Ready to Fly


  1. Lovely shawl.
    Lovely photos.
    Turn up the A/C and wear it as soon as it dries!

  2. Beautiful!!

  3. So pretty. Can’t wait for modelled shots.

  4. That shawl really does look like a moth with wings outstretched!

  5. Absolutely beautiful!

  6. Oh my goodness. That is fantabulous!

  7. gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous – I’m still afraid of lace but I guess sooner or later (probably later) I’ll give it a try. OH and the Chica monkey socks – just too cute!! I have a friend I call Chica-bea (that last part is pronounced “bay”) from the movie Nell – I just love the way it sounds and the way she said it was so intimate ’cause she was talking to her missing twin.

  8. Beautiful! Nice work.

  9. oooh!! aaaah!

  10. Your Wing O’ the Moth is beautiful! You do amazing lace work. Everything works, the color, yarn, gauge, pattern, great job!

  11. FSM, that’s beautiful! You’re such a great knitter. That fourth shot has got me drooling. Lovely work!

  12. It’s beautiful.

  13. That is one gorgeous shawl Cara!!!!

  14. That is soooo beautiful! I love lace shawls and I am such a knitiot when it comes to lace! Amazing work….

  15. Gorgeous!!!!

  16. Wow that WOM is so beautiful. I love the green color! Can’t wait to see you modeled shots too!

  17. It’s beautiful. Don’t you love the Twin Peaks edging? That’s my favorite part.

  18. Oh, Cara, that is just magnificent.

  19. Ooh! So pretty, and I love the green!

  20. Pretty Pretty Pretty!!!!!

  21. So very pretty. What a wonderful colour.

  22. Can you hear the applause from here? Brava!

  23. simply gorgeous Cara 🙂 Great job!

  24. That pretty much looks perfect. Dang!! 🙂

  25. my keyboard is almost broke from drooling… wow.

  26. Beautifuljob – love love love the color!

  27. I’m in awe.

  28. You know, my birthday is November 30….
    j/k It’s beautiful! I love the color, very luna moth.

  29. YEESSSS!! I live for “things blocking” photos. Especially when they don’t involve blocking boards. Because I don’t own a blocking board. And can’t afford one. And because I can never seem to block things properly. Thus, I am always up for some insight. The shawl looks beautious.

  30. drool…
    Looks fabulous!

  31. Cara, that is amazing! I love the color and the circularness (word??) of the pattern. Beautiful!

  32. Cara, this is so gorgeous it makes me want to STOP EVERYTHNG and cast on for one myself! You are an endless inspiration!

  33. Blocking wires down the center: I don’t think I’ve seen that before! What was your objective? Did it help?
    You must be quivering in excitement and anticipation.

  34. Beautiful! Hope your ass is feeling(better).

  35. Absolutely breathtaking. I have the Moth and Monkeys on the needles right now and love them.

  36. Stunning!

  37. Stunning!

  38. the Procrastinatrix says

    ohhhhh! So beautiful… Inspiring, really! 🙂

  39. So lovely!! I love the color and the detailed shots! So many intricacies!

  40. Bee-yoooo-tee-full!

  41. This is breathtaking. The pattern and the color- so beautiful!

  42. So beautiful!!

  43. There’s something pretty magical about seeing lace transformed into a filmy, drapey thing of beauty. It looks fantastic already 😉 Very inspiring, I might find the patience to attempt a big lace project myself one day …

  44. You take the. best. pictures.
    And your knitting ain’t so bad either 😉

  45. Oh my. It’s beautiful.

  46. ooooh, pretty. Lovely.

  47. Stunning!

  48. When did you sneak this one through?

  49. I really hate moths. But I could get used to them if they were as beautiful as your shawl.

  50. Pretty!!

  51. Amazing. I love the close-ups with the fabulous detail.

  52. Beautiful. Really really nice work. Enjoy it!

  53. Pretty good for an ass-grabber.
    Seriously, it’s… um… my adjective jar is empty. Stunning, there we go. Consider me stunned adjectiveless.

  54. It is so beautiful!

  55. Enabler.
    That’s gorgeous, and your photos of your work always make things look even more amazing. Now I want one.

  56. Mary McKnight says

    Wow. Simply beautiful.

  57. That was meant to be “speechless”. It truly is lovely.

  58. Oh my gosh, it’s so pretty! The green is stunning. Way to go!

  59. The magic of blocking never gets old, doesn’t it? That is just so very beautiful. Can’t wait to see you modeling it.

  60. beautiful–shawl, color, pictures.

  61. very beautiful!

  62. Nice work! The shawl looks so different in the solid green. The stitch work really shines.

  63. very awesome!

  64. The color is extraordinary, lovely…

  65. Cleared for lift-off!
    What a great job you did!

  66. What beautiful work!

  67. Absolutely awesome!

  68. Simply stunning!

  69. Bravo!

  70. What a pretty color!
    Great job!

  71. NI-I-ICE . . . it looks great cara. thanks for doing my pattern justice. it’s always so cool to see it on someone else’s floor, blocking . . . it really does look ready to take off.

  72. gorgeous!

  73. Beautiful. And a gorgeous colour.

  74. Beautiful! Great color too!

  75. Love the shawl. Reminds me of a Luna moth. Is the post title a double entendre, perhaps? Oi, could be my over-worked brain overthinking things (again).

  76. Oh, *wow*. May your news be as good as this shawl is beautiful!

  77. my lord, i want to make this now!!!

  78. Lovely.