Start As You Mean To Go

Happy New Year!! I hope you’re all having a terrific start to 2014!

My day started out with lots of potential – I like to try to do all the things I love on the first day of the year to sort of set the trend for days to come.

This morning I got my ass kicked all over the place by one of my favorite teachers at my favorite place. Then we all decided to go ice skating – it was the girls’ first time! Meli did wonderfully! The place we went to has walker type things available for beginners to hold on and she was able to skate all by herself and even let go every now and again. The little one – well lets just say we’ll try again!

When we finally got home, I started in on the projects I wanted to get going. I’m going to knit my sister and my niece shrugs to wear over dresses for my nephew’s bar mitzvah at the end of the month – CRUNCH TIME and I’m not used to knitting under pressure! I’m knitting them out of Madelintosh Pashmina – which was a BITCH to wind up. Took me a few tries and a lot of tangles and wasted a lot of time.

I also wanted to cast on for Southern Skies, the companion shawl to Celestarium, which I knit last year. It was one of my most fun knits EVER. Celestarium covered all the constellations seen from the North Pole and Southern Skies features the constellations seen from the South Pole – which includes Capricorn. I will talk about both shawls at length soon , but suffice it to say that after the afternoon I’ve had, I most likely won’t be casting on for Southern Skies.

But! I’m not going to feel bad about that! INTENTION COUNTS! The yarn is all wound, the charts are all notated (more on that later) and the beads are set. It’s all ready to go and TOMORROW I WILL CAST ON!

I might have time to cast on one of the shrugs tonight – which is more important than the shawl anyway.

Sorry to blather on, but I’m just glad I was able to get a blog post in. This is the tenth JANUARY ONE that I’ve blogged, and I would have hated to miss it. One of my intentions for the year is to blog more and I think the last month or so I’ve improved drastically on this score, so the future looks bright – blogging wise at least.

I’d also like to get more sleep and to get my kids to sleep more – preferably NOT on top of me. We’ll see how that goes. I’m beginning the new year very very tired.

I wish you all a wonderful, wonderful new year! And thank you so much for reading this blog, now and in the past ten years. It has brought so much to my life – really it’s immeasurable – and you are all such a huge part of it. It’s felt really good to connect with you all again.

Happy New Year!

L, C




  1. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year! And as much as I love knitting with MadTosh yarns, I have to admit I sometimes have tangling issues, too…..

  2. Stealing your blog title. I think I’ve used it before, but you know….. 😉
    You had a better jump on things than I do.

  3. Many happy returns to you! I’m always happy to see a new post, thanks so much.

  4. MelissaPurls says

    Happy birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday! I’m off to bed but there was something that was nagging at me all day and I finally remembered what it was. I haven’t been reading your blog for all 10 years (yowza!) but I have been checking in every January 1 since I found it (pre-kids). Went to a Birthday party today for our neighbor little Leon who just turned 1.


  6. Happy birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday, I think I have been reading for about 10 yrs as well. I just know that I have missed you when you haven’t been there but now that you are…I am over the moon with excitement to see what 2014 brings!
    Many, many, happy returns of the day….

  8. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! My hand gets tired scrolling the mouse button on my Archives page. I’m so happy that you intend to blog more this year. I really hope that happens. Happy to connect with you in other places, but I love a good blog post (or even a not-so-good one).

    Happy Birthday, my dear, and happiest of new years to you and yours. XO

  9. 10 years! Who knew we’d still be here reading each others blogs! It’s wonderful and here’s to more in 2014. Happy New Year and Happy Birthday, dear friend!

  10. Kathode Ray Tube says

    Happy Birthday! Great to see you blogging again.

  11. Nice to see you blogging more! I’ve started up again as well — I was about ready to throw in the towel, but seem to be recharged. The sleep will get better — then, other things will keep you up. Such is life, I suppose. 🙂

  12. Belated Happy Birthday and here’s to a great 2014. 😉

  13. I love seeing you posting – and knitting – again.
    Happy (belated) Birthday and Happy New Year!

  14. Best wishes for 2014!
    Here’s to health and happiness plus as much knitting time as we need.