Thank you all so much for the lovely comments on Oshima! I so appreciate them. I have such high hopes that I will respond to each and every one of you and then my life starts to overwhelm me, yet again. I’m thinking responding in the comments might help me. Do you like that? I see other bloggers do it all the time. What do you think?

In the meantime

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, I have lost my knitting mojo. I feel like Oshima just sort of sapped it all out of me. It’s not like I don’t have a million knits that need finishing, or are on the needles, or all swatched and ready to go. But nothing so far has grabbed me with that lovely immediacy of KNIT THIS RIGHT NOW! You know that feeling – the one where all you want to do is knit to distraction? I LOVE that feeling! I want it back. NOW!

In the meantime I’ve picked up an old stalwart, a Willow Cowl I started last year!

It’s STR Mediumweight in Christmas Balls. Very seasonal of me, I know. If I can’t be knitting something I’m beyond in love with, I might as well knit with yarn I love that results in an item I love. I wear my Willow Cowls all the time!

What are you knitting that you absolutely LOVE right now? What are you hoping to knit? Inspire me! 😉


  1. The Willow Cowl is fabulous and your yarn looks sooo soft. I went to Rav to put the pattern in my favorites and found it was already there 🙂 I am knitting the Celtic Bunny Hat as a gift, using Rowan Pure Wool 4-ply (a woolen-spun fingering weight that I overdyed dark blue). Although the cables are complicated, the chart is logical, unlike the Saxon Braid Cable I tried at first.

  2. Unoriginal hat- bulky, quick knit…you feel quick and clever, while actually getting a hat done in one night.

  3. knitting ennui – – I’ve got it. . . . . – – this condition causes me to pick up small projects that finish quickly, providing a good easy satisfaction. Sometimes it goes on for a while. Right now, I’m knitting a pair of socks from Wendy Johnson’s collection – it’s in a great Dream-in-color sock yarn -Smooshy- in the Blue Lagoon colorway. That way it feels really good, is a gorgeous color & the pattern – Spring Fling, has really easy, but fun lace on the front. I’m knitting them toe-up. Small, easy, fun, pretty & feels good in my hands – a quick fix that makes me feel happy and brings satisfaction. Not only that – they may end up a Christmas gift for someone – a whole bunch of “stones at one time” .

  4. My mojo is back with a vengeance and I’ve finished a shawl (Remember When) and almost through the back of my Acorn Trail. The mojos return is because my arms no longer ache. It’s so nice to be able to enjoy knitting again. You’ll find the right “something” as soon as the crazy season ends. Something great always comes along. Keep breathing! Oh, there’s always another Monkey, right?

  5. I have two friends battling breast cancer and know a young lady with bone cancer. All my knitting time is taken up making chemo caps.