School Daze – Update

The front is finished! I’m thrilled with how the cable split for the v-neck, and really all because my math was screwed up. I’m still not sure how it all worked out – suffice it say I’m not positive that 1+1 really does equal 2, but I don’t care, because it worked.

Here are a couple of pictures:

It’s blocking as we speak, using my very favorite method. I’m thinking a few rows of 2×2 rib for the arms and the neck and finito! I doubt I’ll have it done for class on Thursday, but you can bet I’ll wear it the following week. And an A to any student who asks if I made it myself. (Of course, it’s continuing ed, so they don’t get grades….)

Thanks to all who answered my guilty pleasure question. It made me think a lot, which is always a good thing. I’ve decided that as long as we’re not killing any people, it’s all good. They have yet to prove TV can actually kill (or have they?)


  1. looks fantastic. love the cabling.

  2. Wow! fast knitting–and very beautiful. I’ll have to go back to read up on what pattern you’re using/adapting. Love it.

  3. Great work, Cara! She is a beaut! 🙂

  4. Ooooh! Love that cable! The split came out beautifully!!!

  5. Wow! It looks amazing, as for the maths thing I used to think I was good at it but I have trouble just counting rows these days… ugh. Can’t wait to see if finished.

  6. It looks GREAT! Can’t wait to see a picture of you modeling it. (Do we get a picture of you modeling it?)

  7. Wow! It’s beautiful. And I can say that because I can actually *see* the picture. What’s up?!?

  8. Great work! It’s beautiful knitting.