The Finish Line

I’m done. Not in the that’s it, throw your hands up, I’ve had enough variety (although I came very, very close) but in the WHEW! We made it! kind of done. Thank god. I might’ve actually lost it but I was too tired, am too tired, to know.

While I had so much work to do, Meli and I got into the habit of having her nap in my lap while I was doing computer work. It was much better than having to run to her every five minutes and I was desperate for large chunks of time to get stuff done. So she slept on the boppy in my lap and whenever she stirred I’d stick a boob in her mouth and she’d happily suck herself back to sleep.

Now, after weeks staring at the screen, I’m tired of being on the computer. But Meli likes lap naps. Really likes nap laps. Right now she’s in my lap and I think she’s been sleeping for close to two hours.

I have to pee.

And I want to get other stuff done. Stuff that involves my using the parts of my body that make up my lap.

Really, though, how can you ever wake a sleeping baby? I don’t care how badly I have to pee.


  1. What mothers won’t do for their kids. 🙂

  2. I remember those days very well. It made me really good at ambidextrous mousing on my laptop. But yeah, when nature calls, sometimes you have to lay the baby down and hope for the best. It’s better than peeing your pants.

  3. I will never forget the first time Sam stayed asleep when I set him down so I could go pee.

  4. There is something magical about sleeping babies, isn’t there. This might be a good time for a sling — then she can sleep in your lap, but you can still get up and move around and take care of those critical bodily functions if you need to attend to them!

  5. My children never gave me the honor of just sleeping on my lap – unless of course they were nursing. What I wouldn’t give for some snuggle time like that right now. Suddenly at 9 & 7 they seem so grown-up.
    I am glad you made it. Take care and here’s to a great birthday (a bit early)and a happy new year. This past one has been quite a year for you!

  6. Oh the memories that brings back! My third (and last) child seemed to only be totally fuss free when nursing/sleeping on my lap. I work from home w/o child care and am often on conference calls, so to keep her quiet, we perfected the art of the lap sleep/nurse. It took me a long time to wean her because I got little quiet time otherwise. After she had been weaned for about 3 months, I found myself accidentally “assuming the position” when I was on the phone, and she was putting up a huge fuss!
    Good luck with the pee. Happy holidays to you from the frozen tundra that is Chicagoland.

  7. Oh I’ve been there. When Junior refused to sleep anywhere but on my chest I would wake up in the morning so desperate to get up/pee/move. Jaime and I would try the hand-off, but it never worked and then it took 10 minutes to calm the poor boy. I miss those days so much more than I ever imagined I would.

  8. totally 5th the sling recommendation. Even better if you wear a skirt because then you don’t have to hitch the baby up a little bit to button the pants up 🙂 Alex (only a week or two older than Meli) sleeps best on my lap, as did his older brother (now 3). And who can blame them? It’s warm & soft & smells nice!

  9. *grin* It goes by fast. And they are so cute when they are asleep. Enjoy it while it lasts. Half the time I wake up in the early morning with 2 of our 3 kids in the bed – the youngest laying on top of me – as he used to fall asleep as an infant that way – the next oldest asleep with an arm around my neck – his preferred position when he was a not quite toddler. Its always a good flash down memory lane. I 6th the sling – hands free and legs free to continue on with being a busy mommy! Happy Hanukkah.

  10. It’s tough when you have to pee! Meli is growing so fast. The day will come when she won’t want to sit on your lap and you’ll miss it.

  11. Congratulations on getting through the crunch time with your computer work.
    I remember those days with sleeping/nursing baby stuck in front of my laptop with a bursting bladder (I’m getting nostalgic, sigh)! I did use a sling some and that helped with being able to getup and do stuff and use the bathroom; next time (fingers crossed there’ll be one) I’m planning to master the wrap which I think will make moving around smoother.
    Of course the trapped with sleeping baby on boppy on lap excuse is a great one for getting knitting done I always found…

  12. i used to carry my son in that position on the boppy and pee. he was all about the lap naps too. good luck!

  13. Don’t wake the baby!!! But, do consider the sling. They’re great. The other thing is, find a spot you can put a little mattress on the floor. Then you can lay down and nurse everytime you hear stirring, boob, and walk away. Or nap yourself. The best of all worlds!

  14. I can SOOOOO relate to this. Especially when Griffin was little and nursed every 5 seconds I felt completely trapped under him. Even worse, he did not like it when I did other things during his meal! Good god.
    Merry Christmas to all three of you. You’re a beautiful family.

  15. I love your blog.. I love your writing.. so passionate and real. I just read this post aloud to my husband, and we were both giggling. Thanks for sharing your private moments.

  16. I remember those days, except that 30 years ago, precomputers, I would rock my babies in the rocking chair, they’d fall asleep and I’d just rock, resting with my eyes closed. And then, yes, was stuck there with nature calling. Sigh. I did manage to put them down gently and they’d still sleep. Eventually. Took practice.