to keep it up and baby it. That means knitting all day;-)
    LOVE the new knee high!

  37. You’re right! That is going tobe a beautiful pair of knee highs!

  38. Ouch! Watch that tennis! It’ll hurt you if you’re not careful! But I’ve got to agree with you, there is nothing like ripping a great forehand, deep on the line, in the corner! Must’ve been a beauty!
    Nice socks too!