The Greatest Sound EVER!

Tonight I heard the greatest sound I may have possibly ever heard. Take the most fantastic ’78 Darkness Tour Bruce and mix it together with Georgie’s voice on the telephone telling me he loves me and you have the sound of my daughter laughing.

The Greatest Sound In the Whole Wide World from January One on Vimeo.

We were at Fatburger in Jersey City, NJ. G was using the rest room and I was mimicking this new sound Meli’s been making. It’s kind of a roar type thing – like she’s trying to be a fierce dinosaur or a lion or something. She does this funny thing with her tongue when she’s doing it. So I was doing it back to her and all of a sudden she started to laugh! I was totally startled at first. Did I really hear it? I’ve been waiting and waiting for a real and true laugh – ever since she started making sounds. I roared at her again and she just erupted in giggles. It was for real for real.

Georgie came back to our table and I was able to get Meli to laugh again and again. Then Lovely Day came on the jukebox and I literally burst into tears. I could barely contain myself. I didn’t know it at the time, but Georgie ordered it up for us before he went to the bathroom. Lovely Day indeed.


  1. OHHH!
    One of THOSE moments!
    Yay Meli!

  2. congratulations! the next best one, is *mama*.

  3. That is one of those moments you will remember forever, even when Meli is grown and gone and you are wondering when the grandchildren are gonna come visit. Cool.

  4. Kids’ laughter is the BEST sound in the whole wide world, and I’ll do anything to hear it again, and again, and again! Enjoy it!

  5. rosesmama says

    Yes! I was a daycare teacher and felt it was my job to get them laughing. Of course it is developmental, but *what* gets them laughing is the question. For the girl, it was me imitating James Brown (I Feel Good) which today makes me laugh every time I think of it. Fun, fun times ahead for you.

  6. Yay!! How Wonderful! Have fun laughing with that beautiful baby girl of yours.

  7. Thanks for sharing. I needed that giggle to get me smiling this morning. She is so adorable!!

  8. Yep that is the most beautiful sound in the whole world!

  9. Amanda in GA says

    I know I say it every time but thanks for sharing Meli with us! She is so sweet. After a summer of boys I need a girl fix every once in a while and hearing her laugh was a perfect way to start my day!
    Here ia quote I like
    “A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around”
    Carolyn Birmingham

  10. Baby laugh IS the greatest sound EVER!
    Congratulations Mama.

  11. Well that brought a tear to my eyes. I’m so happy for you.

  12. Hi Cara – This is awesome. Thank you for sharing! I needed a little reality check about what’s important this morning, and this was perfect.

  13. You really have to love their laugh! It’s fun around here when all three of mine start laughing!
    My eight-month-old says Dada, Daddy and Doggie. Still no Mama… It’s a conspiracy! My husband, on the other hand, LOVES the fact that the kid’s first words have always been Dada! (Yes, I do realize that it is easier to say Dada than Mama, but that is SO unfair!LOL!)
    Keep enjoying Meli, it gets even better when they say, “I love you Mommy!”

  14. One of my most favorite sounds…

  15. That was so sweet. I listened to it over and over, I miss hearing my babies laugh.

  16. How WONDERFUL to catch such a moment on record! She is just adorable. =-)

  17. Congratulations! There will be so many fun and happy experiences for you and Meli to come. I know you’ll enjoy every minute of it.
    I have found that the sound of laughter coming from my girls continues to be my most favorite sound in the world. They are ages 7 and 2.

  18. cathy goldman says

    OH that was beautiful….and so is Meli

  19. cathy goldman says

    OH that was beautiful….and so is Meli

  20. My kids are 15, 14, and 11 and I can still remember the first time I heard them each giggle. It makes my heart swell whenever I hear a baby giggle. There is nothing in the whole world better than that. You have a beautiful baby girl.

  21. Jennifer says

    Yea for baby belly laughs! Keep recording them!

  22. Awww…making me tear up listening to it! Wonderful sound, definitely one of the best in the world!
    Our daughter does this weird thing where she puckers her inner cheeks in when she laughs (still does it at 4) and that’s how I knew when I was getting close to a real laugh from her – I’d see those cheeks pucker in and knew I had her!

  23. F.a.b.u.l.o.u.s.
    It really is the best sound ever. Enjoy!

  24. That’s such a sweet story. You have the sweetest family; I love reading about your adventures.
    Meli’s laugh is precious!

  25. Yay! I can still remember exactly where I was the first time John laughed. And then I called my mom (who lived 1000 miles away) and made him laugh over and over so she could hear it. I still love his laugh…it reminds me of water trickling over rocks in a stream. Yay for Meli!

  26. the sweetness of those little laughs never dims.

  27. What a wonderful sound!!!
    Happy four month birthday, Miss Meli!

  28. Indeed that is a great sound! The laughter of babies sure is something special.

  29. Oh, those first baby laughs really ARE the best sound ever. I got chill bumps watching and listening to Meli’s laughs. Wonderful, wonderful – thank you for sharing.

  30. Baby laughs ARE wonderful. As is “Lovely Day” — one of my all-time favorite songs. Thanks for getting me to listen to it today (and to Meli’s beautiful laugh).

  31. What is it about a baby’s laughter that can’t help but brighten your day? And what a lovely set of events colliding together to make such a beautiful memory for you.
    Sigh… thank you so much for sharing!

  32. that is the most wonderful story i’ve read in a long time. i could feel the happiness and joy in your blog.
    enjoy those moments!
    btw – i’m knitting with STR january one and it’s WONDERFUL as well. have a great weekend.

  33. Awwwwww. That is the best! I love me some baby giggles!

  34. Wow, that is one thing that will always bring a smile to even the coldest, blackest heart. She is so adorable!

  35. Delightful!

  36. This made my day brighter. Thank you.
    I love the fact that you can hear your laughter along with Meli. Love that!!

  37. Ohhhhhh, that’s amazing. i still remember the first time both of my kids laughed. You never, ever forget that. you were at Fatburger? I live five minutes from there. Dang.

  38. It’s amazing how your heart can be so filled with joy when your baby does something wonderful like laugh at something you’re doing. I’ve never experienced my heart bursting with love and happiness until the arrival of my daughter.

  39. Isn’t it amazing how much power a little person can have over your emotions?
    When they cry like their little hearts are breaking, ours break too.
    And when they laugh, we can’t help but laugh too. Suddenly the world is a brighter place and you feel unconquerable because this little person, that you love the most, is happy.
    Watch what happens when you see a baby smile. Everyone around them who sees it can’t help but smile back. I have yet to see someone NOT smile back. Babies…bringing about world peace, one smile at a time! 😀

  40. Regarding the change in content for your blog…. I have to admit that I haven’t had a chance to read your blog in a year b/c I have a 1-year old who monopolizes my time. But I like that you write about your life, and don’t just narrow it down to one small aspect of it. And your daughter? She is super cute!! Keep posting pics of that smile!
    My blog has become more baby-centric b/c that’s what my life is about now. I still blog about my store and knitting projects. But my most important roles are mom and wife, not a blogger or a store owner or a knitter. I enjoy all those roles, but if anyone ever told me that I hsould blog less about my son, I’d tell them to suck it.
    Keep up the great blogging and congrats on your family.

  41. Michelle says

    Super cute!

  42. Oh, I remember that lovely day with both of my kids, especially Taz. Once he started, he would crack up all the time, even in his sleep sometimes.

  43. I’m sure it’s been said, but the next greatest sound is “mama” (which is usually preceded by “dada”. Enjoy! What fun! I still love it when my boys fall into a pile of gut-bursting laughter. It’s simply the best!

  44. I don’t think I have ever commented on your blog before but I had to now. As I was reading your post and listening to you precious little girls laugh I myself began to cry.
    What a blessing!!!

  45. Oh, that’s music! And it never stops being music. We are just back from LA where my “baby” was married and hearing her laugh from the joy in her life was my music, too. Life is good. Glad you are sharing yours with us.

  46. Contagious laughter I would say!

  47. Contagious laughter I would say!

  48. Baby laughs are the greatest! And worth the work too! I love it.

  49. That is awesome. I was verklempt just reading about it – pregnancy hormones!