What a Feeling!

Thank you all so much for the anniversary wishes. We both like the idea of taking a new photobooth picture, but alas, all the directories I looked at on where to find a photobooth are sorely out of date. I’m toying with the idea of making my own makeshift photobooth though. We had a nice, uneventful day yesterday – which frankly, are the best kind in my opinion. I cooked dinner Friday night – best breaded chicken cutlets I’ve ever made – I really like my new stove – and yesterday I went swimming with G in the evening. I never go swimming in the pool at our house so it was a nice present for him. Tonight we’re going out to dinner for G’s birthday – he asked me to wear the very fun outfit that I wore to AC and I will happily oblige. I was just thinking I’d love to wear those shoes again.

While G was recouperating from his very stressful work week, I finished the legs of my knee highs:

Dude! I’ve got legwarmers! Can I just tell you? I’ve never seen Flashdance. I was thirteen when it came out and I’m pretty sure I was allowed to see R rated movies at that point (which oh my god today’s Rs would’ve passed for X back then) but somehow I never saw it. Thankfully, the video still survives so I can watch that and pretty much feel like I’ve seen the movie. Did you know that three different people did the dancing in that audition sequence – and none of them were Jennifer Beals? Crazy!

I’ve got my next pair of knee highs all planned out. I may even cast on for them today, since I think it will be a little bit until I finish these. I have to get the new fiber, spin it up, then knit it. And I want to finish spinning the blue merino I was spinning before I get to the fiber for the socks. I don’t have enough bobbins and I want to FINISH something. My brother and his girlfriend stayed the night Saturday and Jen is a knitter and I was showing her stuff and taking out some unfinished things cough:SHORTROWS:cough and I was immediately smitten all over again – with finishing that is. So I’m not going to start spinning for these socks until I’ve finished spinning what’s on the bobbins.

Besides, I’m liking this knit the leg, knit the next leg – then do the heels and the feet. Maybe that’s the key to avoiding SSS.

Off to be domestic for my baby’s birthday. This time I’m going to try really really hard not to fuck up the laundry!


  1. happy anniversary, and happy birthday to G.

  2. Happy Birthday big G!
    Cara, you can so do a good job on the laundry. Just think how great it will feel;-)
    Enjoy the evening out…sounds like you’ve had a very nice weekend.
    I’m so tempted to knit knee highs now!

  3. Whooboy. That movie forever changed how I take my bra off in public without flashing anybody.
    Not that I take my bra off in public. Much. 😉

  4. Don’t know if you’d go all the way to the East Village for a photobooth, but I know they have one in this crazy bar called Niagara on Ave A at 7th st . . .

  5. Don’t forget to mention that one of her fake dancer people is a man! And it’s kind of fun to take the dvd and watch that in slow motion. A man! Who looks fairly manly!
    The socks look awesome, btw.

  6. Happy Birthday, G!!!
    I have never seen Flashdance, either, and I’m a *little* older ‘n you!
    Oh (pining), Short Rows! (I’m patient, but I’m glad you feel in love again.)

  7. Your knee highs are looking great. I don’t have the patience for socks that are that tall. Good on ya!

  8. Those socks really are going to be magical. I just love the colors in them!

  9. Really? Because I know I’ve seen a photo booth recently at the Rockaway Townsquare Mall, and that can’t be the only place they’re around . . . can it?

  10. I love that song with every fiber of my being. Thanks for the video, and enjoy dressing up!

  11. Flashdance was the first rated R movie I ever snuck in to see! I must have been sixteen. Ahh, good times.

  12. I am looking for a blogger who lives in the Bay Area; just got married, free lance writes, owns a condo and went to Mills. I lost her blog and it was wicked entertaining…so I am wandering the blogearth, hoping someone knows who I’m talking about. She has a red toaster, too, I think. (Wedding gift.) Honeymooned in Vancouver.

  13. To the blog seeker: That would be yarn-a-go-go I think.

  14. those are great. i’m seriously considering knitting a pair of socks sometime this year. my feet get freakishly, dangerously, toe-tip-numbingly cold in the winter.
    re: the photobooth. think of the most touristy spot near you and head there, i guarantee they will have one. for me it would be like, Pier 39/Fisherman’s Wharf. i bet $10 there’s a photobooth there (or two).

  15. There’s a photobooth at LIC Bar in Long Island City, Queens. It’s on Vernon Blvd and 46th Ave I believe. Not too far from the city either, just one stop in on the 7 train.

  16. there is one in the garden state plaza for sure… Good Luck =)