Luck be a Lady Tonight!

Or how about a penthouse suite at the Bellagio?

That’s right – for our one night in Sin City we’ve got a deluxe penthouse on the 35th floor overlooking the fountains.

We’re not sleeping and we’re not leaving the room. They’ll have to bring the Craps tables up to me, baby.

Details later – I’m off to dinner. This is freaking crazy!


  1. Oh. My. Gosh! You lucky girl! Pictures! I hope you’re taking pictures!!!

  2. My server at work is blocking the website! That must be one fabulous suite!

  3. Swanky digs – will they be able to make you leave at the supposed “end of your stay”? I’d handcuff myself to the bed or something!

  4. woo hoo! (a million times over)

  5. I’m so jealous! I LOVE The Bellagio. I could live in that flower sculpture room. How was the fancy suite? Worth the cash?