Ugh 2.0

Thank you all for your comments, commiserations and counsel. I really appreciate it.

Yesterday was a classically shitty day (no pun intended.) I was the most anxious I’ve been since I got pregnant, probably because of a nice little trifecta called going off the meds (because I was feeling so freaking good!), exhaustion and PMS. Yeah. PMS. My little friend returned at the 5 month post-partum mark. WHOOHOO for breast feeding on demand!

Anyway, yesterday was crap for me and Miss Meli because it seems she had a bellyache and the accompanying poop problems to go with it. I told you it was a shitty day.

We’re also at my sister’s through the weekend, and while I brought my laptop, I can’t get it to talk to her wireless network. So not a lot of blogging for me.

Today, thankfully, was a much better day. Meli’s stomach’s been fine all day. Mommy’s head seems to be on straight. And we had a lovely day with my sister and her baby at the Philadelphia Please Touch Museum. If you live around Philly and you have young kids – RUN – don’t walk. They’ve moved and completely renovated the museum. It’s really spectacular. I recommend it highly. (Even for the young kids – they have areas set apart for kids 3 and under. Meli had a good time!)

The best news I can give you, besides that we’re feeling a bit better, is that I’m knitting. I”m really and truly knitting. I’m saving the deets for my fun post, which I hope to have up soon!

Thanks again for all the mom-love!


  1. Must have been in the stars yesterday, I was also extremely wiggy all day, almost left work because of it. It felt like PMS, but it wasn’t. I hadn’t gotten enough sleep, but I rarely do. I took a deep breath before picking up my wiggy toddler yesterday, we had a calm evening, a good night sleep, and back to normal today. Glad you’re feeling better too!

  2. Glad to hear that you are doing better. And Meli too! Can’t wait to see what you have been up to on the knitting front!

  3. Ugh, that sounds like a tough day for everyone, but hopefully some family time will help make it better.
    Aw, the Please Touch museum. My grandmother worked there in her retirement. She died when I was pretty young, but I do have a vague memory of touring the museum with her. I’m glad that’s it’s still going strong and that kids still love it there.

  4. Welcome to motherhood! Pretty much the rest of your days will be roller-coaster like. Fun, huh?! That is why, my dear, we knit.

  5. My daughter fell off a bed onto a concrete floor. She’s 25 now and except for having blue hair, she seems no worse for it! I hope you are all feeling better by now.

  6. The paranoid sometimes set up their wireless to only accept certain MAC addresses. If they do, they also often forget that they’ve done so, and have trouble connecting people to their wireless. Don’t ask how I know this. Perhaps whoever set up your sister’s wireless will find this a timely reminder…
    Glad to hear that things are a little better today than yesterday.

  7. Cara, huge hugs to you and Miss Meli. Everything might feel like a tornado right now but it really does all work out in the end. This is coming from a woman with a 28 year old who is now trying to have a baby of her own! And so it will all start again. Isn’t life really just so grand?? Seriously!! Remember: huge hugs all around.

  8. Yeah, the new PT is pretty great, but in secret I kinda miss the old one as it was much more intimate. With the new one I am always afraid I’m going to lose one of the kids in the chaos!
    But that’s just me! The kids do LOVE it.