The Russians Are Coming

It’s 5:16AM and I’ve been up since about 4. I thought that instead of lying in bed listening to my husband and daughter breathe/snore, I’d get up and do some work. But the printer is LOUD when the house is so quiet and I should really just go back to sleep.

Last night I was up at this time with the baby – she had her first real fever. Not fun. But thank god for Tylenol and she was fever free all day yesterday. Oh and she has two teeth. I have the bite marks to prove it. You can’t see them yet but man are those little suckers sharp!

Is anyone else being inundated with Russian Comment Spam? It seems no matter when I post these days, I get more comments in Russian than anything else. I’m sure it’s because I haven’t updated my Movable Type in like forever but it’s so annoying. They don’t get caught by my spam filter so I have to go in and manually move them to junk. I can’t be the only one? Right?


  1. I’ve been getting Russian spam, too!

  2. I haven’t gotten Russian spam on my blog (wordpress’ filter must be getting them) — just occasionally on my home email.
    I keep getting make-up selling scam on my old post that mentions eyelash yarn, though; it makes me laugh!
    Sorry you were up without enough to do; it’s hard when you have work hanging over your head and are prevented from doing it. And not able to sleep when everyone else is sleeping soundly!
    Meli’s pictures the other day were great. She is changing so much.

  3. I’ve been getting the Russian spam as well. Actually, I’ve been getting all kinds of spam and I am not used to that. I am actually considering enabling the spam blocker thing on my Typepad blog. I have resisted, but going in and deleting is annoying. But not THAT big a deal I suppose. I don’t know.
    I hope you get a rest filled day and that everybody sleeps tonight. Miss you.

  4. I have a friend whose daughter was promptly weaned when the teeth appeared — she couldn’t handle the continued biting! I admit, I thought it was funny, but it wasn’t *my* sensitive body parts getting bitten!

  5. Yes, many russian spam comments. I need to install some other software, but I got lazy midway through.

  6. Ïîáîëüøå á òàêèõ øòóê…

  7. â òî÷êó âñå. à òî ÿ äóìàëà ÷òî ýòî òîëüêî ìíå òàê êàçàëîñü 🙂

  8. I mostly get Vietnamese spam, for some reason. No Russian yet. (Jinx)

  9. I’ve been getting tons of it as well but it doesn’t come in to my email and I can’t delete it somehow. It just doesn’t show up on the comments list. very strange indeed.

  10. i’m a pretty new blog reader of yours but already can appreciate the pacifying super powers & desire for more knitting time. my son is almost 6 months & just cut his first tooth this week. & you are right … DAMN is that thing sharp! luckily he hasn’t turned the sucker loose on me yet!

  11. I’m getting it from the Germans. They keep wanting to translate my blog and publish it… thankfully my more more than rudimentary understanding of German has allowed me to recognize the unsavoury email addresses associated with the messages. I just keep deleting the comments!