Old dog? Here are some new tricks!

UPDATE!!! The fabulous Jessie of Yarntini has added a prize! There will now be TWO winners! See the end of post for contest details! YAY!! And also a sock update. The Fish Lips Kiss Heel ROCKS!

I found my mojo! It’s back! And I’m going to tell you all about it, but it might take awhile as I ramble on and give you lots of links to explore. If you’re the impatient sort, skip to the bottom of the post for a colorful contest! YES! I’ve been wanting to have a contest for so long. I used to do them all the time, remember? Well this one’s a good one. So settle in and enjoy!

As I mentioned in my last post, I was in that post-awesome-project state where even the best potential patterns seem like too much work. I think I was just exhausted from all the work that went into Oshima and needed a little break. But I was also yearning for that can’t put it down excitement and nothing was giving me that spark.

But I found it! And how I found it is kind of an adventure.

By far my favorite social media tool is Instagram. Maybe it’s the photographer in me but I just love posting to IG and also following along on IG. On a daily basis I am bombarded with inspiration from new and old friends. For instance, if it wasn’t for Cauchy sharing all her incredible spinning pictures, I wouldn’t have become infatuated with Lacey at Moonrover. Her fiber and yarns are incredible. They both have me wanting to spin again!

Another HUGE enabler on IG is Susan Anderson! I’m embarrassed to tell you how much money I’ve spent because of Susan’s IG thread. Seriously. Ann and I are always blaming her for our purchases. (“I bought a cross stitch sampler. THANKS Susan Anderson!”) Not too long ago Susan posted about her fabulous stripey socks – 15 Stripe Rainbow Sock Yarn from Fab Funky Fibres! I was like WHAT? Rainbow? Stripes? I AM THERE!

Yeah. So I ordered the yarn. Self-striping sock yarn. Firstly, when’s the last time I knit a sock? (I can actually tell you it was the winter before my second baby was born. I was on a tear of knitting five socks at a time and I finished those five socks then started the mates to those five then left them. They are still on the needles. My baby will be four in June. You do the math.) Secondly, I haven’t knit with a sock yarn other than my beloved STR lightweight in? Forever , maybe? There was an early early Regia Cotton Stripe that I knit my first pair with and a few Koigu pairs, but other than that – all STR all the time!

Stripey sock yarn. What am I going to do with that? Order more! I might have fallen down at Knitterly Things (Twinkle Lights! YES!) and Yarntini (Super-Duper Boogaloo! Under the Sea! Fruitastic!)

Even with all this new yarn coming in, I still didn’t have the sock knitting mojo. The yarn is all gorgeous, to be sure, but also outside my comfort zone. If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m a creature of habit. I like the familiarity of a yarn I love and a pattern I love and a method I love. (Hello Monkey Socks! Jaywalkers! Willow Cowls!)

And then I was clicking around some blogs thanks to my favorite Bloglovin’ email I get everyday, and I stumbled upon the Yarn Harlot’s recent post where she answered some questions about knitting socks. She said she mainly knits socks top down (like me) but when the yarn is self-striping or really special or both, she knits them toe up so that she can use all the yarn. My brain went DING DING DING! THIS! I have only attempted one other toe up sock a million years ago and I did NOT enjoy it, but then again, sock architecture has changed drastically in the last five years. Right? I told myself, I AM GOING TO KNIT A SELF STRIPING TOE UP SOCK. And I got (inexplicably – remember creature of habit) really really excited.

I got even more excited when I started clicking around, following short row heel links and stumbled upon the Fish Lips Kiss Heel. The Sock Therapist had me at NO WRAPS! (This was the main problem with my first toe up heel. I couldn’t get the short row heel to work in a way I liked.) For ONE DOLLAR, I downloaded the tutorial for the heel. Next thing I knew I was asking a good friend to trace my foot.

And then I was watching videos on Judy’s Magic Cast On.

Then, in the ultimate of craziness, I was measuring out sock yarn and matching up colors and starting two socks with matchy matchy stripes!


I’ve now knit through all fifteen colors in my Fab Funky Fifteen Colour socks and according to my foot template, I’m ready to start the heel!



I’m so excited. I might knit the other sock up to the same point, or I might just go for it. I have to read through the directions again and watch some videos. But YAY! A new sock and a new way of knitting them! If this heel works the way everyone raves that it does, it could change my whole way of knitting socks. And I’m really excited about breaking out of my old habits and learning something new. I always tell my kids that one of the things I love about knitting is learning how to do new things! And it’s true!

HERE’S A SOCK UPDATE: The Fish Lips Kiss Heel is GREAT! No wraps! No holes! No picking up a million stitches for the gusset!! AND IT FITS LIKE A DREAM!


In the meantime, want to knit your own pair of Fab Funky’s Fifteen Colour Rainbow Socks? Because I have an extra skein to give away. And a box of Color Cards from my own collection. Everyone needs some color on these dark winter days and I’m so happy to share!


And, Jessie of Yarntini has added a skein of her fantastic self-striping yarn in the Boogaloo colorway!!


I will be adding another box of Color Collection cards to her skein! TWO WINNERS!!! YAY!

To win, leave a comment telling me your favorite sock yarn, your favorite sock pattern, your favorite Instagram feed or your favorite knit blog! Please leave only ONE comment per person. I will pick a random number and choose a winner. You have until Wednesday, December 18th at 11:59 EST to leave a comment. I will announce the winner on Thursday. Good luck and thanks for reading! I can’t wait to see what inspires you!

L, C

PS – if you want to follow me on Instagram, a link to my feed is in the sidebar.



  1. My fave sock yarn is still STR. I’m actually wearing a pair of Jaywalkers knit with some that I won from you years ago! They’re darned beyond reason.

  2. I’m new to sock yarn and sock knitting! And there are far too many options for a favorite IG feed. So I’ll go with what I can’t wait to knit up now.
    Based on color, my fable fibers in oxide is my current favorite, to be made into a hat. By feel, it would be Lynai yarn in across the universe which I think will be hermiones everyday socks because everyone knits that pattern and it looks awesome but still quick. 🙂

  3. My favorite sock yarn is Summit Sock from Knitting on Impulse, which seems sadly defunct now. I’ve only knit one pair of toe-up socks, I might have to try this method!

  4. SeashoreSharon says

    So many pretty self striping yarns out there to choose from! Kirby Wirby is my latest favorite! While I’d love to win the yarn…I want the notecards even more!

  5. My favorite sock yarn is my own handspun. And I have my own mish-mash of a toe-up pattern so I can maximize the yardage used.

  6. I love socks that rock the best. I often use it for knitting baby sweaters.

  7. Right now I’m knitting some Zitron Trekking XXL, and I’m completely in love with the random striping of it. (It’s colorway 540, if you want to check it out.) I’ll tell you, the slipperiest slope I’ve ever been on is living so close to Simply Socks Yarn Company (the owner is also in my knitting group and is a dear friend). My sock yarn stash has increased exponentially!

    Congratulations on getting your mojo back! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  8. I don’t knit nearly as many socks as I used to because my sock drawer is full, summer and winter (and the out-of-season socks are stored away with other out-of-season clothes). My default these days is to knit a toe-up sock with a gusset and heel flap, using needles that seem right for its diameter. After I have the toe of the first sock mostly done, I measure stitch and row gauge and plug them into an Excel spreadsheet that tells me when to start increasing for my gusset. Even if I’m using someone else’s pattern for the foot and cuff, I generally use my numbers.

  9. I downloaded that Fish Lips Sock Heel pattern last week, but I haven’t had a chance to look at it because I’m stuck in the insanity of Christmas knitting. I’d love to give it a try. I haven’t knit socks in years, but I always had a soft spot for STR and the Monkey pattern.

  10. you had me at Rainbow Stripes! even though I have way way too much sock yarn, this really caught my eye … and I’ve run out of your wonderful cards – so, a double treat, if I were lucky enough to win! thanks for letting me enter!

  11. Love the socks! My favorite striping socks are Gothsocks (she’s not doing them anymore and lots of drama on Ravelry, but anyway!), I like to use the basic top down sock pattern. My favorite Instagram is mamalaughlin, and she doesn’t knit!

  12. My favorite sock yarn so far has been Malabrigo sock, if only because it is so soft. I knit a plain vanilla pair of socks, heel flap and gusset and they’re my favorite to pull on. You can’t go wrong with a good handspun sock yarn either. I recently just tried Socktopus’ shadow wraps for short-row heels, which are super easy! I’m pretty glad that people seem to be knitting socks again after a few years off. I know I missed it.

  13. My favorite sock pattern is yarn harlot’s Plain Vanilla Socks. Always a winner. And my favorite knitting blog is Mason Dixon Knitting. I miss Kay and Ann!

  14. Current favorite (my favorites have been known to change; I fear I am fickle) is String Theory Continuum.

  15. That rainbow yarn is fabu… I have been loving vesper for stripey yarn and gnome acres for great variegated … My sock pattern of choice is my own vanilla sock that fits like a glove 😉

  16. Fave pattern: Monkeys with a picot cuff and short row heel
    Fave sock yarn: STR lightweight

  17. I’m a fan of my cashy wool, 70/20/10 merino/cashmere/nylon. I’m a major fan of rainbow!! That’s my favorite color ever!!

  18. my favorite socks are based on the Stash Buster Spiral Socks (free pattern). It’s a fantastic way to use up all those tiny balls of leftover sock yarn and get some really great new colorways!

  19. I love Tess Designer sock yarn…her colors suck me in. I also have a collection of STR! Those rainbow stripes look great! Ideal ways knit socks top down…May have to try toe up sometime!

  20. I have only knit a few pairs of socks, so I don’t really have a favorite pattern or yarn yet. I’ve been reading your blog for several years, but I have to admit that the Yarn Harlot’s blog is the knitting blog I would miss the most if it ended. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. My all time favorite sock pattern to knit are jaywalkers – but toe up with striping yarn. I love the chevron stripes. They interest me and soothe me 🙂 I don’t have a favorite sock yarn tho. I’ll use whatever I’ve got if the colors are appealing at the moment!

  22. Jaywalker is my favorite sock pattern — I have a blue stripey pair on the needles right now!

  23. I love this! I’ve been meaning to download the Fish Lips Kiss Heel, and I think you’ve inspired me to do so and knit some toe-up socks. My favorite sock yarn – that’s a tough question! I love Twist Sock by Dancing Dog Dyeworks (on Etsy), but I’ve only knit shawls & toys with it so far. My favorite socks are knit from Knit Picks Felici, oddly enough!

  24. I love sock yarns that pair a striping, or generally multicolor, main yarn with a coordinating solid for toes and heels. The 2 I’ve used are Duet Yarns and Ms. Babs (you have to pick the coordinating yourself with Ms. Babs, but thats even more fun!).

  25. My favourite sock yarn is Sokkusu O and my favourite sock pattern is Fiori di Zucca by Alice Yu – I’ve knit it three times, and I rarely repeat a pattern. Love the FFF yarn – glad it’s UK based – I will definitely try to get hold of some if I don’t win this generous giveaway..

  26. My favorite socks are those knit by others. I never got any traction with knitting them myself. Maybe rainbow stripes would change my mind?

  27. My favorite sock pattern is still a cuff down stockinette with heel flap, although I’ve knit several toe up socks with Wendy Johnson’s gusset heel recently. I’m very curious about the FLK heel!

  28. I’m a Jaywalker girl! I’ve made at least 7 pairs. My favorite socks yarn is koigu.
    I was never a fan of toe up socks either so I may have to give this a try! Thanks for the contest!

  29. Too funny. In the last two weeks, I too have just bought all of the same sock yarn as you (minus the super gorgeous rainbow one). I haven’t knit much of anything in the last three years. Spending most of my time cross stitchin and sewing lately. My favorite sock patterns are all of the ones in Cat Bordhi’s New Pathways for Sock Knitters book. I like that I can do the math once and have numbers for perfectly fitting socks every time. Can’t wait to see your new socks knit up. The progress so far is lovely!!

  30. Favorite sock pattern is definitely Knitty’s Thuja – though it’s for worsted weight socks. Cookie A.’s Thelonius is the fingering weight pattern I intend to knit multiple times for me. As for the yarn, I don’t think I have a favorite yet, but I’m loving how Indigo Moon keeps its color and hasn’t shown any wear in over two years.

  31. My favorite sock pattern (besides plain stockinette) is Cotty by IrishGirlieKnits – it’s an easy lace pattern that works really well with STR lightweight (4 of the 5 pairs I’ve knit are in STR).

  32. My favorite sock yarn is Cherry Tree Hill. I hadn’t knit with it in a long long time, and picked up some leftover balls to make a bookmark the other day and it came back in a rush how much I love it. I need to order some more.

  33. I have only made plain, stockinette, heel flap socks. Would love to try something new.

  34. Apothecary Yarns is my favorite sock yarn, I love the Afterthought Heels Sock pattern and I love following you on Instagram!

  35. the only sock pattern I’ve ever wanted to knit more than the required two times (usually I’m tired of whatever pattern it is halfway through the second sock) is the Embossed Leaves pattern from Favorite Socks. I’m horribly cheap, so my favorite sock yarn is Knit Picks, whatever cool colors are on sale or clearance — right now I’m knitting with a multi that has electric orange, blue and green that I got on clearance forever ago. I follow your blog, along with about 4 others, but yarn harlot is the one that makes me laugh out loud on a regular basis! And that Rainbow yarn is gorgeous.

  36. My favorite sock yarn is still STR medium weight. Gotta love all of the bounce in that yarn. No favorite pattern, because I like to keep changing it up. Your enthusiasm in this post is contagious! I am working on finishing a sweater for my son for Christmas….may just have to cast on for socks as soon as that is done!

  37. I love Charlene Schurch’s book “Simpy Sensational Socks” and any self striping yarn. Have discovered Abi Grosso on etsy and she dyes glorious yarns! Watermelon socks, snowman socks….

  38. Favorite sock yarn: Cherry Tree Hill Supersock. Love the colors, and I’d say that it doesn’t pool as much as STR.
    Favorite sock pattern: Most anything by Cookie A is wonderful, but I’ll have to go with my daughter’s Slippery (Knitty Winter 2007)
    Favorite blog: Too many to choose just one. I’ll say that I’m thrilled that you are posting a bit again. I also like(d) MasonDixonKnitting, yarn harlot (of course), and needled, to name a few.
    Thanks for the link to the Fish Lips Kiss Heel – it looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it.
    (And my addition: Favorite Knitting Photography: January One)

  39. I love socks that rock and I prefer knitting two at a time, top down, with a diagonal heel. But, I just cast on for two at a time toe up. Will have to look into the new heel.

  40. So happy for you that you found your mojo. It sure was hiding. It may be a bit of a cheat, but my very favorite sock knitting is in my handspun, using my standard toe-up, short-row heel, mashup of a pattern.

    That said I do enjoy trying out many sock yarns. If knitting for my son, who is somehow very tough on socks, I want a yarn with nylon in it. For me I’ll try all types – no big need for nylon since I generally knit heavy boot socks using my sock yarns doubled. My daughter is relatively easy on socks so for her it has to do with color before fiber content.

  41. So great to hear from you again! I love that you’ve fallen hard for stripey sock yarn, I think it is super fun. I’m not a huge sock knitter, so when I do it, I use the Yarn Harlot’s Good Plain Sock recipe. So that’s my favorites so far! My current house slipper sox are STR mediumweight that I overdyed at a retreat with Tina! So much fun!

  42. Susan Scott says

    My favorite sock yarn is a tie between Madelinetosh and Neighborhood Fiber Co. I’ve only knit toe-up socks, and I am very interested to check out this fish lips thing…..

  43. Jean Miles’ knitting blog is my favourite. I love Tanis Fiber Arts’ Business Casual free sock pattern. It’s even more addictive than Monkey!

  44. I have yet to knit a pair of socks. There, I said it. Don’t tell the Yarn Harlot!
    I think I might like to. I love sock yarn! Miss Babs is a favorite, as is Neighborhood Fiber Co. And STR.
    And I have a thing for rainbows, too. I’m glad you have your mojo back!

  45. I have my own toe-up pattern that I have put together form various sources. I Like Vesper sock yarn, STR lightweight, Opal, and Hazel Knits

  46. My favorite sock yarn is Jitterbug but there are so many that I love. I have a fascination with sock yarn!

  47. My fave sock yarn has recently changed to Etsy’s TheCyborgsCraftRoom – not only is her sock yarn GORGEOUSLY colored, it knits wonderfully, feels amazing on the foot and the names are hysterical. I would love to try everything you have listed here – I always knit top down and keep thinking I would try to up, but just needed the push. Well, this is my push 🙂 Thank you!

  48. I love Kirby Wirby Yarn! The stripes are bold and awesome 🙂

  49. My favorite sock yarn? How does one pick a favorite sock yarn? I love Sunrise Fiber Co. Classic Sock, and her high twist MCN base is starting to steal my heart, and I’m starting to get a collection of self-striping (FishKnits, BadAmy, Vesper, Lollipop Yarns) and I keep looking for more! I love the fish lips kiss heel, it is my heel of choice now. So fast and tidy, not to mention that it fits so well. Favorite sock pattern – I still love the Melisandre pattern by Purrlescent.

    Thanks for hosting an awesome contest.

  50. It’s hard to choose just one favorite sock yarn so I’ll give you two: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock and Madelinetosh. OK, a third would be Cherry Tree Hill…and now I’m off to check out a bunch of other yarns listed in the comments!

  51. I need to explore more indie yarns, but my mommy brain loves how easy and entertaining it is for me to use self-striping yarn, and socks from Knit Picks Felici quickly fill up my sock drawer.

  52. Kris Van Allen says

    I really do love Artyarns, but the yardage is too short for my favorite pattern: jaywalker. So I would have to say that my current fave is Shibui sock yarn, either the Sock or Staccatto.

  53. Jenn (jknit on Rav) says

    I have totally fallen for rainbow self striping sock yarn! There are so many to choose from. So far I’ve finished pairs made from Lollipop and Abi Grasso yarn. Right now I’m knitting with Rainbow Love from Vesper.

    I have not seen this Fab Funky rainbow before! I must stalk the their etsy shop. 🙂

  54. STR lightweight is my go to sock yarn, but I also love Fibernymph Dyeworks self striping. I tried the FLK heel for the first time yesterday and it was amazing!! Can ‘t edit to knit my second sock so I can try it again.

  55. I love Vesper sock yarn because I love stripey socks, but I also love so many others.

  56. There are alot of great socks yarns, you really want us to pick just one? Yikes. Right now it’s Claudia but I also like Lorna’s Laces and Madelinetosh. Pattern: haven’t made them yet as I am searching for just the right yarn, is called Hub of Fashion by Stephanie van der Linden. Don’t really follow instagram all that much but based on the comments I think I will go check it out. Favorite blogs are Susan B Anderson, LisaKay Knits, and Knitspot.

    thanks for the great giveaway and glad you found your knitting mojo. Also thanks for the great tips.

  57. My favorite yarns are Vesper, Desert Vista Dyeworks, Bad Amy and Lollipop. I don’t have a favorite pattern per se as I’ve only just completed my 3rd pair. I like Vanilla Latte a lot because it’s easily memorized and shows off self striping yarns to the best effect. My favorite blog is Susan B. Anderson’s but she’s SUCH an enabler!

  58. My fav sock yarn is Miss Babs Yummy 2ply by far but my very first pair of socks were from a Vesper Wee Skein kit and i made them toe socks too! My fav sock pattern has to be Alice Yu’s Spring Shoots i love the steeking and the fit.

  59. My absolute favorite sock yarn is by HaldeCraft. Her tiptree line is amazing! Actually, all her yarns are! I also just purchased the Twinkle Lights Vesper yarn and can’t wait to try that. My go to pattern is Barely There Socks by Jill Schaefer. Short socks are great if you need a pair quick!

  60. Elizabeth R says

    My favorite sock pattern is Anne Hanson’s “Sock Pattern to end all sock patterns” Love the rainbow yarn! That would sure brighten up the winter. 🙂 Glad you’re back. I missed you!

  61. DeTraie Marquardt says

    My favorite sock yarn is Bad Amy. My favorite pattern thus far is Groovy Socks by Caroline Hegwer.

  62. Let’s see, only one favorite, that’s like asking me to eat one maple bacon chip, or one warm fresh chocolate chip cookie, a single bite of B&Js Coffee Heath Bar Chrunch. Well you get the idea. Doppio is lovely, Mountain Goat delicious, Shibui elegant, goth girl Rainy days and wooly has given up the business but her black based stripers vampires would brave the dawn for, and we must not forget staying up half the nite for wolleniese(sp)?. We did follow the same web path, I also found fish lips heels, brilliant, and I’m loving Zite where I’ve found you,

  63. Long time listener, first time caller…. on a contest, no less, which is a bit rude/embarrassing. But what can I say. FIFTEEN COLOR RAINBOW YARN.

    I’ve always vastly preferred toe-up socks because I dislike joining in the round and also grafting. Actually for a long time I wouldn’t even bother to weave in ends on socks (but knitting a batch of socks for a good friend cured me of that particular laziness at least.) I also feel like I have better control over proper sock size doing toe up, but that’s probably down to the fact that I’ve knitted like 60 pairs of toe up socks and probably three pairs cuff-down. I’ll do it if I’m in the mood to REALLY follow a pattern.

    I don’t think I have a favorite sock yarn, surprisingly… I tend towards basic solid colors unless something catches my eye out in a shop (it happens) because I’ve been into knitting more complicated patterns lately so solids are the thing. I have favorite lace yarns (from my glory days of nonstop lace shawl knitting, before I realized they would never get used.) I guess my favorite sock yarn is probably handspun yarn. Knitting with handspun yarn lends an extra dimension of fun (or frustration, depending) to any sock.

    I am not a big repeat sock knitter and I’ve only duplicated a few patterns, and I tend not to follow patterns per se so much as appropriate their stitch patterns to my default toe up sock architecture. That said, if I had to pick one it would be Jeeves, here– http://disentangled.wordpress.com/2010/06/03/jeeves-socks/ I have knitted I think four pairs of Jeeves. It’s one of those patterns that just goes with every possible yarn/color combination, they stay up well (key because i like my socks long), you can memorize it after like three rows of the pattern and it’s interesting to knit. Second in line would be the Boyfriend Socks, here — http://slippedstitch.blogspot.com/2006/08/boyfriend-socks-written-up.html I’ve knitted three pairs of these because sometimes I’m in the mood for a cabled sock but can’t be bothered to look through all my patterns for one that will work right that second and I know the boyfriend socks are a good number of stitches for me, again easy to memorize, and the socks stay up.

    Possibly boring answers– but I knit socks for the wearing, not the knitting! (The selection of ridiculous and over the top colorways, THAT is for the knitting.)

  64. My favourite sock yarn used to be Trekking XXL but now it’s Lang Jawoll (wide range of saturated colours and wears really well) Favourite pattern is Nancy Bush’s Hiiumaa mismatched mates, with or without stripes from Knitting on the Road. Great toe, no grafting! (I think I still have some of your cards left from when you first released them. I save them for special people!)

  65. Janice Boulukos says

    I been knitting allot of socks lately. Just the plain old vanilla kind. I also bought the fish lips kiss heel andhaventntried it yet. I would also love to try toe up socks. That yarn is absolutely beautiful and might just get my to try toe up and the FLK heel.

  66. oooh, rainbow socks!!!
    wollmeise 100% is one of my favourite sock yarns – i was lucky enough to store up a small stash of it before it became massively popular & have been working my way through it 🙂 the colours & stitch definition are just amazing! & of course i’m a fan of my own hand-dyed yarns as well 😉
    & you can’t go wrong with a plain vanilla toe-up sock (although i have high arches, so i prefer a gusset/heel flap pattern rather than a short-row heel).

  67. My favorite pattern is blueberry waffle socks. I like str, as well as malabrigo sock yarn. My favorites bloggers are Wendy and Harlot. Love your stripes!

  68. My favorite sock yarn is still STR lightweight, pretty sure I’ll never get tired of it. Seeing your socks is really making me want to go dig out some striped yarn though! Maybe if I ever get all of my gift knitting done…

  69. My fVorite technique for using up leftover sockyarn is to do toe-up stripe socks with afterthought heels. I have figured out how many Stiches and 4row-stripes give me the perfect sock. Real Fun and super easy!

  70. My favorite sock yarn is BMFA STR, love Vesper too! My favorite Instagram feed is Knitterly_Things just adore pictures of her children and creativity!!!

  71. My fav sock yarn is also Socks that Rock lightweight. I try others but I always go back to Socks that Rock.

  72. My favorite knitting blog is probably Susan Anderson’s. I’ve branched out and read others, but Susan’s was the first blog I found when I started teaching myself to knit. Love her!

  73. I’ve only used STR and Malabrigo sock yarn – and both those for shawls or scarfs! Think I’m might have to try yet again to break into the sock phenomena.

  74. Julia in KW says

    Just downloaded the heel pattern…thanks for the head’s up…husband is currently loving striped socks, so TurtlePurl sock yarn is his fav right now…I love Koigu and String Theory Caper Sock for myself…nice to see you’re blogging again!

  75. My very favorite pattern is Plain Vanilla Socks With Sprinkles.

  76. aprilshowers says

    I love the Vanilla Bean socks by Emily O’Grady. I knit a few plain self-striping socks and needed something a little more interesting and these were lots of fun. The only ss yarn I have experience with is Stray Cat socks but I love my socks knit out of them!

  77. How do you pick out just one favorite when there is so much tempting sock yarn out there. My favorite is usually the one that I am fondling and knitting ….so right now it would be Dream in Color with cashmere. Just knitted a pair of socks for my Mom in this and then bought another skein to start one for myself. I even bought a skein for my daughter and she is knitting Xmas socks for her MIL. My favorite pattern is a plain vanilla sock that I have modified just for me. The best thing about my sock is I have unvented a new way of knitting my toes that eliminates most of the grafting at the end of the cuff down sock.

  78. Vicki Maynes says

    This year I have knit 25 pair of socks and am working on #26 now; trying to get them done for Christmas. Nine of those pair were with Opal. It is my favorite! But, I have bought a lot of hand dyed sock yarn including some from Knitterly Things, Abi Grasso, Jaala Spiro (Knit Circus), and my favorite is from Tara Candy at Dragonfly Dyewerxs on Etsy.
    I also blame Susie Anderson for a lot of my impulse purchases! So much easier to blame my friend than to take responsibility for my own behavior!
    Reading the other posts, I have to ask what is STR yarn?

  79. Dude, this is an easy one: Trekking XXL. Wears like IRON. Many of the socks I’ve made are now pretty old. Its nice to have all that knitting work last and last. And sucky to see how easy some yarns get holes (I’m looking at you Koigu).

  80. I haven’t knit socks in years. I don’t have a fav, really…anything stripey!!!! I love striped socks and I love knitting plain toe-up socks that show off the stripes…

  81. So glad you are blogging again! I do generic toe-up socks with a Sherman Heel but will try the Fish Lips version next! I too would love to learn something new.

  82. My favorite pair of socks is an old pair of Jaywalkers. They fit the very best. I’m looking forward to some relaxing knitting in January. The rainbow stripes are fabulous!

  83. I love knitting socks, but choosing a favorite pattern? That totally depends on the yarn and my mood. I prefer toe-ups, and love love love Ann Budd’s turn and YO method as opposed to the wrap and turn method – I could never get my head around that. Reading Ann Budd’s Better than Booties baby sock pattern, something about her turn and YO method just clicked, and I’ve used it almost exclusively since. I am intrigued by the fish lips one though, as a friend recently did one as well and loved it. After some thinking, perhaps my favorite pattern is the one that I’ve figured out how to adapt to my own teeny Cinderella feet. I find it fascinating to see a pattern, fall in love with it, realize it’s written for way too many stitches for my foot, and then do some maths and figure out how to change the pattern, whether it’s leaving out a repeat across the foot or cutting down on a couple of the knits or purls. Then when I’m done, the design is still recognizable, just small enough to fit my foot.

  84. STR is holding up as well as Opal and other well made German yarns. But, most of my socks are so old they may not last much longer. Not sure I’ll be much of a sock knitter again. My favorite knitting blog is YOURS! xoxo

  85. I don’t really have a favourite sock yarn, though I did recently knit a mitten (yes, just one so far) with Handmaiden Casbah, and it was divine. Pattern: plain old top-down. Socks are for when you can’t see what you’re doing or are yakking or watching out for your stop on the bus. Through the ages my fave blog has been Mason-Dixon Knitting, which is probably where I learned about you, years ago!

  86. My favorite sock yarn is Ellen’s 1/2 Pint wool/nylon sock yarn. I can’t find it on their website, but it wears well, feels good to knit with, and isn’t too heavy to fit into my regular winter shoes.

  87. My favorite pattern: whatever I am doing at the moment – there are so many. Favorite sock yarn: my own handspun or Smooshy.
    Favorite blog: Jean in Scotland. Glad you are posting again, have always liked your.

  88. For making socks, my favorite yarn is Lorna’s Laces and Jawoll; they both make a very strong sock. For shawls, my favorite yarn is Malabrigo.

  89. I just recently did my 1st FLKH and I loved it!!! I prefer knitting socks toe up and that heel was so quick and easy. My brain loved it. I love STR for socks, so soft and squishy. I’m mim on ravelry.

  90. I’m currently knitting socks out of Trekking XXL and Vesper Sock Yarn in Twinklelights – very fun. My pattern is plain top down and I love to watch the colors/patterns emerge.

  91. Oooh, socks! I’ve been on a huge sweater kick, and I’ve found that has left my sock drawer in a sad sad state. I’m not sure about a favorite yarn – STR or Wollmeise are always good, but I’ve got a lot of other sock yarn in the stash that I haven’t tried yet and need to play with!

  92. Haha, I’m the exact opposite of you, I want new things all the time! I do use the same yarns again, but rarely knit a pattern twice, so it is hard to think of a favourite pattern or yarn.

    The blog I’ve been spending the most time on is my own, trying to get my podcast up and going! knittinggo.com

  93. I don’t envy you having to pick one comment from here. There are so many sock yarns and sock patterns! My most recent sock project was of STR that was given to me because it was purple and the pattern I used is a plain vanilla sock pattern I’ve been using for years with few alterations. I do it toe-up or cuff-down, I have no preference but I do like short-row heels for their soft curve around the shape of my foot. It kinda cracks me up to see people knit sock-after-sock that have never knitted a sweater, because socks are far more complicated, although more easily portable.

  94. Susie Pitts says

    I love to make two-at-a-time toe-up plain “vanilla” socks. I enjoy Malabrigo yarns, but almost anything will do as long as it has beautiful colors. I let the yarn do the talking, rather than the pattern. This stripey yarn you are giving away would be wonderful, to say the least!

  95. I am a former lace sock knitter with an eight month old baby, so right now I’m knitting Vanilla Latte socks with the most adorable red and white tofutsies. I read that yarn harlot post of which you speak, and now I’m determined to buy some string theory continuum.

  96. I’m a fan of knitpicks self striping yarn, wears well and I’m a sucker for stripes. I do them toe up with an after thought heel. Though since learning the proper way to Kitchener for my eastern European eat if knitting, I miss top down a bit.

  97. KnitterKitter says

    STR is definitely my all time favorite sock yarn. I love the Fish Lips Kiss heel! I’m pretty sure that’s going to be my go to heel from now on. My usual socks are just plain vanilla socks from the toe up.

  98. I love making socks (just, not right now, as I’m in crunch mode for the holidays and have one left to go)! I’ve knit Monkey socks twice, so it might be my favorite pattern – I just find the lace really intuitive – and love all sock yarns. STR isn’t one I’ve tried yet, but I’m hoping my husband picks up on the many hints I’ve dropped for the holidays this year!

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  99. I love the Seaweed Socks pattern from the Yahoo Socknitters group from ages ago.

  100. My favourite long wearing sock yarn is good ol’ Kroy.
    My favourite hand dye is Skein Top Draw – sooo soft!

  101. My favorite sock pattern is Jaywalkers and I love Vesper sock yarn from Knitterly Things! Fantastic colors!

  102. Lollypop striped sock yarn is one of my favorites but I would love to try Fab Funky’s yarn. I have seen many beautiful socks knit our of it.

  103. Stephanie Leduc says

    I still love Vesper Sock yarn and new pattern that got my sock knitting mojo back is Skyp Socks!

  104. My fave sock yarn is Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock! My fave sock pattern? That’s hard…I hate to knit a pattern more than once. But I have knit Monkeys twice and my own Houndstooth Obsession twice.

  105. Love the stripey socks!

  106. Wollmeise! With Yarntini and STR a very close 2nd and 3rd!

  107. Ann made me post this! I said I needed no more yarn…until I saw it was that freakin 15 color one EVERYONE is wanting!

    My favorite sock yarns are Studio Avenue Six Bellwether Merino Sock (https://www.etsy.com/shop/studioavenuesix?section_id=7404681), Bugga!, and String Theory Caper Sock. Love that little bit of cashmere in the last two :o)

  108. I love STR, but my hands down all time favorite sock yarn is still Trekking XXL. That stuf wears like iron and looks good for years.

  109. Shoot, choosing just one favorite of anything is hard. I do like knitting basic socks with stripey sock yarn because I can just knit away on them anytime while studying since that’s all I have time to do.

  110. Favorite sock yarn is Lorna’s Laces because it’s pretty fine and I don’t like a thick sock. I love following Maru the Shiba Inu from Japan on Instagram. We used to have a shiba and he is missed!

  111. Today my favorite sock yarn is Trailing Clouds, Mind the Gap. I’m just finishing up a plain sock with crystal afterthought heel. Stripey socks are the BEST! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  112. I love the colors of hand dyed yarns by Stimpylab and Sunshine yarns! Such good stuff!

  113. My favorite sock yarn so far is Trekking XXL and the pattern is Hedera by Cookie A. A new favorite may emerge as I am just on the surface of the sock yarn stash. LOVE the rainbow!

  114. Janice Miller says

    My favorite sock yarn is Frolicking Feet. Beautiful colors and just the right amount of stretch.

  115. I have only ever made one pair of socks. They were Monkeys. So I don’t have a favorite sock pattern. I would probably try Jaywalkers next. But I love malabrigo sock and Madelinetosh sock for shawls. Pick me for my 30th birthday? 😉 It’s on thursday!

  116. The sock yarn I can almost never resist buying is Black Bunny Fibers. I also like Hazelknits. And…gosh, I dunno, I just love sock yarn… 🙂

  117. I love sock yarn way too much! My current fave is the unicorn apocalypse colorway I got from Stacy of Must Stash yarn. It’s gorgeous!

  118. I love STR, but I’m always on a tight budget so I’ve only ever bought one colorway! Hoping to knit with them again in the future 🙂 I also like Noro sock for the look, but it doesn’t wear well– I’ll be darning soon! Darn it!! Usually just knit a memorized version of a basic sock, but I’ve really wanted to try the flugel heel.
    I love IG for just that reason– I think my crafting has been on overdrive with all of the wonderful inspiration I get to see every day!

  119. SnargleSarah says

    I’m a sucker for Wollemeise – the colors and the stalking for updates. Now I’ve got a tote waiting for me.

    My favorite quick sock pattern is the Monkey pattern (only pair of socks I’ve ever finished in a month), but I’m a sucker for crazy architectures, too. I’ve knit Skew and the new knitty pattern Wraptor is tempting!

    Hope you and Georgie and the girls are doing well :).

  120. I’m super new to knitting socks, but not to hoarding away sock yarn 🙂

    I absolutely LOVE Socks That Rock for socks and anything else really. And I try to always pick up at least a skein or two when I travel, so I’ve found a bunch of lovely gems that way, including Uncommon Thread! Seriously. I sing the praises of this beautiful yarn so much. Oh and Plucky, duh. I could seriously write a book on all the amazing sock yarn I’ve hoarded away these past few years.

    My go-to sock patterns are by Susan B. Anderson (darn you, Susan B!) and Wendy Johnson. I like knitting simple socks because then I actually finish them.

    I love following crafty people on instagram and some of my favorites focus on things other than knitting. I love following heyporkchop, lucyandnorman & claraparkes

  121. Beverly Davis says

    I am new to sock knitting, so I don’t have favorites yet. I haven’t used self striping yarn yet, and would love to. I enjoy knitting socks as my hands and fingers are less achy when I do. I enjoy both Susan Anderson and the Yarn Harlot blogs.

  122. No favorite pattern, but I love knitting socks, and I love equally Bertha and Lillian from Dirty Water Dyeworks for knitting them! Kate Davies’ blog is the one I find the most consistently inspiring, on all sorts of levels.

  123. My favorite sock pattern is a hard question. I love Cadence or Tumeric by Verybusymonkey but I also like just about any Cookie A pattern that I’ve knit. My favorite sock yarn right now is either Sock Luck or anything with cashmere.

  124. I don’t really have a fave yarn, or pattern, but I do prefer a short row heel to a heel flap these days. I don’t know if it’s right but it feels like it’s faster to knit a short row heel. Not that I knit a lot of socks these days, though I should to get through my huge stash of sock yarn (makes you think why I’m commenting here … it would be a miracle if I won …)

  125. I still love Monkey socks in STR Lightweight — and I’ve recently started discovering holes in a number of pairs! 🙁 I do have a stash of STR that I’ve been hoarding, but I haven’t knit many socks in the past couple of years because there was no space in my sock drawer, so I guess it’s time to get it out.

  126. My favorite sock pattern is one I cobbled together from a few that I liked. I’ve knit so many pairs at this point I can just churn them out. Socks are my stress free just want to knit thing.

  127. Susie in Minnesota says

    I like simple socks … so that isn’t really a pattern. Self-stripers always warm my heart – I especially loved using Regia’s Design Line Kaffe Fassett because the stripes were different sizes – what a fun effect!

  128. I don’t really have a favorite sock yarn yet. I do covet lots of indie-dyed and currently my most coveted is everything from Leading Men Fiber Arts. I have only purchased 1 skein and haven’t had a chance to knit it up yet. My most used is just the big-box store stuff, but I hope to change that; in 2014 my goal is to use up the big-box sock yarn and buy more indie dyed.

    My most-used “pattern” is the pattern generator at http://quirm.net/blog/sock-pattern-generators/ so just vanilla socks… that is another thing I plan to change in 2014.

  129. I’ve yet to find a favorite sock yarn, alas. Still on the hunt.

  130. oh great! another yarn i just *have* to have! 🙂
    my favorite pattern right now is the Punctuated Rib socks from Ann Budd. they are doing my Koigu stash justice.

  131. I don’t have a favorite sock pattern, but I’m not real fond of short rows so I am interested in trying the fish kiss heel. Thanks for sharing this post, it was very encouraging!

  132. My favourite sock yarn is stripey–pretty much any stripey! Well, the nice handdyed stripeys, like the kind you get at String Theory Colorworks or Canon Hand Dyes, and the ones you referenced. And the yarn you’re giving away! 🙂

    My favourite pattern is definitely toe-up. I do my own variations on techniques I learned from Cat Bordhi’s New Pathways book.

    Your socks look totally awesome! That yarn rocks.

  133. My favourite sock yarns are both somewhat local to me – Dye Hard Fibre and Turtlepurl Yarn. Turlepurls Burberry striping yarn is absolutely fantastic, as are all her colourways!
    My new favourite could be Fab Funkys Fifteen Colour…
    And I do afterthought heels – easy to knit a tube sock then determine where to put the heel depending on the recipient…

  134. I downloaded the Fish Lips heel pattern a couple of months ago and am really looking forward to trying it. I prefer to knit my socks toe up so that I can use all of the yarn I have available and usually use Wendy Knits generic toe-up pattern. Love the rainbow stripes you’re working on and looking forward to seeing how the Fish Lips heel works for you.

  135. Favorite sock yarn would be Fleece Artist Trail socks. Gorgeous semi-solid colours, nice feel, and it wears well. I do love the look of the rainbow striped socks though. I’m a sucker for rainbow striped anything.

  136. I like Yarn Harlot’s basic sock pattern. Socks that rock is one of my favorite sock yarns.

  137. My favorite sock yarn is still STR. The socks I’ve made with it have held up so well.

  138. My current favorite sock yarn is Malabrigo sock. I am knitting my father-in-law a pair of socks for Christmas with it, and the socks are dreamily cushy and beautiful. That said, my insane love of socks often means that the yarn I am currently using is my fave!

  139. I’m floored by your foot pattern! Why have I not seen this before! I’m loving the rainbow yarn. I’d think it’d be motivational. Way to jump outside your comfort zone!

  140. I love Skein’s Top Draw sock and STR. Both seem to wear well, but I still can’t believe there’s nylon in Skein. It’s sooooo soft!

  141. I love Pennyrose yarn (and that she dyes special colorways for Sock Madness participants each year), particularly her semi-solids. They’re almost too nice for socks. Twisted Limone makes some very nice stripey sock yarn with big stripes (which is nice at the heel).

  142. My favorite sock yarn (that I have tried) lately is vesper self striping. I use lala’s afterthought heel sock pattern. I too once tried a toe up sock, but the short rows frustrated me so much that I gave up:(. I need to buy the kiss lip heel pattern and try again. My favorite blog that is still active is the yarn harlot.

  143. Sock yarn – I love it! So many possibilities for great projects, socks and otherwise. My favorite sock yarn is Sophie’s Toes by Emily Parson (What’s That Gonna Be blog and she has a group on Ravelry). The yarn base is great and her colors and dyeing are fantastic!

  144. We have to choose just one sock yarn? I think I’d have to go with the classic Koigu PPM – I have two pairs of socks knitted with Koigu, some of my earliest knitting, and they still feel and look really good (even with me machine-washing them).

  145. I love Vesper and I’ve knit so many pairs in the last year. Mostly I use the Sock Templates from Wendy Johnson’s blog to knit plain toe-up socks with a slip stitch heel with that yarn but that’s not my favorite pattern. My favorite is probably a plain top down sock. I love being able to knit it and do other things and I love the regular old heel flap heel.
    My favorite blog is probably Yarn Harlot. I get so sad when she’s busy and doesn’t post for a few days.

  146. I love Dream in Color Smooshy.

  147. Jennifer Bauman says

    Any self striping majorly colorful sock yarn works for me!

  148. My favorite sock yarn is Biscotte and Cie lately. Squishy. Twisty. Stripey. I don’t have a favorite sock yarn pattern, but I have lately grown to appreciate both cuff down (preferred) and toe up architectures.

    Favorite IG feed is probably a friends who posts beautiful pictures of golf courses. Makes no sense as I don’t golf, don’t watch golf, don’t hang out with people who either play or watch golf, but the photos are great anyway.

  149. Sarah (potterknitter) says

    I made rainbow stripey socks from Blueberry Pie Studios on Etsy. Wonderful!

  150. Pattern: Turkish Bed Socks from Churchmouse
    Yarn: Dream in color Smooshy with Cashmere
    Love, love, love these socks! They are perfect to wear with my Cansko clogs

  151. Alexis Hilgert says

    Can I say my favorite Yarn blog?? It’s Attic 24! It’s really crochet but it’s my fav that has anything to do yarn!

  152. I have really enjoyed the free Primavera sock pattern. Easy but looks interesting.

    Thanks for the contest! Best wishes for 2014.

  153. Andrea in Argentina says

    Almost no sock yarn here in Argentina, so I could hardly choose a favorite. Favorite sock pattern: the basic one in http://www.cometosilver.com/socks/, because that’s how I learned. And a favorite (not only knitting) blog: http://resurrectionfern.typepad.com/
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  154. My favorite sock yarn is any sock yarn from Lisa Souza.

  155. I haven’t knitted socks since 2008. Well, I should say that I’ve been working on the same pair since 2008. About twice a year I pick them up and think I will finally finish them. I have like half a leg left. Sigh.

    My favorite socks are all in Whatnot Sock, which doesn’t exist anymore. I want to try Three Fates Eponymous for socks. It makes terrific shawls and baby sweaters.

  156. My favorite sock yarn is Socks That Rock. I don’t yet have a favorite sock pattern though as I’ve only knit a couple of pairs of socks and they’ve all been plain stockinette.

  157. Str is my favorite sock yarn and, well, I’ve never used the same sock pattern twice because there so many great ones to try 🙂

  158. STR. Plucky Feet is a close second.

  159. Michelle Solomon says

    I haven’t knitted a pair of socks for so long and the last few pairs have been plain vanilla ones. At the moment my favourite knt blog is Yarn Harlot!

  160. Socks look fabulous! When are you going to add the little grippers on the bottom so you can wear them to Bar?

  161. Omg. I don’t know how to pick one favorite! I’m MariGayle on IG. FiberAddiction is one of my favorites.

  162. Love all the stripy yarn!! Favorite blogs are January one, yarn harlot, and mason Dixon.

  163. I love the STR yarn as well. I made some mittens from it and I love them! 🙂

  164. You already follow me on IG (thank you!) & you know how much I adore everyone there.

    I don’t knit socks. I just don’t enjoy it. But my favorite sock pattern is Monkey (from Knitty, I think). I was gifted 2 pair by 2 separate (very generous) fellow knitters & I wear them often.

    If I won the yarn it would be perfect for my friend Diane who can wear the hell out of brightly colored stripes. I’d probably pass the yarn along to her.

  165. Hmmm my favorite sock yarn is probably Koigu KPPPM (I feel like I added an extra P!) although I just tried Casper Sock from String Theory and that was mighty fine.

  166. My favorite socks are probably my monkeys, though I’ve only made the one pair!

  167. I’m still looking for a favorite sock yarn. Plain vanilla is a great pattern.

  168. STR is still my favorits sock yarn. I vacillate between plain vanilla and Monkeys as my favorite sock pattern.

  169. my favorite right now is Opal’s Van Gogh yarn … dyed using colours from his paintings. I tell myself I’m knitting a masterpiece. Right now I’m knitting Starry Night.

  170. Thanks for the link to the Sox Therapist heel! I have used the short row heel for years and have gotten to a point where the holes are minimal but this has me VERY excited! Awesome! I would love to learn a great new trick! The socks look great!! Not wanting to partake in the contest (I have sooooo much sock yarn already) but love the post!!

  171. I love dream I color classy. Petal showed color way is my favy fav.

  172. Everybody’s got somethin’ to hide ‘cept for me and my Monkey(socks)!

  173. My new fave sock yarn is wullenstudio. She has amazing colorways and soooooo soft!

  174. Brittani Tannehill says

    So glad to see you posting again! I just bought the fish lips pattern, now i need to actually make my template. I think my favorite yarn for socks is probably Vesper, watching the stripes form never gets old.

  175. Smooshy by Dream in Color – – all the colors – – toe up with short row heels, knit 2 at a time on a 47in. circ. – – foot on a 1, after the heal change to a #2. Beautiful, soft, wonderful yarn.

  176. I haven’t tried toe up socks, or making my own pattern yet, this fish lips sounds very interesting, I shall have to try it out, I have only just started designing my own knitwear this year so this would be fun. I absolutely love the sock patterns in Knitted socks East and West by Judy Sumner, yarns are so hard to choose, so many beautiful ones! My last yoga socks I knitted use Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino which has lots of lovely colours to choose from and very soft, this stripey yarn looks super! Thanks, Rebecca 🙂

  177. My current favorite sock pattern is the Turkish Bed Sock. They are so cute with clogs and you can make them out of one small skein of sock yarn. The pattern done up in Koigu is amazing! I am trying to finish another pair or two before Christmas and have memorized the pattern. Love it!

  178. I love all sock yarn and my favorite pattern is the Vanilla Latte sock! I agree about Susan Anderson’s Instagram feed!

  179. I think Sophie’s Toes by Emily Parson is my favorite sock yarn, not only for socks for scarves, blankets, whatever. She has a great sense of color. But really, whatever yarn I’m using is my favorite yarn at the moment. I like a toe-up sock myself and can’t wait to try the Fish Kiss heel! I like a simple 2×2 ribbing for the leg. Thanks, Cara, for your wonderful photos, observations, and for being there!!

  180. Salome Honeycutt says

    Well I don’t have a favorite yet as I just started my first pair of socks. I am using Kirbywirbyyarns and doing a basic toe up with gusset heel. I follow everyone(ok lots of folks, so fun to watch on IG).

  181. Mary Claire says

    Well I have no favorites yet because I am new! So new I haven’t knit yet! I’ve just purchased my first few skeins of yarn and am gearing up to learn after the holidays! My favorite IG is probably underthesycamore or clammon!

  182. Thanks for the great links! I’d love to try some self-striping yarn!

  183. Tami Campbell says

    I’ve had my eye on that Yarntini stripe and I keep missing out on the updates!!! I have only knot a couple pairs of socks so far but can’t seem to stop. I have figured out the slip stitch heel from Wendy Johnson’s Toe Up Socks book, but would like to try the Kiss Lip Heel on my next pair. I even have the pattern already waiting. Thank you so much for the chance to win!!!

  184. I’m literally brand new to socks (took my first sock class last Saturday– yay!!) but I’ve been collecting yarn for ages, anticipating making some gorgeous socks. I’m using some self striping Turtle Island yarn and I’m really enjoying it so far. The pattern is a simple k3p1 rib that goes down the entire instep of the sock, nice and simple so I can figure out this sock knitting without a teacher beside me. I’m so excited, this sock thing was a gift to myself, something I very rarely do since having two small boys.

  185. My favorite yarn for socks is definitely yarntini, it is do durable and vibrant! My favorite patter might be embossed leaves from interweave knits years ago and then featured in one of their favorites books. Thank you got this opportunity!!

  186. I’ve been away for too long – 2 babies? congratulations! My favorite sock yarn is Vesper…just ordered twinkle lights for myself for giftmas.

  187. martha johnson says

    I’ve been following your blog since the beginning, and am so happy to se you ‘up and running again! My favorite yarn for socks is still Socks that Rock, and my favorite knitting blog (other than yours, of course), is Needled. Just love Kate Davies.

  188. My favorite sock yarn is anything with nylon in it. I have too many pairs of socks made from merino yarn that sprung holes after not even a year of gentle wear and socks with a blend that are going strong after years of hard wear. The last pair I made was with Smooshy with cashmere (with a little nylon). Yummy.

  189. Sarah Rollins says

    I love love love those socks! I’m new to knitting socks, so my favorite yarn so far is Malabrigo sock.

  190. Hard choices. My favorite yarns to collect have been hand dyed striping yarns. I like Canon Hand Dyes (http://www.etsy.com/shop/theamyleeshow) a lot.

  191. I still love STR, but but I try new sock yarn all the time. I knit them mostly for my sister and mother now, so I really don’t know how some of the yarn I use wears or lasts. I went through a jaywalker phase and a monkey phase, but lately I haven’t found another sock pattern that I want to knit more than once. I just keep trying new yarn and new patterns, and. They seem to love the socks, so it’s all good.

  192. My favorite sock heel is cosmicpluto’s wrap and turn pattern. I have short, thin heels so the wrap and turns work perfectly. Her wraps are covered, so no big holes in the fabric!