My Life. My Blog.

self-portrait with baby blanket

All work and no play makes Cara freaking CRAZY. So today I decided I wanted to do a meme, but I haven’t really been enamored with the meme’s I’ve seen people playing these days so I went and wasted time looking for something I hadn’t seen before. This is the MY LIFE. MY BLOG. meme taken from those American Express ads. You know the ones that feature someone famous filling out a form? Well, here’s the form. Download it. Fill it out (the handwriting is what makes it cool.) Then scan it or take a picture of it. Be sure to include a picture of yourself as well.

Credit where credit is due: I found the meme and the form here and here. Thanks!

Now go off and meme. And let me know when you post it so I can waste time looking at your memes.

Okay. Back to work. Two more days. Two more days. Two more days….

ETA: There are no secret hidden messages in this blog post. The memory refers to the phone call I made to my grandfather when my oldest nephew was born. I told him, “Grandpop! It’s a BOY!” and he started to cry on the phone. I’ve always felt incredibly lucky that I was the one that told him Max was born. He died the following Summer. The baby blanket in the picture is MY baby blanket. The one I sleep with every night. Sometimes I wear it like a scarf during the day if it’s cold or I’m feeling crazy and want to smell it. Yes. I’m a freak. And, finally, becoming a mother continues to be the biggest challenge I have ever faced.


  1. Wonderful. I love seeing your handwriting.

  2. I don’t know you very well, so this is a REALLY REALLY wild and crazy off-the-deep-end guess. But there are many hints in that post… it’s a boy? becoming a mother? portrait with a baby blanket?
    Did I miss something or am I just making it up?

  3. great meme! good to see blankie has made it. i will be downloading this 🙂 two more days! you can do it!

  4. you have the best handwriting! 😉

  5. It’s a boy? Hmmmmmmmmm….

  6. Sorry for getting ahead of myself. That is such a sweet story! You are a wonderful writer, and your posts have brought tears to my eyes on many occasions. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. xoxo!!!

  7. Love the personalized touch of the handwriting. Sounds great – this is a meme I just may do!

  8. Ooh, you have great handwriting – packed with energy. This is so interesting – I just may do this one!

  9. If I hand wrote the meme it would be unreadable;-)
    Love the picture of you with your blankie. Love you more.

  10. Great meme, Cara! This is one I just had to do.

  11. Great idea! Love it!! I might use it, but then again, my handwriting…not so good! I must confess I’m a lurker here, but I’m coming out of the box now! I love your photographs and your knits. They are very inspiring!

  12. Cool meme! I’ll have to do this one. Handwriting? No problem, photo of self? Cameras always find me fugly…;) One of my girls I won’t say which one, she’ll kill me, still has hers too.

  13. Cara – lovely post – I wish I could wave a magic wand and bless you and your husband with a child. Getting to motherhood is a huge struggle, please remain open to all your options, including adoption – I’m so glad my parents did!

  14. What a great meme (and a wonderful photo). Thanks for sharing.

  15. how beautiful!

  16. I’ve been a little behind in my blog reading. I didn’t know about G’s surgery. My best to both of you!!
    Wonderful meme and lovely photo. The blanket is perfect!

  17. Man, that’s what I get for not reading closely! I was freaking out going “A BOY?!!?!? DID I MISS SOMETHING!!! OMG!” Then I read your ETA. What’s meant to be will be, I guess. I keep thinking about that for myself as well, in realtion to a lot of things. Best Wishes for the surgery and Happy Thanksgiving!!! Miss you!!!

  18. What a great meme!

  19. Cool meme and nice thoughts to share. It’s good to smile about something today.

  20. Except for the challenge of being a mother…I have many friends who have faced infertility. Hugs to you m’dear.

  21. Love this meme!!! I may have to try this myself – thanks Cara
    Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

  22. I’m lovin’ the baby blanket reference! Nothing weird at all about sniffing it or taking it everywhere, it’s part of who you are. My teddy’s been all across the globe camping and climbing….

  23. I admit, I was a little curious about the “It’s a boy” reference, so thanks for setting me straight. Nothing weird about the baby blanket, I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t have some item from her childhood at her house. I have a much loved teddy bear and an afghan my grandma crocheted for me.

  24. Love, love, love the self-portrait. Only you could make an old baby blanket look like a chic scarf. It must be all the love.

  25. Seriously fun meme! The handwriting analysis is the best part!
    I did one too!!

  26. I don’t know what to say except don’t let your dream go; recognize it if it comes in a different form and accept it willingly.

  27. who is cuter than you?!

  28. I made the rash decision to call my grandfather (who had 6 grand-daughters) and tell him “it’s a BOY!” when my brother was born; I could hear the tears of joy in his voice. It is one of my most cherished memories. I was twelve, and my younger cousin and I hoped we wouldn’t get in trouble for making a long distance call!!

  29. Great post, as usual. I love your photos. They are exquisite, especially the black and white ones. I give you tons of credit for being around children in your ‘day job’ while you face the challenges of your own potential motherhood. I don’t think I could be as graceful.
    Hope all goes well with G’s surgery. Happy T-giving to you both.

  30. what a beautiful blog post.
    thank you.
    I think that I shal; doo this meme too.

  31. and now, with egg on my face for the previous typos that I did not correct, I shall head off into blog neverland 🙂

  32. Okay, I did it. I couldn’t resist the metoo-urge. I really enjoy your blog and I LOVE your photos. You have such a discerning eye.
    Best wishes as you two go into surgery. I know it’s nervewracking going into it, but once you get past the actual surgery and into the healing, every day is better. I know that sounds dumb, but you really have to remind yourself that where you are today is not where you’ll be tomorrow. God bless.

  33. I tried, but I can’t get my scanner to cooperate. I’ll keep trying, because this is the coolest meme I’ve seen in a long long time Cara!

  34. Great meme-thanks for passing it along. I have posted mine for your procrastination!

  35. Great Meme. I’ll post mine tomorrow.

  36. What happened to your “Live Captialism or Die” post? (I’m trying to comment and it’s coming up as a page error). Just wanted to say that the cards are beautiful and ask if you’ll be shipping OS (Sydney, Australia)? x

  37. I just posted mine. What a different approach to memedom.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  38. Absolutely love this idea! If only my scanner worked, it would be up now, but it will have to wait until I get back from work on Tuesday as there are tons of working scanners there. Love the picture with the baby blanket . . . never would have guessed if you hadn’t pointed it out. Happy Thanksgiving!

  39. Great meme! I will definately do this one soon (once I get a semi-decent pic of me) and I’ll comment again when I post it. By the way, I love your handwriting too.

  40. hey cara, kick ass, scream and yell! you closed comments on thanksgiving, but since i’m soooo behind on reading, i am posting here.
    the internet is wide and open, and opinions are abound. but, it’s not my mission to upset anyone.
    take care,

  41. What a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Love this. Finally got mine posted.
    Been thinking of you and G a lot this weekend. Hang tough.

  43. OK, I memed. Now go waste time reading it!
    Ann’s spinning friend, Melissa