Now with more artificial fillers.

Thank god for Bonne Marie!

48 Things You Could Care Less About


2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Charles and Dora Zeenberg, my maternal grandfather’s parents. The real naming was in hebrew. My hebrew name is Chaya Devorah, after Chaim (Charles) and Devorah (Dora.)

3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? I am the ultimate cryer, but I actually can’t remember a true crying experience in the last couple of weeks. I’ve been feeling really good lately. Must have been watching a TV show – but that kind of crying almost doesn’t count because it happens so frequently. Like peeing.

4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Why, yes, yes I do. But it’s not as nice as it used to be. Georgie’s handwriting is as bad as it gets, so I’m always writing stuff for him.

5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCHMEAT? Um, where I’m from we call it Deli and my favorite is corned beef.

6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Absolutely. I am incredibly loyal and generous. Just ask all my friends. Hey – where ya all going?!?

7. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? blogblogblog


9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Absolutely not.

10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Organic Frosted Mini-Wheats. I actually think they’re sweeter than the regular Frosted Mini-Wheats. All though I rarely eat breakfast and I’ve given over cereal for Greek yogurt.

11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? No – but then again I rarely wear shoes with ties.

12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Strong in heart? Strong in spirit? Strong in brain? I wouldn’t say I’m weak, but you could probably kick my ass.

13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? ohmygod this is the hardest question ever because I love ice cream so much. Whatever it is – it’s vanilla based. Cherry Garcia. Vanilla fudge. Chocolate chip. But ALWAYS plain vanilla milkshakes. ALWAYS.

14. SHOE SIZE? A friendly and common size 8.

5. RED OR PINK? Both. Last year maybe I would’ve leaned towards pink, this year I’m leaning towards red.


17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? I miss my friend Margo who moved away from me. We’re not as close as we used to be. Sometimes I miss my mother – but I don’t really want to talk about that.

18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? Sure. Why not. I’ll be out of town for a while….

19. WHAT COLOR PANTS, SHIRT AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? blue sweatpants, blue sweat jacket, white t-shirt and nude shoes. Actually I’m barefoot and in my thank god I don’t have to shower today clothes.

20. LAST THING YOU ATE? Some joggers from Kris. I LOVE YOU KRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And no, I did not eat them for breakfast – I ate them before bed. But breakfast is a good idea too….)

21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Georgie in the shower and the typing on the keyboard.


23. FAVORITE SMELL? My niece or nephews when they were babies – or my husband. DAYUM he smells good. Those pheromes at work. Whew!

24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Probably Ann. Or Georgie. One or the other.


26. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON you stole THIS from? Absofuckinglutely.

27. FAVORITE DRINK? Root beer.

28. FAVORITE SPORT? I don’t know – tennis? It always seems to be on in the house….

29. EYE COLOR? Brown

30. HAT SIZE? Small. I have a pretty small head.

31. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Glasses. I’ve tried contacts a few times and no go. Astigmatism and dryness make me a four eyes.

32. FAVORITE FOOD? This week it’s greek yogurt, honey and banana. Nectar of the gods.

33. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy fucking weepy endings. I don’t do scary. Enough of that in my own head.

35. SUMMER OR WINTER? I hate summer with a passion so by default I chose winter. I’m not really into extreme weather though – but I’d much rather be cold than hot. You can always put more clothes on, but once you’re naked and you’re still freaking hot – you’re shit out of luck.

36. HUGS OR KISSES? All of the above.

37. FAVORITE DESSERT? See number 13.

38. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Can’t really say.


40. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? I Am The Most Pathetic Human Being in The World Because I’m Currently Not Reading A Book, by M. E. Knitsalot

41. WHAT’S ON YOUR MOUSE Pad? A sheep knitting a sock. A gift from G.

42. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? Another World and Gilmore Girls. Which is ruined forever, by the way. What the fuck are they doing pairing her up with CHRISTOPHER? She looks like she’s going to cry every time she looks at him and the chemistry is awful. Luke, on the other hand, is as cute as ever.

43. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Eli giggling the other day while I was singing to him on the phone. Anybody laughing really. Except if you have a really bad laugh. You know – the ones that sound like someone’s actually in pain? Not those.



46. WHAT’S YOUR SPECIAL TALENT? Being me. No one else can do it as well. Trust me. They’ve tried. 😉

47. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

48. WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Stolen from Bonne Marie, the original ChicKnit!

Okay – your turn. DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT! You know you want to.

And one random item for Wednesday:

– There is nothing more confounding than a yo purl to start a row. It takes me eight tries to get it right EVERY SINGLE TIME.


  1. I totally agree with you on the whole Lorelei/Christopher thing. I certainly hope they don’t end the show with the two of them together — if they haven’t been able to make it work in the past 20 years or whatever it is, this isn’t the time to do it. Plus, the whole series has been about the chemistry between Luke and Lorelei, am I right? These writers better get their acts together …

  2. I read your blog almost every day. Thanks to you, Subway knitter, and bookish girl I have successfully seen Boston this week! I am from Texas and am here with my dh for a conference. I have been to Circles, A Good Yarn, Newbury Yarns, and Windsor Button. I am debating a trip to Mind’s Eye Yarns today. And, I am a pro at riding the T!! I was pretty sure I remembered reading about a Boston trip on your blog so I searched and wah-lah!! Thanks!

  3. memememememememe! Done.

  4. I’m a new Gilmore Girls fan, but have been disappointed so far this season. Boring. I’m a Veronica Mars girl, myself. Anyway…
    I did the whole meme things. Yours was so much fun I had to try it out myself. Thanks.

  5. Delurking to say, I am SO WITH YOU about Lorelei & Christopher. I spent an hour on the couch last night, hissing at the TV everytime he came on the screen… very unhappy about the break up with Luke, & irrationally angry with April, who I blame for the break up (I know, I know, she’s only a kid, but everything was fine til she had to go & do the way to smart for her own good genetic science project). But wasn’t Sukie hilarious when Lorelei was on the phone with Christopher?!

  6. The whole Lorelei and Christopher thing is so uncomfortable to watch. It’s forced and awkward, and I hate it. HATE IT. And what the hell are they doing with Luke? There is NO storyline there. GG is so blah this season. This is why the focus of my television addiction has shifted to Veronica Mars and Battlestar Galactica. That’s some good TV right there.
    Yeah, and it’s 11am and you’ve got me craving ice cream. Dammit.

  7. I almost stole that from Bonne today, too.
    Beatles, all the way baby. Are they on the soundtrack? ; ) Maybe they broke up too soon… Wings?
    In 24 hours, I’ll be flyin’. Woo-freakin’-hoo!!!

  8. I adore, *adore* your current book. I think I’m reading a similar one, but it’s by Tee V. Someone.
    And I while don’t get the hate about Lorelei/Christopher — I think that’s because I haven’t seen the first two/three seasons — the show is, I agree with you, ruined forever.

  9. I don’t do Gilmore but I will say I always liked Luke the few times I’ve seen it. Dude if you’re watching GG why not hang in for Veronica Mars?
    Thanks for the meme I needed a post today;)

  10. Yeah, can’t watch GG anymore – Christopher/Lorelai sucks. On the plus side, I actually read a book this week. First one in about 6 months. Man I wish I could read and knit at the same time!

  11. I think i read that one recently. Cool-Philly? Me too.

  12. Thanks, Cara. No rilly. I meme it!

  13. Hey!! I’m Devorah Yeta (Debra Joy!) Cool 🙂

  14. I commented before I read the whole list…yo at the start of a purl row is HARD! Just move your stitches around so you start with a KNIT…easier to do and no ladders…and once you get into the Pomatomus pattern it’s pretty intuitive so it will be smooth sailing 🙂

  15. OhMyGawd you’re so right about Gilmore Girls. WTF? And the YO at the beginning of a purl row, too.
    Love the questionnaire, I liked reading all your answers.

  16. Interesting book, Cara . . . did you get that from the library?? (grin)

  17. I will join in with rest, Gilmore Girls has gone nuts. Luke is my favorite and I just want to throw my pointy sticks at the TV when Christopher is on.

  18. What on earth are you knitting that has a yo and a purl as the first stitch?! Crazy. Thanks for the stuff I never wanted to know…

  19. I want to borrow that book when you’re through –

  20. *mwahh* Loved this. You are SO funny, at the same time that you are completely real.

  21. Pomatomus, huh? Yup- that yo purl definitely takes getting used to.
    mememe done.

  22. I too am very upset about Lor and chris!! Last night it has been 6 weeks since they broke up ??? nu uh!! try two weeks/one week to all of us. i will say that i did enjoy the mom in jail!! hee hee. I want Luke back. They clicked, connected. I just can’t help but cry when i watch it. so sad.

  23. Try crumbling the mini-wheats into the Fage. Scrumptious.

  24. Slowly, you will pull me into this bloggy blog world! Fun Meme, thanks!

  25. De-lurking….. I check in with you daily. Nice to know there are real – talented- people out there who know that the greatest, coolest gift is just being themself. I tried forever to ‘fit in’ and when I stopped trying, I was amazed to find out I really liked myself. And life is so much easier just being me…warts and all. Thanks for writing cool stuff every (almost) day and letting us know who and what January One is all about!

  26. Cool..I liked this one so I put it up on my site!

  27. Meme too!

  28. Thanks,this was a great read! So great, I got my meme on, too.

  29. YO and purl… hrm. Sounds like the evil-awesome pomatomus strikes again. It’s a shared frustration… doin’ it as I type. But it must be done… for the sake of the awesome (but evil) pomatomus.

  30. We’re reading the same book–neat!

  31. Hi. What happened to number 34?
    Just noticed because I promised Kate I would do this and I lost 34 and you did too.