
Yesterday, I ate an entire container of Milk Chocolate Raisins from Trader Joe’s.

It was an interesting evening to say the least. I think I’m still on the high. The container says there are 33 pieces to a serving. And approximately 11 servings. 363 chocolate covered raisins is about 263 too many. Especially when I ate barely anything else all day.

24 has restored my faith in TV – especially after the Gilmore Girls let me down so, so hard. (We’ll see if they can redeem themselves tonight.) I think this season of 24 is the best of the bunch – of course, if you haven’t seen the other three, this one is nothing – but it is so worth it if you have! Do you agree?

Short Rows!

Here they are!

Look at those zigzags! They ZIG, they ZAG!

Let’s compare:



Don’t they look great now? Of course, here’s what I’ll have to contend with very, very soon:

But I think it’s very worth it! I’m loving this project. I’m not sure how to proceed – I need to really ponder the pattern. You have to decrease on each arm every other row, but the pattern also calls for decreases in the short rows – I’m not sure if they’re the same decreases, or if they’re different – time for some knitty math.

Okay. I’m off to get ready for a salon appointment and a lunch date with my husband!

One last question – do you Harlot? Who’s going to Lord & Taylor Thursday evening? I’ll be the one with white gloves and pearls. 😉


  1. Oh my goodness! Those shortrows are fantastic. So glad that you worked out the bugs and things are moving along.

  2. Wow, Cara! Shortrows DOES look AWESOME! Amazing, simply amazing!

  3. Very nice job on the short rows!

  4. The empty Trader Joe’s candy carton? Change the lable to Chocolate Orange Sticks and you have MY yesterday. (4 sticks, 150 calories!)
    Short Rows looks fun. There is a short row sweater in the new Teva Durham book that is short row fair isle! It’s pretty cool looking.

  5. Short rows looks most excellent!! I’m hoping to see Harlot in Massachusetts in a few weeks.

  6. Oh, Lord and Taylor, waaaaaaaa. I know you’ll have fun and tell us all about it!
    Short Rows is looking GREAT! Love it. (Weave in and end or two every night. It’ll make you happy.)
    Hope you’re feeling okay today after all those choc-covered raisins.

  7. Short Rows looks great. I’ve always liked that pattern and I’m watching your progress with interest. Cool colors!

  8. the bf and I were just saying that this is by far the best 24 yet. they’ve taken a lot more liberties with the time elements (3 minutes to get from one place to another in LA??) BUT… the characters are fantastic. there are very few ridiculous characters (a la Kim) and this is the first season that they’ve had the same villain for the whole time, rather than some weird plot twist in the middle. it’s the best thing on TV.

  9. 24 Season 1 is still the best to me. You should watch Veronica Mars on Tuesdays. It’s great.

  10. It is so hard to fall asleep after 24! It is so intense! Did you see David Palmer! yippee!
    I sent you an email with more names for the festival list… there is going to be a lot of us there!
    Your Short Rows pullover is looking great, C! Those colors are splendid, and that technique is so cool. Can’t wait to see more 🙂
    Take care!

  11. Ooo… Those are some pretty short rows. I hope you didn’t crash too hard from the raisins!

  12. How on Earth can you watch just one episode of 24 at a time? I confess, I’m a huge junkie- my best friend and I get the DVDs and do marathons. I can’t possibly imagine doing just one episode at a time. It would be like just eating one serving of chocolate raisins. 🙂

  13. Holy crapola! Cara that looks fantastic. I am in awe of your work. Though… those ends look like they’ll take forever! Looks like you should stock up on more milk chocolate raisins. I favor the aussie licorice or dark chocolate raisins, myself…

  14. I wish I could…I wish I could! The short rows are very cool looking. I don’t envy sewing in all the ends but it is so good looking that it will be worth it.
    Off to find some chocolate.

  15. LOVING short rows! It looks really great!
    Sunday night I went a little crazy eating jelly beans. Mmmm… and at the same time, after eating handful after handful, ugh.

  16. looks FANTASTIC! what a great job. the colors and short rows are maaaarvelous.

  17. short rows is looking mighty fine! If it is any comfort I ate too much chocolate last night too. When do we get to see the new pinwheel border idea?

  18. I’m tagging you for yet another book meme. The questions are posted on my blog from today. I hope you don’t mind!
    I found out yesterday that Stephanie is coming to Seattle in August; I can’t wait. The short rows look great!

  19. Wowza! I’m liking your color combo much more than the pattern model. If using the appropriate yarn, I wonder if spit joining (or Russian joining) would work. Beats the heck out of weaving in ends.

  20. Your short rows look great–wonderful colors! But let me ask you: why has Gilmore Girls let you down? I think this season is one of the best ever–definitely better than last year. (No question of that, at all!) I’ll cheer for Veronica Mars, too, darn good for a “Nancy Drew” kind of show. I’m looking forward to seeing the season’s big mystery solved in the next two episodes.

  21. The short rows look great! You’ll get to those ends when you feel like it, don’t let them get to you!
    So, do tell, what did you end up doing for the pinwheel blanket? Did you ever try the attached I-cord?

  22. ok, those zig-zags are soooooooo cool!!!!! I LOVE IT! And um, you soo made me sad with the 24 thing. Last season was on the LAME side so I bailed and didn’t watch this year and although people kept telling me it was SOOOO GOOD, I didn’t buy into it until JUST. NOW.
    I guess there’s always DVD.
    Mark me down for S&W, I’ll be there!

  23. Damn those serving sizes ruining all of the fun. Thank goodness they don’t put serving sizes on popcorn at the movies.
    Your short rows look wonderful. I agree with Vicki…run a few ends in each night. Snip off the extra. It is such a good feeling. 🙂
    I do love 24 as well. I am glad Kim is gone. Edqar and Chloe are causing quite a stir on my autism newsgroups…there social skills are not quite up to par. I love Lost too but it is getting a little too far of the beaten track.

  24. Shortrows looks so great- the colors are fabulous, and of course, the zigzags look awesome!
    mmm, chocolate raisins.
    have fun with the Harlot!

  25. Okay, I feel much better now. I just ate an entire tube of Girl Scout thin mints, and was feeling like sweet tooth overload!

  26. the short rows are bee-yoo-tee-FULL! gotta try those chocolate raisins.

  27. I also love 24! I watched from the first season, fell off for a while, and then have been back into it this season – a great and scary story. Anyway, I love your blog and short row project. I am also coming to MSWF, and so I look forward to meeting you!