Map Schmap! Frappr Crappr!

I’ve been nothing if not a broken record…I’VE GOT WORK COMING OUT MY ASS! So, why do you people insist on putting these things out there? Things that by all account are a time suck. Things that if you DON’T put them on your blog, it seems like maybe you don’t really care who reads you. Maybe you’re not all that interested in the people that take all that precious time out of their day to read the meandering blatherings that we so narcissistically post on the Internets. I mean, these gentle readers take the time to lovingly comment, show support, cheer you on…I SHOULD CARE. And I do care, I really do.

Check out our Frappr!

But I need a little bit back from you. If you love me, YOU WON’T PUT YOUR INFORMATION UP! Don’t show me how much you love me – or show me, but do it by leaving your name out. I don’t have the time to check my map obsessively. I’m already obsessed with this blogging stuff enough. Thank you for helping me.

Oh who am I kidding! Fire away! 😉

PS – See Kay for all your Frappr Guru needs.


  1. Hey! What’s with the Eastern us only thing, grrl!?

  2. Uhhhhm, Lauren is swallowing me up and I don’t know how to fix it. when you click on my name, it says, “cannot find Almost Felted.”

  3. I signed yours–now go sign mine! (when you are not so busy, that is!) 😉

  4. You know, of course, that you are a lying sack of it.
    I can FEEL your gratitude even if you can’t express it.
    Frappr Crappr Guru Shmuru

  5. Hi Cara, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
    No, RATS! I missed Bruce this morning, because I tuned in at the regular time for CBS Sunday Morning, only to find that the time changed to one hour earlier. I only saw the last 1/2 hour! It’s a problem caused by living on the Michigan/Indiana border…long story.
    Stop in again sometime!