Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Julia tagged me for two truths and a lie.

Today is the anniversary of Katrina and it just so happens that G and I will be traveling to New Orleans in a couple of weeks, so my truths and lie are all about vacations we’ve taken.

1) Once upon a time, we were invited to spend July 4th weekend in London, England. The trip included flying there and back on the Concorde (DUDE I saw SPACE!) and seeing The Three Tenors at Wembley Stadium. We had crappy seats at Wembley (although they ended up being good when it started to pour half way through the show and we were under the tin roof) and the sound was totally off so the Tenors sang and we heard it a week later. On the way back to the hotel from the Stadium, we were sort of car jacked. A man walked up to the car and opened the back door (I was in the middle between G and a woman who worked for British Airways) and the man tried to take her purse. I screamed at G to get out of the car get out of the car but he couldn’t figure out how to open the door. Meanwhile the woman sitting next to me was totally fighting with the would be robber and managed to save her purse at the expense of her Rolex. Her husband, who was sitting in the front seat with the driver, ran after the theif. G ran after the husband. I stood in the middle of the road in a foreign country screaming, “Come back. Come back.” Jolly good fun but at least the trip was free.

2) G won an all expense paid trip to Maui, first class – super deluxe suite at the Four Seasons – by winning a tennis tournament for travel managers. I woke up the morning of our flight with a killer sore throat and ended up being sick pretty much the whole trip. Which was fine with me because hallucinating in paradise is kind of fun. The first two days I barely got out of bed, watching the birds chirp along the lanai trailing rainbows behind their feathered asses. The room, if you could call it that, had two separate entrances, two bathrooms, two kitchens and a wrap around balcony bigger than my apartment. When I finally ventured out of the hotel I ran into David Spade at the restaurant near the pool. It was all I could do to keep my breakfast down. Hula-va good time but at least the trip was free.

3) One of the first trips G and I ever took was to the Balearic Islands in Spain. We hit Mallorca and then Ibiza – land of house music – and had a fabulous European vacation. That was until I decided to go topless and ended up with a hideous ITCHFEST all across my chest. The hostel we were staying in had no air conditioning and I was in agony, begging to cut the vacation short. We were in the pharmacy trying to find something to help with my rash when an older woman in the store heard us asking the pharmacist for help. She started talking to us and took pity – you see – she said, her son-in-law was the manager of a hotel not far from where we were staying and she said she was sure he could get us a wonderful air-conditioned room. He did. It was the phenomenol Hotel Hacienda where every room overlooks the sea and the shrimp they serve at brunch are as big as dolphins. We stayed there for the rest of our trip – two nights. Best rash I ever had; at least the room was free.

Let’s make this a contest. Everyone who leaves the right answer in the comments gets a spot in the proverbial hat to win a skein of Mountain Colors Barefoot in Wild Rasberry and some other stuff to be named later. One entry per person please. I’ll close comments on Wednesday.

And I’m tagging some new to me blogs for this meme: Rar Made This and Through the Loops and of course, anyone else who wants to knock their socks off.

A very special, very high energy guest(s) is coming to visit, so blogging might be sporadic for a little bit. And as soon as she leaves, my sister and the kids come, so please don’t expect great things on the blog this week. Have a good one!


  1. 2. Definitely 2. Or maybe 3. No, its 2. I think. Maybe.

  2. No 1. I think…..

  3. I think 3 is the lie.

  4. I’m going with #1 as the lie.

  5. hummm I say number 2 is the lie

  6. hmmm, no idea. number 3.

  7. I’m guessing story number 2 is the lie. (But you’re good at it!)

  8. I’m guessing no. 1. All good stories, though!

  9. Hi there, I’m a bit new to your blog but I’ve been enjoying it since I found it last week. I think #2 is the lie.

  10. I think it’s # 1.

  11. #2 is not true

  12. I’m going to guess number 3. Number one sounds like something that could only happen in London. I think if number 2 was a fantasy in paradise you’d have seen someone more attractive than David Spade. I’m going with number 3.

  13. I think it’s #2. But I’m certainly not sure about that. =)

  14. Well….
    free and really nice travl almost never go together, so I’m having doubts about portions of all of them
    but I’m goin’ for 3 as the lie

  15. They were all fun stories to read, but I’m going to guess #3 is the lie.

  16. You sure do spin a good yarn! (har har) But I think I’ll go with… number 2–the 2 kitchens sounds fishy

  17. i’m going for number 1 as the lie. =]

  18. 3. And you need a *good* vacation for a change!

  19. I think #3 is the lie.
    Thanks for tagging me Cara. Now off to think up my truths and my lie.

  20. hey, wait! I think you tricked us! (might have something to do with a comment you left on another blog?)

  21. I think #1 is a lie.
    This is a very cool idea.

  22. I think the Maui trip is the lie. Not as much detail as the others

  23. Oooh, you’re good. I’m going to say #2, but this is not an easy call. I’m going to spend all day second-guessing myself now! 🙂

  24. I’m guessing #1

  25. I say #2 is the lie.
    Have fun with Jenny and with your sis + kids!!

  26. Maybe I’m a big nerd (maybe?) but I think its the Katrina landfall date that’s the lie, its only August 28th today. Who cares if the vacation stories are true, they’re all good!

  27. Tough call… But I’ll say #2 is the lie.

  28. Number 2!

  29. Oh…they’re all so good! I’m going for #1.

  30. I have to say #2 – hotel room that big? especially for a trip that was won – yeah, #2

  31. I say #1 is a lie,

  32. I’ve been lurking for a while. I can’t remember if I’ve ever commented or not, but your knee socks are fab!
    Being an opera singer, I can easily believe that the sound at a three tenors concert would be off. (never mind that Pavarotti should have retired years ago.)
    Those free trips you win are never as good as they sound. That room just seems a bit too good to be true, so I think #2 is the lie.
    I used to live in Spain. I can see how one would pick up a stray rash out there on the beach. (Although the topless part through me for a minute, but maybe only because I would never do it.)

  33. Maybe that’s your story and you’re sticking to it, but I say #1 is the lie.

  34. Number two. I think that’s the tall tale.

  35. C’mon Number 3! Don’t know why, but that’s what I’m pulling for! 🙂

  36. how fun!! i’m guessing #3. but only the lie about the free room….you got it at a discount.

  37. I’m going to guess #2!

  38. I LOVE this game I think #2 is the lie, as # is so far fetched it has to be true…right?

  39. Number two, ABSOLUTELY. No doubt about it.
    [often wrong, but never in doubt . . .]
    I read somewhere that Two Lies and a Truth is a way to get your kid to tell you in more detail about his day at school. Everybody in the car driving home tells two lies and a truth.
    Of course, this does give your child excellent experience in learning how to lie convincingly.

  40. I’m going with No. 2 on this one.

  41. I’m voting #2. C’mon good karma, Wild Raspberry is my absolute FAVORITE color scheme!

  42. Judy Foldi says

    I think #3 is th one.

  43. Hmmmm, this is tricky…
    I’ll guess #3 is the lie.

  44. It’s a close call but I’m going with #3. No special reason – they all sound off the wall.

  45. Tough one. I’m going to guess number 2 is a lie.

  46. I would say #1’s the lie, but the two places I’ve witnessed a purch-snatching are London and Philadelphia, so it’s not completely unlikely. Although I’m not sure I buy the part about a robber opening the car door–especially in London, where cab drivers will run over pedestrians before they’ll stop. So I’m back to saying #1.

  47. Oops, I meant purse-snatching.

  48. All very exciting stories, but I’ll have to go with #2

  49. I’m guessing number 2 is the lie. Very interesting stories!

  50. I think #1 is the lie …

  51. I vote numero uno!

  52. I’m guessing 2 and 3 are true and 1 is the lie.

  53. I suck at this, but I’ll say #1 is the lie, but you’ve been to some pretty awesome places & I have a bad memory, so this is a tough one. Speaking of Katrina & visitors, her cousin Ernesto is now planning to visit us. Nice way to spend a birthday huh? Have fun! I will miss my morning read at your place.

  54. I think #2 is the lie, but whichever it is, you sure have more exciting vacations than I do!

  55. I figure #3 is the lie, although with your fantastic story telling abilities, it is difficult to say!! Fun though:)

  56. I say #2 is the lie. Great stories all!

  57. I’m so not guessing because they’re all perfect. How can I choose which one you made up?

  58. I think number 1 is the lie.

  59. I think #3 is the lie, unless, of course, they are ALL lies!

  60. I have been lured out of lurking by the tempting prize. My vote is for #2. But all are great stories.

  61. I’d say #2. Its all good when its free isn’t it?

  62. I’ll take a stab and say that # 3 is the lie. How cool to fly on the Concorde!

  63. You’re really good! I have no idea. I’ll guess #3 is the lie.

  64. They say truth is stranger than fiction, and #1 is very strange indeed, so I’m going to guess that it’s true. Similarly #3 (a free room from a total stranger, just like that? Unlikely enough to be totally true.) So I’ll go with #2 as the lie.

  65. Number 2 sounds kind of normal, so I think this is the lie……………good one, though!

  66. I’m voting for number 2, but I do have to say that you’ve proven your fiction writing skills here.

  67. I think it is number three.

  68. I think it’s number 2.

  69. Number 1?

  70. i think number 2 is the lie!
    this makes me want to go on vacation! 😀

  71. I’m voting for number 3.

  72. well, july 4th trip to britain? uhh… they lost that war. so I am saying that #1 is the lie. Good yarns all of them though.

  73. 3 as the lie.

  74. I’m guessing No. 1 is the lie, because it sounds too believable. ;o)

  75. Hmm . . . they’re all such good stories! I think my guess is #2. Number one seems to have so much detail–who would think all that up?–and number three seems to have the smack of reality (again . . . although a free hotel room? Hmmm). Two, being the simplest story, is therefore my pick. But I’m fully prepared to be wrong! (grin)

  76. I’m going to go with #2 as the lie…I think….

  77. I think number 2 is a big fat lie.

  78. I’ll buy a vowel, Vanna. OOps, wrong game. How ’bout door, er lie, number 2.

  79. You are awfully good at this; they all sound detailed enough to be true, wacky enough to be false (you should work for and/or go on wait, wait, don’t tell me). I pick 1.

  80. I think #2 is a lie. Although all of them sound a bit far-fetched. If two of them are true -that’s amazing.

  81. #3 is the lie

  82. I’m guessing #2, although I’d like to believe they’re all true and only portions or stetching it.

  83. I’ve been visiting your blog for a few weeks… LOVE the changing photos at the top, and your interesting life through knitting! I say #1 is the lie. It’s the only one that starts with ‘once upon a time’.

  84. I’m guessing #1 is a lie because I somehow can’t see you at a concert of “The Three Tenors.” If I’m wrong, then I need to get to know you better.

  85. Pamela Malpartida says

    #1 is the lie, that is my final answer.

  86. Pamela Malpartida says

    #1 is the lie, that is my final answer.

  87. I think number 3 is the lie. I can’t imagine you in Ibiza.

  88. London’s the lie. But all the travel stories are high-larious!

  89. I think that #2 is the lie.

  90. I think they are ALL truths. Although there was a bit many free trips in there, but I’m going with all true. Have a nice time with your guest.

  91. I think #2 is a lie. I think. Yeah.

  92. All the stories are very good, but I’m going with # 3 as the lie.

  93. I’m guessing number two as the lie. You’re a good story teller though.

  94. Number 2 is the lie, I think! All great yarns, though!

  95. I’m going to guess that #2 is bogus…

  96. I’m going to go with 3 being the lie.
    So hard to pick!

  97. The three of them are such well woven tales, I am going to go with no. 2.

  98. My guess is #3. They’re all pretty convincing, though.

  99. My guess is #3, but they are all good stories.

  100. I’ll go with #2 as the lie. All 3 are quite entertaining!

  101. My answer is that # 1 is the lie. I won’t tell you why until after the guessing is closed though!

  102. Gotta go with #3 as the lie…but I’m not sure why I think so.

  103. So your experiment worked – having a contest for free yarn IS the perfect way to get lurkers to come out of hiding. (giggle)
    I guess #3 is the lie, partially because a sunburned chest is a horrible fate and I hope it didn’t actually happen to you.

  104. #2 is the lie. I think. Not that I don’t think G is good at tennis.

  105. I think #1’s the lie — I’m too jealous if it’s true!

  106. Wow! All three sound unbelievable, but I am going with 2 as the lie.

  107. I’m thinking #2 is the lie, but they all sound like wild times!

  108. I’m thinking #2 is the lie, but they all sound like wild times!

  109. No way you saw David Spade. Definitely #2.

  110. Love the way you did this, Cara. You should get tagged more often- I’m seeing to it! I’m going with #2. There was just something different about the writing on that one… Dude, you get a lot of comments!

  111. Wow… You’re good; I have no idea which one’s made up so I’ll have to make a total guess and say #3.

  112. I say number 2 is the lie. I have no reason, just sounds the least covincing.

  113. i think the first is the lie…why would anyone travel to the country we are celebrating independence from on our independence day? then again, maybe that is why this is really a trick question…hmmmmmm, still i choose that one!

  114. I’m going with #2 as the lie??

  115. Hrmm… You make this too hard! I’m guessing number 1.

  116. Wow, hard to pick but I’m guessing #1!

  117. Could it be #2?

  118. I’m guessing #3. Let me know when your book is published ’cause you told two very true and intrigueing stories AND made up a 3rd. Bravo!!!

  119. Oooooh fun! I think Number 2 is the lie. 2 kitchens just sounds wrong!

  120. #3. … yeah, number 3. 🙂

  121. Nancy Hart says

    Cara, look what you started! I think 3 is the fictional story. All very funny though…or at least after the fact.

  122. I’m gonna go with story, um vacation #1. Sadly I never believe a story that starts with ‘Once upon a time…”!!!!!

  123. Those are great stories! I was thoroughly entertained. My complete wild ass guess is that #1 is the lie.

  124. I think #2 is the lie.

  125. I think #1 is the lie… but that means the other two are TRUE, which seems pretty unbelievable, too!

  126. Good tales, all, but I’m guessing that #2 is the lie.

  127. I’m thinking #1 is the lie. You’re a darn good liar!

  128. Definitely #1 is a lie. And if not, I’m jealous as all hell! Even though a weekend in England is not near enough. Hell I need a weekend just to get over jetlag

  129. Good writers make the best liars. You’re good!
    I close my eyes, circle my hand, and pick. . . . . number TWO! (I mean, c’mon, David SPADE????)

  130. Three!! I’m only guessing! you are a fantastic liar. 😉

  131. Nice job! Regardless of which one is true the other 2 must have made for some very interesting trips…! I guess #2.

  132. I guess that #3 is a lie. Great choices though!

  133. Tall tale at No. Two, I’ll guess.

  134. Fun adventures, every one, but I’m saying #1 is the fib.

  135. I have to say #1. 🙂

  136. The idea of your making Contact with space creatures before Jodie Foster gets the chance–and in a Concorde–is oddly reassuring. It’s kind of too good to be true.

  137. i’m going with #2

  138. Marilyn Amick says

    I think no. 1 is the lie because that seems to be the story with the most detail.

  139. heh, I will go with 1

  140. #3 is the lie. 🙂

  141. I guess #1.
    Told you I’d be back!

  142. I’m totally voting for story #1

  143. I think # 3 is the lie. 🙂

  144. I would guess Number 3. Number 2 is believable … almost. It’s that second kitchen that gives me pause. I’ve seen suites in that hotel but never one w/ 2 kitchens. So I’m just waffling here between Number 3 and Number 2. Okay, Sally, make up your damned mind. Eeny meeny, miny mo. Number 2. It’s number 2.

  145. Great stories! Love your blog too. I say #2 is the lie.

  146. All of the stories are really good. I keep changing my guess… I’m going to go with #3.

  147. 3. You don’t seem like the topless type. Not that you wouldn’t look fabulous, you just don’t seem like you would. Won’t I be embarassed if I’m wrong.

  148. They all seem too good/awful to be true but I choose #3 as the lie!

  149. Gotta be #1 for the lie

  150. Well, technically the lie is before #1. The anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is Tuesday, August 29th. If that’s not it, I have no idea.

  151. #1 is a lie for my vote

  152. Creo que numero uno es la mentira. Yes, #1 is the lie!

  153. I’m going to guess #3 is the lie.

  154. de-lurkers get 2 chances, right?
    #3 is the lie.

  155. Jeepers creepers, look at all these peepers!
    I guess #2. Or #1. Or #3.
    No, #2. That’s my final answer.

  156. I just can’t decide which one is the lie, so I went on with the tool you used for your Chance Log Cabin: the random number generator!!! Seeing the wonderful results you got with it for the said log cabin, I can’t but trust it, and it tells me your lie is #2.

  157. I think #1 is a lie.

  158. I think #3 is a lie, but it sounds like a place I’d definately WANT to stay.

  159. Number 2!
    But great yarns all, true or not. You certainly have had some travel experiences to write home about!

  160. I say #3 is the lie.

  161. I vote for #3 as the lie.
    And you are a VERY GOOD liar. Amazing….

  162. #1, unless that “once upon a time” is a way to throw the old English Teachers off.

  163. Hilarious! I think #3 is the lie. Who knows!

  164. I think that #1 is the lie, but the way you told them made them all seem believable.

  165. #2 is the lie.

  166. I’m going to guess that #2 is the lie.

  167. I’m going with #3.

  168. My guess is #3 for the lie, although your stories were good for all three!

  169. number 3! i pick number 3!
    although all your stories kinda sound like lies! you are sooooo good

  170. You’re lying about Maui. Liar liar liar. I think you made up the line “feathery asses”. Even if you hate seagulls (excusable), you can’t dismiss colorful tropical birds so blithely. So there you have it. Liar.

  171. I’m guessing # 3 is the lie.

  172. By the way, I posted a TTAAL if you feel like playing along on mine!

  173. #1 thought it sounds very convincing.

  174. I think #3 is the lie but it’s so hard to decide. You must be a very good liar!! 😉

  175. I’m guessing #1… but all three were entertaining stories!

  176. I think #1 is the lie

  177. Nothing like a contest to bring out lurkers! I guess #1.

  178. I think the least outrageous is the lie, #2. You strike me as one of those people Things Happen To.

  179. #2 is the lie…. but i loved them all!

  180. #1 is the lie.

  181. Michele in Maine says

    #2 is the lie.

  182. I vote on number 3 as the lie.

  183. Hmmm, tough choice, but I’m going with #3 – just a hunch.

  184. I haven’t a clue. You lie like a master. No really, I meant that as a compliment. By the way, you totally made me snort tea out my nose. Thanks.

  185. Number 3.

  186. I think that #2 is the lie.

  187. I am going for number 2 because for number 1, I’ve been to London many times and that would be the way things would happen (when you are in a car) and the Three Tenors were playing at Wembley over a 4th holiday when the Concord was flying (but you could have Googled that). For number 3, bizare things like this happen . . . but being remembering you saw David Spade in Hawaii – too good by far.

  188. 1 and 3, though crazy, are true. 2 is the lie.

  189. One, thank you.

  190. I vote number two as the lie
    you write so well and tell such a good tale I had a hard time selecting!!

  191. For no particular reason, I’m voting for #2 as the lie.

  192. I’m going with #3 but I’m really torn with #2.

  193. I’m guessing 2 is the lie. Crime and itching just seem like real vacation things.

  194. I think #2 is a lie. I love this game . . . ;o)

  195. ooo goodness, they all sound so ‘remembered’. i’m guessing #2 is untruth. then that would mean that you really did go topless!?!

  196. I *think* #3 is the lie. Please let me be right, I really want the wool!

  197. I’m going with number 1.

  198. I’m going with #2!

  199. I think that number three is true.

  200. Reagan Costen says

    I think #3 is the lie.

  201. I think truth 1 & 3, lie #2.
    And if I’m wrong, we need to play some balderdash together.