Sock Candy Friday

In case you hadn’t heard, I broke out of my comfort zone and totally ROCKED the knee high on Saturday. (Evidence here and here and here.) There is at least one other pair coming out of me. That would make five total (when I get them all done) and that seems like a goodly number.

I’m just about to the heel on the second knee high and due to pattern tweaking I’ve got a few more rows to go to the heel on the first knee high. There’s a definite possibility I COULD have a finished pair by Halloween. Could. Maybe. Finish. I just have to decide to do it. But really – two heels and two feet isn’t all that much in the world of sock knitting. I’ve got five days. And a job just dropped out for the weekend.

Koigu. The green is 2340 and the variegated is P852. Knee High pattern here. Because someone always asks. 😉

Thanks for all the blogiversary good wishes! It’d be nothing without you. Have a fantastic weekend!
L, C


  1. You most certainly did “ROCK the knee high”. And thanks for the link to the pattern — I was going to ask 🙂

  2. I think I might love those knee highs even more than the others! Blasphemy, I know! 🙂 Fingers crossed you finish those up for Halloween! I do think that wearing the knee-highs with that skirt and those shoes to Rhinebeck? Perfect!
    Obviously I must knit knee-highs for my beefy calves soon soon soon. Maybe once I finish spinning up my Sock Hop roving… 🙂

  3. You are definitely ROCKIN’! girl…I swear, every time I miss 1 day of reading something big happens. Happy Blogiversary!!! Thanks you for all the reading!

  4. that’s not all you rocked honey.
    I think you rocked my world!

  5. I missed the afternoon post yesterday, so I had two to catch up on. That Robin wheel is gorgeous, and all of the Rhinebeck goodies make me want a wheel this very instant (which won’t happen, as I’m still doing research as to which would be the best for me, but hopefully I’ll have one in time for Spin-Out 2007). In the meantime, happy blogiversary, and “you can do eeeet!” on the socks. 🙂

  6. You were rockin’ for sure.
    I tried to bind off my Trekking sock last night — couldn’t see what I was doing. (My eyes are older than yours. Deal with it.) Today, however, is a bright sunny day, so as soon as I get the laundry done…

  7. Do you ever stop and think, while knitting or wearing those loooong woolly socks of goodness, that you might as well just go and knit a full body suit? ‘Cause imagine being dressed in *nothing* but Koigu! (Okay, certain body parts may appreciate a cotton lining…)
    With all of these knee socks, you probably could have had that Koigu/STR body suit by now. What do you think of the idea?
    (Okay, I’m obviously being highly silly here. But still, when I see those long socks, it’s hard not to daydream about how far one could take such beautiful sock yarn.)

  8. Those are really cool knee highs. I really have to do some sometime for myself. Thanks for the pattern link!

  9. Those are some kicking knee highs, and I love the picture of you with the handspun shawl and the knee highs. Love the new pair too! I’m not sure I’ll ever get to make a pair of knee highs, since they probably wouldn’t look too flattering on my hairy legs, and I always wear pants. (And they’re not exactly the straight guy fashion trend du-jour.) Maybe my future wife will want a pair someday…

  10. Oh, those are looking so good! I love how you put those two colors together. I thought that the Sock Candy might refer to the BMFA Sock Candy. Have you had a chance to knit with that stuff yet? I have some in my stash but haven’t gotten to it yet.

  11. Your knee highs are as cute as bees knees;-)

  12. You absolutely *did* rock with those knee highs. I’m contemplating a pair for myself! Happy Blogiversary!!

  13. Very hip looking socks! Yes, you are a happening knitter!

  14. I think I see knee socks in my future. Yours are great!

  15. You may single-handedly be responsible for knee socks become fashionable again………lovely!

  16. those knee highs were great to see in person! the whole skirt, knee highs, and mary janes combo was perfect.
    oh, one question, how much of each color of koigu do you use? i have some koigu in the stash and i’m wondering how much to supplement it with to make knee highs!

  17. Very cute. I must knit faster so I can start my knee highs.

  18. Got to both posts today, too…so first: Happy Blogiversary!
    Was admiring the color of the knee-hi’s, went to my basket, and no wonder I like it so much…I have two skeins just like it, someday to be armwarmers.
    Happy Knitting for the Halloween deadline!

  19. Babe! I don’t even wear knee highs and I want to make those. I may have to stop reading this blog, it distracts me from my knitting to do other knitting. Sock Rock ON!

  20. What colorway is that? 😛 hehe – you said someone was bound to ask!
    Love them!

  21. Cara, the knee highs rock. They look great! I really need to make myself a pair for the winter. Oh, and what kind of shoes are you wearing? They are super cute too.

  22. too cute with the knee-highs! i want some!

  23. Very cute! I need to get on the ball with my second one so I can wear mine, too.

  24. Those are awesome!

  25. See, I know I hate wearing knee highs. I know my calves are just not meant for them, they’re just too plump. But still – I love those. I want to knit some now. Stop it. 🙂

  26. NEW Knit “WARM WINTER EXCHANGE” Sign up!!!
    This is Charles from “Charle’s lifestyle and kintting”
    Iam hosting new knit exchange..just wanna share with you!!!! “Warm Winter Exchange”
    All the info and rule of “Warm Winter Exchange” in my blog
    Visit my blog:
    It will be really fun!!! Sign up!!!

  27. the kneehighs are awesome..the new ones look really good too!

  28. too cute for words!!!!

  29. those are so pretty! thank you for posting the link for the pattern … i will have to try the shaping for my next pair of knee-hi’s.
    HEADLINE ! Woman knocked down outside her home this morning as she left for work … assailant, oddly, did not steal her purse or jewelry, but yanked off her shoes and peeled her socks off !

  30. Oh that I could actually wear knee-highs! Several things conspire against me including: a mother who pointed out ad nauseum that my knees were too fat for miniskirts in high school, wearing knee-highs all through high school since it was a Catholic one, and really, really fat calves. Damn! Wear yours with pride for those of us who can’t!

  31. Love them!

  32. Love the knee highs – how clever and cool!

  33. Those are so cool looking. I bet you’ll make it by Halloween. 🙂

  34. way to kick some knee socks – DAMN!

  35. i love the dappled colors you’re getting with the koigu. i’m curious — how many hanks of the P852 do you think you’ll need for the pair? i have 3 hanks of one colorway but I have a feeling that won’t be enough.
    good luck getting them done by the end of october!

  36. The socks are so fun with a skirt! I’m mad that I didn’t get to see you at the festival…but glad that I got to see you and your socks that evening at the hotel!

  37. Happy Blogiversary! (A little late, I know.)
    Your socks look great. I just cast on my first pair of knee highs this weekend. I’m using STR, so they are moving along pretty fast.