There’s A Little Bit of Justice in the World….

Remember this post (at the bottom)? Well, not a moment to soon:

NBC said this Friday’s airing of the new fertility clinic drama, “Inconceivable,” was being yanked in favor of a “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” rerun. It’s not officially a cancellation, but given that only 4.5 million people saw “Inconceivable” last week, its prospects are dim.

Full AP article here.


  1. I totally thought of your previous post today when I heard about this cancellation on the radio! I had a little cheer in my car. 🙂

  2. Heheheh. Don’t mess with the bitter infertile women. We’ll kick your ass and stab you with progesterone. HA!

  3. I agree with MamaCate. I’ll scratch their eyes out.
    Oh, wait, what I meant was… 😉
    On the website they had a scientific study done about infertile patients’ views on the show, and they were quite negative. The results were sent to the network, I believe. What a stupid show to make. I hope they all lose lots of money.

  4. I SO don’t get reality TV. If I want to watch people having a hard time and being taken advantage of, I watch the news. Frankly, the news infuriates me, too.

  5. Guess no one else thought it was a good idea either. Vote with the remote!!

  6. It had to be one of the WORST shows I have ever seen….bad writing, bad acting, bad, bad, bad.

  7. Ugh! Unbelievable, I didn’t even hear about it. As if the insensitivity from people in your every day life isn’t bad enough!!! “How many kids do you have? None? Why?! How old are you?” AARRRRGGGHH.