Laugh Riot!

Thanks everyone for leaving me so many awesome jokes. It was great fun reading all of them – I laughed out loud, I scratched my head, I had a couple ewww moments – but all and all I had fun!

Without further ado – we have a winner!


Tiffany’s joke was:

The momma and daddy tomato were out for a nice walk with their baby. The farther they walked along the further the baby tomato would fall back. The momma tomato called out to her baby “Come along little one!”, even so he kept falling behind. The father called back sternly “Hurry up, lets get going!!”, and he fell back even further. Finally the momma tomato became fed up and walked all the way back to the baby tomato and stomped her foot down and yelled “KETCHUP!!!”

I love it! Tiffany will receive the Jamieson & Smith yarn and some sheepy or flower cards. And a little goofy something else.

The funniest joke prize goes to Jody. My sister kept track of the jokes with me and we both agreed that her joke was the funniest, smartest, and all around just a great joke. We laughed every time we told it to anyone that would listen. What’s the joke you ask?

A chicken and an egg are laying in bed together. The chicken rolls over, lights a cigarette, turns to the egg and says “Well, I guess we answered that question.”

LOL! Excellent! I haven’t gotten tired of it yet! Jody – you will receive sheepy or flower cards and something else goofy.

Girls – email me your addresses!
Thanks again for playing and have a great, laugh riot weekend!


  1. I’m too late, but here’s my joke anyway 🙂
    Three men find themselves before the Pearly Gates. God turns to the first man and asks him how many times he’s cheated on his wife. The man looks away and sheepishily admits that he had cheated on his wife with several different women over the years — maybe 5 or 10.
    God shakes his head and gives him a bike to ride off on.
    He then asks the second man, “How many times have YOU cheated on your wife?”
    The second man, rather proudly, says, “Why God, I have only cheated on my wife ONE TIME!”
    God rolls his eyes and gives the man a rusted, broken-down caddy to drive off in.
    God then approaches the third man, who looks quite sullen. “How many times have you cheated on your wife,” he asks.
    The man quietly replies, “Why, I’ve never cheated on my wife…”
    God, beaming with pride, gives the man a brand-new Rolls Royce with gold trim to drive, but the man just looks at it and cries.
    God, confused, says to the man, “I don’t understand! You’re in Heaven! You have a brand new Luxury car! What could be wrong?”
    The man looks at him and says, “I just saw my wife on rollerskates!”

  2. …Jody’s joke has kept me laughing for days… I have retold it several times! hehe

  3. Loved it!!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. I’ve told Spiff all of these jokes and he just looks at me like I should get a life…
    (thank you for making me practically wet myself laughing…I really needed it, and I think Spiff should get a sense of humour…okay, maybe it’s the language barrier, but still…that chicken joke was freaking hilarious ;-)))

  5. Thanks for having such a fun contest there are some funny jokes out there! Jody’s joke is a riot! I will email you my address, and thanks again!! 😀

  6. Ha! Those are great. Now if only I could remember them for future use….

  7. The chicken joke. Fabulous!