Showcase #1


It’s time for our first SHOWCASE! As you know, every Saturday between now and my birthday I will be giving away some wonderful prizes, all in celebration of BIRTHDAY MONTH! Each week you will have to answer a question that relates to MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME (c’mon – it’s all about ME!) and each correct answer in the comments will be eligible for the random drawing on Monday night. Contest winners will be announced on Tuesday morning.

Alright JOHNNY! Tell the people what they’ll win!

That’s right folks! It’s some coveted SOCKS THAT ROCK, but wait – what’s that I see? TWO SKEINS? Over here at January One we don’t discriminate. We know there are some unfortunate people out there with BIG ASS FEET! (or as Ann likes to say – she has a big ass AND big feet. didum dum.) Here we have

450 GLORIOUS YARDS of Pebbles Socks That Rock!

But, BOB, that’s not all!

Today I will be out galavanting with some mighty cool chicks. Rumor has it there will be shopping involved. I will be adding to the prize package – maybe I will update, maybe I will SURPRISE your ass. But however it goes, you got to be in it TO WIN IT! Here’s this week’s question:


All correct answers in the comments please will be eligible to win! The answer is buried deep in the blog. Look hard, little grasshopper! 😉

And the retail value on this particular showcase is….PRICELESS! (It’s YARN people – isn’t all yarn priceless?)

Ready, set, go!

PS – When you’re done guessing here – go on over to Larissa’s and help a girl out. She wants you to take a survey and be eligible to WIN MORE PRIZES!


  1. Philly, marvelous Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!
    Enjoy your birthday!

  2. Philly PA baby!
    ( not so deep in the blog)

  3. Um, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!

  4. Philly, Pennsylvania 😉

  5. Easy peasy: Philadelphia, PA.

  6. Philadelphia.

  7. Philadelphia, PA.

  8. Philadelphia, PA. =)

  9. Philadelphia, PA

  10. I was going to guess Philadelphia, and based on the other responses, I think that I am on to something.

  11. Albert Einstein Medical Center located at 5501 Old York Road Philadelphia, PA. I am such a nerd! Have fun shopping.

  12. You were born to run on the streets of Philadelphia, baby!
    Oh, I hope you have bucketloads of fun today with those wonderful girls. I’m SO jealous! Give them all a hug and say “Hey” for me, will ya? Give yourself a hug, too. ; )

  13. Philladelphia, PA. Have a great day!

  14. Easy! Philly!

  15. Philly! Too easy!

  16. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  17. I would say Philadelphia because I grew up in Lancaster. I remember a Pennsylvania girl any day.

  18. Philadelphia! ;0)

  19. You were born in Philadelphia, PA. Enjoy the day!

  20. Philadelphia 😀

  21. Philadelphia, PA!!!

  22. Philadelphia, PA 🙂

  23. I guess I should have looked here before I read through your blog (although your blog is immensely intertainting)!
    So you were born in Philadelphia, PA!

  24. I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say Philadelphia, PA.

  25. Philadelphia, PA

  26. Philadelphia, PA

  27. Philly! Super cool idea you have going on here — lots of fun. Hope you have a great shopping trip today!

  28. So. could it be Philly?

  29. Philly in the hiz-ouse!
    You were born in Philadelphia, PA!
    Because I can’t leave anything short…I used to go to Philly with my Granddad, whose family came here from Italy to Trenton, NJ — his family still lives there today, running a truly fantastic bakery. 🙂 Anyway, he retired from the USAF to Delaware, and we’d trek up to Philly to watch Phillies games (sad trips, generally, LOL) and tour the bakeries in the city. 🙂 Thanks for bringing back wonderful memories!

  30. Hmmm, would that be Philadelphia, PA?

  31. I’m going to go with the consensus here and say Philly. It was mentioned in December ;04. And I didn’t get the answer from the comments, either, I painstakingly Control+F’d every page in the archives. Karma, are you listening?
    Also, I’m sitting here wearing my unfinished mid-surgery Jaywalker (and trying not to stab myself with the dpns) trying to decide if I can live with the toe. I haven’t come to any conclusions yet.

  32. Ummm……I don’t know. I’m hungry and headed out to get a Philly CheeseSteak for lunch. Or a hoagie. One of ’em. Maybe after I eat I’ll be able to give it a better guess. 🙂

  33. I checkd your 100 things list and found Philadelphia, PA!

  34. I hate being so late, cause I really did look up your 100 things list and clicked the link for your hospital.
    Philadelphia, PA

  35. Philadelphia, PA.

  36. Could it be Philadelphia, PA?!??!?!?!?

  37. ok, I am just guessing here: Philadalphia :=)

  38. I’m going to jump on the Philly bandwagon, which incidentally is very near my home town (I’m out in the suburbs). I always make sure to get a philly soft pretzel when I’m in town. And I’m planning on joining in this Jaywalker funness once I get my hands on some size 1 needles. So you’ll be hearing more from me soon. Happy Birthday month.

  39. Okay, I guess it’s Philadelphia. 🙂 Thanks for the link Cara.

  40. Philadelphia, PA
    Somehow, I remembered this, I did not have to look for the answer.

  41. Philadelphia
    read it in “100+ things”

  42. LOL. Philadelphia! I, too, found this info from the first item on your ‘100 Things’ list.

  43. I knew it was Philadelphia even before I read everyone else’s answers. And, Ann’s right, I do have big feet and a big ass! Have a great time today – I’m so jealous!

  44. Philadelphia, PA

  45. Gee, when I asked the audience it was 98% Philadelphia. And that’s my final answer. 😉

  46. wow! now my stalker status becomes handy! Philly!

  47. You’re going to have to try harder to fool us!
    Philadelphia, PA!

  48. Stalker status revealed…Philly, PA!

  49. Philadelphia, PA
    Which has the super cool fabric row. (at the time I visited I wasn’t knitting but sewing & thought I might blow all my food money on fabric)

  50. Philadelphia, PA. Put me in the draw — those pebbles look so pretty.

  51. Philadelphia! (I absolutely love your blog…..)

  52. I think yours has been the first 100 things I’ve read all the way through!
    Philly, baybee!

  53. Philadelphia, PA … which is a REAL long way from New Zealand :0)

  54. Love your blog! Lets go with Philly, PA… birthday is in December so maybe this will bring me some luck!

  55. Philadelphia, PA!!

  56. Philadelphia, PA
    that is where my parents grew up and i still have some family there.

  57. Philadelphia, PA!
    This is fun!

  58. So it’s Philly?…but I’d love to say Asbury Park, NJ, just for the music’s sake…

  59. Philadelphia. Happy Birthday month!

  60. Philadelphia, PA – a lovely city for a lovely knitter.

  61. I hope you’re having a great day – if you’re up here then the weather outside my window is chilly but clear – perfect for yarn crawling and cups of tea/coffee/hot chocolate.
    my answer: I’m with the masses on this one – Philadelphia, PA.

  62. um, philly?
    love that list!

  63. Philadelphia. Gotta run with the crowd.

  64. This Philly girl knew all along that you were a true Philly girl.
    You’re too cool not to be.

  65. Philadelphia, of course!

  66. Philadelphia, PA

  67. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Happy Birthday soon!

  68. Philly!
    And I just got some beyoutiful koigu (my first koigu!) and plan to start some jaywalkers after my holiday knitting. Say, january one?

  69. Philadelphia!

  70. don’t be silly, the answer is philly.

  71. Um, Philly?

  72. You’re gonna have to make this harder. I thought I was so smart knowing it was Philly. Apparently, I am not alone!

  73. philadelphia!

  74. Philly, PA, girlfriend! You tried to trick us by making us think it was, perhaps, Asbury Park, NJ, but hey, we’re no slackers here!

  75. It must be Philadelphia! Never been there myself…

  76. Philadelphia–not really hidden at all!

  77. Also: Philadelphia. Thanks for making it easy for us so we can all have a decent shot 🙂

  78. Philly of course! How could I resist answering for some STR… I can’t wait to start my Jaywalkers. I had such a rough day today that I really feel like I deserve some selfish knitting, but Holiday Knitting it is. Have a great time with the girls!

  79. Philadelphia! That’s easy when 70+ people hint at the answer! (Of course I did search the archives first!)
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  80. Philadelphia, PA. Now, that wasn’t hard. I just started reading your blog. I really enjoy it. You’re a hoot!

  81. Philadelphia, PA.

  82. Buried deep in your blog? I think not. The lucky city is Philadelphia, PA.

  83. I know I know! Philadelphia PA.
    Happy B Day.

  84. hmmm… Philadelphia…(in PA)

  85. Grrl, they come out of the woodwork when you have a contest. I went blind today so I’m just guessing that everyone has it right;-)

  86. Philadelphia Pa. home of the best eye doctors on the east coast

  87. It has to do with food. I remember reading something about how you like neopolitan ice cream so I was thinking about that and going to say Naples. Now I’m thinking Philly for some reason. Philly steak sandwhich. That’s what I’m going with. I must be hungry.

  88. I guess I will guess… Philly, PA!

  89. Philadelphia, PA!

  90. I’m going with France. There’s one in every crowd, babe.

  91. Philly, PA but I give Claudia credit for going out on a limb with France.

  92. I may be going out on a limb here but I will say Philadelphia, PA.

  93. I too read through the archives instead of coming straight to the comments, I should have come here first 🙂
    Nice Contest and yarn..PERFECT!

  94. Philadephia (Freedom!) PA.
    I was there to see an antique show, like, twelve years ago and haven’t been back since, but they still send me an ad for the show every year!

  95. There are going to be an awful lot of little slips of paper in that hat …
    Philadelphia, PA. At the Albert Einstein Medical Center.

  96. Right across the river from where I am…Philadelphia, PA!

  97. Okay, I could have cheated and tried to see if anybody had similar answers (oh my gosh) but I checked your 100 things list. It’s Philadelphia, PA. 🙂
    But I might have gotten a clue from a few of the commenters.

  98. Easy!! Philadelphia, Pa!

  99. Philly, baby!

  100. You’re a Philly, PA gal!

  101. Philadelphia, PA!

  102. that city of brotherly love, baby-
    ooo – make yours Philly!

  103. Man I should have read the comments first. Well now I’m ready to go for the next question cuz I have done my research.
    Oh yeah Philly, PA

  104. Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philly 😉
    I think that the month of birthday’s should run one week past yours….mine is Jan 8th 🙂

  105. Philadelphia, PA!

  106. Philadelphia, but it took me for fucking ever to find it.

  107. Brigitte Mauthner says

    It was Philadelphia, PA – hey that was easy for me – I found it in “100 und + more things about me” :o))
    Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Many greetings from
    Brigitte, Austria

  108. Philadelphia, PA. Coincidentally, tonight we had the best philly cheesesteak we’ve found outside of Philly. Have a great weekend!

  109. Philadelphia!

  110. Ummmmm….. just a guess, but …. Philadelphia, PA?? (crossing fingers)

  111. Ok, I’ll jump on the bandwagon and go with Philadephia, PA.

  112. Make that Philadelphia, PA…forgot my second l. Don’t want to be disqualified over an l!

  113. Gail Lucille says

    Humm…My guess it is Philadelphia, PA.

  114. Philadelphia, PA.
    I am going to win.

  115. Um, Philadelphia PA!
    What glorious colors in that yarn.

  116. philly

  117. In Philly, that’s where! Chelle

  118. HOLY FREE YARN< Batman! 🙂
    My answer: Bruce says it best in The Streets on Philadephia.
    (who am I? Mary Catherine Gallagher??)

  119. You were born in the City of Brotherly Love…Philadelphia,PA (or, Philly, as we Pennsylvanians call it!).

  120. Philadelphia, PA!

  121. Wild guess here. Philly, PA maybe?

  122. Phillie!!!

  123. Hey Cara, Only if you’ve already got them done, or almost done. I feel guilty enough about you spending your very precious knitting time on me. I’d love to try the pattern myself anyway, and it works perfectly with STR (which I don’t happen to have), so I’d be happy with the hank of yarn. Thanks for the comment!

  124. Philly, PA – home of the cheesesteak!

  125. philadelphia, pa

  126. I’ll guess. . . um . . . Philadelphia, PA

  127. Holy mackerel. I’m tempted to say some place other than Philly, just to stand out from the crowd.
    I’ve never been to Philly, but I was once offered a restaurant-sized container of Philadelphia cream cheese by a homeless man in Toronto once (“hey folks! have some Philly?”). We said no, thanks.

  128. Phila. PA

  129. Philadelphia, PA! 🙂

  130. Hi Cara,
    I’m guessing Philly, PA. 🙂 I just came back from a week’s training (SCT – Oracle forms) in Malverne. A colleague and I made it to Philly twice. Once to have dinner at City Tavern. Yum. And walk up and down South Street. The other night, Wednesday, we went to Zanzibar Blue to hear the City Rhythm Orchestra play. It was great. We sort of got lost, and ended up driving around and around City Hall, oh, six or seven times… What a fabulous building. And the lights are so pretty!
    Take care,

  131. Philly.

  132. hmm were you born in Philly???

  133. Philadelphia, PA–love your blog:)

  134. Philly! And clearly it was difficult to find this out.

  135. I found it. Philadephia, PA,

  136. The answer is Philadelphia.
    What a rockin way to celebrate your birthday! By giving US presents. You are too cool.

  137. I guess we are going with Philly huh;)
    I had to steal the list (via Margene). Great little meme.
    Happy almost Birthday! Hope you get some reading in this month.

  138. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — how do you say that in Japanese?

  139. Philadelphia, PA!

  140. Hmmmm — maybe Philly?

  141. Philadelphia! (Thank goodness that the answer wasn’t Pittsburgh…I’d have to have withdrawn from any type of entry! “Go Bengals” says the Cincinnati Grrrrl!)

  142. Philadelphia. . . when I saw Albert Einstein Medical Center I almost guessed Princeton, NJ, which makes more sense, what with The Boss and all.

  143. I think I’ll guess Philadelhia ;). The city of LOVE!

  144. Julie Sloan says

    Philly, PA

  145. OOhh, could it be Philadelphia, PA!!??? Hmmm. Can I have a cheesy steak with my yarn?

  146. Philadelphia. My dad pronounced it Phil-a-del-FYE-a.
    I can’t believe I just scoured/searched/sleuthed your blog only to see 144 identical entries in the comments. Doh!

  147. Philadelphia, PA!

  148. Oh, silly, we all know that. Philadelphia! Hmm, isn’t there a song by that name, done by, hm, someone, hm, who could it be???

  149. Philadelphia, PA…though you should try running in Oregon someday 😀

  150. knitty zen says

    ooh ooh i know i know, pick me, i know, pick me…is it er, philly? i got it, yippee! i got it, right? right?

  151. Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA

  152. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 🙂

  153. Everyone else got here before me. Fucking time zones… But I am going to say Philly too.

  154. Ok – Philadelphia, PA. And I didn’t just look at the comments… 🙂

  155. That would be Philadephia, Bob. Love those cheesesteaks!

  156. Am I too late? (I did it the hard way — I googled — before realizing that, um, 155 people were here to give me the answer…)
    You were born in the City of Brotherly Love, home of cheesesteaks and the Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, PA.

  157. Well this is just a total shot in the dark, but how about Philadelphia, PA? 😉 My mom was born there too.

  158. I’m going to take a stab a it and guess… the sister city of Florence, Italy; Tel Aviv, Israel; Torun, Poland; Tianjin, China; Incheon, Korea; Kobe, Japan; Aix-en-Provence, France; Abruzzo, Italy; Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; and Doala, Cameroon… the one, the only Philadelphia!