Knit Olympics: Day Three: Five! Five! Five! Judges Unanimous!

I found US 5s in the pile of knitting crap and cast on. I tried to knit as loose as I possibly could and I saw the difference immediately. The mittens are still a snug – but not in a bad way. They will be form fitting mittens. I’m a tad concerned about what happens now that I’m getting close to the thumb stitches, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. So far so good. I also took this opportunity to make some pattern modifications.

Just so there isn’t any doubt – these babies are MINE!

And in a moment of athletic envy, I checked out Bethe‘s mittens – she’s making the same ones – only she’s WAY cooler than I am mixing up the Falk Neon colors in some rocking mittens. If I finish these up super quick (I realize now I could’ve gone more challenging – beginner’s folly) I will try to copy her genius.

Oh and here are some cute pictures of my 6’1″ baby playing in the snow!



  1. I love making snow angels…is that what G’s doing!? The mittens look better!

  2. Your mittens are looking great and hooray for the first Georgie sighting!

  3. Ah, what’s better than mittens going well and snow angels?! Bliss.

  4. Hurrah for mittens and snow!

  5. YAY! The mittens look awesome! The snow looks super fun! I always say if it’s gonna be cold, give us some snow to look at and play in!! 🙂

  6. Love the mittens, especially the name! I like snow too. Unfortunately, it looks like the closest we’ll get is the stuff on TV. But there is hope – we got 6″ in March last year!

  7. Wasn’t that snow fun? I took the pups out in it today and we had such fun! 😉
    Great progress on the mitten!

  8. i love the personalization on your mittens!
    i wish we had snow here in seattle. it is so beautiful. looks like you guys had fun today!

  9. The mittens look great! Actually they look perfect. And I love snow too and was playing today too.

  10. go mittens! looking very good!

  11. mittens look great! didn’t you say you had no fair isle skills? it’s impressively even.
    cute pics; nice to see grown ups who remember how to play.

  12. wooo hooooo! You’ll be on a roll now with those size 5’s! GO FOR IT! I must say though you do make Fair Isle look 10 times easier than I ever thought??? Can it be that easy??

  13. Your mittens look fantastic! Love the personalization! Hmmm – I wonder if I can fit Bethe on mine…

  14. Very nice mittens! And: I finally have some jaywalkers to show.

  15. Those are the happiest looking pirates I’ve ever seen! I bet the finished mittens will be less snug once they’re blocked — if you want them to be.

  16. They look great! Bravo. Dude, what’s the reasoning behind the – equipment problem? Why can’t you use circs? That makes no sense to me. It’s the same thing,same process….

  17. Ah, so you really do feel my pain. I had the same problem with my mittens – went up 2 needle sizes and I’m generally an in-the-middle knitter too. My mittens were snug and seemed to grow just enough when they were blocked. They look lovely.

  18. does Margene doubt that G was making snow angels?? good grief – I certainly hope it was snow angels!! otherwise you would be in the crazy, horny f-ers category……

  19. I saw Bethe’s mitts in person: they’re fantastic. I bet yours are too!

  20. Your mits look awesome – and it’s really weird – when I knit fair-isle for the first time, I had to go DOWN in needle size because I knitted way looser than normal. Weird, huh?
    Anyway – they look FABULOUS, perfect and the colors ROCK.
    (How much snow did you guys get up there? Looks like a LOT!! We got rain and ice for the first hours at the shore, so we ended around 8 – 10 inches with a lovely layer of ice underneath.)

  21. I had the EXACT same problem with my pirate mittens (which are on hold due to my own olympic knitting). I started on 2’s – because I knit loose, and usually go down 2 needle sizes – and those were WAY too tight. I changed to 3’s – but still don’t feel good about them.
    I feel better to know that you are having the same problem – and I’m moving to 4s.

  22. Fourth?? times the charm, eh? They look great!

  23. I think that mitten pattern might have to be my first foray into fair isle. After the Olympics, of course.

  24. Oh, Cara!! I LOVE the mitten! Sorry to read that you had to start over three times, but you know what they say..the third time is the charm (they do say that, right??).