
baby’s back.
This time she’ll tell me how she really feels.

This post will have something for everyone! Consider it Random Wednesday. Only it’s Monday.

As I mentioned on Friday, Thanksgiving went really well. The food was great, company better and it all went off without incident. Except for the fact that my sister got a cold Wednesday night and felt miserable all day Thursday, it couldn’t have gone better. My contribution (besides watching the kids off and on all day to keep them out of their mom’s hair and vaccuuming) was a salad. I modeled it after my favorite salad of all time from Gigino’s in NYC. It’s the Peperina salad and I made it with mixed baby lettuces, shaved pear, shaved parmesan, pecans (I thought they used pecans, but I guess they use walnuts) and pomegranate seeds sprinkled with white balsamic vinegar. I was really pleased with how it came out and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

I’ve got no pictures of the kids because I didn’t take my camera with me. I know. Blasphemy. But I’m sick of taking pictures and I’d just download them to the computer and they would sit there. Besides this was a break from photography work and it worked because yesterday I got A LOT of work done and I’m feeling like I’m back on track. At least a little bit. But I got a lot of cuddle time with the kids and they got their new bunk beds which was a trip in and of itself. My nephew ended up sleeping on the bottom bunk and my niece slept with me on the floor. The baby is big as can be – if I could only show you his monster thighs – but he’s so much fun! He giggles nonstop and just smiles so sweet and he’s such a cuddler. This is definitely one of my favorite ages. They’re still babies, but they can engage you in that wide eyed wonderful way. All you have to do is smile and his whole face lights up. I miss them.

She moves up, she moves back
Out on the floor there just is no one cleaner
She does this thing she calls the “Jump back Jack”

I hit the mail jackpot on Friday. Georgie was particularly impressed. I always call him to find out about the mail when I’m away and his standard reply is junk junk and more junk. This time HE called ME. There were lots of lovely thank you cards from all those boxes I sent out the other day – so sweet! An email is plenty, but a card? In the mail? For me? I was really touched. Thank YOU! Vicki‘s card was my favorite – check out this knitted thank you:

I tried to find the card on the artist’s website, but it wasn’t there. Hey Vicki! Where’d you get the card? It’s SO LaPierre!

But what really impressed Georgie was the package from Hong Kong. I got my Crossed In Translation book! Yay! The book is really beautiful – think Rowan meets the House of the Rising Sun. And the freaking pattern is TWO pages. Lucky for us, knitalongers, there’s barely any words to go along with the pattern. It’s all charts and schematics. We should be able to figure this out no problem, right? G-Love thinks I’ve completely lost it. He may be right.

Oh and rest assured, seeing the sweater in it’s native language has only made me love it more.

She slips, she slides, she slops, she bops, she bumps, she grinds

Now if only I could stop making socks:

Kaci – this pictures for you! Mwah!

I finished one…

and started another!

For all you Jaywalkers out there, I’m planning on doing an FAQ for this Friday’s update. So if you have questions – let me know in the comments, or in an email. And don’t forget you can always email me or Kathy (who, by the way, is an inspiration to me! First Jaywalker, and now Grumpecue! Kathy, you’re killing me!) Basically everyone seems to have similar issues, so we’ll address them this week. Namely gauge and the bar increases (yes – the holes are supposed to be there! It’s a design thing! 😉 ) But if you’ve got other questions, let me know.

My heart’s wood, she’s a carpenter
She’s an angel in the night, what she does is alright

As much as I love my socks, I’m sort of getting frustrated with myself. It’s like I can’t knit ANYTHING else. I think about all these projects I want to knit – mittens, finish my gloves, work on the Prairie Blanket. I just can’t seem to concentrate. I’m trying to go with the flow like Margene says, but I’m antsy. And this doesn’t just relate to my knitting either – when’s the last time I read a book? Can someone tell me please? How pathetic is that?

We’re not going to even discuss the fact that I just got off the phone with the embryo people – I was late on my payment to keep those totsicles frozen. When’s that shrink appointment again?

Dance with me, partner, dance with me, partner
Dance with me, partner, all night

If you’ve got the DVD, make sure you watch the supplemental material on documentary disc. I can’t stop watching Thundercrack. Over and over and over again. It’s simply stunning. D
O IT! WATCH IT NOW! You can thank me later.


  1. I love those Jaywalker socks. They must be fun to make since you keep making them:) Great yarn colors!

  2. Your Jaywalkers look fab! Hard Rock is my fave. I wanna see petroglyphs and azurite, too! 😛 All of those colors rock!
    And good luck with Crossed in Translation! I’m looking forward to admiring your progress from afar. I don’t know if I’ll ever be brave enough to tackle a pattern that doesn’t even use my alphabet! 🙂

  3. My book should be arriving any day! I can’t wait to see the sweater “in its native language.” So funny. ; )
    Ya ready for it? Target. Gotta love Target! I already bought out my local; cleaned the shelf in Katie’s college town store yesterday, too. Should be available boxed, don’t you think? A big box.

  4. I really like that Carbon colorway. You know, you were right. This pattern just pulls you in. I cast on for it on Saturday night and finished it on Sunday night. And I’m already halfway down the leg of the second sock!

  5. Totsicles…OMG… Cara, if you were anywhere near me, I swear I’d give you the biggest hug ever 🙂

  6. Man, that sweater is killing me. I will resist. I think. For now anyway.
    When is that shrink appt? As a good friend always says – Not making a decision is a decision.
    Saturday…Saturday…I love you …Saturday.

  7. hi cara, i really like your jaywalker socks. they look so fabulous! my LYS will be carrying “sock that rock” yarns… exciting.
    and, your post made me want to get copy of that japanese pattern book!!

  8. There’s nothing WRONG with making socks, though! I’ve got almost the opposite problem–working on everything BUT my socks (although, the movie theater-thing this week helped those along immensely). Ultimately, though, if socks are making you happy, don’t worry about not working on the other stuff, that’s what I think. The not reading thing, though? Now THAT’S scary!!

  9. Both of your socks look great, even if they don’t match! I’m still partial to the berry-colored ones :).

  10. I have one question about the Jaywalker socks…How complicated are they to make? I have only made two pair of basic, stockinette stitch socks. I’m dying to try the Jaywalker, but am intimidated. They are so gorgeous, I figure they must be tricky!

  11. I have been remiss with my reading lately too, and it’s quite depressing. Perhaps the cure is Jaywalkers of my own?

  12. Shhhh, don’t tell anyone. I cast on last night. The little sockies are totally addicting. If I knit one more hat I’ll puke. Actually it wasn’t that bad but my arm wants to fall off.
    Read a book!? Book club is tonight, guess who isn’t going:-(
    And antsy…the end of month is driving me nutso. Come on December!

  13. Maybe I just need some Bruce;-)

  14. My book came today too! OMG – I’m in way over my head. Even if I was Japanese, I’d be in way over my head! I’m stalking Mary’s blog to see if she has more comments on her swatches…

  15. Love the card! Too cute… I’m hoping to cast on this weekend for the jaywalkers. Although I Shooould do some holiday knitting….

  16. Your socks are so awesome, C. Can’t wait to get started on my Jaywalker pattern… I told myself that I have to finish one sock WIP before doing so however…

  17. That’s why god invented Perfect to combine with knitting.

  18. I’m one of the folks playing at home (with the Jaywalker KAL, that is.)
    The sock fits great around my ankles, but it’s getting them past my heel when trying them on that’s near impossible. I’m not sure if I should frog and make a bigger size (in which case I’m worred that it’ll droop around my leg instead of being a snug fit) or if I should just keep going and just chalk it up to the unforgiving give of the pattern.
    Argh, please help!