Too Good To Be True

Yesterday I felt like crap most of the day so I didn’t clean for Wendy. She, in her infinite cuteness and generosity, took this as a sign that I really, really, really love her. In her thinking, I would only really clean for someone I was intimidated by, or uncomfortable with – as I wouldn’t want to reveal the slob I really am to a stranger, but to someone I love and am close with they get me warts and all. I can see her logic – I would tell her not to clean for me either, but my house is so disgusting these days I’m almost looking for an EXCUSE to clean, you know? I will be doing a bit of lysol handiwipe wipe down and a bit of vacuuming. Because I will feel better.

I have a good excuse for the state of disrepair that is my house. I’ve been trying and trying to get it all straightened out and cleaned up but a consultation with the calendar the other day proved that I haven’t been home two weekends in a row since before New Year’s. And I will continue to be gone every other weekend through June. That’s a lot of time away. And not a lot of continuum to get things done. While all of the away time has been good time, I’m kind of sick of it.

G did book us a mini-vacation though! That’s okay! We’re going here. It’ll be a hectic ten days – wedding on Saturday (better get kicking on that BDFS!) then Bermuda M-Th, then MDSW F and S. Then I’ll be home for a weekend then off again. Then home, then off. Then home, then off. Now that I think of it, I might have two weekends home in April. But that’s right before our big week.

So when I wasn’t cleaning yesterday I spun a little – I’m trying to get this pink stuff done because I’m anxious to spin up my new PS Yellow/Orange. Then I pushed to finish a sock. It didn’t take as long as I thought:

I’m still not sure about how it looks on my foot. And I’m really not sure about the toe.

Gives camel toe a whole new meaning. I mean, my toe looks like I’ve got a hoof. I’ll make the other one, but I may just go back to a regular toe. And then I’ll redo the toe on this one. Otherwise, I’m happy with my modifications: I added another full repeat on the leg – 4.5 – and I did the first two repeats on size 2s (Addis) then switched to size 1s. I did my regular jaywalker heel and I’m very happy with that – if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it!

I was going to change the title of the post because I was originally going to be talking about this niggling feeling I’ve had – you know when things just all of a sudden start to fall into place and everything is going really well and then you wake up in a cold sweat and think everything’s going so well! What’s going to happen now? Then I thought I woudn’t talk about it but I’m kind of in that place. I was telling my sister about all the good stuff that’s been happening while she was away and then I kind of had a mini-panic attack. Are things supposed to go this well? I mean, I’ve worked hard to get things where they are, but still? Shouldn’t it be harder? Or not as good? Or what’s going to happen now? I don’t like this about myself – this pessimism for lack of a better word – and I’m trying to just enjoy the moment but I can’t help thinking the other shoe’s about to fall. Is Mercury still in retrograde? Because I’m a Capricorn and we usually do well when eveyone else is miserable – so that we can get back to our miserableness when everyone else is doing well, which is most of the time. Better go check my horrorscope. Right after I clean a bathroom. Thanks for reading.


  1. We call this “other shoe syndrome” at my house. Things have been good, and you’re just waiting for that other shoe to drop because you just know it inevitably will.
    I love the sock, and I don’t think it looks funny on your leg, but the toe is definitely quite odd.

  2. I understand Wendy’s logic, truly. My husband reminds me of this when I’m cleaning at warp speed before his mom, or my mom, or some other very close family member is due to arrive.
    But its my own little tick. I can’t stand to have guests, no matter who they are, and have them greeted by clutter.
    The sock looks lovely, even with the camel toe. I imagine it feels funny on your toes though, right?
    and duuude..what I would give for a mini vacation somewhere warm. Lucky gal! It was 75 here on Friday and today its frickin’ cold and gonna snow!

  3. I’m not too sure about that toe, either. I’d change it, I think.
    As for the cleaning thing, I just want you to know, if I ever come for a visit – Don’t clean for me, either! I’d rather have you relaxed and refreshed and ready for fun than exhausted from cleaning. And I’m betting that’s how Wendy feels, too.

  4. …stumpy. That toe not only makes your foot look like a hoof, but a stumpy one, too!

  5. Your post made me laugh Cara 🙂 I feel like i am in the same state as you right now, but I am a Pisces… Pisces think to much all the time and are emotional, so I think that is where my problem is. And the bathroom?! I need to clean mine so badly as well. I’ll clean if you do?!

  6. oh, I like the toe! i think it looks fine. 🙂 Does it feel weird? I guess it looks a little weird in the second closeup of it, but the top-down picture it looks okay.
    I know the “other shoe” feeling all too well myself… here’s hoping you can enjoy the positive stuff going on right now in spite of worrying when the other shoe is going to drop. 🙂

  7. I’m a Capricorn too. A January Two, actually. And things have been, with some bumps in the road, going far better than ever over the past week or two. I’m just enjoying it, trying not to be scared. We know that the bad times will come again, right? Why spoil the good ones by hanging on waiting for them to strike?

  8. Sounds like Generalized Anxiety. I only say that because I feel that way myself a lot of the time. It’s just irrationaly isn’t it?
    The good thing about it is that it ususally makes you very productive! Speaking of which, the socks look wonderful, though I understand the toe thing. I’m getting ready to tear out half a sock because I don’t like the gusset, even though no one would proabably notice but me!

  9. You said if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…if it ain’t broke don’t think about it. Actually your life seems like a whirl wind with all the travel and everything else you have going. Your life doesn’t sound good or bad (to me) it sounds busy and full.

  10. I like to live in blissful ignorance. When I stop and think about it, I know something bad will eventually happen because, well…that’s just life. But, living in the moment has some real benefits. I believe in being happy with what’s going on right now and worrying about the shitty stuff when it eventually rolls around. If you don’t have the blissfully uncomplicated times, the shitty times seem so much worse.
    Gorgeous sock – the pattern works great with that color yarn.

  11. mmm holiday! absolutely fab!
    you are one busy girl, aren’t you! know what you mean about looking for an excuse to clean. (don’t tell anyone, though! ;-))
    still love the sock, toe and all.

  12. I pay a cleaning lady not so much to clean (although it must be said that the worst cleaning lady we ever had did a far better job than I) as to give me a reason why I absolutely must pick up the house every week and nag the other people to do their share as well. (The cats do not respond to nagging. In this respect they are sometimes hard to distinguish from DD.)
    I know that place, or I used to. Life is too short not to enjoy the easy times, though. Stuff will happen, sooner or later. Some of it will be good, some bad. If you’re prepared for the predictable stuff (winter, retirement, the sudden irresistible urge to knit when all the stores are closed), you’re way ahead of most people.
    I too love the socks, toe and all.

  13. That toe is just wierd!
    I get the “things are going to smoothly” anxiety myself. Fortunately, things don’t go that smoothly that long around here, so it never has a chance to really set in ;>
    And Wendy is right, being able to let your friends see you, warts and all, is the sign of true friendship. Although if you really want to spring clean, pick up all the loose stuff around the house and either put it away immediately or cram it all in one corner. Then clean everywhere but that corner. Then go through the messy corner at your leisure. Then only one part of your house is a pit! (I have a spare bedroom which makes this doubly effective as I can then close that door>)

  14. I am a Capricorn too, but things are not so good now to me, so I don’t think it’s a horoscope thing! Maybe you are in the middle of a happy time now!

  15. Yay you finished your sock!
    I get panic attacks too, but it’s social-anxiety-related rather than a general feeling. I guess that’s not very helpful, but I just wanted to say you’re not alone and everything will be okay.

  16. …lurk, lurk…
    Shiny Socks. I like them!

  17. Camel toe! HA!
    It’s funny that looks a lot like one of the new Koigus we have….

  18. lol camel toe was just what I was thinking hehe
    other than that it looks great! Love the pattern.

  19. I love your sock. The toe is strange. If you don’t like it change it! There have been many a project that I have loathed because I did not change something.

  20. girlfriend I am counting on you to get me out of my funk tomorrow!
    ps. weird toe.

  21. I like the pattern and color on your sock. The toe is a bit unusual. It’s tough for me to lay back and just enjoy good times, too. I have to tell myself I deserve it:)

  22. big hugs. i don’t see the toe thing, but you should see the socks i wear. glad you guys are going away!

  23. That’s a spiral toe, right? A decrease-at-four-points kind of toe? This is actually my very favorite kind of toe, though it took some experimenting before I hit upon the right formula for it. Here’s what I recommend: knit a few extra plain rows before you begin the decreases. This kind of toe is shorter than a classic wedge toe, so you need a little more length in the foot to make it fit neatly.
    What I do is knit the foot of the sock until my little toe just disappears inside it, and only then do I start the toe shaping. I decrease every other round until there are ten stitches left on each needle, and then I decrease every round until eight stitches (total, not per needle) remain. Break yarn, draw through stitches, etc.
    I have a wide foot, and I find this toe to be quite comfortable provided the foot of the sock is long enough. I hope you’ll give it another chance. It does mean no grafting, after all. 🙂

  24. I have to speak up in favor of the toe (as long as it’s comfortable): I’m reading Richard Rutt’s A History of Hand Knitting, and so I’ve learned that the earliest socks we know of were made by the Egyptians, and they all had true camel toes for use with sandals. Talk about funky looking. So I’m thinking of your sock’s toe as a sort of endearing throwback to its ancestors. It’s beautiful in that yarn, too!

  25. Cara, thanks for mentioning me.. and actually when I get back in 10 days i’m going to work on a blog for me 🙂 yes i truly do need one:-) i wouldn’t have to accost innocent people on the street.. or in the stores with my stories.. hee..hee.. anywho.. the pattern you used on the sock.. is that the river something one? i hadn’t seen the one i’m doing on a foot yet so i’m confused it that is what it will look like..
    it was so great meeting you and wow if you weren’t funny enough.. i would love to you see you on a good day:-) !! you blew me away with your awesome wit and imagination and ideas too 🙂 happy holiday and good for you teaching your nephew to knit.. hugs karola (in the heart of harlem till 8pm tonite then its off to Hilton Head Island where my roots seem to be even though i came by way of germany and long island and new york city 🙂